Renaissance and Protestant Reformation Test

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Define polymath and provide examples of who were polymaths during the Renaissance

A polymath is a person of many talents. Leonardo Da Vinci was a polymath because he was a painter, a scientist, engineer, and a mathematician. Another person that was a polymath was Michelangelo. He was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer.

How did Guttenberg's work affect the Protestant Reformation?

Because it made bibles and books more available, more people began to think that the church was corrupt. Plus, it gave William Tyndale an opportunity to translate the Bible into English. This caused more and more people to think the church was corrupt. Plus, it caused Erasmus's book to spread across Europe and increase calls for church reform. (His book was the "Praise of Folly" which called for an end of corruptions and reductions of the Pope's growing power)

How did humanism affect the Renaissance?

Christian humanists believed that they could help reform the Catholic Church - this movement to reform Church corruption was known as Protestant Reformation.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "Christians are to be taught that the pope, in granting indulgences, needs and thus desires their devout prayer more than their money"

Christians think money is more important than prayer. This is obviously not good because you should be praying for forgiveness from God, not just paying it off.

What theory did John Calvin believe in? Explain this theory.

He believed in predestination. This means that he thinks people are sinful by nature. It is the idea that God determines beforehand who will be saved.

Who was Dante and what influence did he have on the Renaissance?

He was known for his divine comedy. Considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a true masterpiece of the world literature. His work was one of the first ever to be written in local dialect and his writing style became a model for future writers. He was a majore Italitan poet of the late middle ages/Renaissance.

Who was Johannes Guttenberg?

Inventor of the printing press

How did the Crusades in part influence the Renaissance?

It increased European demand for luxury goods in Asia. Italian merchants began meeting the demand for trade in Europe. As a result, Italian cities and wealthy middle class began to form in Italy (such as Florence)

How did Guttenberg's work affect the Renaissance?

It made books and bibles more available. This caused more education to spread and more books to be published.

What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

It made serious reforms. It stopped selling false indulgences, it created new schools to educate priests and reaffirmed several core Catholic beliefs and practices.

What is humanism?

It was a new way of thinking. Humanist studies the "classical" ideas of Greece and Rome believed that individual human achievements should be celebrated.

In your own words, define and explain the Counter-Reformation.

It was when the Catholic Church took steps to change itself. It was the response to the Protestant Reformation. They created the Council of Trent and started the Society of Jesus.

Prior to the Counter-Reformation, how did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation?

The Catholic Church made the Holy Sacraments and used inquisition to accuse people who didn't follow their beliefs. They burned any and all offensive books about their religion, or books that were about another religion such as the Protestant Bibles.

Define and explain the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was when people started a movement to make changes to the Church corruption. It started when people started questioning the Church's teachings.

Which of the Renaissance and Protestant/Counter-Reformation transform Europe to a more modern society?

The Renaissance Protestant Reformation transformed into a more modern society because it was the start of different types of Christianity. These different types of Christianity are still present today. The Protestant Reformation caused much more than the Counter-Reformation.

Explain the change from Medieval Times to the Renaissance. How did Europe and its people change between the two time periods.

The feudal system had greater importance during the Medieval time and the Catholic Church had total power. Plus, very few people had rights. During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church's power decreased and people had more rights. Lastly, there was a lot more unity in the Renaissance. People started working together verses in medieval times, people were stuck in their manors and were independent.

Why are Protestant Reformation and the Counter-Reformation considered their own things? How do they differ?

They are different because they go against each other. The Protestant Reformation was the movement to go against the Catholic Church. The Counter-Reformation was the church's reaction to the Protestant Reformation.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon"

This means Christians should be punished and be guilty without even hearing their excuse. This is one of Martin Luther's 95 theses.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "Christians are to be taught that he who gives to the poor or lends to the needy does a better deep and he who buys indulgences"

This means that Christians are taught to help the poor/needy, however, they don't do this and spend all their money on indulgences.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "Christians are to be taught that he who sees a needy man and passes him by, yet gives his money for indulgences, does not buy papal indulgences but God's wrath.

This means that Christians do not give money to the poor but yet, they have enough money to buy indulgences. This is one of Martin Luther's 95 theses explaining how corrupt the Church is.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves"

This means that in order for someone to learn something, it must make sense to them and not just memorization. In the Renaissance, many polymaths and humanists believed this so, they tried their best to thoroughly explaining it so people will "discover it within themselves"

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things."

This means that in order to make a difference, you have to physically do it, you can't just expect it to happen with no effort given. In the Renaissance, many people made several accomplishments because they physically went out and did it.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return"

This means that once something good happens in your life, you will never want to go back to what your life was before then. The Dark Ages were a very dark time, and when the Renaissance sparked, many related to this quote.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "To consider papal indulgences so great that they could absolve a man even if he had done that impossible and had violated the mother of God is madness"

This means that to even consider selling indulgences is madness. This is exactly what was happening which is insane and madness.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "Life well spent is long"

This means that when your life is long, it is usually a good life. This represents the time period by every day trying to live a good life by taking risks to fulfill their beliefs.

Put this quote into your own words and explain how it represents the time period: "It is not the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves"

This means that your destiny isn't chosen, you have to decide your destiny in yourself. Your destiny isn't controlled, you can make your own decisions. This is the opposite of what John Calvin thought.

Who was Martin Luther?

Was a Catholic monk. When he was a monk, he realized how corrupt the church was. He was deeply troubled by the selling of indulgences. Because of this, he started the Protestant Reformation. It inspired a series of new Christians denominations. He wrote the 95 theses to convince other how corrupt the Church was.

Explain Martin Luther's idea of justification by faith

When Martin Luther believed that salvation was gained by having faith in God. (Salvation is when you reach heaven)

How did Martin Luther change Christianity and the way the Catholic Church was run?

When he wrote the 95 theses, it spread quickly across Europe. His stand against the Catholic Church led to the formation of a new Christian denomination known as Lutheranism.

Define and explain the Renaissance

When western Europe emerged from the middle ages. It was the "rebirth" in trade, learning and Roman ideas. Developed new ideas in art, gov't and human potential. Based on knowledge from classical Greece and Rome. It was the bridge between the middle ages and the modern era.

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