Revolutionary war 1&2 pages

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Who enforced English laws in the colonies?

The colonial governors, who were generally appointed by the English King or proprietor

Why were the colonists becoming increasingly unhappy with England?

1. Colonies had no representation in Parliament. 2. Some colonists resented power of colonial governors. 3. England wanted strict control over colonial legislatures. 4. Colonies opposed taxes. 5. The Proclamation of l763 hindered the western movement of settlers

Why did colonists feel that taxes like the Stamp Act were unfair?

Because colonies had no representation in Parliament.

Why did England impose the Proclamation of 1763?

England did not want to spend money protecting and defending settlers as they moved west onto new lands.

Why did the Proclamation of l763 anger the colonists?

It did not permit them to move west of the Appalachian Mountains in search of better farmland and new opportunities.

Were colonial legislatures (law-making bodies) free to make laws for the colonies?

No, colonial legislatures were monitored by the colonial governors who were appointed by England

Why did England impose taxes such as the Stamp Act after the French and Indian War?

To raise revenue to pay the cost of the French and Indian War. · To help with the maintaining of English troops in the colonies

As England expanded control over the American colonies, many colonists became:

dissatisfied and rebellious

How did England impose political control over the colonies?

• Colonists had to obey English laws that were enforced by governors. • Colonial governors were appointed by the king or by the proprietor. • Colonial legislatures made laws for each colony and were monitored by colonial governors

Why did England want to increase control over the colonies?

• England desired to remain a world power. • England needed to raise money to pay the cost of the French and Indian War and felt it was necessary to impose taxes such as the Stamp Act

How did England impose economic control over the colonies?

• England imposed strict control over trade. • England taxed the colonies after the French and Indian War. • Colonies traded raw materials for goods.

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