RPF Exam October 2023- Short Answer(Key terms only)

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289) Under the Endangered Species Act (Federal), what is an "Evolutionary Significant Unit " (ESU)?)

Defined as a population that is substantially reproductively isolated from co-specific population and represents an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species. This term can apply to any species, subspecies, geographic race, or population.

172) In economic terms, the actual quantity of a commodity or service that buyers are willing to purchase in the market at a given price over a specified time period is called _____________________________________


8) List three (3) effects of sawtimber harvesting on forest carbon sequestration?

Depending on the type of silviculture treatment: 1. Carbon sequestration increases over time by reducing stand density, through thinning treatments, allows for increased stand growth and vigor. Bigger trees sequester more carbon. 2. Stored carbon is released when trees are cut. Deforestation is assumed to be responsible for 15% of the greenhouse gases which impacts carbon sequestration. 3. Carbon sequestration decreases when harvesting occurs since there are a reduced number of trees performing photosynthesis.

459) As used in Forest Engineering, what is an Interlocking Yarder?

Device that allows the main and haul-back drums to be operated together as a single unit to maintain running line tension.

269) An agreement between the Secretary of the Interior and either a private entity or another governmental agency, specifying the conservation that will be implemented in exchange for a permit that would allow the incidental taking of a threatened or endangered species is called a ________________________________ (Write out the entire answer, no acronyms).

Incidental take permit issued under a Habitat Conservation Plan

154) Define the term marginal revenue.

Increase in total revenue that occurs from selling one or more unit of goods or services.

381) What do the FPRs state the RPF must describe in a Fuelbreak/Defensible Space prescription?

The RPF shall describe in the plan specific vegetation and fuels treatment, including timing, to reduce fuels to meet the objectives of the Community Fuelbreak area.

392) What is Fuel Management?

The act or practice of controlling flammability and reducing resistance to control of wildland fuels through mechanical, chemical, biological, or manual means, or by fire in support of the land management.

136) Define Forest Carbon Stock.

The amount of carbon that has been sequestered from the atmosphere and is now stored within the forest ecosystem, mainly within living biomass and soil, and to a lesser extent in dead wood and litter.

178) In the economics of supply and demand, what is a Substitution Effect?

The decrease in demand for a product that can be attributed to consumers switching to cheaper alternatives when the product's price rises.

391) What is a WUI and how do they affect fuel and fire management options?

Wildland Urban Interface is the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development. It is the line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels. WUI areas may be especially vulnerable to wildfire damage, non-native pest infestations, and other natural resource disturbances.

171) How do the Forest Practice Rules define "economic feasibility"?

With regards to economic feasibility, the issue is whether the plan as revised could be conducted on a commercial basis within 5 years of submission of the plan and not solely on the basis of whether extra cost is required to carry out the alternatives.

77) Hydric (or hygric) is a term pertaining to a wet or moist climate. The term pertaining to an environment THAT is dry or has little moisture is ___________ and the term pertaining to an environment with a moderate supply of moisture is _______________.

Xeric Meic

132) An Ecosystem can generally be defined as:

A community or group of living organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment.

362) What is a growth/stand simulator? List three (3) specific mensurational or forest management uses for growth/stand simulators.

A computer program that estimates future stand conditions (yield) given current conditions in a specified management regime 1. Rotation age 2. Predicted harvest volume 3. Silvicultural direction OR 1) Demonstration of sustained yield to agencies. 2) Analyzing long term impacts of current silvicultural decisions 3) Estimating future potential yields for comparative analysis and land appraisals.

186) As discussed and diagramed in Technical Addendum # 5, define a Critical Dip.

A constructed dip or low point across a Logging Roads surface down grade from, or over a Logging Road Watercourse crossing that functions to prevent crossing overflow from draining down the road to minimize fill erosion.

23) List two (2) anthropogenic disturbance-recovery regimes that have affected western forests in the USA.

-Fire -Global Warming -Land use changes -Introduction of disease or invasive species -Past logging practices

169) Using forest economics as the sole criteria to determine when a project or transaction is economically feasible, what condition must be met?

-For something to be considered to be economically feasible it needs to have a net present value greater than 0. -Economic feasibility, the issue shall be whether the plan as revised could be conducted on a commercial basis within 5 year submission of the plan and not solely on the basis of whether extra cost is required to carry out the alternatives

230) List four (4) characteristics of fuels that affect the way fires burn and are important in prescribed fire management.

-Fuel moisture content -Fuel density -Fuel distribution -Fuel size

1) Describe the effect of increased carbon dioxide on forest growth.

-Increased atmospheric CO2 will result in the increase in overall forest productivity given sufficient sunlight, water and nutrients. -The other impacts of climate change can cause net negative effects, but the effect CO2 itself is positive on the rate of photosynthesis

2) List three (3) conditions that demonstrate forest sustainability (note this is not simply sustained yield).

-Maintaining biological diversity -Soil and water resource maintenance -Socio-economic benefits -Long term maintenance of carbon storage

21) What is forest succession?

-Orderly and predictable change in the dominant species of forest plants. -Occurs as one community of plant species replaces another. -Occurring in several stages, forest succession is a cyclical process which allows forests to develop.

420) Would the plantation of new forests compensate for tropical deforestation, Why?

-Reforestation with a plantation will not compensate for the loss of the ecological biodiversity. -Deforestation has changed weather patterns and degraded forest soil. Merely planting trees will not guarantee the tropical forest will recover its healthy ecosystems or restore degradation of soil resources. -Additionally the loss of older larger trees that once stored large amount of carbon dioxide would not be compensated by planting young trees unless the number of trees being replanted significantly outnumbers the tree harvested.

240) List four (4) environmental or topographic settings that are common locations of prehistoric archeological resources found on California timberlands.

-Ridges -Mid slope/flat benches -Stream confluences -Ecotones

68) For northern California, list three salmonids that have been placed on the Federally Threatened or Endangered list. Give either the common or scientific names. (Northern California is commonly defined as that geographic region north of the Tehachapi Mountains.)

-Steelhead -Coho Salmon -Chinook Salmon

22) How is biological diversity described or measured?

-The variety within and among life forms on a site, ecosystem, or landscape. -It is defined and measured as an attribute that has two components: richness and evenness. Richness = The number of groups of genetically or functionally related individuals. In most vegetation surveys, richness is expressed as the number of species and is usually called species richness. Evenness = Proportions of species or functional groups present on a site. The more equal species are in proportion to each other the greater the evenness of the site. A site with low evenness indicates that a few species dominate the site.

265) Utilization of forest biomass for bioenergy can benefit the people of California in several ways. List three major benefits.

-Utilizes non-merchantable forest by-products -Reduces fuel loading within the forest which decreases fire risk -Generates electricity using renewable resources

359) As used in Forest Management, what is Sustained Yield?

-Yield a forest can produce continuously at a given intensity of management. -The production of forest wood products without causing depletion through cyclical silvicultural management practices.

283) List four terms are used to define "taking" under the Federal Endangered Species Act?

-harass -harm -pursue -hunt -shoot -wound -kill -trap -capture -collect

126) How does Net Present Value change as interest rates change? How?

The higher the interest rate the lower the net present value and vice versa. This is because the future cash flows reduce in value if discounted at a higher rate. Therefore a lower rate is always more desirable.

94) List three (3) criteria that are used to determine the significance of an archeological site.

(a) Contains information needed to answer important scientific research questions. (b) Has a special and particular quality such as the oldest of its type or best available example of its type. (c) Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person. (d) Involves important research questions that historical research has shown can be answered only with archaeological methods. (e) Has significant cultural or religious importance to Native Americans as defined in 14 CCR § 895.1 (FPRs, Article 14. Definition pg. 20).

59) Describe the hydrologic cycle.

-Begins with evaporation of water from surface of the ocean -Vapor rises, condenses and forms into clouds -Moisture is transported around the globe -Returns to surface through precipitation -Soil infiltration and percolation -Ground water storage -Eventual return to oceans through run off.

205) List 2 situations which may occur during field variable plot cruising, when is it important to know the plot radius factor.

-Determining if a border tree is in or out the plot -If you're getting too many trees per unit and would like to change the BAF

72) List three (3) signs of Armillaria species (mellea) on commercial forest trees.

1. Crown thinning. Upper parts of the plant die. Sometimes suddenly during periods of hot dry weather, indicating failure of the root system; sometimes more gradually with branches dying back over several years 2. Chlorosis. Smaller, paler-than-average leaves Failure to flower or unusually heavy flowering followed by an unusually heavy crop of fruit (usually just before death) 3. Premature autumn color 4. Basal cracks. Cracking and bleeding of the bark at the base of the stem. If suitable conditions permit, mushrooms are produced in autumn from infected plant material 5.Fruiting bodies or mycelial fans

9) List three (3) results of intense forest wildfire on carbon stocks?

1. Extremely high carbon emissions in a short amount of time. 2. Decreases the number of plants available to sequester and store carbon in the short term. 3. Increasing the time frame for carbon stock to recover in the long term.

349) What are the three (3) primary stand management factors controlling the regeneration process (proportion of stand area regenerated per entry and number of gaps created) when utilizing Group Selection Silviculture?

1. Group size - ¼ acre to 2 ½ acres 2. Basal area - depending on districts 3. Openings greater than ¼ acre

11) List three (3) main sources of genetic diversity in forests?

1. Human impacts and management 2. Competition 3. Fire OR 1. Mutation 2. Natural selection 3. Gene flow

106) Name three types of road surface shape used to facilitate drainage.

1. Outsloping: outsloping the roads can help prevent concentrated surface runoff or ponding near unstable areas. 2.lnsloping: insloping in areas that have seeps or springs near watercourses can help ensure that the seep is contained in the ditch line. 3.Crowned roads surface.

92) List three (3) ecological roles of commercial hardwoods in California forests that are distinct from commercial conifers.

1. Provide food for various wildlife species (Acorns from oaks). 2. They provide habitat for wildlife species (cavities are used as nesting and denning sites). 3. Significant source of leaf litter (nutrient recycling and habitat for the forest floor.

128) Today, forest managers generally recognize that large woody debris (LWD) is important in influencing the biology and habitat values of streams in temperate ecosystems. List four biological and/or habitat functions of LWD in forested streams of California.

1. Provides cover for fish and other aquatic wildlife. Substrate for invertebrates, create complex habitat. 2. Provides nutrient input to the watercourse. 3. Decrease stream flow. 4. Creates pools that lower the temperature of the stream reduce the velocity and traps sediment. And creating stream structure.

7) List three (3) objectives of forest fuel treatments?

1. Reduce the intensity and size of wildfires by reducing overall fuel load and composition. 2. Influence species composition and increase species diversity. 3. Restore forests to their historical condition increasing fire resilience.

274) Of the following California legislative acts involving forestry, which one came first, in chronological order (date of passage): Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act, Forest Taxation Reform Act, Registered Professional Foresters Act? Circle the legislative act that is your answer.

1. Registered Professional Foresters Act (1972) 2. Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act (1973) 3. Forest taxation Reform Act (1976)

24) List four (4) general abiotic characteristics used to describe a forest stand.

1. Soil Type 2. Elevation 3. Aspect 4. % precipitation or moisture

103) The 1976 California Forest Taxation Reform Act made two principal changes in the timberland property taxation law. What were the two changes?

1.Taxes were changed from being based on the amount of standing timber to the standard rate for timber production zones. 2. Timber production zones were created as a way to base taxes

315) California is rich in natural resources. Of the 85 million acres classified as wildlands, about how many are commercial forest land?

17 million acres of commercial timberland

208) Define a bone-dry ton.

2000 lbs. of woody material at 0% moisture content.

196) In the diagram below, the angle Δ represents the horizontal angle a rear yarder guyline deviates from the skyline's axis of pull. (Assume other guylines are in place but are not shown.) This angle should not usually exceed how many degrees to be effective during yarding? ___________

50 degrees

213) In performing a Stocking Survey for a plantation area, you lay out a uniform grid as prescribed and sample 80 plots. What would be the minimum number of stocked plots needed to find the area in a stocked status, according to the CA forest practice rules?

55% is the law. 80x .55 = 44 plots

211) What is the radius of a 1/5-acre inventory plot? Round to the nearest tenth.

= 43560/5 = 8712 = 8712 = Pi (r2) Radius = 52.7 ft

25) Why is it not sufficient to manage for biological diversity at the stand level alone?

A forest stand is a small part of the larger forest ecosystem. Forest managers need to consider the cumulative impacts a stand will have on the larger forest ecosystem and benefits for all species that depend on the ecosystem. The stand level is too small to manage for genetic diversity and biological diversity.

220) In log scaling, describe what is meant by a "diagram rule".

A grid of potential board placement is placed over the butt of a log to approximate recovery.

180) As used in Forest Economics, define Elasticity.

A measure of the percentage change in one variable (i.e. quantity demanded) brought about by change in another variable (i.e. price) Some products (i.e timber) are more elastic than others (pulp and paper).

146) A stream that derives most or all of its nutrient energy source from such things as terrestrial insect drop and litter-fall from terrestrial vegetation is described as an ______________________ type of stream?


351) A stream that derives most or all of its nutrient energy source from such things as terrestrial insect drop and litter-fall from terrestrial vegetation is described as an:

Allochthonous stream

357) Briefly describe what is meant by the term "adaptive management" as it applies to forest management.

An approach to forest management in which efforts, treatments and decisions are constantly monitored and used, along with research results, to modify management on a continuing basis to ensure that objectives are being meet.

47) What is a climax forest?

An ecological community dominated by trees that represents the ending stage of forest succession for its locality.

218) List four parameters commonly used in growth and yield models?

Basal area Site index Mean diameter Total tree height Age

70) What California law requires forest practice regulations to address archeological resources?


61) In a forest stand, the trees that form the general level of the forest canopy and receive full light from above, but comparatively little from the sides are silviculturally classed as __________________________________________________________________


382) What is a Community Fuelbreak area?

Community fuel break means a shaded fuelbreak approved by a public fire agency as part of a fire prevention plan for fire protection, ignition management, pre-fire management or other fire defense improvements.

292) List three of the key elements characterizing Defensible Space in the BOF General Guidelines for Creating Defensible Space.

Creation of defensible space through vegetation management usually means -reducing the amount of fuel around the building or structure, -providing separation between fuels, and or -reshaping retained fuels by trimming. Defensible space can be created by removing dead vegetation, separating fuels, and pruning lower limbs.

377) While working in the forest you take a rest beneath a grove of Black oak trees above a small spring. While evaluating the nearly flat terrain as a potential landing site you notice a cluster of shallow two to three meter wide roundish depressions in the ground. While still covered with litter and debris you suspect they might once have been: ____________ __________

Cultural depressions

162) A nonmonetary and rarely calculable toll on society arising from any form of economic activity is termed a____________________________________


156) List two (2) types of fixed costs and two (2) types of variable costs generally incurred by Licensed Timber Operators in harvesting operations.

Fixed= Equipment rental costs, contractors insurance. Interest, taxes Variable= labor and gas/oil for machinery

63) The Forest Practice Rules and regulations define "functional wildlife habitat" as having three basic features. List these three features ___________________________, ________________________, __________________________________________.

Functional Wildlife Habitat means vegetative structure and composition which function to provide essential characteristics for 1. Function(al) 2. Composition 3. Structure

176) As used in Forest Economics, what is a Supply Curve?

Graphically represents the relationship between product price and quantity of product that a seller is willing and able to supply. Product price is measured on the vertical axis of the graph and quantity of product supplied on the horizontal axis.

297) The marking of the most commercially valuable trees for cutting under an individual tree marking regime is normally termed:

High grading

144) Describe the difference between litter and humus.

Litter is organic matter that is in the early stages of decomposition Humus is dark organic matter at the latter stages of decomposition and lacks any remaining structure of its parent organism.

90) According to the California Forest Practice Regulations (FPR), the area on which timber operations are being conducted as shown on the map accompanying the Timber Harvesting Plan, and within 100 feet, as measured on the surface of the ground, from the edge of the traveled surface of appurtenant roads owned or controlled by the timberland owner, timber operator or timber owner, and being used during the harvesting of the particular area, is called the a. ______________________________________________________________________

Logging Area.

157) As utilized to support forest management decisions, what is Linear programming.

Mathematical model for representing a decision problem characterized by a set of decision variables representing the system component that is to be maximized or minimized (e.g harvesting volume, present net value, sediment pollution and cost).

19) Many forest management decision models (usually computer software aided) are commonly utilized to support forest management decisions. Briefly describe the most common method: Linear programming.

Mathematical model for representing a decision problem characterized by a set of decision variables representing the system component that is to be maximized or minimized (e.g harvesting volume, present net value, sediment pollution and cost).

271) When explaining and justifying a proposed alternative practice, what does justification mean?

Means reasoning and explanation of why the alternative practice is the best course of action in lieu of standard methods and why the standard methods were inefficient or not feasible.

341) A Channel Migration Zone is recognized as being a riparian feature, particularly along fish bearing watercourses, which may contribute to the long term functions of riparian habitat. Define a Channel Migration Zone.

Means the area where the main channel of a watercourse can reasonably be expected to shift position on its floodplain laterally through avulsion or lateral erosion during the period of time required to grow forest trees from the sur rounding area to a mature size, except as modified by a permanent levee or dike.

93) In the FPRs, what are Decadent and Deformed Trees of Value to Wildlife?

Means trees, either conifers or hardwoods, that are not countable per PRC§ 4528 but which exhibit characteristics of substantial value to wildlife including but not Iimited to, such features as broken tops, dead tops, forked tops, nests, mistletoe clumps, substantial decay and cavities.

462) Define the following Financial decision method used for Forest Management Decisions: Present Net Value (PNV).

Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time. NPV is used in capital budgeting and investment planning to analyze the profitability of a projected investment or project.

78) If one subtracts the present value of costs from the present value of benefits, the residual is called_________________________________________________

Net present value.

267) There are multiple permit options available for fuel hazard reduction on private and state-owned lands. Under the "La Malfa" Forest Fire Prevention Exemption (CCR 1038(i)), what is the acreage limit that may be treated? _____________.

Not to exceed 300 acres.

177) As used in Forest Economics, what is Economic Fire Protection Theory?

Objective of fire protection is to minimize the total costs. (i.e. the sum of the costs of the fire prevention, fire pre-suppression, fire detection, fire suppression, and net fire damage or benefits).

161) Define the following Financial decision method used for Forest Management Decisions: Internal Rate of Return (IRR).

The metric used in financial analysis to estimate the profitability of potential investments. It is a discounted rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows equal to zero in a cash flow analysis.

290) What two criteria in the Endangered Species Act (1976) qualify a species to be listed as an Endangered Species?

One or more of the following can qualify a species for listing: 1.The present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range 2. over utilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes 3. The species is threatened by disease or predation 4. Do current regulations or legislation inadequately protect the species 5. Are there other man-made factors threating the long-term survival of the species.

142) Define the term "estimated 100-year flood flow".

Peak estimated flows of a storm that has 1 percent chance of occurring. Likewise, the term "100-year storm" is used to define a rainfall event that statistically has this same 1-percent chance of occurring.

141) The abiotic parts of an ecosystem can generally be defined as:

Pertaining to the non-living parts of an ecosystem, such as soil particles, bed rock, air, and water.

187) Define Avulsion as used in fluvial geomorphology.

Rapid abandonment of a river channel in favor of a new river channel.

121) Name two instruments which are commonly used in variable plot cruising to determine if a tree is to be counted or not counted?

Relaskop Prism

384) Anthropogenic effects on global climate include cultural practices associated with agriculture and livestock, clearing and burning of forests, and burning fossil fuels each of which in turn elevate carbon dioxide and methane far above natural levels. Describe the effect of increased carbon dioxide on forest growth.

Some current climate models expect forests to continue to act as a carbon sink through this century, with high temperatures and concentrations of CO2 thought to stimulate tree growth and so help them absorb more carbon as they mature quicker. The high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere aids photosynthesis which in turn contributes to increased plant growth. But some studies, have warned that this faster growth was also linked to trees dying younger - suggesting increases in the role of forests as carbon storage may be "short lived".

455) In Forest Economics, what is an Equilibrium State?

State in the market-based economy in which economic forces, such as supply and demand, are balanced.

168) Define ad valorem tax and give an example of a forest asset taxed in this manner in California.

Tax that is proportional to the value of the underlying asset. Example = the annual tax assessed on the basis of land value.

50) What is forest duff?

The partially decomposed organic material of the forest floor beneath the litter of freshly fallen twigs needles and leaves. The "O" horizon.

20) Briefly describe the basic decision-making process used in forest management planning.

The questions below will need to be answered in the decision-making process for forest management planning. -What are the long-term goals? -What type of silviculture is desired (even aged vs un-even aged). -What is the desired use of the roads? -What are the current environmental problems that need to be addressed (Fire, pests, diseases)? -What is the current status of the stand? -Are there archeological resources that need to be protected? -Are there endangered species that will need to be protected?

155) Define the following Financial decision method used for Forest Management Decisions: Benefit Cost ratio (B/C).

The ratio obtained by dividing the anticipated benefits of a project by its anticipated cost ( or realized benefits by cost) to obtain a measure of expected ( or realized) benefits per unit cost.

295) Consider two California Commercial Conifer stands, both similar in most respects (site, topography, species, successful planting origin, fire and pest effects, etc.), and approaching typical rotation age. One stand was thinned from below 35 Years ago (biomass) and 15 years ago (commercial thin). The other stand had no intermediate treatments. Which stand will have the greater standing cubic volume of wood?

The stand that has been left alone with no intermediate treatments will have greater standing cubic volume. The thinned stand would have greater merchantable volume because we have grown and manipulated the stand to display those characteristics. Cubic volume can mean just standing wood but not necessarily merchantable wood.

135) Define Carbon Sequestration.

The uptake and storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis into permanent plant tissue.

10) What is biological diversity?

The variety of life forms in a given area. Diversity can be categorized in terms of the number of species, the variety in the area's plant and animal communities, the genetic variability of the animals, or combination of these elements.

435) As used in Forest Protection, what is a conk?

The visible fruiting body of a wood destroying fungus which projects to some degree beyond the substrate. Produced on stems of living and dead trees usually at knotholes, base of dead branches or where injuries extend deeply into the wood. They can indicate fungal diseases such as canker rot or butt rot.

325) According to the CDFFP guidance concerning large old trees, what is the smallest stand size area that must be disclosed in a THP when large old trees are present and of potential significant adverse impacts pertaining to large old trees may occur?

There is no minimum stand size that is needed to be disclosed. If there is potential for significant adverse impacts, the present of large old trees needs to be disclosed. Late succession forest stand type needs to be at least 10 acres in size.

245) What is Annosus root rot?

This disease, caused by Heterobasidion annosum (syn. Fornes annosus), can result in root rot, butt rot, reduced growth, and mortality of host trees. Partial cuts in conifer stands greatly increase the incidence of this disease, especially when environmental conditions are conducive to disease development.

299) According to the FPR, which silvicultural method is used to develop an uneven-aged stand from a stand that currently has an unbalanced irregular or even-aged structure. This method is used no more than twice to increase stocking and improve the balance of age classes so as to allow the residual stand to be managed by selection or group selection.


217) For a GPS unit suitable for Forestry Purposes (e.g. Resource Grade unit), list two commonly used coordinate systems a point could be recorded in for GIS or GPS use?

UTM Latitude and longitude

160) Define the economic term "Externality".

Unintended consequence of an economic decision that has an effect on an unrelated party. Example pollution.

421) Do trees ever give off carbon dioxide? If so, when?

When forests are cut down or burned, not only does carbon absorption cease, but also the carbon stored in the trees is released into the atmosphere as CO2 if the wood is burned or even if it is left to rot after the deforestation process.

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