Religion III - Ch. 2 pgs. 65-72
what does "the eucharist" mean?
what were private home and catacombs used for liturgical services and baptisms?
because of persecutions
why did the early church bury their dead rather than cremate them?
believed in resurrection of the body
why did the chief day of worship of christians shift from saturday to sunday?
day of easter and pentecost
what are loculi, cubicula, and crypts?
loculi: individual barrieral tombs cubicula: small rooms where families can be burried together crypts: large rooms turned into small churches
who held to authority in the early church?
peter who was the pope
what does st. ambrose say to those who argue it is impossible or unreasonable for the preist to change bread and wine into the body and blood of christ?
power of the blessing
why did st. paul criticize the way the corinthians celebrated the agape?
some people were going hungry and others were drunk (gluttons)
how is a day measured in jewish tradition?
sundown to sundown
what did the early church believe about the eucharist?
truly present in christ
why were wednesdays and fridays adopted as days of fastings and penance?
wednesday: day judas betrayed jesus friday: day christ suffered