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DB Normalization

(or normalisation) is the process of organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to minimize data redundancy. A process of ensuring that a given database design is "well formed" There are mathematical definitions of this which are important to CS people but irrelevant to us - Well formed means a lot of different things but the five most basic and important issues are: Every cell holds one and only one datum The cells in a given column are all of the same type Every column has a unique purpose in its table No two rows are exactly identical A datum that is not a key is never stored in more than one place (possible question which is the following is not used in normalized data?)


- 1956 - IBM Supercomputer - 5 MB of storage - Weight - > 1 Ton - Cost: $160,000

Amazon EC2 and S3

- Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service (SaaS) - fixed amount - Amazon EC2 - Elastic compute Cloud (IaaS or Paas) - is elastic depending on what you need


- Cascading Style Sheets - Every professional website uses CSS - Separating content from your style - Complete control over every pixel on the screen

Multi Factor Authentication

- Do not rely just on a username and password - Passwords are compromised all the time - Two factor authentication is most common


- Encryption of your hard drive - somebody typically holding your hard drive or data and they have the key and hold your information for ransom - they typically want money in exchange for the persons information

Delimited Files

- Going from database to excel or vs versa - Separating the values in each row with specific character (uses underscores and dashes instead of 'spaces') - Most spreadsheet or database applications are able to import or export (read/save) data in a delimited format.

Stereotypes of IT jobs

- Information technology association of America People who work with Information Technology work alone in a cubicle Wrong... ****Interpersonal skills were the highest rated non-technology skill according to a 2004 survey by the ITAA 52% of employers cited a need for this attribute more than any other ***** - Working with information technology requires writing lots of code Wrong... ****Most IT people do planning, architecture, and configuration, but little coding**** - I can't get a job other than in an IT company Wrong... ****IT is a big thing at Microsoft, but it is an even bigger thing at GM**** - Only IT people have to know how to deal with IT Wrong... ****IT tasks are distributed through every department of organizations in every sector: Sales, marketing, engineering, logistics Government, Nonprofit, NGO****


- Steganography = Hides a message inside something else, thereby making the message non-obvious - Can be a txt, video, pictures but hides a message

Activities of an IT job

- Lots of meetings - Working in groups - Working with End User - Proposing Solutions, - Timetables, and Budgets - Conducting Interviews / Surveys - Analyzing Data to create Reports/Plans - Training - Developing Tech. Curricula - Learning New Apps - Present Project Status and Results to many - Direct interaction with CEO, CIO

Mesh Network

- Mesh network- internet of things could work through connections because they use the same protocols and standards - no central device


- Open wireless standard to provide foundation for the Internet of Things - Non-profit - Promoted as: Reliable, low power, scalable, secure, global

Types of Computers (PC, Server, Mainframes, Super Computers, Embedded)

- PC - personal computer (most common are Windows PC or Apple) - Server A server controls access to the hardware, software, and other resources on a network Examples include: Web servers, Mail servers, File servers, etc.. - Mainframes - is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously. Mainframes process more than 83% of transactions around the world - Super Computers - is the fastest, most powerful computer. Fastest supercomputers are capable of processing more than one quadrillion instructions in a single second - Embedded - small lightweight computer built into something larger. (EX. is an airbag system in a car)


- Protocol Introduced by Apple and now supported by iOS 7, Android, Blackberry. - Let's developers take advantage of BTLE - Your phone listens for a signal and "wakes up" when one is detected. In order to take advantage: You have to have the app downloaded and installed. You have to have Bluetooth on. The app must be able to access location data. The app must be able to receive notifications.


- Stands for Vertical Lookup - VLOOKUP retrieves information from a Excel Database based on a supplied instance of a unique identifier - 4 Pieces of information: lookup value, table array, col_index_num, true/false (based on sorted or not)

Venture Capital

- Venture capital pay the most money when investing (shark tank type people) 4 different way of fundraising: - friends and family - angel investors - wants to be part of project and willing to put down some money - crowd founding - kick starter - loan - bank Possible question on test: (in community would be angel investors)

Primary key

- a unique attribute for each table - Field that uniquely identifies the records in a table - Field in a table that is used to relate that table to other tables (picture explanation - a primary key is an identifier that can be used to identify other information with the same "key". This means if a person wants to find more information about a student, the person must use the primary key, or in this case "student id", to locate more information)

4 main computing functions

- accepting input - process input - produce output - storage

Internet of Things

- addresses are super important to internet of things - Wireless Technologies RFiD, Wi-Fi, BTLE, Zigbee, Zwave (no data rates) (star network - the computers have a central computer)


- central processing unit - measured in megahertz

Heading Tags

- h1 being more towards and bigger (more important to page) - h6 being somewhere on the page (less important) - h1 helps search engine (very important) - however does go h1 - h6


- is a sculpture by the American artist, JIM SANBORN, that is located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the encrypted messages it bears. Of the four messages, three have been solved, while the fourth remains as one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world.


- is a standard interactive and programming language for getting information from and updating a database. - language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS).


- is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software, including computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, scareware, and other malicious programs. Malware Effects: - Rogue toolbars - Performance issues - Browser hijacking - Data missing/changed - Keylogging - Theft of Account Information (banks, social media, email, etc.) - Encryption of your hard drive (ransomware) - Tracking of movements (mobile malware) - Rootkit giving hacker total control

RFID Technology

- radio frequency identification - It is simply a system which transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves It is an Automatic Identification Technology (Auto-ID) uses: RFID chips, RFID scanner, RFID scanner - CANNOT BE MOUNTED ON METAL


- temporary memory -Holds data and instructions waiting for processing by the CPU - Temporary storage - Contents are deleted when computer is powered down

Foreign Key

-The heart of the "relation" - A foreign key is a column (or columns) that references a column (most often the primary key) of another table. The purpose of the foreign key is to ensure referential integrity of the data. In other words, only values that are supposed to appear in the database are permitted. (picture explanation - a foreign key for one table could be a primary key for another table)

Structure of a Document

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Gantt Chart

A popular tool used to plan and schedule the time relationships among project activities Created by Henry Gantt


Data flow diagram (DFD) - is a tool that graphically shows the flow of data in a system - Data flows - Processes - Data stores - Sources


ASCII: - is 7 bit (or 128 values) (English language) - This takes care of 0-9 A-Z, a-z and punctuation... UNICODE: - More than 100,000 characters - Universal Character Set(more than just English) - Includes ASCII

Functions of Operating systems

An operating system (OS): is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources - Operating Systems manage hardware and software resources - Acts as an intermediary between the two - The KERNAL is the central component of an OS and manages memory, order of processes are executed, and how information is received and sent to devices (i.e., keyboard) - The GUI - Graphical user interface Windos, MAC OS, LINUX, UNIX

B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B, B2E, G2B

B2C - Business to Consumer B2B - Business to business C2C - Consumer to consumer C2B - Consumer to business B2E - Business to employee G2B - Government to Business

The four V's of Big Data

Big Data Essentially taking a massive amount of informations from a lot of different areas and then analyzing that data. Volume - scale of data Variety - different forms of data Veracity - uncertainty of data Velocity - analysis of data

People behind Operating Systems

Bill Gates - Microsoft Ken Thompson - UNIX and AT&T(bell laboratories) Steve Jobs - Apple Linus Torvalds - LINUX


BTLE Bluetooth Low Energy Continuous low power connection indoor GPS alternative

Bit vs. Byte

Bit: 1 bit = 2 values (1 or 0) 2 bits = 4 values (10 01 11 00) 3 bits = 8 values (000 010 001 011 100 110 111 101) 4 bit = 16 values 5 bit= 32 values 6 bit = 64 values 7 bit =128 values 8 bit = 256 values also known as a byte Byte: 8 bit = 256 values

Client vs. Server Side vs. Mobile Languages

Client Side Scripting: - HTML** - CSS** - JavaScript - You need all 3! Server Side: - PHP - ASP.NET - JavaScript - Ruby - Python Mobile Development: - Java - Objective C - JavaScript - Swift

Data Dictionary's

Contains Attributes and Characteristics for all Tables (Metadata) - Table Name - Attribute Name - Type - Length - Key

Control Unit vs. ALU

Control Unit - fetches & interprets instructions from RAM ALU - Executes instructions

Moore's law

Created by - Gordon Moore Observation made in 1965 that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every 24 months and cost per transistor decreases

Functions of an RDBMS

Created by E. F. Codd The Relational Database Model (RDBMS) Data is organized in tables related by common fields Most widely used database model today Designing a Relational Database Identify the purpose of the database Determine the tables and fields Assign the fields to a table and reorganize as needed to minimize redundancy Data Dictionary - Definitions of data (Metadata) Data Storage - storing data Data Transformation - transforms data to correct structure Security management - Who has access to which data Multi-User Access Control - many users access to data Backup and Recovery Management

Database Keys

Database Keys: Primary and Foreign Keys

DB Terminology

Database Schema - how a database is organized/constructed. Database - set of tables (a.k.a relations) Table - Collection of related records; Records (rows) Collection of related fields in a database (all the fields for one customer, for example) Fields (columns) - every table consists of fields (i.e., first_name, last_name, email)

Decimal vs. Binary

Decimal is Base 10 (there are ten digits (probably because we have ten fingers ) Binary is Base 2 (we only have 1's and 0's


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) - Attack that prevents legitimate access to a web server someone or a bunch of computers coordinate try to connect to a website in hopes crashing the website

Div vs. Span

Div: - Change style of a set of characters or region Box element - Allows you to control every pixel within the "box" and outside the "box" - You can control: - Margin - space outside the box - Padding - space inside the box Span - span is used for inline element - Inline element = Changing a specific amount of words or a small area to be different in the page - Change style of a set of characters


Encryption - scrambling up some information so it is not readable until decrypted Decryption - unscrambling information to restore it to its original form

Entities/ Relations

Entities (tables) - Typically nouns (person, place, or thing) that are described when designing a database Relationships - How entities relate to each other - Parent entity has a primary key - Child entity has a foreign key One to One (1:1) Entity Relationships - One entity is related to only one other entity of a particular type - Not a common type of relationship One to Many (O:M) Entity Relationship - Most common type of relationship - One entity can be related to more than one other entity - A supplier can supply more than one product to a company Many to Many (M:M) Entity Relationships - One entity can be related to more than one other entity, and those entities can be related to multiple entities of the same type as the original entity

Formulas vs. Functions

Formulas - what you write in to a function (using = sign) Functions - already built into excel

Image Types

Gif- animations JPEG - photos PNG - transparent backgrounds


Going into a school physically. then shopping around using a smart device to find a better price

Howard Aiken/Mark 1

Howard Aiken created the mark 1 and was created in 1944 Mark 1 first real computer put into use - created by howard Aiken(argue that this started computing)


IPv4 - 4 sets of numbers Ipv6 - numbers and letters - IPV6 allows for 2128 (approximately 340 undecillionor 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456) addresses. - Uses numbers and letters - is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet.


In the manufacturing sector, automation reduces the need for workers; tasks that cannot be automated migrate to the lowest wage country with a stable government In the service sector, IT favors and facilitates decentralization; "virtual" companies can situate workers wherever it is convenient: Any white collar job that can be managed remotely (and its outputs "shipped" electronically) that job will seek a country that combines a strong professional education system and low labor costs Professional workers situated in different time zones can contribute 24/7 Possible question: are why folks outsourced? - ANS: cutting cost

Careers in IT

Information Systems - Systems Administrator - Network Engineer - Security Specialist - Systems Programmer - Systems Architect Applications/ Production - Applications Developer - Applications Architect - Web Content Manager/Producer - Graphic Designer - QA Tester - Technical Writer - Technical Trainer IT Management - Operations Manager - Applications Project Manager - Product Management - Systems/Support Manager - CIO/CTO/Director - New Product Development Operations and Support - Help Desk - Tech Sales / Acct. Mgmt - Support Engineer - Business Dev. Specialist - I.T. Recruiter - Install/Support Engineer - I.T. Architect


Infrastructure as a service - is a form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the Internet. (CHECK) - Virutalize stuff or you but you are paying for softeware and applications.


Massive Online Open Course EX. Edex, khan acedamy


PaaS - Platform as a service - is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage Web applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. (CHECK) - provide you with operating system and basic apllications to run the system

3 Types of Cloud computing

PaaS, IaaS, SaaS

Passive vs. Active Tags

Passive Tags: (commonly used) - Does not need battery power - Activates itself and transmits data using power generated by the radio waves from the RFID reader - Usually less than 3 meters Active Tags: - It is battery powered - It has an improved operating range - Costs more than passive tags Ranger is greater than 100 meters and 100 MPH


Phishing/Spear phishing - Spoofing email from a legitimate source to trick recipient into sharing personal data

Pipeline/Due Diligence

Pipeline What venture capital do - VC Reviews companies - Face to Face Meetings - Due Diligence - Investment What venture capitalists do this to the extreme when deciding to fund a business - Product review / Tech Review - Customer references - Executive team references - Legal Review - Financial modeling / Audit - Market analysis - Competitive analysis.

Protocols (HTTP,SMTP, SSL, TCP / IP)

Protocol: - rules of communication - includes syntax and semantics - consists of small acts - Protocols can relate to other protocols in terms of layers - HTTP o Step one: makes connection over the http protocol o Step two: your browser requests a page o Step three: website finds information and sends it back o Step four: connection is closed between interactions (SUPER IMPORTANT STEP) this is because the website can only have so many people - SSL - Secure Sockets layer (adds the httpps - which means the line is secure) - TCL - Transmission Control Protocol - guarantees the delivery of packets - IP - Internet protocol - defines the route packets take over the internet

RFID vs. Barcode

RFID can scan multiple items at a time with 100% accuracy Barcode - can scan one item at a time with not that great accuracry

Types of OS's

Single User - A stand-alone operating system: is a complete operating system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device Multi-user - A server operating system manages multiple users access with varying levels of security. Typically allows virtualization An embedded operating system resides on a ROM chip on a mobile device or consumer electronic device


Sleep mode: saves any open documents and programs to RAM, turns off all unneeded functions, and then places the computer in a low-power state Hibernate saves any open documents and programs to a hard disk before removing power from the computer

SDLC and Phases

Software Development Life Cycle 1: Planning 2: Analysis 3: Design 4: Implementation 5: Operation, Support and Security


Software as a service - is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software". (CHECK) - essentially applications.

Open source

Source code is published and made available to the public who can copy, modify, and redistribute without paying royalties or fees.


Sports Information Distribution with Archive Record Management

Substitution vs. Transformation Cipher

Substitution - The cipher alphabet may be shifted or reversed (creating the Caesar and Atbash ciphers, respectively) or scrambled in a more complex fashion, in which case it is called a mixed alphabet or deranged alphabet.

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric cryptosystems

Symmetric cryptosystems - is one key (key that locks and unlocks door), not as secure, but it is faster Asymmetric cryptosystems - uses 2 keys - is more secure - Public and Private key • Public key - give to anyone • Private key - key that is hidden (most things over the internet use the 2 keys system),

Traditional Hard Drives vs. SSD

Traditional: analog - Mechanical becomes fragmented and eventually moves slower. Solid State Hard drive(SSD): (digital) has no moving parts - moves a tiny bit faster (but they are more expensive)


Transistors: - on a chip and uses nanotechology - the more transistors on a chip the faster it goes Nanotechonology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic or molecular level.

4 Types of Data

Unstructured: - The structure is not formally defined or anticipated. - Social Media, RSS feeds, Videos, DOCs, PDFs, Graphics Semi-Structure: - Hybrid Data - Emails, word documents with tables Structured: - Highly organized and manageable - Excel files, Database records Geospatial: - Includes information on positions

Cloud Computing

Used mainly for: - Scalability - Instant - save money (pay for what you use) People are charged for the "meter" they run up. AKA billed for how long they use the services

Virus vs. Worm

Virus: - Software program installed without permission or knowledge of user that alters the way the computer operates and replicates itself to other media/computers - a virus is something that the user did, downloaded something that was infected. Worm: - Like a virus, but doesn't infect other files, it creates copies of itself and sends them across the network - crawls across the network, don't have to install this, you were just connected to the internet.


WIPO was created in 1967 "to encourage creative activity, to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world.

Binary Arithmetic

binary - is a bit (0's and 1's)

eCommerce / eBusiness

eCommerce: Infrastructure and data that allow one or more types of online or electronic transactions: eBusiness: A business activity that creates value with the assistance of networking and telecommunications technologies

Pivot Tables

enables someone to quickly and easily summarize and analyze large amounts of data difference between vlookup and pivot tables: vlookup only looks vertically at information while pivot tables searches the information in a table (both vertically and horizontally)

Twitter becuase Rubin puts extra point question through here

Domain Names/IP Addresses

is a alias for an IP address

Operator precedence

is a collection of rules that define which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression.


is the main circuit board of the system unit

Project Management

management is the process of planning, scheduling, and then controlling the activities during system development To plan and schedule a project efficiently, the project leader identifies: (picture)

Quadrants of Jobs

quadratics of IT job(not asking about specific jobs) (know the quadrants) - Technical Have one or more specialty areas such as distributed databases, web applications, or network security - Managerial People, planning, budgetary components - Production Create, make, engineer, or build something new: chips, software, devices, products, etc. - Operations Keep processes running, make them efficient, and productive

Title Tag

search engine optimization, usability, bookmarks or favorites use title tag, on top of tabs.


the original internet and was originally used for military purposes.

CPU Memory Cache

speeds the processes of the computer because it stores frequently used instructions and data. what is the fastest type of memory: (correct answer - the closer the piece is closer to the brain the quicker information travels)

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