Russian Revolution

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Petrograd Soviet

A huge, fluctuating mass meeting of two to three thousand workers, soldiers and socialist intellectual modeled on the revolutionary soviet of 1905

The general tendency of unions toward the end of the century was...

A movement towards evolutionary socialism

The first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia was the...

Abolishing serfdom

The Great Reforms in Russia included..

Abolishing serfdom, establishing the zemstvo, relaxing of censorship, reform of legal system

In 1861, this czar abolished serfdom?

Alexander II

In 1881, __________ was assassinated by a small group of terrorists.

Alexander II

Who was Alexander Kerensky?

An agrarian socialist who became prime minister of Russia in July 1917

The Russian zemstvo was...

An institution of local government

What was the February Revolution in Russia in 1917?

An unplanned uprising of hungry and angry people in the capital.

Why did socialist parties become more moderate by the late 1800s?

As socialist parties attracted larger numbers of members, they looked more toward gradual change and less toward revolution

In January 1905, workers and families converged on the winter palace to present a petition to Czar Nicholas II on a day that became known as what?

Bloody Sunday

How did the October Manifesto of 1905 aid the Russian monarchy in retaining power?

By granting full civil rights and promising a popularly elected legislature, the monarchy convinced middle-class leaders to assist in repressing the uprising.

The new popularly elected parliament in Russia after 1905 was known as...


Witte's plans for the economic development of Russia included..

Encouraged foreign investment, building railroads, put country on "gold standard," established protective tariffs

After 1870, Marxian socialists...

Formed the Second International

The Crimean War arose out a dispute between

France and Russia over who should protect certain Christian shrines in the Ottoman Empire

Sergei Witte's approach to industrialization was inspired by..

Friedrich List

How did the Russian tsar respond when the Duma became deadlocked?

He compromised with the Duma by accepting some political reforms in exchange for new tax revenues

In Russia, what was Sergei Witte's innovation in industrialization?

He encouraged foreigners to invest in Russia and locate their factories there

How did Lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917?

He mandated the land reform in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done

In the 1890s, how did Sergei Witte seek to transform Russia?

Implemented industrial policies to catch up with the West.

The decline of worker radicalism resulted from...

Improvement of living conditions, political participation, legalization of trade unions

What was the result of Allied support of the White armies in the Russian civil war?

It helped the Bolsheviks, who could appeal to patriotic nationalism against the Allies

Russian politicians faced popular rebellion after Russia's defeat in 1905 at the hands of


The Russian defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856...

Led to the Great Reforms in Russia


Lenin's radical, revolutionary army of the Russia party of Marxist socialism, which successfully installed a dictatorial socialist regime in Russia

The Second International declared ___________ an annual international one-day strike.

May 1

What did the Petrograd Soviet Army Order No. 1 state?

Military officers were stripped of their authority and power was placed in the hands of elected committees of soldiers

Who assassinated Grigori Rasputin in 1916?

Nationalistic aristocrats

Treaty of Breat-Litovsk

Peace treaty signing in March 1918 between the Central Powers and Russia that ended Russian participation in WWI and ceded Russian territories that condition a third of the Russian empire's population to the Central Powers

Militant Marxists rejected the teaching of ________, which sought to update Marxian doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.


Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with

Russian Peasants

Which war in 1904-1905 brought attention to Russia's inadequacies?

Russo-Japanese War

_________ led Russia in a major movement toward industrialization in the 1890s.

Sergei Witte

How did Lenin's and the Bolsheviks' view of the Marxist party in Russia differ from the Menshevik's view of the party?

The Bolshevik's wanted a small disciplined party, while the Mensheviks wanted a Democratic Party with mass membership.

The event that directly prompted the Great Reforms in Russia was...

The Crimean War

The 1906 constitution in Russia was called what?

The Fundamental Laws

War Communism

The application of centralized state control during the Russian civil war in which Bolsheviks seized grain from peasants, introduced rationing, nationalized all banks and industry and required everyone to work

Edward Bernstein believed...

The best way to implement social reform was to use the election process to elect leaders who would bring reform without revolution

What was the primary political weakness of the White forces as they fought against the Bolsheviks?

They had a poorly defined political program that failed to unite the enemies of the Bolsheviks

February Revolution

Unplanned uprisings accompanies by violent street demonstrations begun in March 1917 in Petrograd, Russia, that led to the abdication of the tsar and the establishment of a provisional government

According to the text, the First and Second International Working Men's Association...

Was founded by Karl Marx to spread his socialist ideas and counter against Nationalism (failed)

The __________, a group of idealistic Turkish exiles and young army officers, seized power in the Ottoman Empire in 1908 and forced the sultan to implement reforms.

Young Turks

The Great Reforms in Russia included all of the following except - a national parliament. - the abolition of serfdom. - establishment of a new institution of local government. - reform of the legal system. - relaxation of censorship.

a national parliament.

Russian social and political reforms in the 1860s could best be described as...

half-way measures

The zemstvo reforms in Russia established local assemblies elected by a three-class system of

noble landowners, towns, and peasant villages

Before the Great Reforms Russia had what kind of economy/society?

poor agrarian society

The Russian Marxist Vladimir Lenin asserted that imperialism

signaled the coming decay and collapse of capitalist society

Karl Marx frightened many of his early, more moderate supporters by

supporting the Paris Commune.

In 1846, Marx played a key role in establishing the

the First International of socialists

The Russian Revolution of 1905 resulted from all of the following causes except - business and professional classes' desire for political modernization. - the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. - a radicalized and unhappy working class. - growing nationalism among subject peoples of the empire. - the assassination of Alexander III.

the assassination of Alexander III.

The Tanzimat fell short of its goals for all of the following reasons except

the liberal reforms fundamentally contradicted Islamic law in their support of trade and commerce.

The disastrous Crimean War compelled the Russian monarchy to

undertake the reform of serfdom

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