RFD SOP Chapter 1

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Proper etiquette during the pledge of allegiance?

The Pledge of Allegiance: When reciting the pledge those not in uniform should stand at attention with their right hand over their heart. Men should remove their hats with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder with their hand over their heart. Uniformed fire personnel (Class A or B uniform) should remain silent, face the flag and provide a military salute while standing at attention.

U.S flag displayed with a group of flags?

The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of states or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.

Where should the flag be displayed?

The flag should be displayed daily, on or near the main administration building of every public institution.

Flag in bad weather?

The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement (high winds, rain), except when an all-weather flag is displayed.

Flag embroidered on items?

The flag should not be embroidered on cushions, handkerchiefs or other personal items nor printed on anything designed by temporary use and then discarded.

SOP in regards to IFSTA?

The latest Department adopted IFSTA manual will be the reference material used in department exams, e.g. probation, certification, and promotional exams. In order for the Department to make these manuals available to all personnel, the following rules shall apply: 1. Books are to remain in the fire station. 2. Manuals are not to be taken home.

When are Formal station inspections conducted?

There shall be a formal inspection of all Fire Department facilities by the Fire Chief and his Staff. 1. All stations will be inspected during their corresponding month, i.e. January - Station 1, February - Station 2, etc. and continuing with one station each month until all stations have been inspected. Station 13 shall be inspected during the month of January. Station 14 shall be inspected during the month of February. Inspections will be conducted at 0730 hours, on the first Thursday of each month. In the event it falls on a holiday, you will be notified in advance of an alternate date.

Flags displayed flat or over a street?

Unless flown from a staff, the flag should be displayed flat or in such a manner that it folds fall free. When suspended over a street, the flag should be on the marching right. If there is a line of other flags, it should be in the front of the center of the line.

Flag displayed on vehicles?

Vehicles: The United States flag should always be staffed when carried on a fire engine (vehicle or float), unless it is displayed horizontally or vertically against a wall or surface in which case the union should be uppermost and to the observer's left. The flag should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle or of a railroad train or boat. When the flag is displayed on a motor vehicle, the staff shall be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender.

U.S flag displayed in a row of flags?

When shown in a row of flags, the National flag will be at the right of the line (the viewer's left).

U.S flag displayed on a wall with other flags?

When the National flag is displayed with another flag against a wall from crossed staffs, it should be on the right (the flag's own right) and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag.

Flags flown on the same halyard as the U.S?

When the flags of the United States, cities, or localities, or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the flag of the United States, the National flag should always be at the peak. When the flags are flown from adjacent staffs, the flag of the United States should be hoisted first and lowered last. No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United State flag's right.

Releasing news to the media?

When the officer in charge of any incident or activity in which the department is involved has news of value or information that may reflect positively on the department, the officer shall contact the battalion chief. A. A chief officer may act as a PIO or may refer media requests for information to the department-designated PIO's. B. Only chief officers or department-designated PIO's will give information to the news media. No other personnel are authorized to give information releases unless approved by a chief officer. C. Theoncomingandoffgoingbattalionchiefsshallreviewincidentmediareleasesatshift change to coordinate any information to be released.

SOP in regards to sleeping attire?

While sleeping, female personnel shall wear, at a minimum, department issued physical fitness shorts and a department issued T-shirt. Male personnel shall wear, at a minimum, department issued physical fitness shorts. (T-shirts optional for males.) Department issued sweatpants may be worn instead of shorts and sweatshirts may be worn instead of T-shirts (or in addition to).

who are the air cylinder and oxygen cylinder program managers?

1. Air Cylinder Program Manager - Station 3 "A" Shift Company Officer 2. Oxygen Cylinder Program Managers - Station 13 "A" Shift Company Officers

How is seniority determined by RFD?

1. Hire date as a Firefighter with the City of Riverside Fire Department. 2. Employees with the same hire date will be ranked by their score on the Firefighter written test. a. Ties will be broken by using oral interview scores.

How will a flag be raised and lowered?

1. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

Flag on uniforms?

A flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firefighters, police officers and members of patriotic organizations.

SOP states that employee uniform should be...?

A. Uniforms 1. Uniforms shall be clean, neat and in good repair. Uniforms shall be worn with shined shoes.

Alcohol consumption time frame before shift?

ALcohol is not to be consumed within 4 hours of coming on shift. employee should not have a blood alcohol content of over 0.02.

When are oxygen and air cylinders inventoried?

Air Cylinder Inventory shall be conducted June 1st and December 1st, or as dictated by Station 3 program manager, Oxygen Cylinder Inventory shall be conducted June 1st and December 1st, or as dictated by Station 13 program managers. All cylinders are to be inventoried regardless of status or location of the apparatus. Arrangements are to be made to inventory cylinders on assigned reserve apparatus and/or apparatus which are in for repair.

On days off can you be called into work?

All members on days off are subject to recall to duty in case of emergency and shall maintain a telephone at their place of residence.

SOP in regards to department wide emails and memo's?

All memos/documents will be sent through the chain of command to a chief officer or clerical staff for final review and proofing. And all emails should be sent to the targeted audience (Fire medics, fire captains, etc.)

SOP in regards to physical fitness? what hours should it occur and when should personnel be showered and dressed?

All safety personnel of the City of Riverside Fire Department are expected to maintain a minimum level of physical fitness. Physical activities designed to improve and maintain cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles, and develop stamina are required for all department personnel. Each Company Officer shall be responsible for coordinating the warm-up, flexibility, and aerobic conditioning activities during each shift, normally between the hours of 0730 and 0930. Aerobic activities may be conducted at locations approved by the Battalion Chief. Personnel shall be showered and in uniform by 0930 hours. Forty-hour safety personnel shall be allocated three (3) hours per week to conduct physical fitness activities.

SOP in regards to tattoos?

All tattoo(s) must be covered by an appropriate department uniform while on-duty. If the employee has a single tattoo that is less than three (3") square inches, the employee may elect to cover the tattoo with a flesh colored patch in lieu of covering the tattoo with an appropriate department uniform Exceptions: 1.) After 1700 hours while in the station (if the public comes to the station tattoos must be covered). 2.) During physical fitness while in the confines of the fire station. Tattoo(s) shall be covered for any physical fitness activities conducted off fire department grounds. 3.) During manipulative drills at the City of Riverside Fire Department Training Facility. 4.) Tattoo(s) that are "peeking" (one inch while in a regular standing position) out of the short sleeve shirt will be considered covered. b. No tattoo(s) are permitted on the face, neck, head and or hands of personnel. Existing tattoo(s) for current employees as of 2/15/11 in these areas shall be covered.

If you are going to be late what should you do?

Any member prevented from reaching his/her company on time shall notify the on-duty Battalion Chief, who will notify the Company Officer to retain a member until such absent member arrives or other arrangements are made.

Flags displayed on caskets?

Casket: When the flag covers a casket, the union should be at the head and over the left shoulder. During the burial ceremony, the flag must not touch the ground nor be lowered into the grave.

U.S flag displayed in auditoriums and churches?

Churches, Auditoriums: When used on a speaker's platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the National flag should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience and in the position of honor at the clergyman's or speaker's right as he/she faces the audience. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or the right of the audience.

How to dispose of the flag?

Disposal: The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display (tattered, torn, or faded), shall be sent to the Training Division for appropriate disposal.

When is the "fallen day of remembrance"?

Each year the fifth day of November will be designated the "Fallen Day of Remembrance". The City of Riverside Fire Department will remember their fallen personnel and display the Mourning Flag from 0730 to 1930. This display recognizes all members of the fire department who have died in the line of duty or succumbed to an occupational illness

SOP in regards to Jury duty?

Employees shall notify their company officer and battalion chief, as soon as possible, that they have received a jury summons or have been assigned to a jury panel. You should then save the slip that indicates time spent at court as proof of attendance. you shall report back to the station as soon as you are released.

SOP in regards to jewelry?

Finger rings and wrist watches may be worn by uniformed personnel while on duty, providing they pose no safety hazard. All jewelry worn by employees must be appropriate so it does not detract from a professional appearance. The wearing of all facial piercing jewelry, such as nose piercing, tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, lip piercing, or any other facial piercing jewelry is prohibited while on duty, regardless of hire date. Employees, regardless of hire date, shall not add visible facial piercings.

How to fold the flag?

Folding the Flag: To fold the flag ceremoniously, first fold it lengthwise, bringing the striped half up over the blue field. Then repeat, with the blue field on the outside. Beginning at the lower right, make a series of triangular folds until the flag resembles a cocked hat with only the blue field visible.

SOP in regards to hair?

Hair color should be maintained in the range of normal hair color. Hair length, bulk and appearence should not present as unkept, ragged or extreme. Hair should not extend below shirt collar while standing with head erect.

Flag being displayed at half staff?

Half-Staff: To fly at half-staff, the flag should be hoisted to the peak then lowered. The flag should again be raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day. a. The Fire Chief of the City of Riverside Fire Department or his Designated Representative, with the approval of the City Manager, will determine if the national flag is to be flown at half-staff. b. Station flags will be lowered to half-staff upon notification of the death of a member and will remain at half-staff until 1700 hours, the day of the funeral (City of Riverside Fire Department Funeral Protocol, April 15, 1998, p.B-1). NOTE: The black badge band will be worn at the direction of the Fire Chief or his Designated Representative.

How often should cylinders be hydro tested? where and how do we send the cylinders?

HydrostaticTestDate Check the most recent hydrostatic test date, which is located on the cylinder shoulder. All cylinders manufactured after 07/2001 require testing every five years. All cylinders manufactured prior to 07/2001 require testing every three years. This date must be within 3 or 5 years of the most recent test date depending on the type of cylinder. If the cylinder is within two months of the hydro due date, send to Station 3 with a tag labeled "Hydro Required". All cylinders have a service life of 15 years from the date of manufacture. All cylinders that have exceeded their 15-year service life are to be taken out of service and sent to Station 3 with a tag labeled "Out of Service".

SOP in regards to parking vehicles at stations?

I. Private motor vehicles (including motorcycles, trailers, RV's and boats) shall not be housed overnight in any Fire Department building. II. There shall be no storage of any vehicles (including motorcycles, trailers, RV's and boats) in or on Fire Department property.

Actions to take in case of a vehicle accident?

Immediately notify the on duty Battalion Chief of any vehicle accident or mishap. A. Follow the procedure set forth in the City of Riverside Safety and Health Policies and Procedures Manual relating to vehicle accidents.

What is RFD's Smoking Policy?

In accordance with CA Government Code Sections 7596-7598 as amended by AB 846, smoking shall be prohibited in any public building (including fire stations and apparatus bays). Smoking may occur at outside areas 20 feet or more from any public building entrance, exit, or operable window. Smoking shall also be prohibited in all city vehicles and while dealing directly with the public.

How much notice do you need to give Batallion Chief if you will be absent due to illness?

In case of a member's inability to report for duty due to illness or injury, the member shall call and notify the appropriate on-duty Battalion Chief at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled duty time.

SOP in regards to staffing in the event of sudden absent of personnel from their crew?

In cases of sudden personal emergencies requiring a member to be absent from his/her crew, the battalion chief will be notified immediately. The battalion chief will ensure a replacement is located (through hiring or temporary transfer of personnel from another station). The battalion chief will have the discretion to place the unit out of services or to continue to operate the unit with less than the minimum staffing until the replacement arrives. In no cases shall an engine or truck company be permitted to operate in-service with less than two members.

Whats the minimum staffing requirements for the Truck, brush engine and squad?

In-service engine, brush, and truck companies will be staffed with a minimum of three personnel. In-service squad companies will be staffed with a minimum of two persons. Any deviation to operate with less than the assigned crewmembers or with less than the unit's minimum staffing, must first be approved by the battalion chief.

SOP in regards to facial hair?

It is the responsibility of each employee to insure that facial hair will not interfere with the proper seal of the face mask of emergency equipment. Safety members shall be clean shaven while on duty

How many times can you be late before disciplinary action can be taken?

Members late or absent two or more times in a 12 month period, commencing from the first late occurrence will be subject to discipline, in accordance with City and Department policy.

Can you use/sell fire department issued equipment?

Members shall not loan, give away, sell or in any way dispose of any property belonging to the Department and/or City. Further, members shall not use for personal reason, any departmental and/or City material or equipment.

when injured on the job when do you sign a liability waiver?

Members who receive injuries while in the performance of their duty shall not sign any release from liability without first obtaining permission from the Chief of the Department.

Displaying the Mourning Flag?

Mourning Flag: At the discretion of the Fire Chief, or designee, the Mourning Flag may be displayed. This allows the City of Riverside Fire Department to display a Mourning Flag in front of all City of Riverside Fire Stations in the event of a firefighter in the line of duty death and/or the passing of a member of the RFD during active duty or retirement. The Mourning Flag will be displayed upon notification of the death and will remain displayed until 1700 hours, the day of the funeral. The Company Officer will be responsible for the proper display of the mourning flag and its respectful care when not in use.

SOP in regards to mustaches and sideburns?

Mustaches must leave a clean area two (2) fingers in width between sideburns and mustache. Mustaches, if grown down around the end of the mouth, may not extend more than one-half (1/2") inch below the corner of the mouth. The lower lip shall be visible at all times. Sideburns shall not extend more than one (1") inch below the ear lobe. They shall be carefully trimmed so as not to exceed one-half (1/2") inch in thickness outward from the temples. Sideburns shall not flair at the base to exceed one and one-half (1 1⁄2") inch in width. Sideburns shall be trimmed along the base in a horizontal line. No "mutton chops" will be permitted. Beards and Goatees are not permitted.

Proper etiquette during the national anthem?

National Anthem: During the rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present, except those in uniform, should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men should remove their hats with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder with their hand over the heart. Uniformed fire personnel (Class A or B uniform) should remain silent, face toward the music and provide a military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note.

How should other flags be displayed along with the american flag?

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America.

How should international flags and the UN flag be displayed with the American Flag?

No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence of honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any territory or possession.

Proper etiquette during the flag presented in a parade?

Parade: When the flag is passing in parade, being hoisted or lowered, all present should face it, stand at attention and salute accordingly. Firefighters in uniform (Class A or B) should render the military salute. People not in uniform and men not wearing hats place their right hands over their hearts. Men wearing hats should remove them and hold them at the left shoulder with the right hand over their heart.

SOP in regards to personal Cleanliness?

Personal Cleanliness 1. All employees shall keep themselves clean and in a presentable manner. Personal hygiene includes a regular bath/shower, use of deodorant and appropriate oral hygiene. 2. Strong odors caused by perfumes, scented hair sprays, and aftershave lotions can be offensive and are to be used in moderation out of concern for the comfort of others.

SOP in regards to jewelry on teeth?

Personnel are not allowed to use gold, platinum, or other veneers or caps on their teeth for the purposes of ornamentation unless prescribed by a dentist as necessary dental work. Teeth, whether natural, capped, or veneer, will not be decorated with designs, jewels, initials, etc.

Who do you call and how far in advance should you call if you are sick and unable to work?

Personnel calling in sick will be required to call their respective on-duty Battalion Chief at least 45 minutes prior to his/her scheduled duty time. In the event the Battalion Chief is out of the office, it will be necessary to leave a message on the answering machine and call the opposite on-duty Battalion Chief as back up.

Can family or station visitors ride on any apparatus?

Persons not connected with the Fire Department shall not be permitted to ride on apparatus without express permission of the Chief of the Department or his representative.

when can a probationary use time exchange or work overtime?

Probationary firefighters may work a time exchange upon: a. Successful completion of the six (6) month probationary tests, or a satisfactory three (3) month performance evaluation, and the recommendation from their Captain and Battalion Chief.

How can an employee be entered into an employee assistance program?

Referral by supervisor or self-refferal.

What are the responsibilities of "A" division Battalion chiefs and captains?

The "A" Division Battalion Chiefs shall be overall responsible for the maintenance of the buildings and grounds of all fire stations and for the maintenance of minor equipment assigned to the stations or carried on fire apparatus. The "A" Division Captains shall coordinate the above maintenance assignment of their respective stations and make appropriate recommendations to their Battalion Chief for implementation of the program. They shall also make budget recommendations annually to accomplish this area of responsibility.

What are "B" Division Batallion chiefs in charge of?

The "B" Division Battalion Chiefs shall be overall responsible for all map updating, including recommendations for fire hydrant coverage to the Operations Chief. He/she shall keep the Pre-fire Plan books updated, be responsible for the station inventory of asset items, and insure that all inventories are correct, both in the station and on the fire apparatus.

What are "B" division Captains in charge of?

The "B" Division Captains shall be responsible, in their respective stations, for map updating and making recommendations on water supply and response district boundaries. They shall also be responsible that all memos, orders, directives, changes in SOPs, job sheets, information sheets, etc. are initialed by all station officers and entered in the appropriate manual or file. Timely maintenance of the records and files shall be their responsibility.

What are "C" division Batallion Chiefs in charge of?

The "C" Division Battalion Chiefs shall be responsible for the Operations Division's budget preparation and control, which shall include on-site review of all station requests and a priority listing of the same. He/she shall also be overall responsible for stocking and maintaining the Operations Division stockrooms, from which minor items are issued.

What are "C" division Capatains in charge of?

The "C" Division Captains shall be responsible, in each station, for the station supplies and budget recommendations for their station. They shall also be responsible for the station library inventory and its maintenance.

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