Robotics Final Exam

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A rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals but also robots!


What is the name for information sent from robot sensors to robot controllers?


What is the typical English unit used to measure or to indicate an amount of work accomplished?

Foot Pounds

The point where a lever pivots (also the point on the lever where the effort arm becomes the resistance arm) is called the ______________ .


What does HTML and CSS stand for?

HyperText Markup Language, and Cascading Style Sheets.

What is the term that refers to the rotational motion of a robot arm?


How do you power a breadboard?

Link the positive and negative ports of a battery to the desired row of the breadboard.

In a computer program, especially those used to control robots, what is the name for a sequence of steps that might be repeated over and over again?


Which of the following describes the a use of technology or machinery, specifically involving gases?


A wheel on an axle with a rope or a cord around the wheel is what type of simple machine?


Which LEED is anode and cathode?

Red or positive Leed is the anode / black or negative Leed is the cathode

What is used to reduce current flow from a battery?


What does rpm stand for?

Revolutions per minute

What is Azimov's first and most important "law of robotics"?

Robots must never take actions harmful to humans

A knife blade, the tip of a thumb tack and a nail are all examples of which simple machine?


A door knob is an example of which simple machine?

Wheel and Axle

What is the term that refers to the left - right motion of a robot arm?


How do you group objects in TinkerCad?

You highlight opposed objects and press Ctrl+G

What are the 3 axis of a robot?

x,y, and z plane

How long is 1,000 milliseconds?

1 second

In Robotics, what is meant by an Android?

A robot with a human like appearance

The study of mechanical systems that function like living organisms or parts of living organisms, is called?


When creating a circuit in Tinker Cad, how do you light up an LED without blowing it up?

Connect a battery with a resistor between the LED and the battery.

DC current is?

Direct current (DC) is the unidirectional flow of an electric charge.

The wire that guides energy back to the battery is always connected to the.

Ground port or GND port.

Which of the following describes the a use of technology or machinery, specifically involving liquids?


Who created Tinkercad-

It was created by a former Google engineer Kai Backman.

What happens if a DC LED is ran (hooked up) backwards?

It will not work because the current can only run one way.

In TinkerCad does the color of the wire change what its function?


What type of screwdriver would you use for a t-crossed embedded screw?

Phillips Screwdriver

What is the term that refers to the up - down motion of a robot arm?


When coding how do you make side notes without affecting the codes functions?

Place "//" before you type the side note.

When creating a 3D drawing in Tinker Cad, how do you copy and paste an object?

Select the object and click ctrl c to copy and ctrl v to paste.

What is a microcontroller?

Small programmable chip holding memory and a processor

What was the first code ever written?

The first programming language for a computer was Plankalkül.

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