Make sure that your finished part will be able to release from the plug. Draft angle of at least ___ degrees should be engineered into your plug whenever possible. Avoid vertical plug sides unless they are absolutely vital to your design. Undercut plug surfaces will make release impossible. Multi-part plugs are used when such features are needed.
The margin of safety for using the ban saw, drill press is
You must use a push stick when ripping (cutting with the grain) narrow pieces that are _____
6 "or less in width
When pressure casting parts in the pressure pots, do not exceed ____ psi. Higher pressures are not necessary to produce high quality parts, and can make the pots unsafe
If the material does not feed correctly, do the following:
A gentle push on the stock may be needed. Shift the stock slightly from side to side to give the feed rollers a better grip. If none of these procedures work, lower the table to where the knives are no longer in contact with the stock and then shut off the machine. Notify an instructor/monitor. Do not shut power off while the cutter head is still in contact with wood
For wide work while using the power miter saw(chop saw)
Enable carriage travel, pull blade forward over front edge of work, start machine, drop blade into stock, complete the cut by pushing carriage back until it stops, when the cut has been completed, release the trigger before lifting the blade
Approved safety glasses and closed toed shoes
MUST be worn whenever in the shop
Table saws, jointers, radial arm saws, wood lathes, chop saws (power miter box), and band saws
Power tools most often involved in accidents
This material may not be jointed
Recycled or painted lumber or composite material
Before using the ban saw, while it's still off
adjust the blade guard to about ¼ inch above the stock
Must be reported to an instructor/monitor immediately
all accidents and injuries, no matter how slight, or if you feel ill
DO NOT use the walls of the spray booths to test your equipment unless they have been
covered with paper or cardboard test material
Never use the fence as a stop-block when _______
When using the sliding table saw for _____, the rip fence should be well out of the way, unless it is being positioned as a stop (An instructor/monitor must give permission if the fence is to be used as a stop)
When machining hard materials like metals and some plastics,
cutting fluid should be used during milling processes
When machining hard materials like metals and certain plastics,
cutting fluid should be used while turning
When using the metal lathe, in general, as material hardness and the diameter of the work increases, rotation rates should
When disposing resin make sure it is
disposed of in a bag, and then in a trash can, make sure to mix part A and part B of residual resin batches before discarding them
When using the vertical panel saw
do not start saw if material is touching blade, when cutting pull saw carriage down until it is stopped, saw blade must be stopped before retracting carriage.
For a better hold down control when feeding stock into blade
arch your fingers
Avoid using compressed air to blow chips away,
as this can propel chips toward other people in the shop.
The router bit shank must extend ____ into the collet
at least ½"
If you are cutting a through mortise,
back up the stock with another piece of wood to prevent blowout
When installing a new blade on the scroll saw
blade teeth must be angled downward toward table
Freehand cutting (ripping or crosscutting without using the fence, crosscut sled, or miter gauge accessories) on the table saw is absolutely ______
When using the fence for ripping on the sliding table saw, it must be adjusted to the
forward position
Materials that create only fumes (not particles) should be used under the
fume collection hoods in either the foam lab or the plastics lab
Always work in the ______ when using release agents
gas hood
Carbon dioxide extinguishers should be used on
gasoline fires and most chemical or electrical fires, do not use water on these types of fires
On the edge sander, the abrasive belt may catch a sharp corner on the left side of the work if too much feed pressure is applied. If this happens, the work will be jerked from your hands, your fingers may be crushed against the end stop block, and the belt will be shredded. Instead
hold your work either directly against the end stop block or more that 12" in front of it.
Use the oscillating spindle sander for
inside (concave) shapes
a vise is used when
it is not appropriate to clamp work directly to the worktable
Do not edge _______. The glue lines chip the cutter knives
joint plywood
Stock should always have a ____ against the table, miter gauge, cross cut sled, or fence.
jointed or surfaced face
When using the table saw stock should be free of
knots, splits, defects, or warps. Do not cut distorted lumber on this machine!
When planning lumber make sure the stock has no
large cracks or loose knots
When applying finishes that release harmful or heavy-odor gasses while curing, apply finish in the _______, and leave the fan running until off-gassing has decreased to an acceptable level
large enclosed spray booth
While the sliding table saw is capable of doing similar work as the 10" Saw Stop table saws, it should be used primarily for handling
large panels. The 10" Saw Stop machines are set up much better for ripping and handling smaller work pieces
Chucks may ONLY be used for plunging operations, never for
lateral milling
Any rags, paper towels or other material that have come into contact with paints or solvents should be disposed of in the _______ found in the paint room
lidded red waste containers
The draw-in bar is a
long bolt that protrudes out of the top of the head of the mill. If it is not protruding, the quill is probably lowered. Raise the quill to expose it
Before a machine is turned on all special set ups
must be checked by the instructor
A vice
must be clamped to the worktable so that its jaws are square to the movements of the worktable and have it parallel with the table
When making adjustments on any portable electric tools it
must be disconnected
Rags that have absorbed any amount of oil, linseed oil, shellac, paint, varnish, or lacquer
must be put in approved covered metal container as a precaution against spontaneous combustion
When helping to catch a long piece of stock, the helper
must only support the stock and not pull it. The operator controls and pushes the stock through the blade
Never try to open a pressure pot that is still pressurized. First,
open the exhaust valve on the top of the pot, and allow it to reach equilibrium with the environment
Use the disc or belt sander for
outside (convex) curves, angles, and straight edges only
With the proper specialized blade, materials such as _______ may be cut on the table saw, however, the blade stop sensor must be disconnected by a lab monitor
plastic and aluminum
When cutting mortises,
plunge the bit in 1/16 ", travel across the mortise, and repeat until the full mortise depth is reached
The surface planer is for solid stock lumber only. No ____
plywood, particle board, MDF, plastic, or metal
Margin of safety
refers to the minimal distance from the operator's hands and fingers to the cutter, blade, or bit
If there is no collet that matches the tool shank diameter,
a chuck can be mounted in the spindle to hold the tool.
Power tools may be used only when
a shop monitor is on duty
On the disc sander, always
sand on the down travel side of the disk
The radial arm saw can stall if
saw is pulled into the material faster than it can cut it
If the work comes loose and is seized by the drill press,
shut off power immediately without endangering yourself. If it is too dangerous to shut power off, move away from machine, warn others, and notify an instructor/monitor
When using the slot mortiser the bit may be dull or bent if
the bit is burning or chattering badly, stop the machine
When starting the router, make sure
the bit is not in contact with the work and to not overload or "bog down" the speed and make several light cuts where a large amount of material is to be removed.
Do not turn off main power switch on the table saw before
the blade has stopped spinning
Heating thermoplastic sheets too quickly can cause many issues, including _______. Heat your material at a slow steady pace, and monitor it carefully as it softens.
uneven softening, bubbling, excessive drooping, and burning
When removing scrap material from the band saw table
use a push stick to remove scrap pieces. Do not use your hands.
When using the slot mortiser
use only high speed milling bits, straight flute mortising bits or straight router bits. At least one half of the shank length must be inserted into the chuck. As with the drill press, never leave the key in the chuck
When using a bit with a bearing guide,
use the side of the bit closest to you. Never use the back side of the bit, as it causes the operators arms to pass over the top of the spinning bit
used to hold cutters and other tools firmly within the spindle. Choose the one that exactly matches the shank diameter of the tool being held.
Overheating your thermoplastic sheet can cause flaws in your final part, including _____. Pay close attention to the temperature of your material and the length of time that heat is applied, so that you can make adjustments as you repeat your forming process.
webbing, stretch marks, and erratic thickness variations
When using the sliding table saw never push the
table when the fence is in front of the work. Always push the stock. Focus on applying pressure down into the table and walk the piece through with your feet, not your body.
Work on the table saw must always be held firmly against _____
the fence, cross-cut sled, or miter gage
Always carry long objects, such as metal rods and long boards, with
the front end high enough to avoid striking anyone
Long, loose hair can easily be caught in revolving machinery and ripped out, causing serious scalp lacerations
tie long hair back
If you hear a clicking noise on the ban saw
turn off the machine at once. This may indicate a crack in the blade as it passes through the guides.
Twisting or binding the saw blade on the ban saw is
usually the cause of a broken blade
When ripping, the _____ must be to the left of the blade, not between the blade and fence. This will reduce the possibility of a kickback
waste piece
On the Powermatic drill press, adjust the spindle speed only
while the machine is running
Stock should generally be planed ____ to avoid chip-out
with the grain
Always turn the _______ of the stock toward the table and cut with the grain, not against it
concave side
The depth of cut on the planer should be _____ or less per pass
The 16" jointer must not be used for stock less than ___ long
Stock of ____ in length should not be sanded
1" or less
The jointer must not be used to edge joint stock less than
1" wide
The 12" jointer must not be used for stock less than ____ long
The margin of safety for the scroll saw, sanding equipment is
The margin of safety for the radial arm saw, jointer, table saw, sliding table saw, power miter saw(chop saw), the router table is
These must be inspected by an instructor/monitor before the power is turned on at the table saw
All special set-ups and dado heads
When using the wood lathe
Always wear face protection! Safety glasses will not protect your whole face. Wear a full face shield. Some wood species are toxic. Know the toxicity of your wood and use a respirator when appropriate. When roughing, always work downhill (from large to small diameters)
When using the router table
Never hang fingers over the edges of your board. If the router bit snags in your work, your fingers could be pulled into the bit
______ should not be used to create plugs, as vacuum pressure can damage corners and fine detail, decreasing the fidelity of your final part
Soft materials
When designing a mold, remember these important rules:
Your mold must be formed with a port (or ports) that provides a channel through which liquid resin can enter the mold cavity, and air can escape. Your mold must allow removal of the original plug, and of cast parts. Using proper draft geometry, or multi part molds can help you achieve this. If parts require complex parting lines or multiple ports, these features should be considered during the plug phase...not after the mold has been formed
When re-sawing a board on the ban saw
always have a planed face against the re-saw jig and a jointed edge down on the table
If using a file on rotating work on the metal lathe, (NEVER use a file that does not have a handle)
always use a left-handed filing technique, keeping your arms and body well away from the rotating chuck/spindle
Make sure that all regions have clear pathways to the vacuum port. This can be achieved using _____
channels, shims, holes, and mesh spacing materials
Students may use the shop
cleared in the Gulfstream shop (FURN 200, IDUS 212)
Step clamps
commonly used to hold work directly on the worktable. In order to properly use it, you must have a clamp bar, a step block, a threaded rod, a T-nut, and a flanged hex nut.
When using the vertical milling machine, generally, tool rotation speeds should decrease as material hardness and tool diameter
When using the vertical milling machine the speed should only be
made while the machine is ON and the spindle is rotating
The table should be adjusted so that it is no more ___ from the disc or belt
than 1/8"
When the vertical milling machine is in high gear
the directions on the power switch are correct. When it is in low gear, they are reversed
NEVER pour liquid resin into a sink, or use sink water to wash out mixing cups or other resin-containing containers because
this quickly causes clogged drains and other serious plumbing issues.
Do not attempt to ______ without permission and assistance from a staff or faculty member.
tilt the milling machine head, rotate the turret, or slide the ram
The blade should project only _____ into the table for most operations.
The depth of cut on the jointer is set only by the technicians and should be limited to _____
1/32 "
Never joint or plane the face of stock less than
1/4" thick
Stock less than ____ cannot be run through the planer. The minimum length of stock which can be surfaced is determined by the distance from the centerline of the feed roller to the centerline of the delivery roller.
16 " long
A push stick must be used when edge jointing stock that is less than
4" wide
The 8" jointer must not be used for stock less than ___ long
8 "
Specific Causes of Accidents
Being startled or distracted while working on a machine, being crowded or hurried while working on a machine, failing to stop machinery for adjustments, working on an unguarded machine, catching fingers in moving parts or cutters, failing to personally start and stop machine, operating machinery without receiving proper instructions, operating a machine without supervision, showing off while operating machinery
General Causes of Accidents
Ignorance, carelessness, lack of judgment, rushing, making an excessively heavy cut, overconfidence, being distracted, inadequately guarded machinery, using a dull tool, using an improperly adjusted tool, fatigue, absent-mindedness, improper position of feet and body while working, Improper clothing, eye strain
Xacto/ utility knives, chisels, and saws
Involved in more accidents than other hand tools
When ripping remind yourself to:
Keep the wood down on table. Keep the edge up against fence. Maintain control with hands or push-stick until the wood clears the splitter
This type of lumber may not be planed
Old, used, dirty, or painted lumber
This requires special permission from the instructor/monitor when on the table saw
On-edge re-sawing
While using the drill press when boring completely through the wood
Use a sacrificial base plate under the work
There may be sharp or jagged particles among the scraps, always sweep scraps from your workbench or table using
a brush or piece of wood rather than with your hands
When doing chisel work of any type the work must be
clamped down, held in a vice, or secured with other devices
A ______ should be used whenever wood is being cut across its grain.
crosscut blade
The radial arm saw is for
crosscutting only, never make a rip cut
A 'V' block must be used when cutting
cylindrical stock
If the stock binds or pinches the blade on the ban saw
do not attempt to back out until power has been shut off and the blade stops
When using the power miter saw (the chop saw)
do not force the tool into the work
Do not joint _____. Only face and edge grain may be safely jointed
end grain
The jointer is the primary machine for
establishing reference faces and edges on rough stock
Wear safe clothing when working in the shop:
fasten or remove loose clothing before you operate any machine, roll long sleeves above the elbows, hoodie draw strings must be tucked in or removed.
When using the fence to rout a groove or dado,
feed work from right to left, for all perimeter edge work, feed work against direction of cutter rotation
The_____ is used whenever a board is being cut in its longest direction, so that the reference surface against the _____ is as long as possible
Do not put a ____________ across the jointer.
loose knot
You must never _____ the saw blade
lower pieces of stock directly down over
Cutting cylindrical or irregular stock on the band saw
may be done only with a special jig such as a V-block
When ripping,
never back the wood away from the blade while the saw is running. If it is necessary to remove the wood, always stop the saw first.
The jointer is used only for ______
new, clean lumber
Permitted within the working area around any machine
only the operator and an instructor/monitor
This type of lumber should not be used in the wood shop
pressure treated, recycled, painted, nailed, stapled, or dirty lumber
A planer will only produce two parallel faces when the reference face of the stock is placed down on the planer table (or bed). It will not
produce two flat surfaces if the bottom face is warped
When using the table saw
push stock completely past splitter when ripping or a kickback may result
If a machine makes an unusual sound, is found to be out of adjustment, or is in need of repair,
report it to an instructor/monitor immediately
A ____ should be used whenever cutting with the grain of the wood
rip blade
When using the sliding table saw most hazards occur when using the
rip fence in conjunction with the crosscut fence. Never adjust the rip fence fully forward when using the crosscut fence. Doing so will create a pinch point resulting in a kickback.
When crosscutting thick or wide stock
rock the carriage forward and backward making a series of 1" cuts on the forward strokes. By retracting the blade after each 1" cut, the tendency for the blade to bind will be diminished
On stock which is severely warped for the jointer, the best procedure is to ______
rough crosscut on the radial arm saw and/or rough rip on the band saw which reduces the amount of distortion. Then face joint with the concave face down
If a blade breaks on the ban saw
stand clear, shut off power if possible, and keep others clear until machine stops completely. Then notify an instructor/monitor.
When ripping stock wider that 24", you may
stand just to the right of the fence and have an assistant help keep the stock down on the table and against the fence
When ripping lumber less than 18" wide, you must
stand to the left of the saw blade, never directly behind in the kick back alley
The ____ is primarily used to rip stock to final width and crosscut stock to final length
table saw
These are never to be used at the same time on the table saw
the fence and miter gauge or cross-cut sleds
The sliding table saw rip fence may be used as a stop only if
the rip fence is adjusted completely in front of the blade. When cutting, the stock should never be in contact with the rip fence and blade at the same time!
Kickbacks are infrequent but possible on a surface planer. If one end of the board is _____ than the opposite end, always feed this thin end first, regardless of grain direction. After the stock is of consistent thickness, grain direction can be considered.
¼" thinner
When cutting, the saw blade should project ______, or enough to clear the gullets, above the stock you are cutting
½ inch