Science- Topic One and Two: Characteristics of Fluids and Flow Rate and Viscosity

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Explain streamlined

A smooth shape designed to decrease resistance to fluid flow

What is turbulent flow?

An irregular mix of flowing patterns

How do wetting agents, which are used to help fight forest fires, work? Explain.

By adding wetting agents to the water, it reduces cohesion and allows the water to disperse more readily.

How would deposits on the walls of arteries affect the flow of blood moving through the body?

By creating blood clots, in veins and arteries which may cause heart attacks and strokes

Cohesion and adhesion affect the viscosity of a fluid. Explain the difference between cohesion and adhesion.

Cohesion is the force of attraction between particles of a substance while adhesion is the force of attraction between particles of a fluid and other substances.

Would you prefer turbulent flow or laminar flow around a racing bicycle? Why?

Laminar flow because it creates a faster and smoother ride

Do strong cohesive forces speed up the flow rate of a fluid, or slow down? Explain.

Slow down because the particles inside the substance stick together and are more viscous

What determines whether a substance is called fluid or not?

The ability to flow and does not have a fixed shape

Explain viscosity

The measure of how easily a fluid's particles are able to slide past one another

Use the particle theory to explain why fluids can flow while solids cannot.

The particles that make up a solid have strong forces of attraction which means the particles are more or less locked in place, enabling them to not slide past one another, or flow

Explain aerodynamics

The study of moving gases, a part of fluid dynamics concerned how gases move around objects

Explain hydrodynamics

The study of moving liquids, a part of fluid dynamics concerned with how liquids move

On what 4 factors does flow rate depend on?

The type of fluid that is flowing, the forces pushing on the fluid, the size of the opening the fluid is flowing through and the type of surface over which the fluid is flowing

Which (turbulent or laminar) flow would like for white water rafting? Why?

Turbulent flow because this type of flow creates choppy waves, making for a thrill filled ride

What units are used to measure flow rate?

Volume per and unit time

Define flow rate

a measure of how quickly fluids flow

If the particles off a substance show considerable adhesion as well as cohesion. Is this fluid likely to have a fast or flow rate?

a slow flow rate because both strong adhesion and cohesion forces slow it down

An example of laminar flow

a wing of an airplane, will reduce drag making for a smoother more efficient vehicle

Why are some solids, such as flour, sugar and salt, which seem to flow, not called fluids?

because they all have definite shapes!

Dams are used throughout the world to control the flow of water. Describe two environmental costs.

flooded forests, wetlands and loss of land used by the First Nations for fishing and hunting

Examples of how flow rate units are measured

ml/sec, l/min

Explain why fluids travel faster near the centre of pipes and tubes than at the edges.

the fluid in the middle is cohesive so it's not sticking onto anything causing it to have a higher flow rate.

Both gases and liquids are fluids because...

they flow and take shape of the container

An example of turbulent flow

water mixing with air while white water rafting

What is laminar flow?

when fluids move in orderly lines or along smooth pathways

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