Review for C779

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What is the composition of a hexadecimal color code

#000000 (can be a mix of letters and numbers)

Describes inheritance or the "cascade" in CSS

1 most important 1. inline 2. internal 3. external 4. Browser default

What are the 7 steps of the web development project cycle

1. Create and document an initial Web site plan. 2. Obtain relevant input from stakeholders. 3. Communicate the Web site plan. 4. Consider technical and non-technical concerns. 5. Develop the site. 6. Publish the site. 7. Manage the site.

What are three attributes of the meta tag?

1. charset 2. content 3. name

You can apply CSS to your HTML in 3 ways. What are they?

1. inline 2. internal 3. external

What are the 4 possible shapes when creating a hot spot?

1. rect-rectangle 2. circle 3. poly-polygon 4. default- whole area

In CSS, what re the selector, property, value, declaration, and rule.

1. selector- p 2. property-color 3. value- Blue 4. Declaration- {color: blue;} 5. rule- p{ color: blue; }

What is the audio tag and what attribute do you apply to have the audio file paly as soon as you load the page?

<audio controls autoplay>

What are some examples of text-level elements?

<em> For emphasis <strong> For stronger, bolder text <dfn> For word definitions <code> For program code examples <kbd> For user keyboard text to be typed <samp> For program sample output <var> For variable text in program code

What is a fully-qualified url? What other name does it go by?

A URL that contains a full path to a resource, including the protocol indicator. Also known as a hard link or absolute link.

What is Web Application framework and why would you use one?

A Web application framework is a software framework that enables developers to create and manage dynamic Web sites, Web applications and Web services. Software frameworks generally provide common programming code for generic functions that can be selectively overridden by the developer for specific functionality.

What are Web Feeds?

A Web feed is a data format for delivering Web content that is updated frequently, such as blog entries and news headlines. Web feed formats allow you to view headlines and updates from your favorite Web sites without the need to open your Web browser or visit any Web sites. There are two popular feed formats: RSS (Really Simple Syndication, RDF Site Summary or Rich Site Summary) — Currently at version 2.0, RSS is the "original" family of Web feeds. RSS 2.0 has the widest acceptance of any feed format. Atom — Currently at version 1.0, Atom is a relatively recent development but is much more robust and feature-rich than RSS. Atom is designed solely for the syndication of entire news articles.

What is CAPTCHA?

A challenge-response mechanism designed to discern between a human and a "bot" in order to detect the automated systems used by spammers for registering e-mail accounts.

What is a browser-safe color palette

A limited color palette, necessary because many computer screens have limitations., 216 RGB colors (8-bit color minus 40)

What is a local hyperlink?

A local hyperlink is a link you create from one file on your local system to another file on your local system.

What is relative path name

A reference to a file within a directory or subdirectory is called a relative path.

What is a markup language?

A series of commands used to format, organize and describe information on a Web page.

What is Server-Side Includes (SSI)?

A server-side include (SSI) is an instruction within an HTML page that directs the Web server to perform an action.

What is image interlacing?

A technique that allows an image to progressively display in a browser as it downloads

What is a cascading style sheet?

A technology that allows greater style definition and formatting control of HTML elements. Formatting can be placed within the HTML or called remotely from an external style sheet.

Wahta are the differences in ADA and 508 accessibility standars

ADA is a 1990 US Law with broad application of accessibility standards. It is relevant to websites in the US or accessible by users in the US. Some accommodations it requires: - text-based alternatives to all non-text content - images have text-based descriptions - forms that are easily read by screen-readings Section 508 is part of the 2001 US Rehabilitation Act, which is specific to federal agencies. It provides accommodations for all electronic and information technology. There are specific detailed standards on their website.

What is AJAX?

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ) is a Web 2.0 programming methodology that enables Web applications to interact with users in much the same way they do with desktop applications. Ajax allows you to create interactive Web applications using XHTML, CSS, the Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest.

A tag can consist of what three items inside the angle brackets

An element — provides the main instruction of the tag. An element is required in every tag. An attribute — specifies a quality or describes a certain aspect of the element. A value — gives value to the element and its attribute.

What is an external hyperlink?

An external hyperlink is a link you create from a file on your system to a separate file on the Internet.

What is image transarency?

An image that supports transparency provides the visual effect of blending in to the background of your Web page. In function, the page background simply shows through the transparent part of the image file. Most developers use image transparency to remove the blank image background so it appears to float on the page.

What is an internal hyperlink?

An internal hyperlink provides a link from one point to another on a Web page.

What is wireframing?

An outline for a Web presence.

What are some layout guidelines to consider when designing your Web pages?

Be succinct — Limit words to clear, necessary verbiage, especially on the home page. Most users simply scan pages quickly looking for specific information or links to it. Let users navigate to additional pages if they want more information. Make sure that each page focuses on one topic — No tangent message, regardless of its importance, should be added to a page. Use links to point users to appropriate related topics on separate pages. Divide the page into three sections — Use the left side of the page for navigation, the upper section of the page for a topic title (as well as navigation), and the middle section of the page for the information. Include navigation aids — A common way to enable navigation is to place links at the top and bottom of the page, and within the body of the page, to reduce the need for users to scroll. Place comments in each section of code — Comments help explain changes you have made to the code or page. You can indicate the nature of the change, includin

What is the difference between bitmap and vector graphic?

Bitmap — graphics that use small dots (usually thousands) to create images and specify colors. Each dot is mapped to bits stored in a computer's memory. Bitmaps are also called raster graphics, and they include the JPEG, GIF and PNG formats. Vector — graphics that use mathematical coordinates with lines, curves and shapes to create images and specify colors. Vector graphics are generally small in file size. Their presentation size can be enlarged or shrunk (i.e., scaled) without losing image quality.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is an HTML API that provides a place on a Web page (a "canvas") where developers can display graphics, animation, video and games "on the fly" without the need for a plug-in.

Which input types do we use to select many options by using a check mark?


What are client-side languages and what are a few problems with using them when it comes to the web

Client-side languages run on the user's computer after the page is downloaded. Some clients do not support JavaScript or any other scripting language. Users can deactivate script execution in browsers that normally support it. Many companies direct their employees to disable scripting in their browsers due to security concerns

List on drawback and one benefit to the following hosting solutions: co-location, dedicated hosting, and virtual hosting.

Co-Location Benefits == -You have complete control over your equipment. -You do not have to share server resources with any other party. -You have a choice over both hardware and software configuration. == Co-Location Drawbacks == -This option is more costly. -If your equipment experiences problems (either hardware or software), your provider will give fee-based support because the hardware and software are yours. -You may need to fix any problems yourself. -You are responsible for your own security. == Dedicated Hosting Benefits == -You have less up-front cost. -Your site can be launched more quickly because most providers have preconfigured servers. -You do not need to purchase a server and associated software. -You do not need server configuration knowledge. -The service provider configures the system, then allows you to access the system and upload files. == Dedicated Hosting Drawbacks == -You are limited to the operating systems and services offered. -You must inquire about

What are some characteristics of server-side language?

Code is executed by the Web server, not by the Web browser. Code is generally placed into files called applications. These applications are assigned execute permissions by the Web server. In some cases, code is embedded into HTML pages. Code executes because an interpreter has been installed and activated on the Web server.

What does the border-collapse CSS property do for a table

Collapses the borders of adjacent cells into a single border instead of separating them. (You can find this information in the table in section 5-2).

What are the benefits of using css?

Consistency — CSS easily gives an entire site a consistent look and feel. Easy change management — You have the ability to change the look and feel of an entire site by simply changing one part of a single line of code, rather than having to change possibly thousands of lines in hundreds of Web pages.

When conducting SEO what 5 strategies related to form should you follow?

Create as simple a form as possible. Each additional field you use may reduce your score., -Some search engines may score pages lower if a CAPTCHA is used. The problem with a CAPTCHA, or any other element that requires human input, is that a bot that encounters it will not take time to read and process all of the page. This can cause the page to be scored lower., -Give form fields informative, descriptive labels., -Provide a clear call to action. Do not assume that a Submit button will inform users (or search engine bots) about what they should do., -Provide alternative text navigation.

What task are performed during site managment?

Create new content - Update dead links - Remove old sites - Remove unused pages - Ensure connectivity - Report access issues - Process feedback to determine changes

What does the padding CSS property do for a table?

Determines the amount of space between cell data and the cell border.

What is DHTML and why do we use it?

Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is an umbrella term to describe HTML's ability to work with other technologies to provide animation, interactivity and dynamic updating in Web pages. With DHTML, you can create a Web page that reacts to user actions without contacting the server or downloading complex, bandwidth-consuming applications.

What is FTP and why is it an important tool in web development?

FTP is the protocol most often used to transfer files between two computers, or a server and a computer, depending on the configuration. Transferring files over the Internet requires an FTP client to send the files and a destination FTP server to receive them. FTP can also be used to transfer files to an HTTP server, provided that the HTTP server is also running FTP. However, before you can transfer your Web site files, you must decide where your site will be hosted.

What are the two web-ready image file formats that support animation?

GIF 89a and PNG

What are the three universally supported Web image formats?

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

What is the HTML5 web development trifecta?


How many heading levels are there and what visual element changes between each level

HTML uses six heading styles. The largest heading is level 1

Why should you specify a few font-family names when setting up fonts for your website?

If the first font is not supported, the next value will attempt to render.

What is the purpose of the DOCTYPE declaration?

It informs the interpreter (usually a Web browser) what version of HTML the Web page is written in

What is a CGI and why doe we need it to process web forms

It is a small server-side program to process a script. It is needed because it provides a way for the server to receive the data from the web form.

what does rowspan do for a table?

It spans a row across two or more cells.

What are three key points you should consider in order to optimize your web site for viewing on mobile devices

Keep your Web pages simple and uncluttered — Mobile devices have smaller screens than desktop or laptop monitors, and Internet connectivity is often slower. Prioritize your content — When users are viewing a Web site with a mobile device, they are often looking for very specific information. Optimize your site to a smaller screen size — Although screen sizes vary among mobile devices, the most common size for traditional feature phones is 240x320 pixels. Smartphones typically use 320x480 pixels, with some rendering 480x800.

What is the anchor element?

Links are created with the anchor element, <a>

What are the 2 major points the W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Recommendation to help determine the suitability of a GUI editor for developers with disabilities?

Make the authoring tool user interface accessible - The authoring tool itself must be accessible to people with disabilities, including the editing views and alternative text for toolbar icons. Support the production of accessible content - The authoring tool must support procedures that enable the creation of accessible Web pages. In other words, if the tool does not allow you to create code that helps disabled users browse the site, then the tool is not compliant.

What is the difference between a block-level and text-level element

Markup elements that affect an entire paragraph or multiple paragraphs are referred to as block-level elements. Elements that can affect something as small as a character or a word are referred to as text-level elements.

What are some functions HTML5 APIs give us?

Media (audio and video). Document editing. Cross-document messaging. MIME type and protocol handler registration. Web storage.

What is MIME?

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions-A protocol that enables operating systems to map file name extensions to corresponding applications. Also used by applications to automatically process files downloaded from the Internet.

What are two types of list in HTML

Ordered list — a numbered list using the <ol> element. Unordered list — a bulleted list using the <ul> element.

what are some common server-side languages?

PHP is an interpreted server-side scripting language Perl is a cross-platform programming language that enables users to write custom CGI programs Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's original server-side scripting solution. C is a powerful compiled programming language C++ is another compiled programming language Java is also an object-oriented programming language.

What are two types of GUI Editors

Page Editors - allow you to create a Web page using your mouse and a toolbar. Site Management Editors - provide both Web page creation and site management functionality.

What functionality can javascript add to a web page

Pop-up windows, such as alert, dialog and prompt boxes Automatic date and time changes Images and text that change upon mouse rollover Cookie creation and identification

What does proper nesting of html mean?

Proper nesting means that you must open and close a pair of tags within another pair.

What are some advantages to using JavaScript in our web pages?

Quick development - JavaScript does not require time-consuming compilation, scripts can be developed in a relatively short period of time Easy to learn - the JavaScript syntax and rules are simple to learn Platform independence - JavaScript is not specific to any operating system.

Which input types creates alist of items with only one clickable option?

Radio Button group

What is a name=value pair represent in a web form?

Raw strings of data. The name attribute values are used as the basis for creating the raw text string.

What is SVG?

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a W3C-recommended language developed by various vendors, including Adobe, Microsoft and Sun. SVG uses XML to describe graphics and graphical applications. SVG allows you to create cross-platform animated movies. Not all SVG images are animated, but this application is common because SVG offers comprehensive animation support.

What is SaaS?

Software as a Service (SaaS) is another term used to describe cloud computing because: The software responsible for providing the service cannot be downloaded and owned by the end user. It is available as a solution only on a remote basis. The software becomes available as a service either for free or for a fee. Many times, the service is available free for a certain period of time. Two versions of a service are often made available: The first version is usually a free service that is limited in some way or contains advertisements. The second version is an enhanced or "professional" service that contains no advertisements and is often full-featured. In some cases, the full-featured version is available either for a fee or in exchange for user profile information.

What are three drawbacks of using GUI editors to create web pages

Some GUI editors will alter or ignore any code you enter manually. For instance, you can manually add a paragraph tag <p/>, but the GUI editor may not recognize it. This situation can be frustrating if you want to format a Web page your own way. Many GUI editors have not kept pace with the evolution of HTML, and thus do not provide options for using some of the recently developed tags. You must upgrade your GUI editor if you want to begin using a later version of HTML. At the time of this writing, HTML5 was not supported by any open-source GUI or WYSIWYG HTML editors. Instead, an HTML5 template was required in KompoZer to produce the HTML5 <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

What are HTML entities?

Special non-keyboard character

What is an HTML element and what are html elements used for?

Specific components of an HTML document that can provide content and attributes to a Web page.

Why do you need the alt attribute when using images on the web page

Specifies alternative text to appear while the graphic is loading, or in place of the graphic in non-graphical browsers such as Lynx. This alternative text will also display if the image fails to load or if the user has configured his or her browser not to display images.

What is the input from stakeholders used to help with?

Stakeholder input helps determine the site's purpose, look and feel, services required, funds available, and development timeline

HTML 4.01 what support was added?

Support added for CSS, Scripting, Multiple spoken languages, Tables, and Forms

What is the purpose behind the table, th, td, and table caption? Provide brief explanation of each?

Table Caption is the Title above the table. <th> is the table header title of the columns, <td> is the data that goes in each cells, and <table> element is used to enclose the other table elements.

What are three features of GUI editors?

Templates and Wizards — allow you to create custom Web pages quickly by selecting from a series of choices. Text Style options — allow you to format text in different font styles, alter text size and color, and apply formats Icon bars — offer easily identifiable graphic icons to provide the same functions found in text-based menus. Image features — allow you to easily insert graphic images into a Web page. Hypertext Links features — allow you to create hypertext links to pages and files within your Web site, and to pages and files on the World Wide Web. Import HTML Pages features — allow you to open pages from the World Wide Web and, when permissible, save them to a Web site or local file system. Table Creation features — allow you to add tables to arrange data or organize a page layout. Spelling check— Most GUI editors provide an automatic spelling checker Publish Documents features — allow you to click a button to post pages to a Web server

What is the difference between a text editor and GUI editor?

Text editors require you to type in the code. GUI markup editor applications place markup instructions into files for you; you do not need to know HTML to use GUI editors.

What are the three types of form tags to use when creating forms?

The <input>, <select>, and <textarea> tags are used to create forms.

What is the select tag used for ?

The <select> tag is a container tag used to create single-option and multiple-option select lists.

You can change the alignment for an individual cell or for an entire row. What is the CSS property you use to specify horizontal alignment? vertical alignment?

The CSS3 property you use to specify horizontal alignment is text-align. For vertical alignment, use the vertical-align property.

How do you create a hot spot in image map?

The HTML <map> tag defines an image map. An image map is an image with clickable areas. The areas are defined with one or more <area> tags. <img src="workplace.jpg" alt="Workplace" usemap="#workmap"> <map name="workmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="34,44,270,350" alt="Computer" href="computer.htm">

Name three video formats you can use on a website

The MP4 video format (MPEG 4 files) is widely used., The WebM video format often uses the VP8 codec. VP8 is an open video compression format owned by Google., The Ogg uses the Theora format for HTML5 video, which is a free video compression format that can be distributed without licensing fees.

What is geolocation?

The W3C defines geolocation as "an API that defines an advanced interface for location information associated only with the device hosting the application, such as latitude and longitude."

If you have an image with the size of 100px wide and 100px tall. What happens if i change the width and height 200px by 200px using width and height attribue in html

The image will scale up but may look blurry or pixelated because it is displaying larger than intended.

What are three drawbacks of using text editors to create webpages?

Typing code can be time-consuming, especially if you must learn the latest changes to code standards from the W3C. People with disabilities may find manual entry too time-consuming and/or too difficult. A text editor may require too much attention if you need only a simple page.

What are the HTML5 structural elements now used instead of tables to layout the structure of a webpage?

We now use structure tags. <header> — Top of the Web page, similar to the header in a word-processing document. <nav> — Defines navigation links, such as hypertext menus to access various pages of the Web site. <article> — Web site content, such as company services, articles, blogs, images and videos. <aside> — Content that is "aside" from the article content, such as advertisements or news feeds. <footer> — Bottom of the Web page, similar to the footer in a word-processing document.

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is a paradigm shift in the way the Internet is used compared with the Web 1.0 day. Web 2.0 involves a more open approach to the Internet that concentrates on developing the information-sharing and collaboration capabilities of the Web. Web 2.0 has enabled users to provide a significant amount of information on the Web, and there are no longer any restrictions on what they produce. Web 2.0 has also led to the development of Web-based communities and hosted services, such as social networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts and so forth. The Web is now a resource through which users have the ability to generate and distribute content, as well as to update and modify it.

What are W3C, WAI and WCAG and how do they diffefr?

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a group dedicated to international standards for the web. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is technology, guidelines, tools, education and outreach, and research and development that ensures core technologies are equally accessible. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a universal set of standards promoting accessibility

Which attributes for a textarea field set the size of the box for entering text?

cols, rows attributes (See table 6-2)

What is a container tag and what is an empty tag?

container tag- tags that come in pairs. Container tags use starting and ending tags. Empty tags — tags that stand alone. empty tag-are those that do not directly format a specified block of text, and therefore one tag can execute the instruction.

What is the video element used for?

embeds a media player which supports video playback

What are the four most common protocols you can specify in a hyperlink URL

http, https, ftp, email (smtp)

Where do you go (URL) to use the W3c CSS validation Service?

Where do you go (URL) to use the W3c markup validation Service?

What is the controls attribute used for with video and how do you implement it?

it specifies that audio/video controls should be displayed. <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">

What slect tag attribute should be used to choose more than one option?

multiple attribute

List a few additions to the HTML5 specification

ntroduces the <video> element, which is designed to eliminate the need to install third-party plug-ins (such as those for Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight). Adds the <audio> element, which allows pages to seamlessly add audio files for events such as podcasts. Establishes ways to enable drag-and-drop capability for Web pages without using third-party add-ons. Gives developers more native tools such as download progress indicators, image captioning options and form validation tools to use on a page. Provides developers with a native option for offline storage, and enables applications to run as expected even without network connectivity. Allows developers to retrieve the geographical location information for a client-side device, called geolocation.

What is outsourcing?

obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source.

What is the action attribute in a form tag?

specifies the name and location of the CGI script used to process the form

What does colspan do for a table?

t spans a column across two or more cells

Why do we validate code?

tells you if their are errors in your code and tell you if your code will work in browsers

What is the document object model?

the Document Object Model (DOM) is a standard developed by the W3C. It describes the elements, or objects, within a document rendered by a Web browser.

What is the method attribute in a form tag?

the method attribute specifies the method by which the browser will send form data to a Web server. The two values are "Get" and "Post".

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