rtv3007 exam 2

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What is compression and what are some of the digital compression standards

to strip nonessential information. Compression refers to how information is stored - reducing the size of a file of info by breaking it down so it is more manageable and can be stored or transmitted) The standards of compression are the filing of binary signals encrypted in algorithms that aid in condensing them. (JPEG, MPEG etc...)

What are the characteristics of the geostationary orbit?

22,300 Mile Orbit Orbital Belt ("Clarke Belt") above equator "Fixed" location allows for a reliable signal which makes it important

What are some of the challenges presented by cable architecture?

"Capital Intensive"- requires a lot of money Use of Public Rights-of-way Service Interruptions/Customer Service

How much bandwidth does a TV broadcaster have to work with?

(in the US a tv broadcaster has 6 MHz) (TV has 6 MHz bandwidth) (FM = 200 KHz, 30 FM stations = 1 TV station) ( AM = 10 KHz, 600 AM stations = 1 TV station) (SDTV = 1 - 1.5 MHz, HDTV = 4 -6 MHZ) the older the technology the smaller the bandwidth

What are examples of mechanical transduction? What are examples of electronic transduction?

- Mechanical: microphones, phonograph records, and tape recorders (analog system, 1:1 copy system) traditional motion pictures record visual info on a piece of plastic that is in motion - Electronic: CDs, DVDs, and computer files

Why is the DTV standard in the U.S. considered a flexible approach?

- interlaced or progressive, 720 p, 1080 p etc. , must have different cameras and receivers who can transmit all these different signals -All equipment is required to have different options of viewing and programming to transmit different signals, which is not how it used to be in the past

E-commerce Sites

-Amazon.com -eBay -AuctionWeb -Pets.com

What is a cycle of a radio wave?

-An electromagnetic wave. -When the wave starts at one point and arrives back at that point again. -(cycles/sec - "hertz" ---> which is how you measure frequency)

What are the different types of online video?

-Commercial video sites- netflix hulu -video sharing sites- youtube -Corporate video sites- training videos -microcasting sites- (skype) family get together you set-up your own get together, funeral

Internet impact on marketing

-Cross-promotion is now a common advertising tool -Programming is now on TV and Web sites -Apps coordinate promotions between traditional media and the Internet via mobile devices

How does sampling work with digital technology?

-Digital allows for Multiplexing -Digital TV is described by the process of sampling characteristics/info of TV in periodic intervals, quantify that info, record for storage/retrieval. With digital TV, the more samples you have, more fidelity you have aka (higher sampling rate= better fidelity)

Internet impact on entertainment

-Has made it easier to download programming -More time online means less time watching TV -The Internet is the 2nd most popular source of entertainment, behind TV -Social networking sites: 60-70% consider them entertainment -"Surfing the Web" is a national pastime -Video-sharing sites: we are supplying the entertainment(youtube/homemade vids) -Video games

What are the three elements in cable system architecture?

-Head-end- central authority -Distribution- how it gets to you -Home Electronic

What is the difference between network O&O, affiliate and independent stations?

-Network Owned & Operated are the most profitable, steady supply of programming, high profile for advertisers, typically the local news leaders in their marketplace -Affiliates: contractual agreements with major networks, but not owned by them, 2nd most profitable -independent: Do not align themselves with a major network, are vanishing, have to develop programming for the entire broadcast day

How are networks different from local affiliates and local stations?

-Network Television develops programs and distributes them to be shown by local affiliates. Sells time within the programming. -Local Television Stations schedule programs when networks do not program. Local news, syndicated shows and network reruns are staple programming.

What are the different types of online radio stations?

-Online stations that are affiliated with a broadcast station ex. http://www.hot995.com/main.html -Aggregators ex. TuneIn and IHEARTRADIO -choice-based sites- spotify/groove shark -format-specific, internet-only stations- pandora -know that most of online radio monetization comes from selling advertisements(hint: pandora ads)

How has online video content been monetized?

-Online video sites make money from 1. advertising 2. subscription fees 3. a combination of the two -Advertising dollars have been slow to materialize BC: -There are a lot of web sites where advertisers can place ads -it's difficult for an advertiser to know how many people actually see an ad that appears on an online video -there's less control on when and where an ad appears

What does the headend do in terms of receiving and processing signals?

-Processes and amplifies signals -Transmits signals to the system ("Downstream") -Receives Signals from subscribers ("Upstream") -Receives signals from various sources o Off-air television stations o Microwave transmissions o Satellite Transmissions -where the signals from the satellites are received, receive programming from satellites out in space, receive local stations from here in gville, sends out info/ content to consumers

How satellites impacted television?

-Removed Landline Network Bottleneck -New Services Made Cable Attractive -More Ad Hoc and Syndication Networks -Greater Capability -Sports -Live Entertainment -Satellite News Gathering and News Consortia -More Station News Programming -Less Affiliate Reliance on Network Newsfeeds -Redefined "local" coverage from anywhere in the world

How does mobile telephone service work?

-System based on a grid of geographic service areas or "cells" -Each cell is centered around a tower -Towers automatically switch signals from tower to tower as users move through grid -Ideal grid size: four miles -Call initiated when user punches in contact number -Information sent via microwave frequency to nearest tower -Tower contacts receiving phone number -Dialed phone receives information -Receiver converts electromagnetic impulses back into sound waves

Internet impact on news

-The Internet is now a significant competitor to traditional news media -More than 60% of American get their news online -Increased competition has resulted in declining audiences for traditional news -Social media has become part of the news reporting landscape -More reliance on "citizen reporters"

What is a cell?

-Wireless two way radio communications -Cell Phones use radio frequencies to send and receive information -A cell is a designated area that is shaped like a hexagon, where each space has its own frequency so that signals on cell phones can be passed from one to another- a carrier is given about 800 frequencies per city, and they are divided among the cells. geographic range of a microwave tower- about a 4 mile radius where they can communicate with you on your cell phone or with other towers

Why does broadband throughput (speed) matter for the downloading video clips?

-better technology and increased download speeds resulted in increased popularity of online services -this question is obvious- no one likes slow downloads and buffering

Internet impact on the music industry

-file-sharing programs -downloading of music -Apple's iPod 2001 -Resurgence of Apple -Sales of CDs dropped about 35% from 2007 to 2010 -Digital downloads increased by 46% for the same period

What is the threshold of pain ?

135 decibels, in terms of energy

What are the advantages of non-linear editing?

Allows film editors great speed and flexibility, edit out of sequence, add and delete things at will, make a mistake its nondestructive, you don't have to start over, different people work on different sections, superior storage capability

The organizational structure of TV stations

1. Sales 2. Engineering 3. Business 4. Programming 5. News

When did the FCC authorize the first commercial cellular service in the USA?


ATSC (Advanced Television Standards Committee)

1997 Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) digital standards are adopted by the FCC • 720 & 1080 Lines: HDTV • progressive scanning

What is the NTSC scanning rate?


What is a "star" pattern cable distribution system?

A pattern of a cable system in a star shape → comes out of multiple radii from a head end - From the discreet points the signal is amplified and comes all the way to your house -Replaced tree and branch in 1990's and uses hybrid fiber/coaxial methods to produce signal.

Why is FM superior to AM in sound quality?

AM radio subject to static interference and limited frequency response

What do amplifiers do in a cable distribution system?

Amplifiers strengthen a signal so that it is strong enough to travel long distances.

What does satellite radio offer to customers? Is this entire programming commercial free?

Commercial-free and commercial, 100-plus channels

What are the advantages of LCD & LED televisions?

Improved resolution and color and Flat screen

What is a satellite footprint?

Coverage Area of a Transponder, fixed prior to launch

What is the function of a switcher?

Device used to switch from one video signal to another. Can also be used to combine more than one video signal.

What is the difference between Dynamic and Condenser microphones?

Dynamic: a diaphragm is suspended over an electromagnet. Dynamic (moving coil) has a moving coil in the diaphragm that creates electromagnetic energy when exposed to sounds, more rugged and adaptable because of the coil, for ex. on a football field, somewhere with a lot of sound Condenser: uses an electrical device known as a capacitor to produce electronic equivalents of sound pressure waves. Condensor microphone has a backplate and a membrane that vibrates when sound waves hit its fixed condenser plate, a little less rugged, better fidelity

What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

Electromagnetic radiation present throughout the universe.

What are some of the genres of video games

First Person Shooter Virtual Community Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Games

What are some of the advantages of fiber optics?

HFC (The Hybrid Fiber-Coax) (Provides greater channel capacity more bandwidth and speed available) Significantly increases channel offerings with digitization of programming and compression (digital cable) Offers greater upstream path for subscribers High-Speed Internet Access revolutionized cable industry

What is the human Flicker Fusion Threshold and how does it rely on Persistence of Vision?

How a camera captures a picture. Colors used to capture and display video. (16 FPS- stop looking so "jittery") The tricking of the human eye with frames to make something look like it is moving on the screen human flicker fusion- numbers of frames per second that can fool you into thinking you are watching motion persistence of vision- our minds are genetically programmed that if you see enough frames together it will appear to be moving

What are trunk, feeder, and drop lines and where are they located in a cable distribution system?

How cable system gets from headend to your house... Trunk line runs down a main road Feeder is the road that leads to houses Drop line is each individual house

How does interlaced scanning work to produce one complete frame? What is the difference between a field and a frame? How many fields equal one frame?

Interlaced scanning involves scanning all the odd lines and then the even lines so that a frame is made. The fields are the two separate scans, that when put together create the frame. 2 fields make the one frame.Two fields make up one frame. one field would be odd one field would be even, a frame means a final picture= interlaced frame, all the odds and evens together

What do converters (set-top boxes) do?

Make interactive TV possible Converters allow subscribers to pick movies and events on demand makes it possible for you to see the product at your house, descrambles the info you receive, addressability- each house is unique such as ordering DVR, your info goes back to the headend, it knows what you're watching and can bill you for it

Bands within the electromagnetic spectrum

Medium Wave Band, High Frequency Band, Very High Frequency, Ultra High Frequency, Super High Frequency, Extremely High Frequency

What is the significance of Netflix

Netflix (1997) Marc Rudolph & Reed Hastings Started by mailing DVDs Migrated to streaming video on demand Binge viewing network (2013) Emmy nominations (2013) House of Cards

According to 24, what is unique about the editing style in the television program 24

Non linear editing - provides advantages Boxes - multiple scenes happening simultaneously, unique

Omni directional vs Uni directional, Cardioid vs Supercardioid

Omnidirectional: devices broadcast or receive their signals from all directions, would hear everything around the head of the microphone Unidirectional: devices are more focused on picking up or transmitting their signals in one direction Cardiod: pick up sounds in front & to the sides of the windscreen. They will mostly ignore sounds that are behind the microphone, heart shaped pick up pattern 3D Supercardiod: have an even narrower pickup pattern, only responsive to sound at the top of the windscreen, even more elongated cardiod shape omni - circle/uni - oval (super cardiod)

What is pass-by rate? What is overbuild?

Pass-by rate: The number of homes passed by the cable wire that might subscribe Overbuild: too many

Net abuses-

Predators - victimization Identity Theft - larceny Spam - unsolicited bulk messages Phishing - con into revealing private information catphishing- pretending to be someone else

What is transduction?

Process of changing one form of energy into another

How does progressive scanning work to produce one complete frame? How is this different than interlaced scanning?

Progressive scanning is scanning each line, one after another, not the odds and then the evens (which is interlaced scanning) BETTER

What are the three characteristics of electromagnetic energy?

Radiant (moves through surrounding space), constant velocity (186,000 miles per second) , wavelike motion (speed of sound and it oscillates)

What are the colors used to capture images by a TV camera?

Red, green, blue

What is the aspect ratio of SDTV? What is the aspect ratio of HDTV?

SDTV: 4x3. HDTV: 16x9

What is pulse code modulation?

Signal is sampled at various points (pulses) and the resulting value translated into binary numbers, refers to how audio and video are sampled, wherever the wave is, the pulse, is encoded and that number can always be stored, manipulated and retrieved its never destructed

What are transponders and what do they do?

Space Segment Receive/send units of different frequencies, receives a signal and changes it to a different frequency 12-48 per satellite Footprints enables satellite communications for all telecommunications

Velocity of electromagnetic energy?

Speed of light, 186,000 miles per second

What are the functions of Transmission Control Protocols, Internet Protocols, & Uniform Resource Locators?

TCP- The Transmission Control Protocol is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite (IP), and is so common that the entire suite is often calledTCP/IP. TCP provides reliable, ordered, error-checked delivery of a stream of octets between programs running on computers connected to a local area network, intranet or the public Internet. It resides at the transport layer. (transport and package info) IP-The Internet Protocol is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet. (address where u send it) URL- uniform resource locator also known as web address, is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource. In most web browsers, the URL of a web page is displayed on top inside an address bar. (final place you want to send the info.)

Voice over the internet protocol (VoIP)

Telephone system using packets of data Cheaper than regular phone lines Vonage and Skype

What is frequency, what is frequency response?

The number of waves that pass a given point in a given time. How well we can record and play back music or pictures depends on the range of frequencies that our radio or recorder is capable of receiving or producing.

How have competition, consolidation and control affect radio today?

There are more radio stations than TV with fewer and fewer big players (lots of competition), and there is a tighter format control

What is meant by downstream? Upstream? Which of these is more predominant in cable system architecture?

Transmits signals to the system ("Downstream") Receives Signals from subscribers ("Upstream") downstream is more predominant

Types of TV stations (UHF commercial, VHF commercial, UHF educational, and VHF educational)

UHF is the largest (44%) and VHF educational is the smallest (7%) commercial- makes money, sells advertising

What is multiplexing?

Up to 4 or 5 standard-definition programs -sending more than one signal through a bandwidth (6 megahertz of bandwidth per broadcast station in the USA) = more money $$ through advertising

What are the differences between amplitude and frequency modulation?

Wave length described by its heights or depth, from its normal position before the rock is dropped to the crest created by the splash. Amplitude is the height of a wavelength from top to bottom, which signifies its strength. (how powerful the force is) analogy- huge semi trailor going down archer as opposed to the prius Frequency is the description of the repetitive speed at which the wave oscillates. (pitch, how fast) analogy with traffic on 34th st, "high frequency traffic" So...amplitude modulation affects the power of the wave, frequency modulation affects the oscillation of the wave.

According to 24, what is a daily

all the footage and accomplishments of one day

Multi system operators (MSO)

an operator of multiple cable television systems

What is the largest MSO today?


What is a CCD?

device for the movement of electrical charge. Charge coupling device. - converts light waves into electromagnetic waves, like a semiconductor, transduce light wave into electromagnetic wave (rgb) (microchip) -3, 1 for each color of light for your camera

How have scanning rates and formats changed under the ATSC?

digital standards are adopted by the FCC including 18 formats, 6 of which are HDT, changed the scanning systems, more options and scanning lines now= better resolution

What is pick up pattern?

direction from which the microphone is designed to pick up sound, the direction in which the microphone can receive the best fidelity of sound

YouTube and user generated content

first way to upload videos of user generated content, had a political impact "aw oh", Fifteen minutes of fame, Impact on traditional media, everything now can be posted or seen.

According to 24, what is looping

fixing sound, re-recording it

What does Hertz measure?


What is the most popular web site worldwide?


According to 24, what is the difference between "above the line" and "below the line" in video production

in terms of production Above → those people that are in management ie. The producers/ppl that get paid first, executives, people putting up the money for the production, actors are above the line because they are making money first Below → technical crew/craft people/actually have to do the work/ up to the production assistant, camera operators, editors, lighting engineers, production assistants etc.

According to 24, what is continuity

keeping movements, actions, appearance and everything is the same in one scene to another

Lossy versus non-lossy

lossy gives a much better reduction in size. used in digital editing - two systems of compression... lossy: redundant information is not stored, non-lossy: all other information is stored (non lossy is all digitally repressed) non lossy is superior

Oscillation and the waveform

recall that we hear sounds and see images as variations detected by our ears and eyes and interpreted by our brain. Oscillation: a basic concept of audio and video processing (ex. vibration of air produced by our mouths makes sound and vibration of light make up all the images we see) All electromagnetic waves oscillate, and a wave's form is dictated by the type of broadcast being sent through radiant's at the speed of light.

What are the five steps in signal processing?

signal generation, amplification and processing, transmission, reception, storage and retrieval (aware of what it means)

Facsimile technology and fidelity

sounds from a speaker and pictures on a TV screen representations of their original form. all modes of mass communication based on this process of copying. Fidelity -how faithfully a fascimile represents the original ---high fidelity = very faithfully (Radio waves can be used to transmit facsimiles of pictures and sounds)

What is Addressability?

the ability to send a program to some households but not others

What is bandwidth?

the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period

Signal to noise ratio

the amount of signal present compared to the amount of noise

Spectrum management

the process of defining and keeping track of what frequencies will be assigned and licensed for special purposes

What does Video-on-Demand allow a viewer to do?

watch what they want, when they want

What is Streaming? What is a Webcast?

web-based technology that allows computers to receive audio and video signals over the Internet. A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers.

Why is the Apple IPhone an example of technological convergence?

you can watch tv, access the web, and utilize normal phone services like calling and texting, convergence of technologies- tv, web and phone

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)

•Each field consists of 262 1/2 horizontal scanning lines •The two fields combine to form a single picture called a frame •Standard definition U.S. television scans a television picture using two fields of information for a total of 525 lines

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