SCI: ASIA Scoring
ASIA converstions
*ASIA B*: 1/3 will convert to ASIA C, 1/3 will convert to ASIA D/E, 1/3 will stay the same *ASIA C*: a lot will transition to ASIA D
Neurological Level
most caudal level with intact sensation (2/2) and motor (3/5) on both sides of the body
Key musles
-C5: elbow flexors -C6: weist extensors (ECR) -C7: elbow extensors (triceps) -C8: finger flexors (FDP of middle digit) -T1: small finger abductors (abd digiti minimi) -L2: hip flexors (iliopsoas) -L3: knee extensors (quadriceps) -L4: ankle DF (tib ant.) -L5: great toe ext. (EHL) -S1: ankle PF (gastroc-soleus) *trunk: no formal way to test myotome: sensory level= motor level T2-L1)
Types of SCI
-complete: no sensory or motor function in the sacral segments -incomplete: preservation of sensation and/or motor sensation function below the neurological level that includes the sacral segments
Zone of Partial Preservation
-used only with ASIA A (complete SCI) -segments below LOI with some motor or sensory function
Sensory Scoring
0= absent: correct < 50% of time and/or make gross errors 1= impaired: correct > 50% of time with accurate, quick responses but for 100%; hypersensitivity 2= normal: correct 100% of time with accurate, quick responses
ASIA motor
10 key muscles -supine position -0-5 scale -voluntary anal contraction (to determine complete or iSCI)
ASIA Impairment Scale
A: complete, no anal sensation or motor B: incomplete sensory only, intact anal sensation C: Motor preserved below neurological level WITH more than 50% key muscles below neurological level have grade < 3; intact sacral sensation or motor D: motor preserved below neurological level WITH more than 50% of key muscles have grade > 3; intact sacral sensation/motor E: normal
American Spinal Injury Association
Motor level
most caudal level with 3/5 strength AND with all higher levels at 5/5 on both sides of the body
Sensory Level
most caudal level with intact (2/2) sensation on both sides of the body