Scientific Method

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Dependent Variable - The experimental factor that changes in response to a change in the independent variable. *A common form is "If the independent variable is changed, then a change will also result in the dependent variable."

Hypothesis - A proposed explanation for a scientific problem that itself can be tested by experimentation. * Good hypotheses generally take the if-then form because the causal relationship is one that can be tested.

Basic Research - Research that expands knowledge in a particular area.

*When researching an idea, be sure to use reliable sources that have recent, up-to-date information, such as scientific journals or government-run Web sites like NASA, NIH, EPA, and others.

*It should be understood that science cannot be used to provide proofs to unique historical events which are not repeatable. Science is extremely important and powerful. Science allows us to find solutions to many of our questions and problems in our world. * It is however important to realize that there are limitations in science. *Moral judgments, personal judgments, decisions about the applications of science, and conclusions about the supernatural events cannot be determined using science.

If you were asked to prove that the first atomic bomb was dropped over the city of Hiroshima, Japan, you would not be able to devise an experiment which could recreate the actual event. Science is limited or restricted to investigating physical phenomena that are - 1. observable 2. measurable 3. repeatable 4. falsifiable

SCIENTIFIC LAWS AND THEORIES - Law Field Person(s) Named After Doppler effect Physics Christian Doppler Ehrenfest's theorem Quantum mechanics Paul Ehrenfest. Einstein's general theory of relativity Einstein's special theory of relativity named after Albert Einstein Physics. Other independent groups further scientific research or find useful applications for scientific discoveries. Research scientists seek to expand knowledge in a particular field.

*As scientists observe nature and investigate phenomena, they come to recognize patterns. *When certain patterns are observed to be true all the time, they are called scientific laws. These laws describe what happens given a certain set of conditions. *They do not, however, explain why or how something happens. *Scientists are continually trying to come up with explanations for scientific laws and for the events and patterns they observe in the natural world.

Independent Variable - The experimental factor that is changed by the scientist.

*Notice that the scientific method is cyclical; that is, it is designed to repeat itself. *Almost no researcher or inventor gets it right the very first time. Ideally, with every cycle, the researcher gets closer and closer to the goal.

*Even as all of science seeks to understand the natural universe, so all of science is united by a common method of inquiry into its fundamental processes. *Questions like What is it? How does it work? What is its purpose? are fundamental to scientific inquiry. *Over time, scientists have learned that the answers are best arrived at through a vigorous process of discovery known as the scientific method.

*Science can only address questions that have variables that can be systematically measured and analyzed. *For instance, it may be your opinion that a particular painting is very beautiful. *Science can neither confirm nor deny this opinion. *Science cannot, however, judge the value of the painting or the intent of the painter.

Scientists use such a method to carefully define questions about phenomena in the natural world and to propose solutions (called hypotheses) to those questions or problems. *Then, they devise ways to test their hypotheses by collecting and analyzing data in order to determine whether the hypotheses are accurate.

*Science deals with facts, not opinions. Facts are objective and are known to be true. *Opinions are subjective and depend on a person's experience, taste, feelings, etc. *Science can do such things as analyze the type of paint used, determine the age of the painting, or judge the mathematical perspective of the presentation. It should be understood that science cannot be used to provide proofs to unique historical events which are not repeatable.

Scientific Method- A process to test a proposed solution to a problem. *In this course, and in many other applications of science, you will use mathematics to account for many different types of reactions discussed, to illustrate scientific laws as formulas, to take careful measurements, and to make precise calculations. * The math used in this course will typically take the form of simple algebraic equations. *A good scientist uses not only his own observations, but the published work of other scientists.

*They formulate hypotheses and then test them repeatedly. *When a hypothesis consistently proves accurate and is supported by strong scientific evidence, it becomes a theory. * But scientific theories are not as stable as scientific laws. *Theories often evolve over time or may even have to be discarded when new discoveries are made. *During the past century, scientists have uncovered several new revelations in basic science that overturned previous ideas and theories.

A scientific law can often be reduced to a mathematical statement, such as E = mc²; it's a specific statement based on empirical data, and its truth is generally confined to a certain set of conditions. For example, in the case of E = mc², c refers to the speed of light in a vacuum.

Science influences a lot in our everyday lives. Many daily activity are influenced by science or need some type of science. THE LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE- In fact, mathematics is considered the language of science, allowing scientists to describe complex events precisely and efficiently.

Applied Research - Research that results in a product that can be sold for profit basic research research that expands knowledge in a particular area .

control - A quantity in an experiment that remains unchanged or constant. Empirical Evidence - Observational Evidence

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