RESEARCH (Chapter 1)
Badke, 2012
"Whatever knowledge you have about your world bears the influence of your cultural, sociological, institutional, or ideological understanding of the world."
Applied Research
Aims apply your chosen research to societal problems or issues, finding ways to make positive changes in society.
Descriptive Research
Aims at definjng or giving a verbal portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation.
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Authority-you need to be careful because baka may maapakan kang tao and that's bad.
Holistic Approach
Begins with the total situation, focusing attention on the system first and then on its internal relationships.
Triangulation Approach
Can either be scientific and naturalistic however befire you come up with your findinhs, you will have to use methods such as immersion, experiment, interview, survey, to gather data.
Central to this is your way of discovering new knowledge, applying knowledge in various ways as well as seeing relationships of ideas, events, and situations.
Element of Inquiry
Changing knowledge
Triangulation Approach
Combination of two approaches.
Element of Inquiry
Secondary Data
Data which are already been written about or reported on and are available for reading purposes.
Pure Research
Deals with concepts, principles, or abstract things. It aims to increase your knowledge about something.
Descriptive Research
Describe what is
Historical Research
Describe what was
Experimental Research
Describe what will be
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Naturalistic Approach
Done by psychologists, sociologists, teachers, counselors.
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Ego-involvement in understanding
Explanatory Research
Elaborates or explains not just the reasons behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such relationship exists.
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills/organizer.
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Encourages HOT strategies
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Encourages cooperative learning
Expression of belief and opinion.
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Facilitates problem-solving acts
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Hastens conceptual understanding.
Element of Inquiry
Higher-order thinking strategies
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Illogical reasoning
Research Goal
Improve the research of past researchers.
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Improves student learning abilities.
In your analysis, you execute varied thinking strategies that you ought to perform in discovering and unserstanding the object of inquiry.
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Inaccurate observation
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Increases social awareness and cultural knowledge
Quantitative Research
Involves measurements of data. It presents research findings referring to the number of frequency of something in numerical forms.
Is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examininh facts and information to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims or conclusoon about the topic of your research.
Is analogous to inquiry, in that, both involve investigation of something through questioning. However, this is more complicated.
Scientific or positive approach
It allows control of variables
Characteristics of Inquiry
It allows you to shift from one level of thought to another.
Characteristics of Inquiry
It does not go in a linear fashion; rather, it operates in an interactive manner.
Characteristics of Inquiry
It elevates your thinking power.
Characteristics of Inquiry
It includes cooperative learning.
It is a learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events.
Characteristics of Inquiry
It is a problem-solving technique.
It is a process requiring you to work logically or systematically and collaboratively with others.
Characteristics of Inquiry
It is an active learning process
It requires you to collect data, meaning, facts, and information about the object of your inquiry, and examine such data carefully.
Exploratory Research
Its purpose is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Made-up information
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Provides mastery of procedural knowledge
Qualitative Research
Requires non-numerical data, which means that the research uses words than numbers to express the results, the inquiry, or investigation about people's thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, and lifestyles regarding the object of the study.
Requires you to inquire or investigate about your chosen research topic by asking questions that will make you engage yourself in top-level thinking strategies of interpreting, analyizing, about the many things you tend to wonder about the topic of your research work (Litchman, 2013)
Research exhibits careful and precise judgement.
Research is a _____________ process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
Research is based on direct experience or observation by thw researcher.
Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.
Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, and experimental and case study.
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Selective observation
Element of Inquiry
Sensory experience
Correlational Research
Shows relationships or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or agents called variable that affect the research.
Element of Inquiry
Socio-cultural factors
Naturalistic Approach
Something observable around you, somethin observable among natural phenomenon
Action Research
Studies an ongoing practice of school, organization, community, or institution for the purpose of obtaining results that will bring improvements in the system.
Element of Inquiry
Experimental Research
The experimenter studies the effects of the variables on each other.
The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
Analytic Approach
The researcher attempts to identify and isolate the components of the research situation
Descriptive Research
The researcher studies the relationships of the variables
Exploratory Research
The researcher studies the variables pertinent to a specific situation
John Dewey
Theory of connected experiences for exploratory and reflective thinking.
Jerome Bruner
Theory on learners' varied workd perceptions for their own interpretative thinking of people and things around them.
To ask something; to prove something
Purpose of Research
To be familiar with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of gathering data and of presenting research findings.
Purpose of Research
To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in HOTS of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreaciating, applying, and creating.
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
To err us human
Purpose of Research
To have an in-depth knowledge of something
Purpose of Research
To improve your reading and writing skills.
Purpose of Research
To learn how to work independently
Purpose of Research
To learn how to work scientifically or systematically
Hindrance to Scientific Inquiry
Scientific or positive approach
Usually used by doctors, they see to it that they will produce an output.
Qualitative Research
Verbal language is the right way to express your findings in a qualitative research.
Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning
Widens learners' vocabulary
Scientific or positive approach
You discover and measure information as well as observe and control variables in an impersonal manner
You do this by investigating or asking questions about something.
Lev Vygotsky
Zone of Prominal Development
Primary Data
obtained through direct observation or contact with people, objects, artifacts, paintings, etc.