Research Methods Test (1)

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A researcher who is conducting an opinion survey asks viewers who are watching a political debate to dial 1-800 number and record their opinion to the "question of the day". In this case the researcher is likely to have

a biased sample

Dr. Stillingworth is interested in people's reactions to a controversial jury verdict. Dr. Stillingworth calls people at their home between the hours of 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm on a Tuesday afternoon. In this example Dr. Stillingworth has most likely selected

a biased sample

Dr. Licciardi predicts that if people are observed while they perform a complex task they will make more errors. Dr. Licciardi's prediction is an example of

a hypothesis

To determine whether students would like more courses scheduled in the late afternoon and evening hours the student services department sends questionnaires to 50 students selected at random from the 5,000 who are registered at the campus. In this instance, the 5,000 students who are registered at the campus would be

a population

Random assignment of subjects occurs when

all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any of the groups or conditions

An advantage of naturalistic observation is that it

allows for cause-and-effect conclusions to be drawn

The statistic that indexes the degree to which we may predict the value of one variable from a second variable is the

correlation coefficient

The main advantage associated with the experimental method is

its precise control

When variability in a data set is large, the standard deviation will be ______; when variability is small, the standard deviation will be ______

large; small

Sampling bias is a problem because it

limits the generality of the findings

Dr. Redding has found a correlation of +.65 between snoring and weight. This indicates that

overweight individuals tend to snore more than underweight individuals

If we were to measure the height and weight of 100 adult women, we would find that these two measures are

positively correlated

The FDA found that people who used a particular diet drug combination had more heart valve defects than people who had not taken the diet drug combination. This suggests that the use of the diet drug combination and heart valve defects are

positively correlated

In experiments, placing subjects in experimental groups such that each subject has an equal probability of ending up in any experimental group is referred to as

random assignment

The final setup in a scientific investigation is to

report the findings

Dr. Critelli is studying aggression in children and plans to define aggression as the number of times one child pushes or strikes another child. Defining aggression in this way would

represent operational definition

Which is NOT among the goals of psychology?

searching for absolute truths about behavior

Suppose a researcher discovered a +.87 correlation between the length of a person's toes and the number of shoes the person owns. In general, people who own the fewest number of shoes would have

small toes

Charley tells you that 17 out of the 30 students enrolled in his English class scored exactly 62 points on the last exam. Conceptually, this is the same thing as saying

the mode for that particular English exam was 62

Of the following, the correlation coefficient that indicates the weakest relationship between the two variables being measured is


Of the following correlation coefficients, the one that would allow the most accurate predictions of one variable based on the other variable would be


Which of the following statements about correlations is false?

A and B correlate +1.00; therefore, they are causally related

The purpose of a control group is to

Isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable

Imagine that the personality traits of openness and extroversion and positively correlated. If Andrea's score in openness is extremely low

She would most likely score at the low end of the extroversion scale

A sample is representative if

its composition is similar to the composition of the population

A standardized measure used to obtain a sample of a person's behavior is called

a psychological test

When subjects are administered a series of written questions designed to assess their attitudes, opinions, or behavior, this is called

a questionnaire

To discover whether residents of a city are in favor of building a new sports stadium the team's owner randomly selected and interviewed 500 of the city's 500,000 residents. In this instance, the 500 people that the owner interviewed would be

a representative sample

A general strategy for collecting empirical data is called

a research method

One of your friends is writing a research paper, and wants to obtain information about the depth of personal information people typically reveal during the first date. Directly observing a large number of people during a first date will be difficult, so your friend asks for your advice on the best way to collect this type of date. The best suggestion would be for your friend to use

a survey

A theory is

a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations

A hypothesis is

a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables

Dr. Marqueta believes that "misery loves company". Based on this belief, Dr. Marqueta predicts that people who have received bad news will seek out other people. Dr. Marqueta's belief is an example of ____________ and her prediction is an example of ______________.

a theory; a hypothesis

By definition, an extraneous variable is

a variable, other than the independent variable, that may influence the dependent variable

The use of reinforcement principles to modify a child's unruly behavior reflects the goals of science that deals with

application and control

Jackson is working with a company to help them develop more effective training programs for their employees. He has spent a great deal of time reviewing all the documentation the company has about previous training opportunities they have provided for their employees. Up to this point in time, Jackson has been engaged in

archival research

Maria plans to study the relationship between self-esteem and being raised in a single-parent or a two-parent family. She decides she must used correlational research, rather than experimental research, to investigate this problem because correlational studies

can be used to investigate factors that would be impossible to manipulate in an experimental study

Trevor plans to study the relationship between people's responses to highly stressful situations and their overall health. He decides he must use correlational research, rather than experimental research, to investigate this problem because correlational studies

can be used to study either positive or negative relationships, whereas experiments can only be used to study positive relationships

Dr. Kincaid was interested in the topic of autistic savants. In the initial part of the investigation Dr. Kincaid carefully observed and compiled detailed files on three individuals who were autistic savants. Dr. Kincaid is conducting

case study research

The mode in a group of scores describes that __________ for that group of scores

central tendency

Inferential statistics help us determine whether _______ played a role in an experiment


When two variables are linked and their individual effects cannot be separated out, we speak of the variables as being

cofounded variables

Subjectivity and the danger of focusing attention selectively is probably greatest in

compiling a case study

The experimental group

consists of the subjects who receive some special treatment with regard to the independent variable

An operational definition

describes the actions and procedures used to measure or control a variable

The two basic types of statistics are

descriptive and inferential

Statistics that are used to summarize and organize data are called

descriptive statistics

To generalize results to a population, we must first

draw a representative sample from the population of interest

The scientific approach assumes that...

events are governed by some lawful order

The ability to infer a cause-and-effect relationship is associated only with the

experimental research method

Suppose that students who work more hours at their jobs tend to have lower grade point averages and also tend to get less sleep. If we were to correlate the two variables of grade point average and number of hours of sleep, we would find that the correlation coefficient is

greater than zero, but less than one

Derrick designed an experiment in which participants listened to a persuasive speech delivered either by a person who was very tall or a person who was average height. In addition, the speeches were delivered either by individuals wearing business clothes or by people wearing casual clothes. In this example, Derrick

has two independent variables, and will be able to determine if height and style of clothing interact

Imagine that the personality traits of conscientiousness and extroversion are negatively correlated. If Wilfred's score in conscientiousness is extremely low

he would most likely score at the high end of the extroversion scale

If we view an experiment as an attempt to establish a cause-effect relationship, the ________ variable would be the cause and the _______ variable would be the effect

independent; dependent

Statistics that are used to interpret data and draw conclusions are called

inferential statistics

By definition, a sample

is a subset of the population who actually participate in a research study

By definition a population

is the group of people to whom the conclusion of the study will apply

Carmella is in a class where the scores on the second midterm exam ranged from 75 to 85 points. Conrad is taking the same course, but in his section the scores ranged from 50 to 98 points. In this example the standard deviation in Carmella's class should be

lower than the standard deviation in Conrad's class

The experiment is a research method in which the investigator

manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether there are changes in a second variable as a result

Your grade point average is an example of which measure of central tendency?


Answering the question of "how" something works is MOST closely associated with which goal of science?

measurement and description

The score that falls exactly in the center of a distribution of scores such that half are below and half are above it is the


Dr. Zelke surveys 50 university students to discover the relationship between textbook price and ratings of readability. Dr. Zelke finds that for these two variables the correlation coefficient is -.70. This indicates that

more expensive books tend to receive lower readability ratings than less expensive books

A group of researchers wanted to investigate allegations of sexual harassment on a company's assembly line. To make their observations, the researchers took jobs working on the assembly line and pretended to be new employees. In this example, the researchers were using

naturalistic observation

Jolyn believed that there were gender differences in driving habits. To test this assumption she stood near a quiet intersection. Jolyn recorded the gender of each driver who approached a stop sign, and also whether the individual came to a complete stop before proceeding into the intersection. Jolyn is conducting

naturalistic observation

As the number of bystanders increases, people are less likely to help someone who is in distress. This suggests that the size of a crowd and helping behavior are

negatively correlated

The use of mathematics to organize, summarize, and interpret numerical information is referred to as


In descriptive/correlational research, the investigator

systematically observes two variables to see whether there is an association between them

A scientific theory has to be


A dependent variable in an experiment refers to the variable

that changes value because of the systematic manipulation in the experiment

In the featured study on the use of subliminal self-help tapes, one of the independent variables was

the actual purpose of the tape

Diaz conducts a decision-making experiment to determine if people reason more logically when they have more time to decide. All the participants who are under 40 are allowed 15 minutes to reach a decision about a problem; all the participants over 40 are allowed 20 minutes to reach a decision about the same problem. Diaz has a problem with his experimental design because

the age of the participants is cofounded with the independent variable

A researcher found that clients who were randomly assigned to same-sex groups participated more in group therapy standards than clients who were randomly assigned to coed groups. In this experiment, the dependent variable was

the amount of participation in the group therapy sessions

A group of researchers wanted to determine whether children would behave more aggressively after watching violent television programming. Half the children in the study watched a violent television show, the other children watched a non-violent television program. In the study the control group is

the children who watch the non-violent television program

A group of researchers wanted to determine if people will eat more food in a room with red paint and red decorations than in a room that is decorated blue. Half the participants in this study ate in the red room and half ate in the blue room. The researchers then measured how much food was consumed in each of the two rooms. In this study the independent variable was

the color of the decorations in the room

The correlation coefficient is a measure of

the degree of relationship between two variables

A group of researchers conducts a study to determine if children's performance is affected by the presence of other children. First the children are taken to a room with no other children and timed while they complete a puzzle. Later the same children are taken to a room with four other children and timed while they complete a similar puzzle. In the study, the length of time it takes to complete the puzzle would be

the dependent variable

Manipulating a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observing the changes in a second variable defines

the experimental approach

One of the disadvantages of the experimental method is

the face that experiments often can't be done for practical or ethical reasons

In a study designed to test the effects of a new drug developed to treat Alzheimer's disease half the patients were given the actual drug while the other half of the patients were given a placebo. In this study, the experimental group is

the group who received the actual drug

Perhaps the greatest disadvantage or limitation associated with descriptive research method is

the inability to control

Researchers who were studying plant growth raised plants in two separate rooms. One room had taped conversations playing 24 hours a day; the other room was silent. The researchers found that the plants grew better in the room which had the conversations playing. In this study, the type of room (conversation or silent) would be

the independent variable

A correlation coefficient of zero describes

the lack of a relationship between two variables

When the scores for a recent chemistry exam were calculated the mean was 60 and the median was 65. Later the professor discovered that one score had been recorded incorrectly; it has been entered into the computer as a 5, instead of a 50. When this correction is made

the mean will change but the median will stay the same

Carla earned 78 points on her statistics exam. Ten of the students in her class earned higher scores than she did, and ten earned lower scores than Carla. Based on this information, you can conclude that Carla's score of 78 points is

the median of her class

In Margaritte's sociology discussion group 4 out of 5 students are between the ages of 19 and 23; the fifth student is 54 years old. If Margaritte wants to report the statistic that best represents the "average" age for her discussion group, she should report either

the median or the mode, because these numbers will be more representative

A group of researchers wants to determine if people are more likely to follow directions if the person giving the directions if in a uniform. Half the participants are directed to a parking spot by a uniformed security guard the other half are directed by an individual wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. In this study the dependent variable would be

the number of participants who park in the spot they are directed to

In the featured study, the researchers found

the observed changes matched the labels on the tapes, not the content of the tapes

Sometimes a subject's expectations may lead to behavior change in the absence of any effective treatment. This is referred to as an example of

the placebo effect

The median is

the score that falls exactly in the center of a distribution

Georgeanna calculated descriptive statistics for the age of residents in a nursing home. She reported the mean age as 75 years, with a standard deviation of 10 years. Later she found that she had made an error in her calculations. One resident's age was entered as 27 when it should have been 72. When this correction is made

the standard deviation for the data set will decrease

In the featured study on the use of subliminal self-help tapes, one of the dependent variables was

the subject's beliefs about their personal improvement

Bill received a poor performance evaluation in his job last year. Since then Bill has started working through his lunch hour, he has taken on four special projects, and enrolled in night classes to upgrade his computer skills. If Bill receives a better evaluation at his next performance it will be hard for him to figure out why because

the three actions he took are confounded with each other

Dr. Kalmagura plans on introducing a new exam review procedure in his chemistry classes. To check the effectiveness of the new procedure he is going to have half of his students try the new technique for one semester, while the remaining students review in the way they have always done in the past. He asks each student to decide which of the techniques they would like to use, the new technique or the standard. In this example, Dr. Kalmagura's procedure illustrates

the use of non-random assignment

An independent variable in a experiment refers to

the variable deliberately manipulated by the experimenter

If the correlation coefficient between the amount o exposure to television violence and aggressive behavior was found to be +.43, we could conclude that

there is a positive relationship between those two variables

A researcher has children watch 30 minutes of violent television, and then counts the number of times they hit each other afterward in a one-hour play period as a measure of aggression. The researcher concludes that the television violence causes aggression. However, this conclusion is invalid because

there was no control group

Naturalistic observation, case studies, and surveys all have in common that

they do not manipulate the variables under study

"Statistically significant" means that the results of an experiment most likely

were not due to chance

Paulo tells you that he just completed an experiment in his botany class and the results he obtained were statistically significant. This means that the results he obtained

were unlikely to be a result of chance variations in his sample

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