Scratch Coding

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How old do you have to be to code?

Any age

Who are people who can code?


Which companies make smartphones?

Apple, Samsung, Google

What is scratch coding?

Block coding

Modern technology is something that runs on mostly what?


These are search engines used my people every day

Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge

What type of coding is used for a browser?


When is coding used the most?

In technology

Who made scratch?

MIT, a school in Boston

What block do you use to loop a code?

Repeat block or forever block

What are the characters called in Scratch?


Car manufacturers that use self-driving technology

Tesla, Honda, Toyota, Volvo, etc

What is looping?

The act of doing something over and over again

True or False Can you customize everything in scratch coding?


operating systems

Windows, Chrome, iOS

looks tab

a tab containing script blocks that allow you to change the appearance of sprites

control tab

a tab containing triggers that tell the sprites what should happen, and when


activates the script within it for an endless amount of time

switch to costume _

changes the look of the sprite to a pre-made appearance

go to x:_ y:_

changes the sprite's location to the specified coordinate


character or object

motion tab

contains script blocks that create sprite movement

sounds tab

contains scripts that allow you to assign sound to your scripts


fixing flaws in programs

change size by _

increases or decreases the size of the sprite by the specified amount of units


look of a sprite

wait _ secs

pauses the execution of a script for the specified amount of time

repeat _

repeatedly activates the script within it until it reaches the designated amount of times

sensing tab

tab containing scripts allowing the sprite or user to interact with the project


the background; where the action takes place

when _ key pressed

trigger forcing script to be activated when the designated key is pressed

when flag clicked

trigger forcing script to be activated when the green flag is clicked

rotate _ degrees

turns the sprite a certain amount of units

point in direction _

turns the sprite to a specified position (up, down, left, right)

point towards _

turns the sprite towards another object or towards the mouse pointer

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