Review Exam 4

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teaching patient to be aware of unconscious conflicts and drives

A World Health Organization study of 20 countries estimated that ________ had the highest prevalence of mental disorders during the prior year. Japan the United States Germany Mexico

the United States

Who would be most likely to anticipate that patients are often motivated to resist specific therapeutic instructions? a humanistic therapist a behavior therapist a psychoanalyst a cognitive therapist

a psychoanalyst

advantages of classifying a disorder

ability to treat the disorder

Studies of implicit attitudes indicate that prejudice is often: a response to frustration. triggered by deindividuation. automatically activated. unlearned.

automatically activated

To help Claire quit smoking, a therapist delivers an electric shock to her arm each time she smokes a cigarette. The therapist is using: aversive conditioning. electroconvulsive therapy. EMDR. systematic desensitization

aversive conditioning.

psychomotor symptoms of schizophrenia

awkward movements, repeated grimaces, odd gestures

The prominent feature of mood disorders is the experience of: emotional extremes. paranoia. flat affect. irritability.

emotional extremes.

behavioral therapy

focuses on changing behavior by identifying problem behaviors, replacing them with appropriate behaviors, and using rewards or other consequences to make the changes


focuses on symptom relief here and now and not overall personality change

The impact of our actions on our attitudes is best illustrated by the: fundamental attribution error. mere exposure effect. frustration-aggression principle. foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Freud suggested that for those suffering a generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiety is: completely outside of conscious awareness. narcissistic. free-floating. cyclical.


Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of: DID. ADHD. PTSD. OCD.



Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.

milgram study

"teacher" administered what he or she thought were real shocks to a "learner"

The Milgram obedience experiments were controversial because the: "teachers" actually seemed to enjoy shocking the "learners." experiments were performed despite mass student protests against the research. "learners" received painful electric shocks even if they had heart problems. "teachers" were deceived and frequently subjected to severe stress.

"teachers" were deceived and frequently subjected to severe stress.


A generalized belief about a group of people


A prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness

causes of PTSD

Assault, military, rape, seeing death, shot/stabbed, any trauma

Vince, an extraverted university freshman, has just moved into a dormitory. Vince is most likely to become friends with: Alfonse, a junior who is majoring in psychology and lives across the hall. Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science. Mohammed, an introverted student who lives on the next floor and enjoys playing chess. James, a lonely sophomore who lives down the hall and is undecided about his major.

Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science.

Kammy vividly imagines being abused by her own mother while her therapist triggers eye movements by waving a finger in front of Kammy's eyes. The therapist is apparently using a technique known as: virtual reality exposure therapy. transference. meta-analysis. EMDR.


flooding therapy

Exposure to fear but start with most frightening fear first

Asch Study

Participants were asked to select the line closest in line to length X. When cohorts gave obviously wrong answers, more than 1/3 of the subjects conformed and agreed with the incorrect choices. Depends on group size: 7 is optimal.

The first psychological therapy was introduced by: Aaron Beck. Sigmund Freud. Carl Rogers. John Watson.

Sigmund Freud.

Joel's sexually violent behavior is influenced by his unrealistic sexual scripts, his repeated experience of ostracism, and his persistent abuse of alcohol. An integrated understanding of Joel's behavior within the framework of multiple levels of analysis is most clearly provided by: the reciprocity norm. social exchange theory. the frustration-aggression principle. a biopsychosocial approach.

a biopsychosocial approach.

Among schizophrenia patients, the fluid-filled areas of the brain are: abnormally small and the thalamus is abnormally small. abnormally small and the thalamus is abnormally large. abnormally large and the thalamus is abnormally small. abnormally large and the thalamus is abnormally large.

abnormally large and the thalamus is abnormally small.

One good alternative to antidepressant drugs is: virtual reality exposure therapy. EMDR. aerobic exercise. psychosurgery

aerobic exercise.

A National Institute of Mental Health study compared three depression treatments: cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, and a standard drug therapy. Patients in ________ improved more than those in a control group. the standard drug therapy group the interpersonal therapy group all of the above groups the cognitive therapy group

all of the above groups

generalized anxiety disorder

always anxious about something

panic disorder

an anxiety disorder that consists of sudden, overwhelming attacks of terror due to misinterpreting physiological signs

Maladaptive behaviors that reduce worry and fear are most indicative of: catatonia. bipolar disorder. an anxiety disorder. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

an anxiety disorder.

Prejudice is best defined as: an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. the tendency to favor members of one's own group. a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. the belief that victims of misfortune deserve their fate.

an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members.


an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. exaggerate differences between groups and minimize differences within group

There is some evidence that a relatively low level of autonomic nervous system arousal may contribute to: post-traumatic stress disorder. generalized anxiety disorder. dissociative disorders. antisocial personality disorder.

antisocial personality disorder.

Antidepressant drugs are increasingly being prescribed for the treatment of: antisocial personality disorder. tardive dyskinesia. auditory hallucinations. anxiety disorders.

anxiety disorders

The risk of suicide is greatest when people: begin to rebound from their depression. experience depressive symptoms at their most extreme levels of severity. experience the first symptoms of a depressive episode. anticipate the onset of a depressive episode.

begin to rebound from their depression

self-fulfilling prophecy

believe it then see it

A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that the labels often: represent attempts by psychologists to explain behavior by simply naming it. interfere with effective research on the causes of these disorders. interfere with effective treatment of these disorders. bias our perceptions of the labeled person.

bias our perceptions of the labeled person.


binging and lack of control

Mental health therapies that involve prescribed drugs or other procedures that act directly on a patient's nervous system are: cognitive therapies. biomedical therapies. psychodynamic therapies. behavior therapies.

biomedical therapies.

George Frideric Handel composed his Messiah during three weeks of intense, creative energy. Many believe Handel suffered a mild form of: bipolar disorder. schizophrenia. dissociative disorder. agoraphobia.

bipolar disorder

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

blunt and flat affect

cognitive therapy

change peoples thoughts and beliefs and make them realistic and rational

systematic desensitization

clients are taught to relax as they are gradually exposed to what they fear in a stepwise manner

Therapists' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are likely to be misleading because: clients typically emphasize their problems at the start of therapy and their well-being at the end of therapy. therapists typically overestimate their clients' potential levels of adjustment. therapists typically minimize the seriousness of their clients' symptoms when therapy begins. clients tend to focus on their observable behavioral problems rather than on their mental and emotional abilities.

clients typically emphasize their problems at the start of therapy and their well-being at the end of therapy.

The discomfort we feel when two thoughts are inconsistent is called: cognitive dissonance. implicit prejudice. social loafing. deindividuation.

cognitive dissonance.

Repeatedly washing your hands is to ________ as repeatedly thinking about your own death is to ________. dissociation; schizophrenia compulsion; obsession phobia; delusion mania; depression

compulsion; obsession

When New York University women were dressed in Ku Klux Klan-style hoods, they demonstrated significantly more aggression. This finding is best explained in terms of: social facilitation. deindividuation. groupthink. ingroup bias.


paranoid schizophrenia

delusions of persecution or grandeur

postive symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions, loose associations, neologisms, hallucinations

normative social influence

desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval from the group

the 3 D's

deviance, distress, dysfunction

Psychoanalysts would be most likely to discourage patients from: discontinuing psychotherapy whenever they felt it was no longer necessary. talking about anxiety-arousing material during therapy. experiencing strong positive or negative feelings for their therapist. taking antianxiety drugs during the course of psychotherapy.

discontinuing psychotherapy whenever they felt it was no longer necessary.

disorganized schizophrenia

disorganized speech or behavior, or flat or inappropriate emotion

Disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of ________ disorders. bipolar generalized anxiety obsessive-compulsive dissociative


Tardive dyskinesia is often associated with long-term use of drugs that occupy certain ________ receptor sites. dopamine serotonin norepinephrine acetylcholine


Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for: acetylcholine. serotonin. dopamine. norepinephrine.


A biological perspective would be least helpful for explaining the: dramatic increase in reported cases of dissociative identity disorder during the past 40 or so years. fear of snakes experienced by a high percentage of Americans. fluctuations in mood experienced by those suffering a bipolar disorder. prevalence of schizophrenia throughout the world

dramatic increase in reported cases of dissociative identity disorder during the past 40 or so years.

Adelle's feelings of unhappiness, low self-esteem, and hopelessness have become so extreme that she has attempted suicide. Which of the following treatments is likely to provide her with the quickest relief from her misery? cognitive therapy systematic desensitization drug therapy electroconvulsive therapy

electroconvulsive therapy

The ill-fated decision of President John F. Kennedy and his advisors to invade Cuba best illustrates the dangers of: the mere exposure effect. the bystander effect. groupthink. deindividuation.


post-traumatic stress disorder

haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, sleep problems

The fundamental attribution error is likely to be restrained by observing someone: in a variety of situations. we dislike. who is wealthy. who is unemployed.

in a variety of situations.

Placing people into groups based on the arbitrary outcome of a coin toss leads people to show favoritism to their own group when dividing any rewards. This best illustrates: deindividuation. ingroup bias. the mere exposure effect. the fundamental attribution error.

ingroup bias

cognitive dissonance

inner tension which causes someone to change attitude to match actions


intense fear of being over weight

bipolar disorder

intense mania for a couple of weeks, depression for 4-6 months


irrational fears

Because of the increasing demand for psychotherapy: many sufferers of psychological disorders are left untreated. it is performed by psychiatrists, who have a medical degree. in hospital treatment is provided only for patients suffering from schizophrenia, while everyone else is treated in a halfway house. it is done by clinical and counseling psychologists and other such mental health providers.

it is done by clinical and counseling psychologists and other such mental health providers.

implicit discrimination

learned associations that guide actions and judgments without awareness

bystander effect

less likely to give aid if others are around

Standford Prison Experiment

loss of autonomy, dehumanized, social roles, social norms, conformity

Psychologists are least likely to suggest that ________ contribute(s) to the development of schizophrenia. impaired glutamate activity neglectful child-rearing practices prenatal viral infections shrinkage of cerebral tissue

neglectful child-rearing practices


no known threat

Obsessions are: false beliefs of persecution or grandeur. persistent, irrational fears of specific objects or situations. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person. periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by frightening physical sensations.

offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.

A token economy represents an application of the principles of: humanistic therapy. operant conditioning. systematic desensitization. classical conditioning.

operant conditioning

Types of Schizophrenia

paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, residual

The two-factor theory of emotion has been used to explain: the just-world phenomenon. passionate love. social facilitation. the mere exposure effect.

passionate love.


persistent mild depression

Although the effect dissipates within an hour or so, one violent TV program is most likely to ________ in its viewer. provoke frustration prime aggressive thoughts reduce angry feelings trigger violent behaviors

prime aggressive thoughts

Dr. Miller prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety. It is most likely that Dr. Miller is a: client-centered therapist. clinical social worker. cognitive therapist. psychiatrist.


4 major styles of therapy

psychoanalysis, cognitive and behavioral, and humanistic

The least used biomedical intervention for changing behavior is: drug therapy. psychosurgery. electroconvulsive therapy. aversive conditioning.


Psychological disorders that researchers believe are learned, such as phobias, are most likely to be treated with: aversive conditioning. meta-analysis. psychoanalysis. psychotherapy.


In one experiment, white Americans read a newspaper article about a terrorist threat against all Americans. They subsequently expressed: in increased sense of deindividuation. reduced prejudice against African-Americans. reduced confidence in their personal religious beliefs. lowered approval of the president's job performance.

reduced prejudice against African-Americans

diffusion of responsibility

reduction in feelings of personal responsibility in the presence of others, they will take care of it


repetitive thoughts

Jabar, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is Napoleon. He further believes he is being imprisoned against his will in the mental hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. Jabar is most likely suffering from: a dissociative identity disorder. a panic disorder. schizophrenia. an obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Prozac is an antidepressant drug that partially blocks the reabsorption and removal of ________ from synapses. acetylcholine dopamine chlorpromazine serotonin


The tendency for people to exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal is known as: deindividuation. social loafing. the bystander effect. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

social loafing.

Which branch of psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another? personality psychology clinical psychology social psychology developmental psychology

social psychology


split with reality, hallucinations and delusions

Unconsciously mimicking those around us is known as: social loafing. social facilitation. group polarization. the chameleon effect.

the chameleon effect.

One group of ocean voyagers is given a new but untested pill for seasickness and a second group is given an inactive pill. Neither the voyagers nor the experimental researchers know which group has received the new pill. In this experiment, the investigators are making use of: the double-blind technique. meta-analysis. systematic desensitization. counterconditioning

the double-blind technique.

Compared to people from East Asian cultures, those from individualistic Western countries are more likely to demonstrate: ingroup bias. ethnic stereotyping. the fundamental attribution error. conformity.

the fundamental attribution error

The discovery that psychologically disordered behavior could result from syphilis infections facilitated the credibility and acceptance of: the medical model. psychoanalytic theory. DSM-IV. the social-cognitive perspective.

the medical model

Professor Jones is a member of the faculty committee on academic standards. He personally disagrees with the other committee members' proposed plan to begin accepting students with below-average grades. Professor Jones is most likely, however, to vote in favor of their plan if: committee voting is done by private ballot. the other committee members are unanimous in their opinion. he has a high level of self-esteem. he stated his personal opinion early in the committee's discussion.

the other committee members are unanimous in their opinion.

just-world phenomenon

the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get

in-group bias

the tendency to favor one's own group

Those with a narcissistic personality disorder are likely to be preoccupied with: physical symptoms of distress. an irrational fear of people. delusions of persecution. their own self-importance.

their own self-importance

informational social influence

they must know something I don't know

Lynn has begun to buy small gifts for her therapist, and she feels extremely jealous of the time he spends with his other patients. To a psychoanalyst, this is most indicative of: the placebo effect. transference. unconditional positive regard. free association.


interpersonal therapy

treatment that strengthens social skills and targets interpersonal problems, conflicts, and life transitions

aversion therapy

treatment that uses punishment to decrease the frequency of undesirable behaviors

rogers personality or humanistic therapy

unconditional acceptance

Freuds psychoanalysis

unconscious conflicts


uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly


unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members

catatonic schizophrenia

unresponsive to surroundings, purposeless movement and parrot like speech

fundamental attribution error

we overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of situations

gender difference in different disorders

women are exposed to more trauma and are more likely to have a disorder

Two classmates ask you to spend a couple of hours helping them prepare for a chemistry test. According to social exchange theory, you would be most likely to help them if: your classmates cannot afford to pay for a private tutor. you know that someone else helped them prepare for an earlier test. you know you would feel terribly guilty for refusing their request. your parents helped you study for tests when you were younger.

you know you would feel terribly guilty for refusing their request.

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