Review Questions Chapter 10 - 16

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To determine exemption, companies can use two tests to verify exemption: salary tests and duties tests.

A salary test for determining exemption must pay overtime for employees earning less than $684 per week, $35,568 per year.

Closed-Shop Agreements are agreements between the union and employers that any new employee joining the company has to belong to the union.

Agency Shop Agreements are in between the above two. It is up to the individual to belong to the union, but if they do join, they have to pay part of union fees, which are negotiated between the union and employer

BARS are difficult to construct, require different instrument for each job, introduce rating errors, and does not consider variation in employee behaviors, if they are having a good or bad day.

BARS specific behaviors

Advantages of an MBO are that it is preferred by stakeholders, produces results, its ease of feedback, and it is legally binding.

Disadvantages are that an MBO ignores qualitative factors and situational factors beyond the employee's control, it omits behavioral feedback, and it is difficult to develop measurable objectives for certain jobs.

One of the advantages of BARS is that this system does not have rating error.


Mechanistic culture is more autocratic and to a great extent relies on central authority.

Mechanistic culture has management practices that are formal, as work is highly specialized, there is greater control over behavior, there is vertical interaction between ranks of employees, and there is a one-on-one management style.

Organic culture means happy environment makes happy employees.

Organic culture involves management practices which are adaptive, meaning there is a greater interaction and teamwork, a network of authorities, open communication, team leadership style, and consultative style.

Weak cultures tend to have less commonly shared values, less clues for behavior, and free expression of one's norms, and strong cultures tend to have widely shared values, greater control over behavior, and little flexibility or deviation.

Strong cultures are more suitable to service organizations with more formality that exerts consistency in providing excellent service. Weak cultures encourage independent thinking, risk taking, and rely on individual's intrinsic and extrinsic values to achieve and be rewarded.

Cognitive dissonance is when an organizational culture and employee values and expectations are not aligned.

This can lead to the three Rs, which stand for resign, resist, and renegotiate.

Orientation is formally introducing the new employee to the organization and to the job, and is when all questions are answered that the employee may have.

Training is to improve employee efficiency, both attitudes and behaviors.

high scores in agreeableness likely to fit mechanistic?


The acronym for EPR is Engagement, Productivity, and Retention.

benefits to the employer. Engagement is when the employee exerts energy, confidence and takes initiative within the company and feels like. He/she is a part of the company. Productivity means the sooner the employee is orientated and feels a part of the company, the sooner the employee will be productive. Retention is beneficial, and if employees are not satisfied, they may leave within months of their hire. Orientation would be worthless at that point.

MBO is a Management by Objectives system

evaluates employees based on predetermined goals, their outcomes, and focuses on results.

BARS: Behaviorally Anchored Rating System

evaluates on specific behaviors

BOS- Behavior Observation System

focuses on frequency of demonstrated behaviors An example of a BOS, is if punctuality is the domain, the manager keeps a record of how many times he or she has showed up to work late.

Sketchy overviews means failure to provide complete orientation, key managers' lack of participation, and lack of coordination and readiness to employees sink or swim within the organization.

orientation error

The Mickey Mouse approach involves postponing onboarding, particularly in tough economic times, lack of communicating company expectations and employee accountability, lack of attention to new hires, or assigning the individual to an easy job until they receive a formal group orientation.

orientation error

suffocation means overloading too much information on day one

orientation error

Graphic Rating Scales, GRS, is a system of appraisals, a number of traits, personality characteristics, or values that are important for the job are listed, and employees are rated usually on a Likert-Scale of 1-5

personality traits/values -low cost, easy to construct, easy to use, and applicable to most jobs. Disadvantages: ignores employee behavior, attacks personality, introduces rating errors, and issues with the law-subjective

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