Romans Lesson 1

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Effects of Romes location relative to river

-. People used the river to move goods easily between northern and southern Italy. -Merchants could also ship their goods out to the Mediterranean Sea using the river. -In addition, Rome was far enough up the Tiber River to escape raids by sea-going pirate -

Republic in rome

-A republic is a form of government in which citizens elect their leaders. -The creation of a republic began a new era in Rome's history. -When Rome became a republic, it was still a small city.

The settlement of two groups of people in Italy (800BC)

-After 800 B.C., other groups moved into the region where the Romans lived. -Two of these groups, the Greeks and the Etruscans (ih • TRUHS • kuhnz),would greatly influence Roman civilization.

Content of the History of Rome(Romulus and Remus)

-After they were born, they were left beside the Tiber River. -A female wolf discovered the boys and cared for them. - A shepherd and his wife found and raised the twins.

The founding of Rome (The History of Rome)

-Another legend describes the founding of Rome much differently -Another legend describes the founding of Rome much differently. This tale involves twin brothers, Romulus (RAHM• yuh• luhs) and Remus (REE• muhs

The Apennines

-Another mountain range in Italy is the Apennines -These mountains extend from north to south

The efficiency of the standard in battle

-Because the standard could be seen above the action, it showed soldiers where they were supposed to be on the battlefield.

Early people to settle in Italy(Latins)

-Between 2000 b.c. and 1000 b.c., other groups of people settled permanently in the hills and on the plains. -Latin-speaking people, called Latins, settled on the plain of Latium (LAY• shee• uhm) in central Italy.

Results of conflict with these groups of people

-By 267 B.C., Rome controlled almost all of Italy.

Occupations of the Etruscans(arts and painters)

-Etruscan artists covered the walls of tombs with colorful paintings. -They painted men and women feasting, dancing, and playing music -Some wall paintings also displayed violent battle scenes -These images showed that the Etruscans were proud of their powerful army.

Estrucan influence on the Romans (military)

-Finally, the Etruscan army served as the model for the mighty army that the Romans would later create.

Greek influence on Italy

-From about 750 b.c. to 500 b.c., Greeks settled in farming villages in southern Italy. -The Greeks introduced grape and olive farming to the region. -The Greeks also passed on the Greek alphabet to the Romans -Later, the Romans would model their buildings, sculpture, and literature after those of the Greeks.

Greeks culture

-Greeks culture did not die when Greece's power declined -Parts of it were adapted and used by the Romans -

Content of the Aeneid

-He described what took place after the Greeks captured the city of Troy. -First, the Trojan Aeneas (ih• NEE• uhs) and his soldiers escaped from Troy to find a new homeland. -The Trojans settled in Italy and waged war -Then Aeneas married a local king's daughter -Their marriage united the Trojans with a group of Latin-speaking people who lived in this region. -Because of this, Aeneas is known as the "father" of the Roman

Early people who settled in Italy(Neolithic people)

-Historically, little is known about the first people to settle in Italy. -Archaeological artifacts (AHR• tih• fakts) suggest that Neolithic people might have settled in Italy as early as 5000 b.c. -These early groups built farming villages but moved after they had used up the nutrients in the soil.

Evidence of effective roman rule

-In addition to having a strong army, the Romans ruled effectively -After they conquered a region, they built permanent military outposts to protect it.

The impact of Italy mountains

-In addition, people and goods moved with little difficulty through passes in Italy's rugged mountains. -These mountain passes also linked settlements together.

Romans adoption of Greek army characteristics but soon developed their own battle strategies

-In the early days of the republic, the Romans fought like the Greeks. -Rows of soldiers moved in a single large group.(Greeks) -They attacked from only one direction

Roman conflict with other groups of people

-It was also still surrounded by different groups of people. -These groups included Etruscans, Greeks, and other Latins. -Over the next 200 years, the Romans fought many wars against these neighbors

Italy geographical features

-Italy has a sunny, mild climate and fertile farmland. -Its mountain slopes level off to large flat plains that are ideal for growing crops -With the ability to grow plenty of food, Italy could support a large population.

Location of Italy

-Italy is centrally located in the Mediterranean region -People can easily travel to it from Africa, Asia, and Europe.

The development of the Romans(Group of Latins)

-One group of Latins built straw-roofed huts on Rome's hills -They tended animals and grew crops. -This settlement, which occurred (uh• KUHRD) between 800 b.c. and 700 b.c., marks the birth of Rome -The people living there became known as Romans.


-One legend about the founding of Rome is contained in The Aeneid (ih• NEE• ihd), written by the Roman poet Virgil.

Occupation of Etruscans(artisans and goods)

-Other Etruscans devoted themselves to the study of the arts -Skilled Etruscan artisans worked with copper, iron, lead, and tin. -They turned these metals into weapons, tools, and jewelry.

The allies of Rome and regulations of allies

-Other conquered peoples became allies, or friends, of Rome -As allies, they paid Roman taxes. -In addition, they were required to supply soldiers to fight for Rome -Allies, however, were free to manage their own local affairs.

Roman alter Greek way of fighting

-Roman generals realized that this way of fighting was slow and hard to control -They reorganized their soldiers into smaller groups, called legions -Each legion had about 6,000 men. -A legion was further divided into groups of 60 to 120 soldiers -These smaller groups could move quickly around the battlefield to wherever they were most needed.

Tools and weapons of the Roman armies

-Roman soldiers were also well armed -Most soldiers carried a short, double-edged iron sword called a gladius and an iron spear called a pilum -Each of the small groups in a legion carried its own standard into battle. -The standard was a tall pole topped with a symbol, such as an eagle.

Rome location relative to river

-Rome was founded about 15 miles (24 km) up the Tiber (TY• buhr) River from the Mediterranean Sea. -

Romes steep hills

-Rome's location across seven steep hills made it easy to defend against enemy attacks.

Legeds about how Rome began

-Several different legends describe how Rome began. -These legends include Aeneid

Estrucan developments and influence the Romans(religions)

-The Etruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans.

Etruscan influence and development of goods that influenced the Romans(architecture)

-The Etruscans taught the Romans to build with brick and to roof their homes with tiles -They drained the water from marshes that lay between Rome's hills. -They laid out city streets.

Ruling under the Etruscans

-The Etruscans were ruled by nobles, who grew wealthy from trade and mining

The development of Roman republic due to army(characteristics of Roman army)

-The Roman Republic was able to acquire land because of its strong army and control almost all of Italy -During the early years of the republic, every male citizen who owned land had to serve in the army. -Roman soldiers were well trained, and deserters were punished by death. -This strict discipline ensured soldiers stayed loyal to Rome

Roman loathe of the Etruscans and establishment of republic

-The Romans greatly benefited from the contributions of the Etruscans. -However, they grew weary of Etruscan rulers. -According to Roman tradition, in 509 B.C., the Romans overthrew Tarquin the Proud, the Etruscan king, and established a republic

The Romans

-The Romans had been mostly isolated from the great civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean region -Over time they learned from these civilizations and used their new knowledge to build a vast and powerful empire -Roman rule extended throughout much of present day Europe,Africa, and Asia

Italy/Italian Peninsula

-The Romans made their home on the Italian Peninsula. -This long, thin peninsula juts out from central Europe into the Mediterranean Sea. -On a map, Italy looks like a high-heeled boot.

The treatment of conquered people

-The Romans stressed the need to treat conquered people fairly -If conquered people were treated well, the Romans believed, the people would become loyal subjects.

Direction of the boot or italian peninsula(location of Italy)

-The boot's heel points to Greece. -The toe points to the island of Sicily -The Alps are like shoelaces that are strung across the top of the boot.

Rugged mountains Alps

-These rugged mountains separate Italy from northern Europe.(ALPS) -The Alps are like shoelaces that are strung across the top of the boot.

The location of a conquered region and significance to the Romans

-These settlements were built at strategic locations, such as on a high hill or at a river crossing.

The connection of conquered lands and territory

-They also built roads between settlements. -As a result, troops and supplies could move quickly within the conquered lands.

Estrucan influence on the Romans (clothing)

-They even influenced the style of clothing that the Romans wore. - Roman men adopted the Etruscan fashion of wearing short cloaks and togas.

The Roman Confederation

-This system gave some conquered peoples, especially other Latins, full Roman citizenship. -They could vote and serve in the government of Rome. -They were treated the same as other citizens under the law.

What promoted the fair treatment of conquered people in Roman territory(Roman Confederation)

-To encourage fair treatment, the Romans created the Roman Confederation.

Italy volcanoes and earthquakes

-Volcanoes dot southern Italy's landscape. -Italy has long been affected by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The plans of the twins Remus and Romulus contradict each other in the development of Rome

-When the brothers grew up, they planned to build a city along the Tiber River. -However, the two boys argued about the construction of the city. Remus made fun of the walls that Romulus built. -The Roman historian Livy (LIH• vee) tells what happened next:

Overview of Roman empires prosperity

-With these policies, the Romans hoped to maintain the peace in their conquered lands. -If conquered peoples turned against Rome, its rulers were ready to crush any revolts. -Rome's generosity paid off. -The republic grew stronger and more unified.

The development of the Etruscans

The Etruscans had an even greater influence on Roman civilization. -The Etruscans settled north of Rome in Etruria -After 650 b.c., they moved south. -The Etruscans eventually (ee • VEN • choo • uh • lee) took control of Rome and its surrounding area.

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