Scrum Events
Ensure they do not disrupt the Daily Scrum.
If others outside of the Development Team are present in the Daily Scrum, what must the Scrum Master so?
True or False. Feedback from the organization CEO and or Key Stakeholders is to be viewed as input into Sprint Planning.
Can the Daily Scrum be skipped if there is nothing interesting to talk about?
In AGILE a ______________ is the container for all other events.
Sprint Review
In what meeting are Key Stakeholders allowed to participate?
Because Key Stakeholders have a lot of investment in the initiative at hand, so they deserve the platform to review and see how progress towards sprint goals is being carried out.
Logically why would Key Stakeholders reserve the right to participate in the Sprint Review meeting?
Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Retrospective
State all formal opportunities AGILE provides for a Scrum Team to inspect and adapt:
Development Team Product Owner Scrum Master Key Stakeholders
State all parties that participate in the Sprint Review:
Sprint Planning & Sprint Review
State which two meetings people outside of the Scrum Team are allowed to participate:
True. Yes, the Development Team may invite others to attend Sprint Planning in order to provide technical or domain advice.
True or False. Other people outside of the Scrum Team can attend Sprint Planning in order to provide technical or domain advice:
False. Scrum allows additional meetings IF they facilitate achieving the Sprint Goal.
True or False. Scrum does not allow additional meetings if they are not defined in Scrum.
True or False. The Daily Scrum time box depends on the size of the Development Team.
True. Yes, the Definition of Done can be reviewed and adapted during each Sprint Retrospective.
True or False. The Definition of Done can be reviewed and adapted during each Sprint Retrospective:
Development Team Product Owner Scrum Master
What 3 parties participate in Sprint Planning?
What did I do yesterday What will I do today Do I see any impediments
What 3 questions should every member of the Scrum Team be able to answer towards Sprint Goals, at the conclusion of the Daily Scrum?
An opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements moving forward to the next sprint.
What is a Sprint Retrospective?
An Internal Meeting for the Development Team.
What is the Daily Scrum?
A revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next sprint
What is the result of a Sprint Review?
4 hours
What is the time Box for the Sprint Review?
8 hours
What is the time box for Sprint Planning?
15 minutes
What is the time-box for the Daily Scrum?
3 hours
What is the time-box for the Sprint Retrospective?
Key Stakeholders
What party participates in the Sprint Review outside of of the Development Team, Product Owner and Scrum Master?
The Development Team
Who is allowed to participate in the Daily Scrum?
The Scrum Team
Who is responsible for crafting the Sprint Goal at Sprint Planning?