Science - Chapter 8

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occurs when 2 surfaces rub together


occurs when a n object takes in a light wave - after a light wave is absorbed, it becomes a form of heat


a device that takes sound waves and displays the shape of the waves on the screen - scientists study sound using these

sound wave

a disturbance that moves sound energy through matter - sound energy travels outward as sound waves


a measure of how strong a sound seems to us - loudness


a quick back-and-forth movement

heat source

anything that gives off energy that particles of matter can take in


areas where particles bunch together

fossil fuels

coal, natural gas, and oil - sources of heat when burned


energy in the form of vibrations passing through matter - sounds occur when objects vibrate - sound can travel through solids, liquids (quickly), and gases (more slowly) but cannot travel through empty space

electrical energy

energy caused by the movement of electrically charged particles - e.g. flip on a light switch

thermal energy

energy due to randomly moving particles that make up matter - felt as heat

kinetic energy

energy of motion - anything moving has this kind of energy - e.g moving swing or a hurricane - the amount depends on the speed and mass of the object

sound energy

energy of vibrations carried by air, water, or other matter - e.g. alarm clock or listening to music


energy sent out in waves - e.g. feel warmth from the sun or a fire

potential energy

energy that is stored in an object - when an object is in motion, its potential eery is released as other forms of energy - e.g. truck burning fuel - the potential energy in gas is released as sound, heat, and motion

forms of potential energy

gravitational, chemical, elastic


height of a wave measured from its midline - the higher the amplitude, the more energy, the louder it sounds


how high or low a sound is -depends on the frequency of the sound wave - vibrate more quickly = higher pitch / vibrate more slowly = lower pitch


light changes speed when it passes into a new medium and bends - each color bends differently


light rays bounce off or reflect from a surface - smooth, shiny surfaces reflect more light rays than other objects


piece of glass which separates white light into its different wavelengths

visible light spectrum

red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet - always appear in the same order

sources of light

sun, bioluminescence (light from animals), fire


the ability to cause motion or create change


the distance between a point on the wave and a similar point on the next wave

visible light

the form of light energy we see - travels as waves - has wavelengths and frequencies


the number of waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time - the number of complete cycles a wave makes in one second


the transfer of thermal energy between matter of different temperatures - thermal energy flows from something warm to something cool


transfer of heat that occurs when one thing touches another - e.g bird sitting on eggs, spoon sitting in oatmeal


transfer of thermal energy as matter moves - gas or liquid moves from place to place

light energy

travels as waves and can move through empty space - some comes from the sun - e.g. sunflowers use light energy to make food

other forms of heat

when energy changes and gives off heat - e.g fossil fuels, light, laser light, sun/solar panel, friction

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