Research Final Exam

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Eleanor conducts a study and finds that her data do not completely support her theory. Which of the following statements should she AVOID saying? • "My data disprove my theory." • "My data partially support my theory.' • "My theory needs amending." • "My data are inconsistent with my theory.

"My data disprove my theory."

In which of the following ways are content and face validity similar? • Both are very difficult to establish. • Both involve asking participants for their opinions about the measurement. • Both are preferred by psychologists as ideal measures of validity. • Both involve subjective judgments.

Both involve subjective judgments.

What does it mean that "reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity"? • If a measure is valid, it is also reliable. • If a measure is reliable. it is also valid • Reliability and validity are unrelated concepts • Reliability and validity are the same concept.

If a measure is valid, it is also reliable.

In interrogating the construct validity of a measure, which question should a researcher ask? • Do I know that this measure is valid? • Is there enough evidence that this measure is valid? • Has an expert said that this measure is reliable? • Does this measure have the right kind of validity?

Is there enough evidence that this measure is valid?

Dr. Amelia Shepherd believes that all children have an imaginary friend at some point during their preschool years. She talks to 30 children in that age group, all of whom say that they have or have had an imaginary friend. Does her finding support her hypothesis? • Yes, because all of the data are consistent with the hypothesis • No. because you have not confirmed the presence of an imaginary friend for all children. • Yes, because there is no alternative explanation for these findings. • No, because you do not have a theory to support your hypothesis.

No. because you have not confirmed the presence of an imaginary friend for all children.

Which of the following is a benefit of the peer-review process? • Nonsignificant results are not considered for publication to ensure interesting research. • Reviewers' names are made public so they can defend their critiques of an article. • The journal editor provides input on study design to ensure rigorous scientific methods. • Reviewers' names are kept anonymous so they can be open in their critiques of an article.

Reviewers' names are kept anonymous so they can be open in their critiques of an article.

What makes certain constructs harder to operationalize? • Some constructs are difficult to observe. • When there are only two levels of the variable. • Some constructs cannot be manipulated. • When different definitions don t correlate

Some constructs are difficult to observe.

vvhich or the rollowing indicates that an articles causa claims are based on research? • The article compares two groups of individuals • The article describes how manipulated variables were onerationalized • The article includes a direct quote from an expert in the feld • The author describes their creative solution to a scientific problem

The article describes how manipulated variables were onerationalized

Which of the following is an example of being a producer of research? • administering an anxiety questionnaire • writing an opinion article about a psychological study • undergoing a brain scan • applying a new therapy technique

administering an anxiety questionnaire

Which of the following is an example of basic research? • an educational psychologist who examines how mindset ("intelligence is innate" or "intelligence can be achieved") affects academic performance • an industrial-organizational psychologist who is interested in the components of job commitment • a clinical psychologist who examines the effectiveness of drama therapy in helping children who have been abused • an experimental psychologist who examines people's ability to perceive a "sweet" taste

an experimental psychologist who examines people's ability to perceive a "sweet" taste

Which of the following statements is an operational definition of "fear of snakes" that could be assessed as a structured question? • asking. "On a scale of 1 to 10. how afraid of snakes are you? • assigning the participant to keep a "daily fear diary" in which they track their fear level • measuring heart rate following exposure to snakes • asking the question "When was the last time you saw a snake?"

asking, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how afraid of snakes are you?"

Research that is done specifically to add to our general understanding of psychology, like distinguishing the components of extraversion or predicting the time it takes a person to determine whether an object is a face or another object, is known as • empirical research. • basic research. • translational research. • applied research.

basic research

Which of the following allow us to make strong predictions using association claims? • both strong positive associations and strong negative associations • neither strong positive associations nor strong negative associations • strong negative associations • strong positive associations

both strong positive associations and strong negative associations

RESEARCH STUDY 3.2: Dr. Ramon makes the following claim: "Watching television leads people to spend less time communicating with their spouses, study says. Dr. Lasalle makes the claim: Research shows that making more money correlates with spending less time talking with your spouse." Which type of claim is Dr. Ramon making? association claim causal claim frequency claim statistical claim

causal claim

Dr. Pierre is interested in studying levels of anxiety in children who have lived through a major natural disaster. As she plans her study, she is considering various operational definitions of anxiety. Which of the following is an example of an operational definition for anxiety that she could consider? • feeling worried • state of being uneasy • level of apprehension • changes in heart rate while viewing images of the aftereffect of a natural disaster

changes in heart rate while viewing images of the aftereffect of a natural disaster

A correlation-based statistic called _______ is commonly used to determine internal reliability. • a scatterplot • Pearson's r • kappa • Cronbachs alpha

cronbachs alpha

Which of Robert Merton's scientihc norms describes the idea that scientists should always accurately report the findings of their study if the findings do not support the scientists hypothesis or theories?


What is a confidence interval constructed around? • the point estimate • the margin of error •the population parameter • the correlation coefficient

margin of error

Which of the following could be an independent variable in a causal claim? • one that is kept constant • one that has one level • one that is manipulated • one that is measured

one that is manipulated

Dr. Ellison finds a relation between amount of sleep and problem solving. Specifically, having a higher amount of sleep the night before an exam is associated with higher scores on two measures of problem solving. This is an example of which type of association? casual association positive association zero association negative association

positive association

Which of the following is true of variables? • Variables are the same as constants. Variables only need conceptual definitions. • Some variables can be either manipulated or measured. • All variables can be manipulated.

some variables can be either manipulated or measured

RESEARCH STUDY 3.1: Anderson & reading his morning paper and sees the following headline: "Men Should Avoid Rock Music When Playing Board Games." (This headline is based on a study conducted by Fancourt, Burton, & Williamon, 2016.) In the study, men and women played the game "Operation" when listening to differ based on music. different types of music. Male participants performed worse when listening to AC/DC than when listening to Mozart, but female participants performance did not Which of the following is a variable in this study? • the gender of the participant • the type of game • the volume of the music • the gender of the researcher

the gender of the participant

Who is responsible for deciding which validity is prioritized in a study? • the journalist • the researcher • the peer reviewers • the participants

the researcher

Dr. Hoda measures job satisfaction and number of years of education. In examining her scatterplot, she sees the cloud of points has no slope. This indicates which type of relationship? • causal association • positive association • negative association • zero association

zero association

RESEARCH STUDY 3.2: Dr. Ramon makes the following claim: "Watching television leads people to spend less time communicating with their spouses, study says." Dr. LaSalle makes the claim: "Research shows that making more money correlates with spending less time talking with your spouse." Which of the following statements is true of Dr. Ramon's and Dr. LaSalle's claims?

Dr. Ramon's claim makes a stronger statement than Dr. LaSalle's claim.

Which of the following indicates that an article's causal claims are based on research? • The article includes a direct quote from an expert in the field. • The article compares two groups of individuals. • The author describes their creative solution to a scientific problem. • The article describes how manipulated variables were operationalized.

The article describes how manipulated variables were operationalized.

RESEARCH STUDY 3.1: Anderson is reading his morning paper and sees the following headline: "Men Should Avoid Rock Music When Playing Board Games. (This headline is based on a study conducted by Fancourt, Burton, & Williamon, 2016.) In the study, men and women played the game "Operation" when listening to different types of music. Male participants performed worse when listening to AC/DC than when listening to Mozart, but female participants pertormance did not differ based on music. In this scuay, the researchers recorded how manv errors participants committed. This is an example of which of the following: • a constant • a manipulated variable • a measured variable • a variable's level

a measured variable

If a measurement looks like it is a plausible operationalization of a conceptual variable, then it has • interrater reliability. • face validity. • credibility. • subjectivity.

face validity

RESEARCH STUDY 3.3: Anton and his friends are discussing a study he read about in his developmental psychology class. In the study, the researcher made the claim that most middle school students who are bullied have low self-esteem. Clarissa questions the study, saying. "I am not sure that I am convinced. I am not sure you can really say for sure that being bullied leads to low self-esteem because they didn't measure being bullied before they measured self-esteem. Clarissa is concerned that the researcher • concluded there was not a relationship, but there really is one. • concluded there was a relationship, but there really isn't one. • failed to establish temporal precedence. • failed to consider a third variable.

failed to establish temporal precedence

Which of the following phrases would NOT indicate that a researcher is making a causal claim? • "is at higher risk of" • "seems to decrease" • "curbs" • "suggests a change"

is at higher risk of

For his research methods class. Felipe plans to watch how students treat other children in their classrooms who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He will evaluate how positively or negatively the children are treated by their classmates. This is an example of what type of measurement? • observational measurement • physiological measurement • self-report measuremer • archival measurement


RESEARCH STUDY 3.1: Anderson is reading his morning paper and sees the following headline: "Men Should Avoid Rock Music When Playing Board Games. (This headline is based on a study conducted by Fancourt, Burton, & Williamon, 2016.) In the study, men and women played the game "Operation" when listening to different types of music. Male participants performed worse when listening to AC/DC than when listening to Mozart, but female participants' performance did not differ based on music. How many measured variables are included in this study? • two • five • four • one


You read a news article about a recent scientific study titled, "New Drug Reduces OCD Symptoms in Mice. To evaluate whether the title's claim is supported, you should do which of the following? • Research the frequency of OCD in mice. • Ask ourself whether the implication makes intuitive sense • Check whether the authors established the three criteria for a causal claim. • Ensure that the authors operationally define OCD.

check whether the authors established the three criteria for a casual claim

Jiyun has just conducted a study examining the association between a child's level of impulsivity and the amount of corporal punishment used by their parents. She used a questionnaire about discipline strategies to assess corporal punishment. She calculated the scale's internal reliability as .85 and concluded that her scale had good internal reliability. Jiyun most likely calculated reliability using what statistic? • the average inter-item correlation (AIC) • kappa • slope of a line • Cronbach's alpha

cronbachs alpha

Articles that could be considered journalism • are typically written by scientists. • do not require a special education to read • are hard to access. • are typically written for scientists.

do not require a special education to read

The approach of collecting data through observing the world, and then using that data to develop, support, and/or challenge a theory, is called • Application • Falsifiability • Theorizing • Empiricism


Which of the terms below involves a person using evidence from the senses (or from instruments that assist the senses) as the basis for their conclusions? • hypotheses • translational research • empiricism • evidence-based treatment


is the belief that, if we cannot observe a behavior, we cannot study it.


________ validity tends to be higher in experiments than in other types of studies. • Interkal • External • Content • Statistical


Fatima is trying to measure gender role stereotypes using a gender role survey. She believes that her participants will be able to tell that she is measuring gender role stereotypes because the survey looks like it is measuring stereotypes. Fatima believes that her scale has what type of validity: • face • convergent • discriminant • criterion


Alex has just finished planning a study to explore whether personality traits can predict how open adults are to altering their beliefs when presented with findings from scientific studies. Before beginning to collect data, Alex preregisters his hypothesis. One of the primary benefits of preregistering his hypothesis is that • it allows him to design a rigorous study focused on empirically testing his hypothesis. • he is less likely to be suspected of developing his hypotheses after analyzing his findings. • he is less likely to develop an incorrect hypothesis • it prevents other researchers from testing the same hypothesis.

he is less likely to be suspected of developing his hypotheses after analyzing his findings.

RESEARCH STUDY 5.2: Dr. Sheffield is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is defined as being unable to resist impulses to gamble. Bothered by not having a good measure that he can give to clients to determine whether they are suffering from this condition, he creates a new measure of pathological gambling. The measure has 15 questions, and it takes 20 minutes to complete To test his measure, Dr. Sheffield gives his measure to a group of people in Gamblers Anonymous (GA) and another group of people in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He finds that people in the GA group have higher scores on his new measure than people in the AA group. This procedure is known as a • known-groups paradigm • prediction paradigm. • group evaluation paradigm • test-retest paradigm. A

known groups paradigm

For his research methods class, Felipe plans to watch how students treat other children in their classrooms who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He will evaluate how positively or negatively the children are treated by their classmates. This is an example of what type of measurement? • archival measurement • physiological measurement • self-report measurement • observational measurement

observational measurement

Naomi is studying the effect of popularity on academic success for her research methods project. To do this, she has elementary school students rate how popular each member of their class is. She then uses this information to rank the students on popularity (e.g.. John is the most popular, Vanessa is the second-most popular). Which of the following best describes this variable? • a categorical measurement • a self-report measurement • an ordinal scale of measurement • an interval scale of measurement

ordinal scale of measurement

Scientists often say that more data are needed to draw conclusions about the accuracy of new theories and are reluctant to accept new claims without empirical support. What scientific norm does this illustrate? communality disinterestedness universality organized skepticism

organized skepticism

An educational psychologist is testing the discriminant validity of a new measure of numerical learning difficulties. He gives his measure to a group of students along with another measure of verbal learning difficulties, which he predicts should not be strongly related to numerical learning difficulties. Which of the following correlations would the psychologist hope to hind in order to establish discriminant validity. • г= 0.83 • r=-0.18 • r= 1.0 • r=-1.0

r= -0.18

Todd is studying the effect of popularity on academic success for his research methods project. He decides to measure popularity by asking each elementary school student to tell him how many friends he or she has. He assumes that more friends means the student is more popular. Which of the following best describes this variable? • an other-report measure • a ratio scale of measurement • a qualitative variable • a categorical variable

ratio scale of measurement

RESEARCH STUDY 3.4: Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). Group B is given a list of words that are neutral in content (e.g., houseplant, desk). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Dr. Kang's decision to assign participants randomly to Group A and Group B increases which of the following? • the temporal precedence of the study • the internal validity of the study • the e

the internal validity is the study

RESEARCH STUDY 3.3: Anton and his friends are discussing a study he read about in his developmental psychology class. In the study, the researcher made the claim that most middle school students who are bullied have low self-esteem. Clarissa questions the study saying. "I am not sure that I am convinced. I am not sure you can really measure being bullied. Quinn also questions the study, saying, "Which middle school students did they study? I am curious if they included both private and public school students." Manish is also curious about the study, asking. "I wonder how strong the relationship is between bullying and self-esteem. Could you predict one from the other?' Quinn's concern is addressing which of the following? • the study's statistical validity • the study's external validity • the study's construct validity • the study's internal validity

the study's external validity

Dr. Avery reads about a new theory that argues that depression is caused by increased levels of estrogen in the womb. To test this theory, she conducted a study comparing the level of estrogen in amniotic fluid in individuals who were later diagnosed with depression with the level of those who did not develop depression. Dr. Avery found no differences between the groups in estrogen levels in the amniotic fluid. Based on these results, Dr. Avery should conclude that • previous studies that support the theory are probably flawed. • there may be unexamined factors influencing the results that contributed to the results of other studies on this topic. • she has disproved the previous theory because the lack of findings contradict her theory. • there is no way to prove the theory because of flaws in the methodology used by Dr. Avery to test her theory.

there may be unexamined factors influencing the results that contributed to the results of other studies on this topic.

Dr. Avery reads about a new theory that argues that depression is caused by increased levels of estrogen in the womb. To test this theory, she conducted a study comparing the level of estrogen in amniotic fluid in individuals who were later diagnosed with depression with the level of those who did not develop depression. Dr. Avery found no differences between the groups in estrogen levels in the amniotic fluid. Based on these results, Dr. Avery should conclude that • she has disproved the previous theory because the lack of findings contradict her theory. • there may be unexamined factors influencing the results that contributed to the results of other studies on this topic. • there is no way to prove the theory because of flaws in the methodology used by Dr. Avery to test her theory. • previous studies that support the theory are probably flawed

there may be unexamined factors influencing the results that contributed to the results of other studies on this topic.

Which or the rollowings a reason why it is important to be a knowledgeable consumer of research? • It is important to Know why researchers protect the anonymity of participants • It is important to understand how to design an effective study. • It is important to know how to write in APA style. • It is important to understand whether the information you read is accurate.

• It is important to understand whether the information you read is accurate.

Danesh has just read an article that describes a study that used a survey completed by participants to assess anxiety levels in adults. He is interested in the reliability of the survey and finds that the authors have provided information about both internal and test-retest reliability. However, there is no information about interrater reliability. Which of the following reasons explains why the authors do not report interrater reliability? • Since the study has good internal reliability, ¡is not necessary to report interrater reliability • Interrater reliability is typically calculated only for the experimenter to evaluate the ratings and is rarely reported in journal articles. • The combination of internal reliability and test-retest reliability provide enough information about the study's reliability. • The anxiety scale is a self-report measure, and interrater reliability is needed only when two or mor

• The anxiety scale is a self-report measure, and interrater reliability is needed only when two or more observers are providing ratings.

A correlation coefficient and a scatterpot both provide which of the following pieces of information? • the outliers present in the two measurements • the validity and reliability of two measurements • the path and significance of the relationship betweer two measurements • the strength and direction of the relationship between two measurements

• the strength and direction of the relationship between two measurements

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