Religion Test 3

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what does he and his "prophetic group" refer to themselves as ?

"Servants of the Lord" - they are not held in high esteem - 3rd Isaiah and his group are ridiculed

what is the Message to the sincere in heart:

"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all our heart" (Jer. 29:13)

the English word for philosophy means??

"love of wisdom"

what is the English word "wisdom" is translated from what Greek word


What is a recurring theme in the books of the Minor Prophets?

"the day of the Lord"

The characters in the Book of Job include:

- God - Satan - Job - Job's wife - his 7 sons and 3 daughters, - 3 friends named Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, - and a young man named Elihu

What does Ezekiel's messages include:?

- God is punishing (judging) the people because of their disobedience by sending them into exile. - Ultimately God will be merciful and bring them back to Jerusalem - Individual responsibility, i.e. each individual has the responsibility to be faithful to God (See Ezek 18:1-4; compare to Jeremiah 31-29-30)

The category of wisdom literature books:

- Job - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Psalms - The Song of Songs (also known as the Song of Solomon)

Among the 5 wisdom books:

- Job - Psalms - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - The Son of Songs (sometimes called the Song of Solomon)

Highlights of the Prelude Section:

- Job, a man of great righteousness - The wager between Satan and God regarding Job's character - Job loses property and children - Job loses his health

what do Jeremiah's confessions include:

- Laments he was ever born - Laments that God did not allow him to marry or have children

First Servant Song

- The Lord's Servant will be a light to the nations: I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison of those who sit in darkness. (Isa. 42:6-7)

II Isaiah

- also known as Deutero-Isaiah - ch 40-55 written during Exilic period and deals with Babylonian crisis

I Isaiah

- also known as Isaiah of Jerusalem - ch 1-39 - pre-exilic period and deals with Assyrian crisis

III Isaiah

- also known as Trito-Isaiah - ch 56-66 written during Post-Exilic period and deals with the Restoration crisis

Conclusion of Jeremiah's life:

- he remained in Jerusalem -Ultimately, Jeremiah, along with Baruch, was forced to go to Egypt by a group of Judean rebels. - he continued to proclaim the message of God in Egypt.

characteristics of apocalyptic literature

- symbolic (coded) language - writing names after a well-know person - speaks of the end times

^^ what did he preach in spite of the sins?

-Still, Hosea preaches that God still loves Israel in spite of all their sins! - God will judge Israel for its sins, but ultimately God will have mercy of Israel and will redeem its Israel.

The Book of Amos


The Book of Jeremiah


An Alternative WorldviewIsrael's Wisdom Literature and the Book of Esther


Book of Ezekiel


More about the Old Testament wisdom tradition


Scholars often designate the time of Israel and Judah's Classical Prophets along three divisions: JUST KNOW THE THREE DEVISION


Second Isaiah (Deutero-Isaiah)


The Book of Daniel


The Book of Job


Israel's Prophetic Tradition Israel and Judah's Classical (Writing) Prophets


The Book of Isaiah- contains 66 chapters


The Book of Jonah


The book of Micah


Third Isaiah (Trito Isaiah)

...... Lived during the period of the Restoration

The Book of Hosea


At times, scholars also designate the time of the Classical Prophets along the lines of Israel and Judah's three major challenges What are the 3 major challenges?

1. Assyrian Challenge pared with the Pre-Exilic times 2. Babylonian Challenge pared with the Exilic Prophets 3. Persian/Restoration Challenge pared with the Post-exilic Prophets

What are the three devisions?

1. Pre-Exilic Prophets: means they lived in pre-exilic times, i.e. during the Babylonian Exile. 2. Exilic Prophets 3. Post-Exilic Prophets

what were they called?

1. Vision of being called by God 2. Vision of the Glory of the Chariot Throne (See Ezek 1:1-28) 3. Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones (See Ezek 37:1-14)

there are (__) books in the O.T. that come under the category of minor prophets


Most famous passage in the book of Ruth

1:16 Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

Jerimiah's Confessions how many??



A Israelite woman who migrated to Moab with her husband and sons during a famine in Israel


A Moabite woman who married one of Naomi's sons

Highlights of the dialog between Job and his three friends: plus the fourth person - Elihu:

Accusations from the friends to Job

What did Amos especially railed against?

Amos especially railed against empty worship and meaningless sacrifices, which was a theme of many of the major and minor prophets. For example, in speaking for God he declared: I hate, I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the offerings of your fatted animals I will not look upon. Take away from me the noise of your songs; I will not listen to the melody of your harps. (Amos 5:20-23)

Four of the Minor Prophets

Amos, Micah, Jonah, and Hosea

who saves him and how?

An Ethiopian eunuch rescues him with permission of King Zedekiah.

apocalyptic literature comes from what greek word? and what does it mean?

Apocalypse which means revelation ex book of revelation

some of the book was written in what language

Aramaic - a language similar to Hebrew (both language are members of the Semitic language group)

what is at the heart of the servant songs

At the heart of the Servant Songs is vicarious suffering and justice on behalf of others

A night with lions

Daniel in the lions' den

when was the book of Daniel written

During the Maccabean Revolt

Micah denounced what?? ** finish when i have Power Point

Empty sacrifices

what is the Biblical study of end times called?


Ezekiel was a (_______of the________________) He was a (________) and later was called to be a (_________). He was married but his (________ ________), and (_____ did not allow _____________) In the Book of Ezekiel frequently addresses Ezekiel as (__________) though many English versions of the Old Testament translate this term as (__________)

Ezekiel was a (contemporary of the prophet Jeremiah.) He was a (priest) and later was called to be a (prophet.) He was married but his (wife died,) and (God did not allow him to marry a second time.) In the Book of Ezekiel frequently addresses Ezekiel as (O Mortal One,) though many English versions of the Old Testament translate this term as (Son of Man.)

First Isaiah

First Isaiah's understanding of God Exalted view of God: God is no longer a dark, vengeful, war-mongering, xenophobic God; instead He is a powerful, loving, merciful, all-embracing, universal God

First Isaiah P2

God demands ethical righteous behavior of His people, especially in terms of having loving and merciful relationships with others; God does not desire sacrificing of animals

Third Isaiah's message: A universal message:

God will bless all peoples, a message that Jesus stresses: "Go into all the world preaching and baptizing in my name..."

The Book of Job deals with the question of...?

God's theodicy, i.e. God's justice

he was the only prophet who lived where??

He is the only prophet who lived in the Southern Kingdom of Judah to deliver his message to the Northern Kingdom (at the sanctuary of Bethel).

He used what as a metaphor to illustrate what??

He used marriage as a metaphor to illustrate the relationship of God and Israel.

He was (__________ to __________ with the first wave of deportees in 597 BCE.) He lived in a settlement called (____________) on the Chebar River.

He was (deported to Babylonia with the first wave of deportees in 597 BCE.) He lived in a settlement called (Tel-a-bib) on the Chebar River.

What was Hosea main message

His main message is that Israel has been unfaithful to God, just as his wife Gomer had been unfaithful to Hosea. - Gomer had forsaken Hosea for a life of prostitution.

What was the main thing Hosea denounced?

Hosea denounces the sacrificial system: [Yahweh says] I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.

said by second Isaiah ...

I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations.... (Isaiah 42:6)

Jeremiah's declaration of an New Covenant of the Heart (See Jer. 31:31-34)

I will put my new law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, "Know the Lord,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more."

In the Old Testament there are (___) books which come under the category of (____ _____)

In the Old Testament there are (5) books which come under the category of (wisdom literature)

The Book of Job is considered by many scholars as well as many Jews and Christians as.....?

Israel's greatest masterpiece.

what does Jeremiah condemns?

Jeremiah condemns child sacrifice in the Valley of Hinnom


Jeremiah's companion, friend and "secretary" and records Jeremiah's messages

Jonah is called by God to go where?

Jonah is called by God to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

^^ Characters in the story include:

Jonah, sailors, and a big fish

Jeremiah is beaten, and imprisoned by officials, but what king releases him and keeps him under house arrest in the court of the guard.

King Zedekiah

Amos goes on to say that God desires justice:

Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. (Amos 5:24) (Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted this verse from Amos in his famous I Have A Dream sermon,

what is found in the book of Daniel

Life after death for martyrs and life of punishment for the wicked in


Naomi's kinsman who eventually marries Ruth, a foreigner

The Book of Ruth is not a part of?

Not a part of the Deuteronomistic History

where do officials put Jeremiah?

Officials put Jeremiah in a muddy cistern where he sinks deep in the mire.

who puts him on trial, convict him, but not put him to death

Officials put him on trial

The Classical Prophets are prophets whose messages are found in..... what??

Old Testament books that bear their names

What does 3rd Isaiah stress that God is?

Our father

Second Isaiah's (_______)

Second Isaiah's Servant Songs (Poems)

Who are the three men in the fiery furnace?

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

What does the book of Jonah echos??

The Book of Jonah echoes II Isaiah's message that Israel is called to be "a light unto the nations."

The Book of Jonah is a (____ _____ _______) story about a (____ ____ ___ ____ ____ )

The Book of Jonah is a (very short allegorical) story about a (man who runs from God)

The Book of Ruth was probably written as a (________) to offset the Old Testament (_________) concerning marrying foreigners

The Book of Ruth was probably written as a (polemic) to offset the Old Testament (xenophobia) concerning marrying foreigners

what tern does the Jewish bible (Tanak) use to refer to what Christain Bibles call the Minor Prophets.

The Book of the Twelve

The Chief Priest (Pashure) strikes Jeremiah, (_____________) , and later (________________) for people to (_________)

The Chief Priest (Pashure) strikes Jeremiah, (casts him in a pit,) and later (puts him on display in stocks) for people to (make fun of)

Second Servant Song:

The Lord's Servant is identified as Israel. "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified....I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." (Isa. 49:1-7)

Micah reminds the people of Judah that they are....?

The Lord's covenant-partner

The book is often considered an (________ ___________) (a simple story told to illustrate a moral point).

The book is often considered an (extended parable) (a simple story told to illustrate a moral point).

The book tells the story of (________), an Israelite and her daughter-in-law (_______), who is a Moabite (i.e. a foreigner who came from the land of Moab in Transjordan)

The book tells the story of Naomi, an Israelite and her daughter-in-law Ruth, who is a Moabite (i.e. a foreigner who came from the land of Moab in Transjordan)

Who said: The Book of Job is considered by many to be the greatest poem of ancient and modern times

The great Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland: Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) Alfred Lord Tennyson called the Book of Job "the greatest poem of ancient and modern times".

Second Isaiah's theme of God's chosen people (the Jews):

The people (the Jews) have been chosen for mission, i.e. to be a "light unto the nations"

The present day capital of modern-day Israel is (______ ______) named after the Babylonian settlement where Ezekiel lived.)

The present day capital of modern-day Israel is (Tel Aviv) named after the Babylonian settlement where Ezekiel lived.)

Third Servant Song:

The servant is humbled and submits to humility

Fourth Servant Song

The servant suffers for all people, i.e. the theme of vicarious suffering. (For more on vicarious suffering, see the Excursus on Various Suffering on p. 1031 of NRSV.) apply this passage to Jesus Christ. This is the concept of vicarious suffering, i.e. suffering on behalf of others.)

What does the story reveals about God??

The story reveals a gracious, loving, merciful God who loves all peoples of the earth, even Israel's enemies such as the Assyrians.

There are (____) designations of classical (writing) prophets: and what are they called?

There are (two designations) of classical (writing) prophets: - Major prophets - Minor prophets

Third Isaiah comforts his prophetic group by telling them that their (______________) may lead God to forgive the other returnees for their shortcomings

Third Isaiah comforts his prophetic group by telling them that their (vicarious suffering) may lead God to forgive the other returnees for their shortcomings

what is important about this passage

This passage is where the New Testament derives its name!!!

First Isaiah's theme of God's forgiveness, as represented in the well-known passage:

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isa. 1:18)

The Book of Job is divided into three distinct sections: Introductory prelude/prose section, which includes what??

a "wager" between Satan and God - chapters 1-2


a skeptic's probing of the meaning of life.

what is the tension in the book of Hosea

a tension between God's judgment and God's mercy. This tension of judgment and mercy can be seen in the message of most of the major and minor prophets.

The Classical Prophets (i.e. Writing Prophets) of Israel and Judah came after....

after other non-classical prophets, such as Elijah, Elisha, and Nathan, who do not have Biblical books named after them.

What does The Book of Job begin with

an ancient folk tale about a righteous man named Job who lived in the land of Uz.

The Song of Songs (sometimes called the Song of Solomon)

an erotic, romantic poem that explores the various joys of young love.

the book of Daniel is a genre (type) of literature called what??

apocalyptic literature

What did Hosea condemn the Israelites for??

for lying, stealing, murdering, and offering empty sacrifices (See Hosea 6:6).

How many major visions did Ezekiel have

four major visions

The Old Testament wisdom tradition transcends what boundaries?

geographical and theological boundaries

where did the prophets Hosea live?

he lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel

Theological Themes in First Isaiah:

hope, faith, forgiveness denunciation of sacrificial cult system (see Isa 1:11-17)

How does this book differ from the other prophetic books

in that delivers its message through the life of the character Jonah rather than what the character says.

The teaching of the book is that God is....?

is merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in love for all people.

The quest for wisdom in the Old Testament is a quest for.....?

meaning in life

What is the Book of Job considered by some scholars to be a

polemic to the Deuteronomic Formula


practical wisdom for everyday living


probes Israel's as well as individual's relationship with God. The Psalms forms what is sometimes called Israel's worship book. The Psalms are filled with poetry (sometimes called songs)


probes the meaning of life in the midst of suffering

The book contains stories about those who...?

remain faithful to the Lord

what is the setting of the book

set during the Babylonian Exile, but probably written during the Maccabean Revolt

Major Prophets

so called because their books are long, include Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel

Minor prophets

so called because their books are short, include Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah + more

what does the term "minor" mean

that these books are much shorter than the "major" prophets

What does the 8-day Jewish Festival of Hannakuk celebrate?

the Maccabean victory over Antiochus IV, and cleansing/rededication of the Temple to the Lord

Micah defended who against who??

the downtrodden people of Judah against the wealthy class

Old Testament wisdom literature is written with who in mind?

the individual in mind, rather than the nation as a whole

The book of Daniel was the last what???

the last book of the Hebrew Bible to be written

Hose and Amos were the only two prophets of the minor prophets to deliver their message to where?

to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Belshazzar's Feast and.....

writing on the wall

Amos emphasized to his hearers that he was not a (______)

§Amos emphasized to his hearers that he was not a ("professional" prophet, i.e. that he was a lowly shepherd) who called was called by God to speak out against the evils of society on behalf of the poor. (See Amos 7:14-15)

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