SDR interview

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Describe a time when you coordinated several projects at the same time. How did you juggle all the projects? How did you keep track of what needed to be done on each one?

ex: emailing, researching, AND doing prep work for show. kept them all sepate and labled each meeting for each one, I delated specific times and days for each person and goal.

What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision? Why?

asses, problem solve, take action

Can you describe a situation where you were presented with a problem outside of your comfort zone and where you were able to come up with a creative solution?

fashion show?

What is your impression of our company culture?

fast pace, care about success of each other and the small businesses.

Tell me about the type of work environment you prefer.

fast past, super collaborative, open conversations, questions are encouraged.

What does teamwork look like in a group of Business Development Reps?

being on the same page to make sure we are consistently looking for the same thing in leads. If one of us is off this can cause major consistency issues.

Tell me about a time when you became aware of a potential problem and resolved it before it became an issue.

capstone. or not having the correct contact info for leads

If you were sitting in my chair, what would be the top three qualities that you would be looking for in a candidate for this position?

collaborator, resourceful, empathy, and believe in their product.

What would you consider to be your most significant career accomplishment to date? How did you go about it? What challenges did you face?

generating a big account for Mata Traders. I think that is the first time that I learned what is so great about sales.

What do you think is going to be the most challenging part of this job?

getting lots of no's, telling people no, and getting no answer. All these things can weigh on a person.

How do you feel about (famous movie)?

heard really great things

Describe a personal weakness that you had to overcome to improve your performance at work? How did you do it?


Why did you apply for the role with (company name)?

- Many reasons - I learned a little while ago that I wanted to do B2B partnership and sales with a company that has my same values. - Met someone at trade show. Got to know them and the company. Admired your team. Have been following since. Love keeping up. - Look up to its innovation, constantly doing more to help their retailers and shops, cares about brand story. o Mention Faire Direct and partnering with SHOPPE BLACK. Stays up to date. Shows and acts on values. - Mission I want to be a part of. Have a lot of experience and success working in small business environments - that's where my heart is at. - Great fit for company culture and values. - Not only the perfect company for me but the perfect role. Would love to bring my current skills into a new setting and help bring on new brands.

Why Faire?

- great impression when met a few summers ago: -innovation, always growing (Faire Direct), mission drive (SHOPPE BLACK). Acts on values -I want to be a part of what they are doing. -have always love small business - great fit - perfect role: skills are qualified, want to be a part of a winning team.

Tell me about three separate times you were faced with a setback, a no, or a defeat and how did you handle it?

- not being able to find brands that matched what we are looking for at the Bridge - covid limiting our fundraising and community involvement efforts - Not having all the correct contact info for brands at O2 show.

What makes Faire different from our competition?

- reach a large audience of like-minded retailers - sell directly from the website -easy apply -low risk - simple and easy design -clear mission and goals. - constant - centralized place to do a lot of business

"How do you deal with rejection?"

-As well as one can -a thing you have to get used to - deal with rejection on a daily bases at O2, there was one time when I thought for sure I had someone ready to sign up and ended up pulling out last minute due to budget. -Upset but know when to move on and stay positive and hopeful for the next time -can't control if people choose to reject you but can control how you respond and how you can potentially improve.

"Give me your life story in 90 seconds."


If I were to talk with your current or last supervisor, what would he or she say is the greatest strength that you'd bring to this role, and your biggest area for growth of improvement that relates to this role?

1. Resourceful - I know how to handle problems and conflict in the most effective and efficient way possible with resources in front of me. I am self sufficient 2. patients - you can't fix everyone, good things sometimes take time so don't act impulsively.

Say you missed your quota for qualified leads last month. What do you do?

A good answer mentions the importance of proactively monitoring their own performance. Candidates should demonstrate a willingness to learn and seek help when needed. Strong candidates know that they are part of an eco-system with a few different moving parts.

What data do you need before contacting a potential client?

A good contact, information on the brand (brand story, where they are sold, how there marketing currently looks, how big they are, their product).

What hobbies do you invest time and money into?

A lot of random hobbies: recently took up harmonica, in the past I've invested time into Social Justice efforts, a friend is getting me into films, photography. I just bought a chess set after watching Queens Gambit

Tell me about a time you were fired or quit your job and why?

Altar'd state, didn't agree with values anymore.

Practice small talk with yourself or a friend. You can also research topics to discuss with the CEO.

Asking how their day or week has been Discussing your hobbies Asking about their weekend plans Asking how long they have been working at the company

What steps do you take before making a decision on how to solve a problem, and why?

Asses all solutions and outcomes before jumping into something.

Tell me about a time that you used data to make a judgement

Bridge. If something wasn't selling on our sales report we are not going to ask for more of that product, B. will not bring in similar items Mata: look up sites and see when the last time they ordered was in order to see if they are worth reaching out to

How would you measure success?

By how many brands sound are engaged and want to know more. I can't control completely what I person decides but If they are engaged I know I've done my job. Ex: reaching out to a brand at O2 show and not purchasing our service but still talked and kept us in mind.

What is the most recent thing you've learned professionally?

CRM software

What's a recent thing you've learned?

CRM, about natural tattooing, Krypto Currency

When was the last time you had to learn a new skill? How did you go about it?

CRM. Had learned about it in classes but recently got introduced to it.

What is something not on your resume that we should know?

Call center and venture out.

Tell me about a time when a client or customer approached you with a concern—and how you responded?

Call center, concerned about credit card info. Explained the process we use to keep their info safe

Tell me about a time when you had to change your planned course of action at the last minute?

Capstone project - came up with a fantastic idea! Great title. Talked to professor, was not a unique name. this was after we did all the prep work, so we took the extra steps to find something just as creative.

Tell me about a recent team project. What was your role?

Capstone project: I was the coordinator and Implementer.

What is it you do in sales that separates you from others?

Care about my product and service. Listen to the customer. Have empathy. Be able to get over rejection and move on.

Based on what you've learned so far, what excites you most about the role?

Contributing to the growth of this brand and helping small businesses thrive.

In a normal week how many hours do you usually expect to work?

depends. If I have a week with a big project I will put in the amount of hours it takes to complete the project regardless of how long it takes.

When working on a team, what's hardest for you?

Defining roles. Making sure we are on the same page. I useally step in and make sure we are all being efficient and quickly agree on something.

What education and training do you have that is relevant to this role?

Degree in retail merchandising and marketing, a minor in business. I also have beginner experience in CMR softwhere.

What sales techniques are you familiar with? Which methods do you find the most and least effective? Why?

Direct cold calling, relationship oriented

"Tell me about a time you faced a challenge. How did you deal with it, and what motivated you to keep going?"

Displaying product that I did not have. I used critical thinking and collaborated with my other intern. We decided to use all the resources available to us: old products, and my own things from home to add decorations and spread the March out kinda like you do with food as a kid to make it look like you ate more than you really did. Manager was impressed and even had a few people try to buy our own decorations.

Which channel of communication are you most comfortable with?

Email because I can plan out, come back to, and triple check that what I'm saying is what I want to say.

What drives you / what motivates you? / what keeps you going?

End goal. learning something new everyday. People and stories!

What skills and experience do you have that would allow you to succeed in this role?

Experience in the industry. I understand what to look for in brands/ small business, what they look for when wanting to

"Pretend I'm a prospect. Describe our product or service to me."

Faire is a online wholesale market palce that works to empower small businesses through easy selling points, gaining exposure, and easy POS. FAIRE is here to bring brands and retailers onto our platform. It's a tool that helps makers grow and easily manage their business. We aim to introducing makers to as many perfect fit retailers as possible.

Describe a time when you were assigned a project without clear direction. What did you do?

Fashion show at the bridge. What?? I was told that this is something we were thinking of doing and had clue clue what was going on. I collaborated with the charity that we were partnering with to find common goals.

What professional development goals have you set for this year?

Finding a professional mentor. I've learned that this is really important. I've been able to find this through a women I reached out to her has experience in the industry, as well as form a great relationship with one of my current supervisors. This has given me confidence and a little more wisdom. I hope to find good work relationships at Faire as well. I also have started on my google analytics certificic.

Describe a time you weren't happy with your work and why.

First time meeting with a potential partner. I stumbled over words, was not able to communicate properly, and was not able to sell our brand as well as I hoped. - I was disappointed that didn't excell the way I had imagined - I was able to talk to my supervisor and get feed back about how it takes time -everyday I learn more and become smoother and makes it easier. I can't always predict every client but I the more I do the better I get tackling hard situations.

What is your 30/60/30 day plan for this goal? What would you do on say one? What are your goals going into this role?

Getting up to speed and understand long and short term challenges. Build relationships with team members and clients. Figuring out what works and what doesn't. Implicating obtainable goals.

tell me about a time you had to manage more than one task? How did you prioritize?

Given a huge variety of specific sources at the beginning of my time at O2. Approach it one by one. Don't try to get it done all at once, instead create a doc to organize and go in on small obtainable goals everyday.

If you could work at any other company besides this once which would it be and why?


"Leave me a voicemail."

Hi Rachel this is Kait with Faire Wholesale We spoke previously about your brand and I really think that with your unique brand qualities it would be a great for our platform. I would love to talk more about ____, your goals moving forward, and tell you a little bit more about Faire!

describe yourself.

I am a motivated individual who takes what I do and why I do it to heart. I am ever evolving, and curiosity and creativity are things I hold dear.???

Why do you think you'd make an excellent sales development representative?

I am an excellent communicator, I'm excited to tell people about Faire, I'm fantastic at understanding current trends and needs, I've had success in the past with similar roles.

Tell me about a time you went out on a limb for a customer?

I brought on someone who's product was typically too high for our store. it went with our customer base. It ended up successful!

We interview 100s of people, why should we hire you?

I have the exact skills and experience you are looking for: strong communication, past experience dealing with b2b sales and research, and brand growth. I also have soft skils: organized, team collaborator, energetic, and discipled. Most importantly though s that I am passionate about the things I do and am dirven by that. You can teach a lot, you can't teach passion though. This is what sets apart the average and the great.

Why you?

I have the hard skills that are nessisary: Sales experience, B2B experience, brand growth, and understanding of small business. Soft skills: strong communication, highly organized, and commitment to Faires mission and values. Most important: I'm passionate about this. That is what makes me stand out

Do you know any of our competitors? How would you talk about them when speaking with a lead?

I know of them, Tundra comes to mind. We have a lot to learn from everyone I would talk about them with grace and understanding but explain reasons that we may provide a better service.

What makes you think you would be good at this job?

I know that I love this kind of work. The second that I started meeting with individual makers in 2018 I knew that working with people and expressing stories is something I wanted to do. I know I would be a great fit because of my hard and soft skills. I'm also really passionate.

Why sales? Why Faire sales?

I like to connect and learn about people and their storied. I like to win people over and talk about things that get me excited. I thrive in a fast pase environment.

Say you missed your quota for qualified leads last month. What do you do?

I stay resilient. I think approaching it as a way I can improve is the best way. I would ask my supervisor for feedback

You're trying to contact a potential client, but they keep redirecting you to different employees. How would you find and contact the most appropriate person?

I think a big one for this situation is to just use your resources and see for yourself. LinkedIn I've found to be a great tool to see what title a person has and you can infer if they are the right ones. I also think deciding on what communication method you are using. I think emails people can sometimes deflect. This might be a good time to call whoever contacts you have and get down to the source.

How would you go about simplifying a complex issue in order to explain it to a client or colleague?

I think clear communication is key. When putting out all the information for what we offer at O2 show it is new to all our clients as well as us. We start with a broad overview, wait for questions, give a document, wait for questions, then asses in person.

You're in a promising meeting with a high-potential client, but it's running late. You may be late to your next appointment. How would you handle the situation?

I think communication is key here. You need to maintain positive communication with both parties. I would stop for a minute explain the situation to the high potential client and just shoot the other person a text. I would also do my best to wrap up semi soon if at at possible.

How do you define success?

I think it is a number of factors and is never reliant on only one depending on the situation. I think first and foremost, satisfying a brand, coworker, or manager. satisfyied brand. Whether that be the fact that they are excited to join the platform or that they had a great interaction with me. I want to surpass expectations and be able to add unique value to the way I do things. I also want to be happy with my work, even if I don't land a brand I still want to leave for the day knowing I could not have done anything more than I did. For me, success means knowing that the work is done in a very ethical manner, having some fun along the way, and having the freedom to chart my own course.

How do I view sales?

I view it as opportunity. Opportunity to not only learn but to recognize someones need and be a able to fill it. Listen and learn, then provide solutions. Has a bad rep because a lot of people view it as numbers and are selling a product they don't believe in.

Tell me about the best boss you've worked for?

I worked for a really great boss that was really educated in leadership and at Venture Out. She was able to coach me while also being a friend. She had bi monthly check ins for employees just to make sure they are doing ok and how we wish to grow further. She showed compassion and true leadership, and knowledge and hope that thats how I am in a leader in the future.

it's your first time talking to a new, qualified lead. How would you begin the conversation? What would be your goal for that interaction?

I would begin with just normal conversation and introducing myself. After I hear them I can introduce faire and how it is the perfect fit. My goal would be to come to some conclusion in the end, whether that be a yes or simply getting them in touch with an EX.

"If you had to teach a beginner an advanced concept, how would you approach the task?"

I would give a really quick overview. ask questions to really understand what they don't understand. From there go step by step with them so they can experience it themselves.

From everything you've learned about this role and our company, tell me the kind of contribution you think you could make?

I'm confident that I would be able to work individually and collaboratively with a team to make sure we find the best brands to bring onto the platform. I also think I can bring a lot of great ideas onto the platform that I already have been thinking about. I would be someone who gets excited to come to work every day and think that simply by having that attitude you can encourage a team environment of results.

why sales?

I'm motivated by connecting with people, learning about their stories, and being in a fast pace environment. I knew I wanted to do some sort of form of B2B sales as soon as I started my first internship position discovering new people to bring into a store, and figuring out how to bring people to buy those products.

Are you a big picture person or detail-oriented person? Why? Can you give an example that demonstrates this?

I'm pretty detail oriented. It's important in order to get to the big picture.

What are you passionate about? What makes you passionate about selling here?

I'm really passionate about how much of a positivity impact the retail and textile industry can have on the world! It gets a lot of bad rap with social justice and environmental efforts. No one is going to be perfect but we have so much power to bring joy and expression to peoples lives, provide fair and living wages to workers, set examples on how to manufacture responsibly. I think that really comes across especially in small business. Those are the ones that lead those efforts! They are the reason the big box retailers are panicking and starting to try to compete with all their social good efforts that we never saw before. Small businesses that have compassion for their work and community are where my heart has always been and would absolute love the opportunity to help those businesses thrive at Faire!

Where would you look for new business opportunities?

I've been able to find a lot of business opportunities through trade show sites!

How do you organize and plan for major projects?

I've learned that excell sheets are my best friend. Especially when working with a group. I had to coordinate all achedualing and prep work for an event I was putting on with IJM last year and there was a lot to do! we had to contact our partners, collect donations, get the venue set up. I was able to allocate each member a specific job and time. The event was pulled off flawlessly. Organization is key

Why are you seeking a new job?

I've really loved my time at O2 show but I'm really looking for a company that is a little bit more established right now and gives me room to grow, not to mention my current position is temporary and only part time.

What about a time you worked on a difficult team?

IJM team. All very different personalities. Great and a set back

What is the best advice you have ever received?

If you have someone you know you love, find a way to do that.

When is a 'no' a definite 'no' when it comes to a qualified lead?

Important to approach each situation uniquely. I think it's when I've asked everything and given them all possibilities. I must respect a hard no.

What problem solving strategies do you use to stay aware of problems and resolve them in your work area? Can you give me an example of how this has worked for you in your current role?

Know that you have a team to collab with, zoom out and use your resources.

What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

Landing a sale with San Diego Museum guy. I noticed he mentioned he had a museum store and thought this would be a great opportunity to connect with our brand. I jumped right in, noticed little detailed, was able to communicate our brands, ended in success for our brand.

why do you want a career in sales?

Learning more about people, and interacting with them, also working in a fast pace work environment. I am excited to come into a job that I can do this as well as have a reason behind what I'm doing. I love working for organizations that I truly believe in which keeps me motivated in the long term. One of my favorite parts that made me successful at Mata was learning about new brands I didn't know about previously and being able to connect up with them. These showed in my interactions. I also loved what our company did so much that I couldn't wait to come to work and share the world with what we do. This is what showed me that a career in B2B sales is what I wanted to do!

What is your biggest on-the-job motivator?

Learning more about people, and interacting with them, also working in a fast pace work environment. I am excited to come into a job that I can do this as well as have a reason behind what I'm doing. I love working for organizations that I truly believe in which keeps me motivated in the long term. One of my favorite parts that made me successful at Mata was learning about new brands I didn't know about previously and being able to connect up with them. These showed in my interactions. I also loved what our company did so much that I couldn't wait to come to work and share the world with what we do. This is what showed me that a career in B2B sales is what I wanted to do! (option 2) learning new things! I had so many opportunities to take random classes in college and those always proved to be my most challenging, most rewarding, and most enjoyable. There was one in particular where I took a class on Poverty in Africa, and Islam in Europe. Had NOTHING to do with my major and had a huge project due each week but learning about these topics I would not have had the opportunity to learn about previously was what motivated me to spend so long on my final project and receive an A in the class.

Share a time you identified a problem in your company and how you resolved it?

Low member retention, low excitement, low fundraising. We had a lot of potential we just needed to act on it. I took that initiative and implemented a new approach to the year.

Tell me about the last time you failed to complete a project on time.

My final project for a photoshop class. I didn't asses beforehand how long it would take and was up all night trying to get the project done and ended up having to email her explaining the situation. She understood. But made sure to look over the work load before every project before just jumping right in.

Tell me about a time you disagreed with a manager and how you handled it?

My most recent position my manager wanted to reach out to some brands social media instead of email. Although she was experienced and I was not I really thought that we should start off with email. I ended up bringing this up to her in a respectable manner to start a discussion. She was able to give her insight and we ended up going wit social media. (explain what I learned)

Describe somewhere you would like to improve?

My negotiated skills. Although they are there I think they could definitely be stronger. There has been instances, specifically at O2 show where I will talk to someone who doesn't seem too interested and I will take it as an automatic no without trying to explain why it should be a yes. I think this role would allow me to improve on that a lot and would love to hear feedback on how to get better

What was your role and experience?

My role was the one who coordinating schedules and implanting our ideas. It was a very successful team but as with any team, we definitely had our challenges but what made it work well is our common goal we were always able to keep in mind.

When have you had to sell an idea to a group? What was your approach?

National IJM conference.

what challenges did you face in your last role?

Not finding any information of who we should contact

"Tell me about a time you had to get really good at a skill. What did you do to achieve that goal?"

Not necessarily a hard skill but a soft skill but although this isn't on my resume I actually worked at a high ropes facilitator where I was specialized in outdoor education and team leadership. Everyday was scary and a new situation I had to get really good really fast at being comfortable with uncomfort or else I would not excel at the position. This was such a weird concept to me but everyday I would go in and just be confident in my training. This skill was able to be brought into everything else as well: making cold calls, putting myself out there, anything that was new. This is a super important skill to learn that a lot of people are not comfortable with. (other options: being efficient and knowing exactly what to look for at O2 show. Recognizing what is our target market and what isn't)

"Why do you want to sell this product or service?"

Not only do I believe in the goal of Faire - making it as seamless as possible for small business but I also belive in these small businesses. I want to be able to have a small chance to work with them to see them suceed.

what makes you different? What makes you unique?

Not only do I have relevant experience but I also love Faire's service. I also have uique experience working with small brands and retailers! Not a lot of people have this so I really understand what makes a brand quality, what makes them tick, and what motivates them. This also means that I am great with constantly changing environments, and working on small teams.

How do you personally contribute to company culture?

Once of my biggest strengths is how inclusive I am, I will go out of the way to make sure that my co workers feel hurd, brands don't feel out of it. hard workers who love their job.

Can you describe a time when your attention to detail was critical to a project's success? How did the project turn out?

Our final report for capstone. Longest report I've had to do and we all were separated with covid so were not able to collab in person. We had to make sure that every box was checked and that it was throughly what we wanted to communicate. We presented the project flawlessly and received one of the highest grades in the class.

Describe a situation in which you recognized a potential problem as an opportunity. What did you do? What was the result? What, if anything, do you wish you had done differently?

Our professor talked to us and expressed that our proposal idea for final project was not that unique. this could have been a sign to freak out because we had already done the research, instead I took the opportunity to discuss further with my team and dig deeper into market problem to come up with a more innovative idea.

Give an example of a situation in which you saw an opportunity in a potential problem. What did you do? What was the outcome?

Our professor talked to us and expressed that our proposal idea for final project was not that unique. this could have been a sign to freak out because we had already done the research, instead I took the opportunity to discuss further with my team and dig deeper into market problem to come up with a more innovative idea.

What's the hardest thing you've ever done?

Put on a fashion show. I had no clue what I was doing but really wanted to see it as a sucess.

Describe your responsibilities when assigned a new potential client. What's the first thing you do?

Research them! Find out as much as I can so I can be fully engaged.

Can you describe a time when you forgot about an important detail?

Scheduled a meeting without specifying Time Zones

Please describe a situation where your manager thought you could improve and how did you respond to that coaching feedback? Please explain.

Selling our product to new potential buyers was definitely new to me at Mata. I was new to our assortment so couldn't remember all the names of our offerings. I did ok but defiantly was not as smooth as they may have wanted. My manager was very kind about it and told me that I need to know how the buying process works better and the names of products. She gave me feedback on how to sell our product better. We practiced role playing a potentail buyer coming in and went through all our products like flash cards on our off time. By the end of the summer I was an expert and really appreciated how up front and willing my managers were to help me improve!

Give me an example of a time you discovered an error that been overlooked by a colleague. What did you do? What was the outcome?

She was giving the wrong dates as to when items will be available. Super simple solution. All I did was say that I noticed that she had been communicating the wrong date. I made sure not to do this in front of the customer, and allowed her to communicate it when she made the final sale. The customer was ok with this and adjusted her order so she could have immodest.

"Where would your research a prospect before you reach out?"

Social media, News on google, there website is really a fantastic resource!

last thing they really geeked out about?

Something I get really excited about is sustainabity in the market. I love deciferring what works and what doesn't and human behavor ect. Also recently had a long converstation about affirmations. Interesting concept! Get excited. Your curouis!

How would you manage 200 leads?

Something that I have found success in the past with is excel sheets. It's pretty basic but an organized layout is key. When you have too many ways to organize the organization can loose it's point.

What is the first thing you would do when sales are down?

Take a step back, recognise what I did good and what I could improve on, talk to manager, set defining goals for next time

Can you tell me about a time where you have been caught unaware by a problem or an obstacle that you had not foreseen? What happened?

Taking a photoshop class, was about to start on my project and not only did photoshop take hours to load but my computer also needed to load a new system onto my computer. This put me really behind. I ended up staying up all night finishing the project so I could get it in on time.

Tell me about a time where you have been caught off-guard by a problem that you had not foreseen? What happened?

Taking a photoshop class, was about to start on my project and not only did photoshop take hours to load but my computer also needed to load a new system onto my computer. This put me really behind. I ended up staying up all night finishing the project so I could get it in on time. OR capstone

What book would you recommend to the team here?

The alchemist

What is the biggest advantage for a brand to come onto faire?

The easy access to thousands of like minded retailers. I've read up on a lot of reviews and this is the #1 reason that I found all makers had in common. They received orders immediately after joining.

Tell me about what motivates you. What frustrates you?

The end goal is what really motivates me, what am I doing this for and who am I doing this for? Connecting with people and stories.

"What separates the best SDRs from average SDRs?"

Theres many! Some that I have found in my experience is always keeping the main goal about the customer or client, I think understanding and being excited about your product is a clear indicator of who will be the best vs. average, also someone who has goals and commits to them. Everyone can make goals but only a few commit to those no matter how long or hard it takes.

How have you handled working under someone you felt was not good at communicating?

This would be hard. this is when I need to step up. Ex: past manager that I felt was not a very good communicator! Although frustrating I used my own strong communication to compensate. We were dealing with a matter of conflicting schedules. She wasn't hearing me out or making any sense. I called and sent emails to throughout explaining the situation to ensure we are on the same page. With organizing and professionalism, we eventually got it resolved. Ended up great and we got it resolved.

What will you bring to the company that's different?

Understanding of small business needs and desires.

"What are some words or phrases you think would resonate with our target customer?"

Unique, shop small, community, innovation, growth, potential.

Can you give me an example of you taking feedback from your manager?

Venture Out: Monthly catch up meeting where I was told that my confidence was laking.

"What do you think will be the most common objections you'll hear during a call? How would you handle them?"

We are already set up with other wholesale website and are happy with them. I would respect that and ask them to tell them a little bit more about ours and what makes us different. Gives no pressure simply information! Give contact info after I think another one would be commission: 25% can seem like a lot. Explain that is only for retailers who are first time accounts that found you on Faire, after that it is only 15%. All existing ones we take no commission, it just makes it as easy as possible to order!

How do you approach challenging situations?

Well and with patients. Ex: having to display our visuals with no products! Used resources and best judgement to approach it.

What are some questions you'd ask prospects to qualify them as customers?

What are your current goals? What are challanges do you face currently? What do your customers love most about your product? What is your marketing approach? What are your manufacturing standard?

"What are some questions you'd ask prospects to evaluate if they're qualified or not?"

What is their companies goals in the coming years? What is most important to your company? Why did you get into this business? What is your manufacturing process? How many stores are you in?

Give me an example of how you have dealt with a difficult team member.

When trying to figure out the timeline for Threads. One person had one idea that conflicted with the rest of the team and we were not able to move forward until we were all on the same page. Being the head of the team I was able to make the deiction and simply explained the situation and why leaving early for the conference was necessary and I was willing to work with her professors to find different due dates for her.

Do you have any questions for me?

Where do you see the company moving in five years? How are the company's vision and mission statement applied throughout the day-to-day activities in the company? What is your leadership style like? How do you believe my role contributes to the overall goals of the company? Are any efforts being put forward to increase employee collaboration and company culture?

"How would you talk about our biggest competitor?"

With grace and pose. I think we have opportunity to learn from everyone even competitors. Explain what they are doing good but explain what we are doing great.

Any more questions or things to add?

Yeah, I do have one more thing to add if you don't mind: I think it's hard to communicate completely in interviews about why I'm a good fit. I just want to let your team know that I really want not only this role but to work for this company. Faire is a company that I have been following and keeping up with for years in my free time and honestly believe that it is a perfect fit. I have known I want to deal with B2B sales and their stories since my first role getting to know local independent makers in Columbia Missouri. I love the heart behind small businesses and have known that I desire to work with them in some way shape or form for a while now. If you put me in this position I know your team will not regret it.

"Are you a team player?"

Yes, I'am a great team player because I work hard to become knowledgeable in the field of my interest. I also love to pass on my learnings. I believe that working as a team will bring success to the company by having good communication, discussions of feedbacks and suggestions.

Tell me about your approach to cold calls. How do you get past gatekeepers to engage a new prospect?

You need to use cold calls as a recourse not as a end results. I utilize cold calls as a way to get a good email not to make the sale.

What do you know about Faire?

You started in 2017 and entire mission is to

What would make you excited to come to work everyday?

learning about peoples stories and connecting with them. Finding a new way to grow and learn everyday

If money were off the table, what would motivate you to do this job?

learning about stories and individuals. Past pace environment, making people proud. Achieving my goals. Being challanged.

What are your most relevant qualifications for this position?

my comfort in the field, I don't have to go through a phase where I am uncomfortable. Also my experience with sales and marketing specifically with small businesses so I have a throughout understanding of market needs and trends. I also am comfortable with CRM software.

Who inspires you?

my friends

In the world of sales, what makes you most uncomfortable?

negotiating with someone who does not want to negotiate.

Describe the biggest work-related problem you have faced. How did you deal with it?

no merch to display

How would you describe our product or service to a prospect?

online wholesale marketplace where our goal is to empower small businesses and artisans to find growth. We do this by making it as easy and abundant as possible to reach new retailers and compete with big box competitors.

How do you acclimate to a team when you start a new job?

really well, I think it useally takes about a week or so get the hang of things but I get along with everyone.

Can you share a story (about anything) that speaks to who you are from a values perspective?

share my story of finding my O2 internship - staying commited and motivated by what I love Leaving a campus org that I felt was not allowing me to grow anymore. They questioned anytime I questioned what they believed. If I am stuck somewhere that thinks they already know everything there is to know, and there is no room for challenges, growth, or questions, I don't want to be part of it.

Which words or phrases would you use when talking with leads?

small business growth, partners, ?

Describe how you research a prospect before reaching out.

social media, website, news

What are some soft skills you're working on? What do you think will be the hardest part of this job?

soft skills: patients with the results. I see this get in the way when I get too ahead of myself and receive feedback that I didn't do something right because of that. hardest part: not hearing back, getting no's, and telling people no

How do you prospect? (in response to my previous answer) - if I saw that as a red flag, how would you respond?

start out with a target market profile: who is my perfect client / brand? Go from there. Find a source and go from their

What are 3 things you do to build rapport with a prospect?

staying consistent, learning about their story, giving them resources to succeed.

What are the questions you'd ask a prospect to find out whether he or she is a good fit?

stick with open-ended questions: Tell me about your business and it's story? What do your customers love most about your product? How many people currently work for your brand? What are your current goals? What are challenges do you face currently? How are you hoping to overcome those and meet your goals? Who is the decision maker for partnerships and outside platform? ... What is your marketing approach? What are your manufacturing standard?

tell me about a time you recognized a customer need and successfully fulfilled it?

tweaking pricing and minimum orders for Mata Clients

Describe a time where you developed a different problem-solving approach. What steps did you follow?

use my own materials for display at bridge

Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem. What did you do? What was the outcome? What do you wish you had done differently?

we had no merchandise

How would you handle a prospect who rejects you?

well but with resilience. Ex: at mata we had a client who didn't want to buy because of the price point. Instead of taking that rejection and forgetting about it we compromised and found clearance product she could sell for lower cost and lowered her minimum payment.

Give a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

were having trouble finding the right contacts to reach out to

What makes you happiest and most effective when working with others?

when we have common goals in mind. If we are all excited about the expected end out come we all know that we are wanting the same thing and it is easier to discuss and brain storm ideas.

Describe a time when you faced conflict and how you addressed it.

when working with my leadership team at IJM, there was a lot of conflicting views of the timeline of a conference that we were attending. We had to juggle school priorities, and financial priories. One have wanted to cut our time in half at the conference and then other half wanted to extend it. It made a lot more sense to extend it and as the leader of this group I gathered a meeting and explained the reasons this option works best. I didn't dictate but I lead the conversation in a constrictive manner. We ended up working with our professors and other due dates and extending our travel time. This was great because it gave us extra time to meet with the corporate leaders and get really useful insight on how to successfully grow our section of the org.

Do you have experience with CRM software? If yes, which tools have you used?

yes I have beginner experience, we just implemented using CRM software from Zoho at my current company

"Do you enjoy being on the phone?"

yes for sure!

Are you comfortable with change and with frequent testing of ideas?

yes for sure. I am so used to change. In small business you have the flexibility to try new things. For example, O2 is constantly changing. just in these past few months. they went from a january trade show, to mid fed to end of feb. We went from one online meeting place to another, I am constantly having to be flexible with meeting times. I am open to anything and able to collab with higher people to see what they are thinking.

"Have you ever been in a customer service role? What were your favorite and least favorite parts?"

yes many. Fave: Conversation with customers. Learning about them. Seeing what a small difference I can make in someones day by giving them a product they love. Least: Feeling like I can't be successful with everyone. dealing with hard customers.

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