Science chapter 3 review

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Where is a meristem often found?

tip of a plant root

distinguish between a tissue and an organ

tissues are many cells put together organs are many tissues put together

Sequence the phases of mitosis

1. Prophase - DNA condenses into chromosomes 2. Metaphase- chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell 3. Anaphase - sister chromosomes pull apart 4. Telophase - two identical nuclei form

What is the longest part of the cell cycle?


Infer why the chromatin condenses into chromosomes before mitosis begins

Makes it easier to move in the cell

Which is not a type of human tissue? Connective Meristem Muscle Nervous


Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell during which phase?


Which stage of the cell cycle precedes cytokinesis?


A plant's root system is which level of organization?

Organ system

Which level of organization completes a series of tasks?

Organ systmes

Classify a leaf into a tissue or an organ

organ, because it made up of tissue

Which are unspecialized cells?

stem cells

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