Romeo and Juliet Notes; Act 1; William Shakespeare

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Name a play from Shakes. second period

A midsummer Night's Dream

"Take thou some new infection to thy eye, And the rank poison of the old will die

Benvolio to Romeo

"I do but keep thy peace, put up thy sword"

Benvolio to Tybalt

Who played women's roles?


What family are Sampson and Gregory in?


What family is Peter in?


Who was the seventeenth earl of Oxford?

Edward De Vere

Name a play from Shakes. third period

Hamlet and Macbeth

What were some of the sources of Shakespeare's plots?

Holinshed Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland

"It's an honor I dreamed not of"

Juliet to Lady Capulet

"My only love sprung from my only hate"

Juliet to Nurse

We know that Romeo is a Montague and that Juliet is a Capulet

Juliet to Nurse

When is Juliet's birthday?

July 31st

"How stand your disposition to be married?

Lady Capulet to Juliet

Who made Romeo and Juliet the subject of a novella?

Manteo Bandello

Who gives the Queen Mab speech?


Who are the people in Prince Escarus family?

Mercutio and Paris

True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain"

Mercutio to Romeo

When did Shakespeare marry Anne Hathaway?


shakespearean sonnet

3-four line unit then 2-two line unit

How many plays did Shakespeare write?


How many periods were they in Shakespeare's development?


how many years ago did Shakespeare write his plays?


How long ago did Shakespeare write about his plays?

400 yrs

What family is Balthasar and Abram in?


What family is Benvolio in?


What home did William Shakespeare purchased?

New Place

Who was the actor who performed shakespeare's leading tragic roles?

Richard Burbage

Name a play from Shakes. first period

The Taming of the Shrew, The two Gentleman of Verona

What was generally thought to be the last play Shakespeare wrote by himself?

The Tempest

What was the name of the first permanent theater?

The theatre

what was the name of the first permanent theater?

The theatre

What two characters are dramatic foil of each other?

Tybalt and Benvolio

"What,drawn and talk of peace,I hate the word!"

Tybalt to Benvolio

Where does the play take place?

Verona,Italy in the 1300's

What is Paris compared to?

a book without a cover(wife)


a conversation between characters


a great costumed festival at the country home of a noble


a long, uninterrupted speech spoken by a character in the presence of other characters

What is farce?

a play that makes fun of people using stereotypical situations and exaggerated characters


a short speech by an actor in a play expressing the characters thoughts-directed to the audience


a statement that appears contradictory or absurd but expresses a kind of truth


a story written to be performed by actors

What were plays divided into?


the people who lived in Shakespeare's time believed in...

astrology,the stars, and fate

When was Romeo and Juliet written?

between 1594 and 1596

What is the insulting gesture the servants use?

biting their thumbs

Lines of poetry are usually written in..

blank verse

What is unrhymed iambic pentameter called?

blank verse


combination of contradictory terms

What types if plays did Shakes. write in his second period?

comedies and histories

What are the two line unit in a poem called?


characters that highlight or bring out the personality traits of other characters

dramatic foil

We know that Romeo is a Montague and that Juliet is a Capulet

dramatic irony

Lines of poetry are either...

end-stopped or run-on

When does end rhyme occur?

ends of lines

Gregory and Sampson are both........characters


poorer, uneducated spectators


What is the pattern in a blank verse?

no rhyme at the end of words

stage directions

notes included in a drama to describe how the work is to be performed

What was Romeo dressed as?



play on words based on the different meanings that sound alike

What makes up 2 genres?

poetry and fiction

blank verse

poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter

Romeo and Juliet is written in...

prose and blank verse

What is R and J written in?

prose and blank verse

What are the four line units in a poem called?


Romeo and Mercutio and Benvelio are all.......characters


What was juliet dressed as?


what were acts divided into?


What period was romeo and Juliet written in?


Who wrote these plays

shakespeare or the seventeenth Earl of Oxford-Edward De Vere

What does Romeo compare love to?

smoke,fire,the sea, madness

Why is Capulet having a masque?

so that Paris and Juliet can meet

14-line lyric poem that is usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter


What are Romeo and Juliet called?

star-crossed lovers

Where did the KM mainly perform?

the Globe theater

What did the LC men evolve to?

the King's Men

From 1594 to 1603, Shakespeare was a member of.....

the Lord Chamberlain's Men


the central countyard where the groundlings stood

What is the chorus?

the prologue spoken by the chorus


the repetition of sounds at the ends of words

What did Elizabethans believe determined a person's fate?

the stars

Words Shakes. used are now archaic which means..

the words have disappeared from common use

What types of plays did Shakes. write in his fourth period?

three comedies and a history

What types if plays did Shakes. write in his third period?


What types of plays did Shakesp. write during the first period?

tragedy, comedy, history, and farce

"Examine other beauties"

Benvolio to Romeo

When was William Shakespeare born?

April 23, 1564

Romeo and Juliet is based on a long poem by..?

Arthur Brooke

Who is the peace maker?


"My life is my foe's debt"

Romeo to himself

"Oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright"

Romeo to himself

Who is Romeo in love with at the beginning of the story?


Where was William Shakespeare born?


What were the names of Shakespeare's children?

Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith

What was the most famous theater in England?

The Globe

What was the name of the theater Shakes. wrote for...

The Globe

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