Science of Wellness Midterm

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Self Acceptance

once you acknowledge your inherent worth, self-esteem basically becomes a non-issue in your life. In other words, your worth is not something with which you concern yourself. It is there, you acknowledge it, and there is nothing more to fuss about

Materialism claims that the reality of human life is: agnostic. mind and body. only the mind. not matter. only the body.

only the body

Cardiorespiratory fitness contributes to physical fitness. only development of the heart and lungs. overall well-being including neurogenesis. athletic performance mainly.

overall well-being including neurogenesis.

The behavior and the value of each individual can be kept distinct from each other. This is best accomplished by having self-acceptance self-esteem. low self-esteem. high self-esteem. achievement self-esteem. any kind of self-esteem.

self-acceptance self-esteem.

Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness in which a person starves herself or himself. engages in binge-purge cycles. has a nervous breakdown. overdoses on prescription drugs. has shingles.

starves herself or himself.

Hydrogenation converts unsaturated fats to a semisolid or solid form, and they become trans fats. hydrogenated oil. bad carbs. monounsaturated vegetable oils. none of the above.

trans fats.

The nutrient most needed for survival is carbohydrates. vitamins. fats. water. protein.


Wellness includes: feelings of peace and harmony of being. optimal energy. the desire and capacity to thrive. health, fitness and overall well-being. All of the above

All the above

Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones that control anger. body weight. appetite. happiness. stress.


A healthy approach to improving cardiorespiratory wellness includes pushing yourself as hard as you can. awareness of the effects of hot and humid condition. wearing clothes to make you sweat off weight. running or jogging rather than just walking.

awareness of the effects of hot and humid condition

VO2 max is a good predictor of cardiorespiratory fitness. heart disease. type II diabetes. mental toughness.

cardiorespiratory fitness.

Health benefits of being flexible include improved endurance. improved posture and reduce risk of injury. increased stress. increased psychological flexibility.

improved posture and reduce risk of injury.

Saturated fats

in animal fats but are also present in certain tropical oils and nuts, such as coconut and palm oil and macadamia nuts.

The glycemic index and glycemic load impact micronutrient levels in the blood. vitamins and minerals triglyceride levels in the blood. omega-3 and omega-6 levels in the blood. insulin levels in the blood. macronutrient levels in the blood.

insulin levels in the blood.


"good carbs" and "bad carbs"—those that are better for you and those that are worse. In fact, Harvard nutritionists claim that the most important food decisions you make are choosing good carbohydrates and good fats. serve as the body's primary source of energy (and the brain's only source of energy good" carbs are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains Fiber = carbs that can't be digested best sources: whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and legumes

practices from three case studies that are pertinent to your circumstances.

#1 Celia, baseball and softball player when younger, hasn't for years. Freshman in college joined intramural, could still play but weaker and sore -needs to start slowly to build back up (DOMS: delayed onset of muscle soreness: muscle soreness increases in intensity within a day or two, then diminishes 5-7 days after) #2 Marcus, 3 sport in hs, lift and workout to maintain, not doing sports in college but still want to lift to maintain-more intense than celias workout, can do split so workout everyday (split muscle areas worked/day) #3 jelena and husband and kid; integrated resistance training at home

Define Cardiorespiratory Fitness

*ABILITY TO DO PHYSICAL WORK the ability of the heart to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles and remove waste byproducts produced during metabolism and during physical activity AKA aerobic fitness, aerobic endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance and cardiovascular fitness

Transtheoretical Model of Change

- Designed specifically to promote health behavior change - Describes process of change as going through 6 stages for purpose of modifying or eliminating unhealthy behaviors and adopting new healthy ones - PRECONTEMPLATION STAGE ○ Not planning on making any particular changes in next 6 mo ○ Not looking for help - CONTEMPLATION STAGE ○ Intending to make change ○ Believe it is necessary but don't value to make a commitment ○ Desire to learn more - PREPARATION STAGE ○ Intending to take action and change ○ Already taken some action and made a plan - ACTION STAGE ○ Have made changes over past 6 months ○ Modifying behavior or environment - MAINTENANCE STAGE ○ Continued for another 6 months ○ Continue to work so as to no relapse into former unhealthy behaviors - TERMINATION STAGE ○ Behavior has been adopted and is a sure thing - **5 core constructs in TTM ○ Stages of change ○ Processes of change ○ Decisional balance ○ Self- efficacy ○ Temptation

What are the barriers to behavior change?

- Emotional: Don't feel worthy, negative view of body from surrounding culture - Physical: Overweight and out of shape - Economic: I can't afford gym fees or time off work to exercise - Logistical: The gym is too far away, I can't get to fitness center w/o car/ No one to go to gym with/Can't fit workouts into schedule - Determinism ○ One of greatest barriers ○ A belief that people and life are the way they are and there is no freedom to choose another way ○ Common forms that affect behavior(of determinism) - Economic: determined by how much $ make - Cultural: their culture/environment - Genetic : genes -Negative view of body (body dissatisfaction)

Why is it important to establish a functional fitness foundation?

- Functional fitness is important because it can establish patterns in your life ○ Otherwise problem come up due to neglect (or microtrauma) ○ "playing catch-up is like trying to build a house on a weak foundation" *Having a balanced base allows for functioning well in life other dimensions will benefit (mental, emotional, spiritual, social)

Principles of cardiorespiratory fitness: Overload Principle

- In order for cardiorespiratory system to become stronger and more efficient, must be subjected to loads greater than those it is accustomed to □ *this applies to everything in life - Leads to principle of progression

Benefits of being flexible

- Incr joint ROM - Higher quality of life (enhanced daily functioning) -Reduced risk of injury - Reduced stress and anxiety - Incr body awareness - Decr back pain -Improved posture

risks of using supplements for strength gains

- Most of these supplements are very detrimental to your health. The best practice is to eat nutritious foods and be happy with your own naturally derived strength, ability, and appearance. This is the healthiest way to go -Anabolic steroids sterility, risk of damage to the heart and blood vessels, liver damage, and the possible risk of cancer, incr anger and aggressiveness

Three Types of Muscle Tissue

- Muscle tissue is the only tissue that can generate force - Cardiac muscle = heart muscle - Smooth muscle - Skeletal muscle

Cardiac Muscle

- Produces pumping action of heart -Involuntary

Self-Determination Theory

- Theory of motivation based on the belief that humans have natural, intrinsic tendencies to make healthy and effective choices - 3 psychological needs of people that support growth, integrity and wellness ○ Autonomy - Motivation for healthy living develops from deep within us - Opposite of this is control by us - Need self-acceptance to work ○ Competence - Confidence and ability to make the changes ○ Relatedness - Life is to be shared with others - Healthy relationships are key to healthy living

What are some methods of healing that involve the interaction of mind and body?

- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): system that approaches focusing on bodily functions such as breathing, circulation, temp, and digestion ○ Chi = vital life force that streams through the meridians or energy channels in the body - When systems in balance; chi flows freely Sickness occurs when chi is blocked and systems not in balance

How does the dynamic interaction between mind and body impact wellness?

- when you take care of your body, you also take care of your brain -Gut uses some of same neurotransmitters as the brain (serotonin)--enteric system (ENS( -BDNF: -Plays key role in synaptic/brain plasticity (neuroplasticisy)-its ability to change and adapt -Stimulates positive adaptation in several ways -Stress affects cells (telemeres) and make age faster and such; also bad for immune system -Aerobic fitness activity incr brain volume and helps attenuate the expected loss of brain tish due to aging -Exercise also incr level of inslulin like growth factor

FITT Formula

-Frequency □ Number of exercise sessions per week necessary to improve cardiorespiratory fitness - Intensity □ Intensity of exercise bout and usually referenced as % of max heart rate or level of percieved exertion - Time □ Duration of exercise session or total accumulation of exercise minutes over course of day - Type □ Type of activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained for a given duration, and is rhythmical in nature - *E as in Enjoy!! □ Helps promote feelings of satisfaction and will do it long term

Principles of cardiorespiratory fitness: Principle of Progression

-Gradual increases in intensity and duration of activity are needed in order to endure that the system is being overloaded □ This is because body will eventually adapt to the overload placed on it □ If endurance is low, start with low intensity activity, then incr number or length of bouts until you can do about 30 mins most days of week □ Leads to principle of reversibility

important exercise precautions

-Never train alone. You don't necessarily need to be with a friend, but there should always be others present, even if you are working out at home. - When using free weights in particular, always have a spotter to assist you in case you cannot lift a weight. - Breathe properly when lifting. Holding your breath during a lift can increase intra-thoracic pressure and diminish blood flow, which can cause dizziness or fainting. - Make sure to inspect equipment and use collars on free weights to prevent plates from sliding off the bar. - Don't lift when injured. The body needs time and rest to heal properly, and lifting can aggravate a preexisting condition. This also includes recovering from an acute illness such as the flu. - While weight training can be competitive, it doesn't need to be. It is also important to use proper form and technique to avoid risking injury.

What are the dynamics of changing behavior?

-be proactive and tackle problems, understand who you are, change thoughts and feelings about self(eliminate negative self talk and views, build self-esteem -- Decide that you are worth the effort, set goals and act, have intrinsic motivation

What are the factors that affect wellness?

-environment, health care, personal lifestyle behaviors and beliefs, attitude toward self, genetics, and social/economic/political forces -not using tobacco, no excessive alcohol consumption, avoidance of being overweight, high education level and having stable relationships

health-related benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness

-improves psychological well-being by improving mood! □ Reduces mild depressive symptoms -Reduced risk for: -chronic disease - cardiovascular disease - Some cancers - Obesity - Type 2 diabetes - Positive changes in CNS □ Reduced risk for dementia □ Depression □ Anxiety □ Alzheimers - Enhanced endurance and skill - Better mental and cognitive health □ Delays loss of or has no effect on cognitive function in elderly subjects □ Still not quite understood * Seems to have antidepressant effects * Reduce stress □ Decrease neurodegenerative processes □ Increase neural cell proliferation * Effect on neutrotransmitter uptake and release □ Physical activity and exercise prevent potential destruction of brain cells from disuse and can cause neruogenesis (new brain cells to grow) * Cells can "communicate" with each other more efficiently/effectively - Lower risk of all cause mortality (death from any cause) by almost 7-9 times! - **strong link between fitness and cardiovascular disease □ Therefore strong link between all-cause mortality and fitness because a lot of all-cause mortality is made up of cardiovascular disease DOSE RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP: benefits go up with length of exercise, seen at 30-60 mins and get same benefits at just 30

Eating disorders, symptoms and causes/consequences: bulimia

1.Two binge-purge cycles per week for three consecutive months 2. Self-induced purging via vomiting and/or abuse of laxatives 3. Compulsive, out of control behavior 4. Abnormal preoccupation with body size and weight

Good posture contributes to good functioning of many systems of the body. a better supply of oxygen to the lungs. communicating confidence. good relationships. All of the above

All of the above


Antioxidants are vitamins and other substances in foods that help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals—the product of certain chemical reactions within the body and exposure to environmental hazards like ultraviolet radiation from the sun

Trans fats

BAD (are hydrogenated) 10 x worse than saturated!

Stressors release hormones that slow down digestion resulting in decreased energy. food staying in the thoracic cavity too long. Food does not go into the thoracic cavity. decreased appetite. Food stagnating and sending toxins into the bloodstream. food not being digested.

Food stagnating and sending toxins into the bloodstream.

What are the three major perspectives on who we are, the nature of human life, the mind, and the body

Immaterialism: I am only my mind -Body is just "housing", not really the person->mind is inhibited by the body - Ascetism (extreme view): belief that a person must deny the body to free the mind ○ Materialism: I am only my body - Atomism ○ Holism: I am my mind and my body - Whole is greater than the sum of its parts; work together to create reality

Definition of Wellness

It is a state of being that maximizes quality of life ○ It = internal harmony, optimal energy, and aliveness ○ Captures the desire and capacity to thrive an active process of becoming aware of and making a more successful existence


Principle of Progression - Take it slow and maintain consistency over the long term Principle of Overload - Stretching muscle to point of mild discomfort Principle of Reversibility - Flexibility can be affected by age and gender - Main factor is inactivity - Don't use it, lose it Principle of Specificity - Any gender diff in flexibility can primarily be expl by joint ROM for specific joints and Specificity of training ○ Women tend to be more flexible at hip - Flexibility is joint specific and activity/sport-specific

principles of a muscular fitness training program

Same rules of overload, reversibility(use it or lose it) and maintenance - Progressive overload □ Progressively adding more

Which of the following is most important for wise goal setting? Giving yourself rewards Setting goals as high as possible Accomplishing goals quickly Generally stated goals, avoid specifics All of the above

Setting goals as high as possible

connection between mental outlook and flexibility (psychological flexibility)

Someone who is mentally flexible is typically a good listener, very observant and a skilled problem solver Psychological Flexibility: range of human abilities that include - Adapting to situational demands - Being able to change mindset to achieve personal goal - Maintain balance, awareness and commitment to behaviors that support personal values Flexibility training can help you feel less disconnected and produce a sense of greater mindbody harmony (less stress)

Lipids (fats and oils)

The body uses fat as a concentrated source of energy; one gram of fat provides 9 calories of energy, compared with 4 calories for protein and 4 for carbohydrates. Fat is used as a source of energy during rest, light activity, and low-intensity exercise. Fat is also used to produce hormones and cell membranes and to assist in the transport and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, among other functions. Finally, stored body fat serves to insulate and protect the internal organs.

vitamins and minerals

Vitamins are organic micronutrients, while minerals are inorganic micronutrients used to regulate and facilitate chemical processes in the body that are part of our metabolism, conversion of macronutrients to usable forms of energy, synthesis of blood cells, maintenance of the immune system, repair of bones and tissue, and more

Muscle strength and endurance is capable of reducing back pain. helping a person avoid osteoporosis. improving balance. all of the above. none of the above.

all of the above

When trying to adopt new healthy behaviors, it is important to be flexible. be patient. respect how complex a thorough change can be. recognize that this involves your whole being. all of the above.

all of the above

Dynamic flexibility helps to maintain cartilage in the joints. ligament soreness. more attention to the muscles. more oxygen in the lungs. better posture.

better posture

The relationship between flexibility and muscle strength dictates that muscles cannot be flexible if they are strong. flexibility is most effective when muscles are strong. muscles cannot be strong if they are flexible. maintaining muscle strength limits dynamic flexibility.

flexibility is most effective when muscles are strong.

Binge Eating disorder

similar to bulimia nervosa except that, after binging the individual does not purge 1. Binge eating two days per week for six consecutive months 2. Eating when not physically hungry 3. Frequent dieting 4. Using food to cope with psychological problems

complex carbs

starchy veggies, legumes, whole grain cereals and breads

The two types of flexibility are static and dynamic flexibility. static and muscular flexibility. dynamic and functional flexibility. muscular and strength flexibility.

static and dynamic flexibility.

Define Flexibility

the ability to move a joint through a full ROM Two Types - Static: focus on ROM of a joint w/o regard for time it takes to do it - Dynamic: considers speed and ease with which a joint can move through ROM ○ Applies to "on demand: mvmts that person performs daily flexibility is the outcome of engaging in stretching exercises or movements, not the exercises to improve flexibility! also: your ability to adapt to challenges and new circumstances every day.

Self Esteem

the opinion we hold of the worth or value of our whole being, mind and body

Skeletal Muscle

□ Voluntary □ Consciously control when skeletal muscle contracts □ Movement

What is the growth mindset?

○ Believe that new learning, abilities, intelligence and talents can change ○ Efforts go into developing ourselves -PATH OF OPPORTUNITY AND SUCCESS

Functional Fitness Principles

○ Functional fitness deals with whole person, not just physical dimension - Also mental, emotional, spiritual and social dimension as well ○ Builds solid foundation of physical dimension by builidng up - Muscle strength and endurance - Cardiorespiratory endurance - Flexibility of muscles and joints

Health benefits

○ Less back pain ○ Increased bone health (esp imp for older women!), cardiovascular and mental health ○ Reduced risk factors for cardiovascular disease - Lower bp - Lower total cholesterol, incr HDL - Increase insulin sensitivity->reducing risk of diabetes ○ Improved physical functioning - Increase sense of self respect - Greater confidence - Improved cognitive functioning - Reduced stress - Higher self-efficacy ○ Weight control - Muscle mass is more metabolically active than other tissues in body (esp fat) □ Therefore, more muscle mass means the more calories you burn, even at rest ○ Positive effects on metabolism - EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) □ After a bout of strength training, the body recovers from the effort by burning additional calories □ Metabolic rate can remain elevated due to EPOC for up to 2 days, if you participated in an every-other-day strength training program, your body would have a "new" higher metabolic rate - A single session of strength training will increase your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories after exercise during recovery than if you hadn't exercised - Benefits of strength training ○ Increases muscular strength and endurance ○ Functional fitness ○ Neuromotor control ○ Psychological wellbeing

Principles of cardiorespiratory fitness

○ Overload principle ○ Principle of Progression ○ Principle of Reversibility

What is the fixed mindset?

○ Think abilities can't be improved; don't try to change, just defend self ○ Efforts go toward making sure others know that we are good enough ○ PATH OF STAGNATION ○ *Performance and abilities define indv- person not distinct from behavior ○ Change required to get out of mindset

Exercise precautions

"no pain no gain" not good! If feel pain, stop or reduce intensity - be aware of environment (humid, heat and cold)

Smooth Muscle

- Around vessels and hollow tubes and organs of body - Blood vessels and digestive tract - Involuntary

A person is considered obese when the BMI is 30.0 or more. 29.0 or more. 28.0 or more. 27.0 or more. 26.0 or more.

30.0 or more.

factors that cause weight gain

-lack of physical activity -habitual dieting (result in an immediate weight loss, however, it also puts the body into a "survival mode" characterized by a reduction in metabolism. With a slower metabolism, fewer calories are burned. In addition, muscle may be lost during the weight loss) -emotional eating -chronic stress -poor eating habits

Functional Fitness benefits

-less pain -better posture -prevent chronic conditions -create own natural energy -enhance mental health*neurogenesis (process of developing neurons) linked to exercise -help feel positive and productive -offset depression -incr muscular strength and endurance

Eating disorders, symptoms and causes/consequences: anorexia

1. Body weight is 15% or more below normal 2. Inordinate fear of becoming fat in spite of being far below normal weight 3. Amenorrhea in women (abnormal cessation of menstrual period) 4. Distorted body image

monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats

= "good" fats M: olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil P: corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils and in fish

How does appetite work?

Ghrelin is a hormone produced primarily in the stomach that tells the brain when we are hungry, so it stimulates appetite(AKA MAKES FEEL HUNGRY)-slows metabolism. The hormone leptin, produced primarily in adipose tissue, is the counterpart of ghrelin. It makes us feel satiated (full)-stimulates calorie burn

In 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) replaced the Food Guide Pyramid, government guidelines for healthy eating, with the Livestrong plate. MyPlate. Harvard Healthy Eating Pyramid. MyPyramid. Oldways pyramids.


Immaterialism claims that the reality of human life is: not matter. only the body. the mind and body. agnostic. None of the above

Not Matter

Achievement Self Esteem

Self-esteem based on the belief that you must do something to be of value

Principles of cardiorespiratory fitness: Principle of Reversibility

Use it or lose it" - Elevated levels of cardiorespiratory fitness will be lost if not maintained - "easier to maintain good health through proper exercise, diet and emotional balance than it is to regain it once it is lost"

Energy Balance Principles

a. Basic structure: balance your calories consumed with those expended and that allows you to maintain normal, healthy weight b. Calculate by weight, time spent in activity and known energy expenditures in activities c. To lose a pound a week, need to spend 500 more calories a day than you eat

Obesity and issues surrounding

a. NIH defines as a chronic disease b. Cultural bias toward thinness c. Colorectal, uterine, breast, esophageal, kidney and other cancers are related to obesity as well as type 2 diabetes d. Obesity can result in loss of some jobs and medical insurance coverage. Psychological stress and social discr may also occur

Factors that cause weight gain

a. The type of foods we consume (esp fast food) b. Portion sizes c. Stress (esp emotional eating) d. Lack of physical activity e. Sporadic/habitual dieting

Muscular Strength

ability to exert force and is commonly measured as amount of force that can be generated during one contraction of a muscle or group of muscles

A pedometer reading of 10,000-14,000 steps a day is considered to be very active. active. moderately active. low active. inactive.


You can estimate your current cardiorespiratory fitness level only by taking a treadmill stress test by assessing how much weight you can move by measuring how far you can move in a given time by counting how many breaths you take per minute

by measuring how far you can move in a given time

How to calculate caloric expenditure and intake

calculate RMR for gender and age(6.68*weight)+496 then multiply by activity factor (about 1.6) to get daily energy expenditure

Three types of muscle tissue in the body include cardiac, pulmonary, and skeletal. cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. cardiac, skeletal, and postural. cardiac, digestive, and skeletal.

cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force. maintain stability. contract repeatedly over time. align the body.

contract repeatedly over time.

Functional fitness helps correct dysfunction by doing weight training. exercising the cardiorespiratory system. participating in a sport. creating a solid foundation. orthopedic surgery.

creating a solid foundation.

The principle of progression, when applied to flexibility, means that everyone should be able to sit with legs extended and reach beyond their toes. everyone should bounce and stretch as far as possible. everyone should ease into flexibility exercises and do some everyday. everyone needs to become as flexible as possible.

everyone should ease into flexibility exercises and do

One of the best ways to regulate ghrelin and leptin is with anti-depressants. exercise glucose. positive attitudes. fasting.


The capacity to move a joint through its full range of motion is called ligament flexibility dynamic flexibility flexibility functional flexibility


simple carbs

fruits, milk, vegetables, sugar

Body tissue that can generate force is called tendon. cartilage. nerve. muscle.



need large amount of water, protein, fats and carbs

Changing to living a healthy lifestyle is the most difficult change to make. dependent on how others are living. facilitated by a fixed mindset. dependent on determinism. None of the above

none of the above

The fat-storing fold of the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity, is called the rectus abdominus. omentum abdominal fold. diaphragm. none of the above.



principal component of bone and muscle Protein is necessary to build and repair cells and to make enzymes, hemoglobin, hormones, and antibodies animal products = complete protein (all am acids) plant products = incomplete

Good posture is the proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system. proper alignment of the head and back. balance of the left and right shoulders. balance of the left and right hips. proper alignment that feels stiff.

proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system.

Thoughts and feelings affect how the cells function according to:


Thoughts and feelings affect how the cells function according to: neurology. biology. psychology. psychoneuroimmunology. chemistry.


Behaviorism and operant conditioning work on people but may result in competition. only the body changing. manipulation. resentment toward authority. only the mind changing.

resentment toward authority

how can factors such as stress and the eating environment impact nutritional health?

stress can make food stay in stomach and intenstines too long-leak toxins into blood also cause GI malfunction (indigestion, stomach ache, irritable bowl movement) eating environment: fast food, fast paced life-no time to prep good meals

Muscular fitness can help hypertensive individuals lower their systolic blood pressure. diastolic blood pressure. systolic and diastolic blood pressure. none of the above.

systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Define Functional Fitness

teaches the muscles to work together instead of in isolation ○ Combines elements of flexibility, endurance, balance and coordination - Not just strength! the levels of fitness that allow you to perform real-life daily activities such as walking, bending, lifting and climbing stairs. The primary purpose of functional fitness is to enhance quality of life, reduce chronic pain, and avoid suffering.

Functional fitness improves real-life movements by strengthening muscles by isolating a muscle. focusing mainly on muscle bulk. teaching muscles to work together. focusing mainly on muscle endurance. teaching lifetime sports skills.

teaching muscles to work together

Muscular Endurance

the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract repeatedly

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