Science 112 Final Exam

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A 10-Hz wave has a period of A)0.1 s B)100 s C)10 s D)none of the above

A)0.1 s

At sea level, atmospheric pressure is about A)101 kPa B)0 C)600 Pa D)9.8 Pa

A)101 kPa

A single brick with a weight of 20 Newtons is at rest on the back of a truck bed. The area of the brick is 0.5m2. What is the pressure of the single block on the truck bed? A)40 Pa B)600 Pa C)0.025 Pa D)10 Pa

A)40 Pa

A party ballon charged to 500 volts has A)a ratio of 5000 joules per coulomb of charge B)dangerous implications C)both of these D)none of the above

A)a ratio of 5000 joules per coulomb of charge

To increase the gas pressure of a container of gas, you could A)add more gas to the container B)increases the volume of the container C)decrease the temperature of the container D)there is no way to increase the gas pressure

A)add more gas to the container

Coastal winds that shift from night to day illustrate A)convection B)conduction C)radiation D)all about equally


The specific heat capacity of aluminum is more than twice that of copper. Place equal masses of aluminum and copper in a flame and the quickest to heat up is the A)copper B)aluminum C)both the same D)indeterminate


When an electron passes through the magnetic field of a horseshoe magnet its A)direction of motion is charged B)speed is increased C)both of these D)none of the above

A)direction of motion is charged

When Joan touches a piece of ice with her fingers, energy flows A)from her finger to the ice B)from the ice to her finger C)both of these D)none of the above

A)from her finger to the ice

If you made the volume of a gas twice as much, while keeping the temperature the same, the pressure would become A)half as much B)remain unchanged C)twice as much D)1.41 times as much

A)half as much

Physicists refer to thermal energy as A)internal energy B)heat C)temperature D)potential energy

A)internal energy

To say that an object is electrically polarized is to say A)its charges have been rearranged B)it is only partially conducting C)it is electrically charged D)its internal electric field is zero

A)its charges have been rearranged

The type of wave that can travel in a vacuum is A)light B)sound C)both of these D)none of the above


Charge carriers in a metal are electrons rather than protons because electrons are A)loosely bound B)negative C)smaller D)all of the above

A)loosely bound

A given material that is quick to heat up has a A)low specific heat capacity B)high or low specific heat capacity C)high specific heat capacity D)none of the above

A)low specific heat capacity

At a root of all magnetism is A)moving electric charge B)tiny domains of aligned atoms C)ferromagnetic materials D)tiny bits of iron

A)moving electric charge

The time for an oscillating system to make a vibration is its A)period B)wavelength C)frequency D)amplitude


The source of all types of wave motion is A)something vibrating B)a harmonic object C)a region of variable high and low pressure D)a wave pattern

A)something vibrating

The refraction of light is due to changes in wave A)speed B)frequency C)direction D)all of the above


Lillian's hair stands out when her hand is on a charged Van de Graaff generator, which illustrates A)strands of hair become charged and repel one another B)strands of hair orient themselves in an electric field C)a high voltage is communicated to strands of hair D)the effect of electrons and protons deposited on her hair

A)strands of hair become charged and repel one another

The current through a 10-ohm resistor connected to a 120-V power supply is A)120 A B)12 A C)10 A D)1 A

B)12 A

Two charged particles 1 m apart 2-N force on each other. If the magnitude of each charge is doubled, the force on each particle will be A)2 N B)8 N C)4 N D)1 N

B)8 N

Which of these, both the same length, has the greater electrical resistance? A)a thick copper wire B)a thin copper wire C)both about the same D)need more information

B)a thin copper wire

A common water pipe purchased in a hardware store does not include the water. When you purchase copper wire, electrons A)may fall out, which is why wires are insulated B)already exist in the wire C)must be supplied by you, just as water in a water pipe D)none of the above

B)already exist in the wire

Which of the following are properties of gases? A)cannot be expanded B)can be compressed C)have a definite shape D)have high densities E)all of the choices

B)can be compressed

A soccer ball float in a fresh water lake. A metal cannon ball with exactly the same volume as the soccer ball rests on the bottom of the lake. For which object is the buoyant force on the object the greatest? A)soccer ball B)cannon ball C)the buoyant force is the same in both cases D)cannot tell from the information given

B)cannon ball

The buoyant force on an object is A)equal to the weight of the object B)equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object C)greater than the weight of the object D)less than the weight of the object

B)equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object

The same quantity of heat is added to both a 1-liter and a 2-liter container of water. Comparing the changes in temperature, the temperature of the 1-liter container will be A)less B)greater C)the same D)indeterminate


Just as water flows from high to low pressure, electric charge flows from A)high resistance to low resistance B)high to low voltage C)high charge concentration to low charge concentration D)all of the above

B)high to low voltage

How does entropy change as your closet gets messier day by day? A)decreases B)increases C)hangs steady D)none of the above


Metals are both goof heat and electrical conductors due to A)relatively high densities of metals B)looseness of outer electrons in metal atoms C)high elasticity of metals D)similar thermal energy and electrical conductive properties

B)looseness of outer electrons in metal items

Temperature is mainly affected by the A)amount of a substance B)molecular motion in a substance C)both of these D)none of the above

B)molecular motion in a substance

The photoelectric effect supports the A)wave nature of light B)particle nature of light C)both of theses for high frequencies D)none of the above

B)particle nature of light

A substance most commonly emits heat energy by the process of A)conduction B)radiation C)convection D)none of the above


Which of the following is a longitudinal wave? A)radio B)sound C)both of these D)none of the above


Heat is thermal energy that flows due to A)molecular speed B)temperature differences C)calorie imbalance D)none of the above

B)temperature differences

The energy possessed by animals ultimately comes from A)concentrations of thermal energy B)the Sun C)the environment D)within

B)the Sun

The atmosphere exerts a force of about 1000 N on the top of your head. Why doesn't your head/body get crushed? A)1000 N is not enough force to due you harm B)the pressure inside your head balances the pressure on the outside of you, so you are not in danger C)gravity D)the air cannot exert a force because it's a gas

B)the pressure inside your head balances the pressure on the outside of you, so you are not in danger

Roofs are "lifted" off houses during a hurricane primarily because A)the force of the wind knocks the roof off B)the pressure on the bottom of the roof is greater than the top of the roof C)the pressure on top of the roof is greater than the bottom of the roof

B)the pressure on the bottom of the roof is greater than the top of the roof

In a better-powered circuit it is correct to say that electrons flow A)from the battery and into the circuit B)through both the battery and the devices making up the circuit C)from the negative terminal to the positive terminal D)none of the above

B)through both the battery and the devices making up the circuit

The acceleration of a scooter that maintains CONSTANT VELOCITY of 15 m/s for 10 s is A)1.5 m/s2 B)15 m/s2 C)0 m/s2 D)0.15 m/s2

C)0 m/s2

A 1 degree C increase in temperature of 50 grams of water requires A)more than 50 calories B)1 calorie C)50 calories D)none of the above

C)50 calories

An orange floats in water with 90% of its volume submerged below the surface of the water. The density of the water is 1000 g/cm3. What is the density of the orange? A)1000 g/m3 B)1900 g/cm3 C)900 g/cm3 D)1111 g/cm3

C)900 g/cm3

Melting ice has a temperature of A)32 degrees F B)0 degrees C C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Ohm's law tells us the the amount of current produced in a circuit is A)inversely proportional to resistance B)directly proportional to voltage C)both of these D)neither of these

C)both of these

Protons everywhere are surrounded by their own A)electric fields B)gravitational fields C)both of these D)none of these

C)both of these

The North Pole of a magnet A)attracts a South Pole of another magnet B)repels a North Pole of another magnet C)both of these D)a north magnetic pole and a south magnetic pole

C)both of these

The electric force between a pair of charges depends on the A)magnitude of electric charges B)separation distance between electric charges C)both of these D)none of these

C)both of these

What is the temperature of boiling water? A)100 degrees C B)212 degrees C C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Which of the following is a transverse wave? A)radio B)light C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

With regard to limits of temperatures, there is A)no upper limit of temperature B)a lower limit of temperature C)both of these are correct D)none of the above are correct

C)both of these are correct

Which of these has the greatest charge? A)proton B)electron C)both the same D)none of the above

C)both the same

An ampere is the unit of electric A)resistance B)presuure C)current D0all of the above


Which of these moves from place to place in wave motion? A)matter B)pressure C)energy D)all of the above


Science greatly moved forward when Galileo favored A)philosophical discussions B)non-mathematical thinking C)experimentation D)none of the above


When Pat compresses air with a tire pump, the temperature of compressed air A)remains unchanged B)drops C)increases as work is done on it D)none of the above

C)increases as work is done on it

A glance at the speedometer in a vehicle will tell you your A)acceleration B)overall speed C)instantaneous speed D)average speed

C)instantaneous speed

Salt water is denser than fresh water. A ship floats in both fresh water and salt water. Compared to the fresh water, the volume of water displaced in the salt water is A)the same B)more C)less D)cannot be determined because we do not know the volume of the ship


During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is A)two wavelengths B)one-half wavelength C)one wavelength D)more information is needed

C)one wavelength

The main difference between electric forces and gravitational forces is that gravitational forces A)obey the inverse-square law B)repel or attract C)only attract D)act over shorter differences

C)only attract

When stripping electrons from an atom, the atom becomes a A)negative ion B)isotope C)positive ion D)different element

C)positive ion

Removing electrons from a metal paper clip results in the clip becoming A)negatively charged B)ionized C)positively charged D)none of the above

C)positively charged

Compared to a single lamp connected to a battery, two lamps connected IN PARALLEL to the same battery will draw A)less current B)the same current C)more current D)not enough information

C)the same current

A bar magnet broken in half become A)four regular magnets B)no magnet C)two regular magnets D)a north magnetic pole and a south magnetic pole

C)two regular magnets

The energy per charge of a charged particle is measured in A) joules. B) newtons/coulomb C)volts D)all of the above


Water pipes sometimes burst at low temperatures because A)the thawing process produces pressure on the pipes B)the ground contracts when colder, pulling pipes apart C)water expands when freezing D)water contracts when freezing

C)water expands when freezing

A block of dimensions 1.00cm x 2.00cm x 3.00 cm has a mass of 30.0g. What is density? A)1.60 g/cm3 B)2.50 g/cm3 C)1.25 g/cm3 D)5.00 g/cm3

D)5.00 g/cm3

What is the ideal gas law? A)P=F/A B)F=ma C)P1V1=P2V2 D)PV=nRT


Sound waves cannot travel in A)steel B)air C)water D)a vacuum

D)a vacuum

Thermal energy is affected by motion that is A)vibrational B)translational C)rotational D)all of the above

D)all of the above

Whenever a change of magnetic field occurs in a closed loop of wire, A)electromagnetic induction occurs B)a voltage is induced in the wire C)current is made to flow in the loop of the wire D)all of the above

D)all of the above

Which object has zero acceleration? A)an object moving at constant velocity B)an object at rest C)an object in mechanical equilibrium D)all of the above

D)all of the above

Which of these belongs in the family of electromagnetic waves? A)visible light B)radio waves C)x-rays D)all of the above

D)all of the above

Thermal energy is measured in A)Calories B)calories C)joules D)any or all of the above for special cases

D)any or all of the above for special cases

Heat energy is measure in units of A)joules B)degrees C)calories D)both joules and calories

D)both joules and calories

When we say that electric charge is conserved, we mean that electric charge A)will interact with neighboring electric charges B)occurs in an infinite variety of quantities C)is a whole-number multiple of the charge of one electron D)can neither be created nor destroyed

D)can neither be created nor destroyed

Which choice is the correct units for pressure A)kg m.s B)newtons C)joules D)pascals


Heat normally is A)temperature B)thermal energy C)radiant energy D)thermal energy flowing from hot to cold

D)thermal energy flowing from hot to cold

Which substance is a fluid? A)vinegar B)water C)air D)choices A and B E)choices A, B, and C

E)choices A, B, and C

You are holding a beach ball under the surface on your pool. The pressure on the ball is A)greatest at the center of the ball B)greatest on top of the ball C)the same on all surfaces of the ball D)greatest on the sides of the ball E)greatest on the bottom of the ball

E)greatest on the bottom of the ball

When you blow some air above a paper strip, the paper rises. This happens because A)the air above the paper moves slower and the pressure is higher B)the air above the paper moves slower and the pressure is slower C)the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is higher D)the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure remains constant E)the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is lower

E)the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is lower

As shown in the figure, fluid fills a container having several sections. At which of the indicated points is the pressure greatest? EXPLAIN! A)A B)B C)C D)D E)the pressure is the same at each of the labeled points

E)the pressure is the same at each of the fabled points

A 20-N horizontal force applied to a 10-kg block produces acceleration across a friction-free horizontal surface of A)2 m/s2 B)1 m/s2 C)10 m/s2 D)5 m/s2

A)2 m/s2

A 100-N falling object encounters 40 N of air resistance. The net force on it is A)60 N B)100 N C)40 N D)0 N

A)60 N

Newton's second law focuses on A)acceleration B)speed C)velocity D)none of the above


When a parachutist falls through the air, as velocity increases the net force A)decreases B)increases C)remains unchanged D)cannot become zero


When a simple machine increases a force, it decreases A)distance moved B)potential energy C)both of these D)none of the above

A)distance moved

Impulse involves the time that a force acts. Work involves the A)distance that a force acts B)time and distance that a force acts C)acceleration that a force produces D)none of the above

A)distance that a force acts

The difference between force and work involves A)distance the force is applied B)velocity C)acceleration D)time

A)distance the force is applied

Correct science is mainly linked to A)experimentation B)philosophical discussions C)determination and belief in your ability D)all of the above


Whether a vehicle comes to an abrupt stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the force experienced is less hitting the A)haystack B)brick wall C)same on each D)none of the above


An object having twice as much mass as another object also has twice as much A)inertia B)gravitational acceleration C)volume D)velocity


If your car runs out of fuel and the engine stops running, the car coasts for a bit due to A)inertia B)gravity C)the laws of motion D)the principle of continuation


The potential energy of a raised block of ice depends on its mass and A)its height B)the length of the path to attain its height C)the force required to lift it D)all of the above

A)its height

Galileo stated that a ball rolled along a level surface it would A)keep rolling without slowing down if no friction acted upon it B)slow down due to its natural tendency to come to rest C)roll as long as its inertia nudged it along D)eventually roll in the opposite direction

A)keep rolling without slowing down if no friction acted upon it

A baseball is tossed by a lone astronaut floating in outer space. If the ball moves away at 20 m/s, the speed of the astronaut in the opposite direction is A)less than 20 m/s B)more than 20 m/s C)20 m/s D)more information needed

A)less than 20 m/s

According to Newton, gravitational force between bodies is greater if the bodies have great A)masses B)distance between them C)both of these D)neither of these


The trajectory of a projectile that accelerates in only the vertical direction while moving at a constant horizontal velocity is called A)parabola B)circle C)both of these D)none of the above


A 10-kg brick and a 1-kg book are dropped in a vacuum. Acceleration of the 10-kg brick is A)the same of that of the 1-kg book B)10 times that of the 1-kg book C)zero D)5 times that of the 1-kg book

A)the same of that of the 1-kg book

A block of ice sliding down an incline has its maximum speed at A)the top B)the bottom C)half-way down D)a quarter of the way down

A)the top

Susie throws a ball at an upward angle. Ignoring air resistance, which component of velocity changes with time? A)the vertical component B)the horizontal component C)both change D)none of the above

A)the vertical component

When catching a fast-moving baseball with your bare hand, you extend your hand forward to allow the ball to ride backward with your hand. The catching force is thereby reduced because the A)time of catch is increased B)relative velocity is greater C)relative velocity is less D)time if the catch is decreased

A)time of catch is increased

When riding your bicycle at twice your normal speed your momentum is A)twice as much B)almost twice C)four times as much D)none of the above

A)twice as much

The acceleration of a falling object when reaching its terminal velocity is A)zero B)indefinite C)constant D)g


If 40 J will push a music console 4m across a floor, the force exerted is A)4 N B)10 N C)160 N D)40 N

B)10 N

Which of these is a scientific statement? A)matter is filled with undetectable particles B)candied walnuts contain no sugar C)things exist that we will never know about D)parts of the universe exist that will never be discovered by humans

B)Candied walnuts contain no sugar

Why doesn't the Moon fall towards the Earth like apples do? A)the great distance of the Moon prevents falling B)Moon does fall, but it falls around Earth due to its tangential motion C)Moon does fall, but its great distance keeps it from getting closer D)Moon's small mass prevents falling

B)Moon does fall, but it falls around Earth due to its tangential motion

For the same force, which cannon imparts greater speed to a cannonball? A)a short-barreled one B)a long barreled cannon C)both the same D)none of the above

B)a long barreled cannon

A constant net force on a moving van produces a constant A)velocity B)acceleration C)both of these D)neither of these


Science, art, and religion need not contradict one another because A)choosing the right one means no need to heed the other two B)all three involve different domains C)choosing science means no need to heed religion and art D)choosing religion and art means no heed to science

B)all three involve different domains

When you leap straight upward inside a high-speed train traveling at constant velocity, you land A)slightly ahead of your original position B)at your original position C)slightly behind your original position

B)at your original position

A dog and a horse run along a pasture with the same kinetic energy. The faster runner is the A)horse B)dog C)both run the same speed D)not enough information


A stone whirled at the end of a rope follows a circular path. If the rope breaks, the stone tends to A)continue in a circular path B)follow a straight-line path C)fall straight downward D)serial inward

B)follow a straight-line path

Science and technology are A)actually one and the same B)fundamentally different from each other C)responsible for all the good in the world D)responsible for all the bad in the world

B)fundamentally different from each other

If the mass of a cart is quickly loaded so that its mass doubles while being propelled by a constant force, the cart's acceleration A)quaduples B)halves C)stays the same D)doubles


A long-barrel cannon fires a faster cannonball than a short cannon because the ball is given more A)force B)impulse C)both of these D)none of the above


A shopping cart's change in momentum is equal to the A)cart's mass multiplied by the force acting on it B)impulse applied to it C)change in its velocity D)force applied to it

B)impulse applied to it

When the separation distance between a pair of stars becomes half their usual distance the force between them A)decreases to one-half B)increases to four times as much C)decreases to one-quarter D)increases twice as much

B)increases to four times as much

Compared to the mass of an apples on the Earths surface, on the moon's surface A)a mystery B)it is the same C)it is more D)it is less

B)it is the same

Reasonable and valid questions that are not testable A)have no value B)lie outside the domain of science C)are a small segment of the scientific method D)all of the above

B)lie outside the domain of science

Any object that moves has A)impulse B)momentum C)acceleration D)all of the above


The energy source that provides most life on Earth is A)glucose B)solar C)nuclear D)none of the above


A block of ice down an incline has its maximum kinetic energy at A)three-quarters of the way down B)the bottom C)both run at the same speed D)not enough information

B)the bottom

A quick pull on a sheet of paper beneath a box of crackers doesn't topple the box, best illustrates that A)there is an action-reaction pair of forces B)the box has inertia C)the box has no acceleration D)gravity tends to hold the box secure

B)the box has inertia

Susie throws ball at an an upward angle. Ignoring air resistance, which component of velocity remains constant over time? A)the vertical component B)the horizontal component C)both change D)none of the above

B)the horizontal component

When Joan pushes a crate across a level floor at constant velocity, friction between the crate and the floor is A)less than her pushing force B)the same amount as her pushing force C)more than her pushing force D)none of the above

B)the same amount as her pushing force

When he does work on a cart in half the time, his power output is A)half B)twice C)the same D)none of the above


An object raised 5m gains a certain amount of potential energy. If it is raised 10 m, its gain in potential energy is A)four times as much B)twice as much C)less D)the same

B)twice as much

We cannot exert force on a wall A)unless we put our mind to it B)unless the wall simultaneously exerts the same amount of force on us C)if the wall resists our push D)all of the above

B)unless the wall simultaneously exerts the same amount of force on us

A valid hypothesis must be capable of being proved A)sort of right B)wrong C)by other investigators D)right beyond doubt


A 1000-kg truck traveling at 10 m/s brakes to a stop in 5s. Its average braking force is A)4000 N B)1000 N C)2000 N D)5000 N E)3000 N

C)2000 N

Jean, who weighs 800 N, stands at rest on two bathroom scales in such a way that one scale reads 500 N. The other scale reads A)400 N B)800 N C)300 N D)200 N E)none of the above

C)300 N

With no air resistance, a projectile launched at 30 degrees has the same range if it were fired at A)70 degrees B)45 degrees C)60 degrees D)30 degrees

C)60 degrees

The scientist to be arrested for his views was A)Newton B)Copernicus C)Galileo D)none of the above


In science, a theory is A)unchangeable B)an educated guess C)a synthesis of a large body of well-tested knowledge D)an opinion

C)a synthesis of a large body of well-tested knowledge

A soldier fires a bullet horizontally from a pistol while simultaneously dropping another bullet from the same height above ground. The bullet to hit the ground first is the A)dropped one B)fired one C)both hit the same time D)none of the above

C)both hit the same time

A model car with three times the speed as another has A)nine times as much kinetic energy B)three times as much momentum C)both of these D)none of these

C)both of these

A new-born baby is gravitational attracted to A)the planet Mars B)its mother C)both of these D)none of these

C)both of these

A padded dashboard in your car is safer during an accident than the older non-padded ones because you'll hit the dash with A)increased time of contact B)decreased contact force C)both of these D)neither of these

C)both of these

A scientific law may begin as a hypothesis that A)a large group of competent observers agrees as true B)is tested repeatedly and not contradicted C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Aristotle asserted that motion was characterized by A)violent motion B)natural motion C)both of these D)neither of these

C)both of these

If the Earth were twice as massive, A)its pull on the Moon would double B)its pull on the sun would double C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Mass is a more fundamental quantity than weight because mass A)does not depend on gravity B)does not vary with location C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Newton hypothesized that Earth's gravity reaches to A)apples on a tree B)the Moon C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

Power is the A)time rate of doing work B)rate at which energy changes forms C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

When a pair of objects collide, the momentum before and after collisions is the same for A)elastic collisions B)inelastic collisions C)both of these D)none of the above

C)both of these

While driving along highway an unfortunate mosquito spatter onto your windshield. Which experiences the greater acceleration? A)mosquito B)car C)both the same D)none of the above

C)both the same

A heavy and a light ball are dropped at the same time from a high tower. The ball to reach the ground first, assuming no air resistance, will be the A)lighter ball B)heavier ball C)both together D)none of the above

C)both together

A person's center of gravity is located at a point that A)is always directly behind the belly button B)is fixed, but different for different people C)changes as a person bends over D)none of the above

C)changes as a person bends over

Two measurements that are necessary for calculating average speed are A)distance and acceleration B)velocity and time C)distance and time D)acceleration and time

C)distance and time

A space probe flying in remote outer space continues traveling A)due to gravity B)due to a force acting on it C)even if not force acts on it D)in a curved path

C)even if no force acts on it

Two planets in space gravitationally attract each other. If the masses of both planets are doubled, with no change in distance between them, gravitational force is A)one-quarter B)half as much C)four times as much D)twice as much

C)four times as much

When a bowling ball slows as it rolls along an alley, we know that A)the ball with move indefinitely B)no horizontal forces act on it C)friction acts on the ball D)the sum of the forces on the ball equal zero

C)friction acts on the ball

When the net force on an object equal zero, its acceleration A)may be zero B)and velocity are the same C)is zero D)none of the above

C)is zero

Pseudoscience is a field of A)wisdom only recently appreciated B)both knowledge and wisdom C)junk science D)knowledge deservedly gaining a large following

C)junk science

In any field of science, facts A)are absolute B)mean very little C)may change D)are much the same of theories

C)may change

A bus traveling down the highway strikes an unfortunate bug that splatters on the windshield. The force of impact is greater on the A)bus B)bug C)same for both D)none of the above

C)same for both

Which of these is a scientific hypothesis? A)the full Moon is a port time to make decisions B)your truest friends and you have the same astrological sign C)the dumpster in your back alley is filled with garbage D)none of the above

C)the dumpster in your back alley is filled with garbage

Your weight is A)another word for your mass B)the same in all locations C)the gravitational attraction between you and earth D)a property of mechanical equilibrium

C)the gravitational attraction between you and Earth

A distinction between force and impulse involves A)velocity B)distance traveled C)time D)acceleration


If Bob pushes heavy cart twice as far while applying the force, he does A)the same amount of work B)four times as much work C)twice as much work D)not enough information

C)twice as much work

When Nellie Newton is inside a freely-falling elevator her A)gravitational interaction with Earth is zero B)acceleration is zero C)weight is zero D)all of the above

C)weight is zero

A freely falling object has an instantaneous speed of 10 m/s. One second later its speed will be A)30 m/s B)10 m/s C)more than 30 m/s D)20 m/s

D)20 m/s

A rolling freight car collides with an identical freight car at rest. After coupling they roll with a speed of 2 m/s. From this information the initial speed of the lighter freight car was A)8 m/s B)6 m/s C)5 m/s D)4 m/s

D)4 m/s

A cart is pushed to the right by a 10-N force. At the same time, a boy pushes it to the left with a 5-N force. The net force exerted on the cart is A)5 N to the left B)15-N C)10 N to the right D)5 N to the right

D)5 N to the right

AN elevator does 1000 J of work in elevating it one floor in 20s. The power used by the elevator is A)100 W B)20 W C)1000 W D)50 W

D)50 W

What is the speed of a 4-kg block when its momentum is 12 kg m/s? A)12 m/s B)48 m/s C)4 m/s D)8 m/s

D)8 m/s

The Earth does not crash into the sun because A)Sun's gravitational field is weak at Earth's distance B)Earth has less mass than the Sun C)the gravitational pull of other planets keeps the Earth in orbit D)Earth has sufficient tangential speed

D)Earth has sufficient tangential speed

A moving package of medical instruments has A)energy B)velocity C)momentum D)all of the above

D)all of the above

An object accelerates when it A)slows down B)speeds up C)changes its direction of motion D)all of the above

D)all of the above

Instantaneous velocity is A)a vector quantity B)magnitude read by speedometer C)the velocity at any instant D)all of the above

D)all of the above

The classic scientific method includes A)performing experiments B)formulating general rules that organize findings C)predicting the results of experiments D)all of the above

D)all of the above

A scientific hypothesis is A)a statement of scientific fact B)experimentation C)a theory about the correctness of something D)an educated guess

D)an educated guess

Which moving object has the greater momentum? A)a container ship B)a bullet C)a cannonball D)any of these depending on speed

D)any of these depending on speed

When you push on a car with twice the force for twice the time, you impart A)half the impulse B)one-fourth the impulse C)twice the impulse D)four times the impulse

D)four times the impulse

When a moving van brakes to a stop its kinetic energy transforms to A)potential energy B)energy of motion C)stopping energy D)heat


When you push a brick with twice as much force, the acceleration of the brick A)remains the same B)is zero C)decreases D)increases


Any material object that has kinetic energy must be A)falling B)at an elevated position C)initially at rest D)moving


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