Science Review Questions Chapter 4

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Name the family for Calcium?

Akaline- earth metals

How many valence electrons do the transition metals typically have?

Two valence electrons

What is similar about elements in a particular family?

they have the same number of valence electrons

Why do we need a periodic table?

to keep track of all the elements

Why did Berzelius establish his system of chemical symbols?

to make it easier to share the elements

Explain why atomic radius changes as we move to the right across a period.

you add more valence electrons

Explain why electronegativity changes as it does across a period

you get more electrons

List the group number for cesium (55)?


List the group number for cadmium (48)?


List the group number for carbon?


What information about a neutral atom of silicon does the periodic table tell us?

4 valence electrons and metalloids

All of the transition metals have at least how many energy levels? Explain

4, because they start at period 4

Why is the oxygen group considered one of the mixed groups?

Because it is metals, non metals, and metalloids

Place in chronological order the following people who contributed to the development of the periodic table: Berzellius, Dobereiner, Mendeleev, Mosley, and Newlands.

Berzellius, Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev, Mosley

using the periodic table, list two pairs of elements that would have been out of order on Mendeleev's periodic table (according to atomic mass) compared with our current table. Assume that scientists knew about all the elements up to and including lead.

Cu (Copper), Zn (Zinc), Di(didymium), Ce (Cerium),

What is an allotrope?

Different structural forms of the same element in the same physical state

Ionization energy is the measure of how much work needs to be done to remove a valence electron from a neutral atom. Thinking about the trends in atomic radii and electronegativity, hypothesize as to how you think ionization energy would change across a row. Explain.

It would either get bigger or smaller

Name the family for Promethium (61)?

Lanthanide series

Name the family for lead?

Post- transition metals

What does the Bohr Model look like?

There should be two on the first circle. Similar to a model of the solar system. The nucleus (with protons) is in the center. Electrons orbit the nucleus in different levels.

Why did people keep working on developing the periodic table? How are they continuing to work on the table now?

They are always improving. They get more peer evaluations.

What trait of the alkali metals results form the fact that they easily lose one valence electron?

They are very reactive

What was Berzelius's contribution to the study of elements?

a symbols for naming the elements using 1-2, letters, and each elements latin name.

You want an element that is conductive, malleable, and dutile but not very reactive. Where on the periodic table would you look for your element? Explain.

any thing except nonmetals, you would look to the left and in the stairstep, because the nonmetals have poor conductivity

Of what elements are diamond and graphite made?


What type of ion do the alkali metals form and why?

cation, they can easily lose a ion

Does CN represent the elements copernicium (112) or a compound of carbon and nitrogen? Explain.

copernicium because the symbol is a latin mane they used.

valence electrons

electrons in the outer most energy level of a neutral atom.

Of what did the ancient Greeks believe all matter consisted of?

fire, earth, water, air

Using the periodic table, would you expect copper or gallium to exhibit more metallic properties? Explain.

gallium, it is father on the table


gass, liquid, dull, brittle, solid, poor conductivity, electrically and thermally, 4 or more valence electrons,

Name two changes made to Mendeleev's original periodic table to produce the one that we use today.

he had blank spaces and we filled them in and we switched them from atomic mass to valence electrons and energy level

On the basis of its position on the periodic table alone, what do we know about sulfur?

it is a nonmetal and it has 6 valence electrons

Why are electrons paired in electron dot notation?

it makes it easier to classify

Write the electron dot notation for the following elements: magnesium


Using the Periodic Table, classify the following elements as metal, non metal, or metalloid: Strontium (38)


Using the Periodic Table, classify the following elements as metal, non metal, or metalloid: Antimony


Using the Periodic Table, classify the following elements as metal, non metal, or metalloid: Bromine


Arrange the following elements in order of increasing radius: oxygen, polonium (84), selenium, sulfur

oxygen,sulfur, selenium, polonium


start to notice patterns when arranged the elements in order by increasing atomic mass.

periodic law

that the properties of the elements very in a periodic way with there atomic mass

Name a key contribution that robert boyle made to the study of chemistry?

the concept of matter as a mixture of the five basic elements.

Which family atoms generally have 8 valence electrons? What properties do these electrons use?

the noble gasses

How does the shape of the periodic table reflect the order that we see in atoms and in the universe?

the number the element is in is the number of the family or period it is in

Considering your answer to Question (of what elements are diamond and graphite made) how can you explain the significant differences in properties between diamond and graphite?

they are of different forms.

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