SDR/BDR Interview Questions

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Just send me some information objection

"Actually, most people find it more helpful to see a demo. Could I send you a meeting invitation instead?" or "I have plenty of information I can send you. I don't want to flood your inbox, though. Can I ask you a few questions to find out what information will be most helpful for you?"

We Handle This In-House

"Actually, our software doesn't need to replace your staff. It's more of a way to make their jobs easier so they can focus on tasks that will drive more revenue. I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you so I can tell you more about it."

Would You Close a Guaranteed $15,000 Deal or Attempt a $115,000 Deal?

"Both are appealing, but it ultimately depends on my sales goals that month and what other prospects I'm nurturing. If I have several midsize deals that are close to closing, it may be worth the risk to go after the big win. If we've been experiencing a seasonal slump, then I don't believe it's wise to pass on guaranteed revenue of any size

Which Do You Think Is More Important: Sales Goals or Customer Satisfaction?

"I don't really believe one is better than the other — instead, they're collaborative. Maintaining a positive relationship with a prospect may not earn you a sale today, but you never know what their budget will look like next year or if they'll recommend you to their network. Good relationships are good for business. On the other hand, you do need to maintain your sales pace for the business to stay afloat and continue to innovate solutions that meet the needs of your clients. When you connect with prospects, they share their needs, which informs your business and the cycle continues."

What Would You Do if You Weren't in Sales?

"I think I'd be interested in public relations since I'd still be able to apply my relationship-building experience. The outreach process of identifying and pitching media outlets is similar, and I personally really enjoy the presentation-building aspect of sales. I could utilize my language and speaking skills to engage with a wider audience and still help drive leads to sales teams."

What Makes You a Good Salesperson?

"I think my interest in analytics is my greatest asset as a salesperson. I love to connect with prospects and build those relationships as a people person, and I have no problem reaching my activity metrics. But my favorite part is digging into customer research and high-level metrics that can help me strategize the perfect presentation or find creative solutions to improve my conversion rates, then share those experimental insights with my larger team."

Would You Be Able to Jump on a Sales Call Now?

"I'm a confident salesperson and am always happy to cold call, but I don't have the understanding of your business goals or product capabilities that I'd need to effectively make a sale. I'd be interested to learn more about your onboarding and training schedule for when you do expect new hires to begin owning sales calls."

Which Sales Metrics Do You Believe Are Most Valuable?

"Tracking activity metrics is hugely important to ensuring an efficient and productive workload across your team, while providing predictions for sales growth by the end of the month. That said, I think conversions and average revenue by prospect are most important to identifying where your team can improve revenue by learning which prospects are most receptive and what worked in the sale, and identifying what size deal you need on average to maintain your goals."

I'm not interested

"What could I have said that would catch your attention?" The prospect is likely to say something you can actually offer (or something you can come close to) even though they don't realize it. . Follow it up with, "I think this demo may surprise you. Could we schedule a meeting so I can tell you more?"

What are some methods you would use to prospect into a new account?

1. If the company has an ideal customer profile I would research into that but if there was none I would create my own my doing some research into 1. Who are the top five customers 2. Who are the worst five customers 3. Who are the most profitable group of customers 4. Which ones are the least profitable. 2. Identify best ways to interact with ideal prospects whether that is through social media, LinkedIn, or industry events. 3. Actively work on your call lists 4. Send personalized emails 5. Ask for referrals 6. Become a subject matter expert 7. Build your social media presence 8. Send relevant content to prospects 9. Use video as a sales outreach tool 10. Follow up

What are 2-3 key performance indicators (KPIs) that would be relevant to this role?

1. Sales activity (number of calls, emails, connects, talk time, social connections) 2. Objectives or lagging Indicators (number of meetings scheduled, meetings held, and how many MQL leads got converted to a SQL. 3. Average deal size of the sale # Of Prospects Touched = 500 % Reply Rate = 10% % Appointment Acceptance Rate = 20% # Of Appointments = 10 # Of Activations = 2

What are the last few books you read?

Atomic habits and Overstory

What are some objections you might face as a SDR at (company)?

Bad timing, we already have a solution, send me the information, too expensive, we don't need help with this, I'm not interested, we handle this in-house,

What is one thing you would change about our product

Based on the reviews that I found online I would say that allowing the clients to be able to self-customize is really important to our customers and was a recurring complaint.

Walk me through an imaginary email sequence

Email 1: Introduction and Value Proposition Email 2: Case Study or Success Story Email 3: Value-Added Content or Industry Insight Email 4: Proposal or Demo Request

What is Exiger?

Exiger is a global regulatory and financial crime, risk, and compliance company. Founded in 2013, Exiger provides technology-enabled solutions, data analytics, and expertise to help organizations manage regulatory and operational risks effectively. The company's mission is to assist clients in protecting their integrity, combatting financial crime, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements

What do you know about our company?

Exiger was founded in 2013 by Michael Beber and Brandon Daniels. The company is headquartered in New York City and has offices across the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. s: Exiger develops and provides technology solutions to support compliance and risk management efforts. Exiger has a team of experts with diverse backgrounds in financial services, law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and other related fields. Exiger offers a range of services to help organizations mitigate financial crime risks, comply with regulatory requirements, and enhance their compliance programs. Exiger serves clients from various industries, including financial services, banking, insurance, healthcare, legal, and government agencies.

Why Exiger?

Exiger works every day to make the world a safer place in regards to risk, and compliance. Exiger offers a range of services to help organizations mitigate risks Exiger develops and provides technology solutions to support compliance and risk management efforts. Their technology platforms incorporate data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, automate processes, and identify potential risks

BDR responsibilities at Exiger

Generates leads, conducts research, reaches out to potential clients, nurtures relationships, collaborates with the sales team to close deals. Responsible for creating and implementing effective strategies for business growth, tracking and reporting progress, and staying up-to-date on industry trends and changes.

Why did you leave your last workplace?

I had to pursue school

What non-sales skills would you like to evolve during your work at our company?

I really want to enhance my communication skills. I want to evolve my time-management skills. I want to enhance my negotiation and persuasion skills.

How do you stay motivated at work?

I remember what I want from life. If I don't get a sale I think why didn't I get that sale and how will this help me get the next sale. etc growth mindset.

What separates the best SDRs from average SDRs

I think commitment is what will separate the average SDR from and excellent SDR. Being able to know the product, how it works, and who it sells to takes time and dedication. Not only that but making a schedule and keeping track of your metrics is something that most SDRs will do but what you do after you know that information will separate you from the rest.

In your outbound efforts, who at the company you're prospecting into would you reach out to set a meeting

I think it would depend on the data of the qualified leads and the buyer person, but from Leapfin's previous customers and produce market I would say the corporate VP, Purchasing Officer, Program officer, or someone in revenue operations.

What aspects of sales development do you enjoy the least?

I think that what I like least about sales is you are only as good as your last sell. However, this could be a good thing because knowing that the goal changes you know that you should to. Nothing stays the same so why should you?

Why do you want to sale for us(Leapfin)

I want to sell for Leapfin because I think the product is great and as someone with a data science background, I realize how helpful Leapfin's platform would be to most companies. Leapfin selling to customers like Reddit, TaskRabbit, and Guideline proves how great this product is and how helpful it is to companies whether they are in e-commerce, marketplace, or fintech. Continue

Tell me about yourself

I'm a recent graduate from The University of Texas in San Antonio and I would say that I am a goal-oriented, disciplined, and analytical person. I have a background in statistics and data science, communications, and business. I love to learn and challenge myself and help people find solutions to their problems. After doing some research I finally found a career that combines all of my skillsets, my need to grow, and my interest in tech sales into one. I want to be the best version of myself that I possibly can and sales forces you to be a better version of the self you were yesterday. What else would you like to know about me?

What is your method for organizing your day?

If I was an SDR at your company I would schedule a time to 1. Prep for the day with looking over my notes that I may have had from yesterday to see if their were any leads that need to be prioritized or tasks that needed to be done. 2. Then I would do prospecting activities such as cold calls, cold emails, LinkedIn, etc' 3. Then spend the rest of my day researching any potential leads for the next day and taking notes for prioritizing tasks that need to be taken care of first thing in the morning.

Pretend I'm a prospect. Describe our product or service to me.

Imply is a full-stack, multi-cloud data platform. It is built around Apache Druid, a widely-adopted open source real-time analytics database architected to power data-driven applications.. With Imply druid becomes a cloud database service, performance monitoring, visualize engine all with 24/7 customer support.

What are some things you would do when faced with an objection?

It depends on the objection. If they are saying it's not within the budget you could respond with something like "Actually, our product is more likely to make/save you money instead of costing you money." If they already have a solution you could say - "If you could change anything about what solution you're using right now, what would you change?" Then segway into how our product doesn't have that issue (if it doesn't) If they don't have the time for a meeting/ call you could say "Could I set up a meeting with another member of your team? That way I could give them the full picture and they can share their takeaways with you without taking time out of your schedule. Or maybe schedule a callback for another time that is better for you?"

Can you name a few companies you might reach out to try to sell (company) to?

It really depends on the area and ideal buyer persona but Exiger works with these users and organization types: Mid Size Business, Small Business, Enterprise, Freelance, Nonprofit, and Government in varied industries.

If you had to teach a beginner an advanced concept, how would you approach the task?

Laymen terms. Explain how you would explain it to yourself

Let's role-play a conversation (If given feedback they are testing to see how well you take critique and respond with the same energy)

Look up any SDR role play conversations

What do you think makes us most excited about you as a candidate?

My background. Talk up your background and how it plays a key role in selling their product.

What's your ideal workplace?

My ideal workplace is with a company that wants to see their employees at their best and gives them plenty of opportunities to grow and learn. I want to be at a company that challenges me to be my best. A company that works together to make sure that all of it's employees understand the mission and the purpose of the company. I believe that x is that company.

What are the roles and responsibilities of an SDR

Research and identify new customers Reach out to potential leads through cold calls and emails Set up quality meetings and appointments Move solid leads through marketing funnels to drive sales Build lasting relationships with customers Build a solid sales process to spark meaningful conversations with prospects Regularly follow-up and facilitate communication with existing customers to assess their satisfaction and identify new leads Collaborate with the sales team to meet the company's targets

Where do you see yourself in five years?

SDR -> AE->

Walk me through your understanding of the SDR role

Sales development representatives (one of the most important parts of the sales team) are responsible for inbound and outbound prospecting. They research and reach out to new clients who might be interested in the products the company sells, and introduce those clients (SQLs) to the company. In short, they use soft skills and sales tactics to line up potential buyers for the AE.

What sales software and technology are you familiar with?

Salesforce, learning Hubspot and Outreach.

What is Exiger's mission

The company's mission is to assist clients in protecting their integrity, combatting financial crime, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements ( To make the world a safer place to do business)

What do you do when you have had a bad sales day?

Understand why it was a bad sales day.

Walk me through how you would qualify a prospect

Well for me there are three stages of finding a qualified prospect that should also involve the BANT framework ( Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) 1. The organization- level. Here I would ask myself questions like Is the prospect in our territory Do we sell to their industry? What's the company size? Does the account fit our company's buyer persona? 2. The second phase I would go into is the Opportunity-Level Prospect Qualification. The purpose of this phase is to determine whether or not our prospect has a specific neterm-11ed or challenge you can satisfy. Here I would clarify if: The prospect is familiar with the type of product we sell Do they have a challenge that our product can help them solve? Do they have a team or person who'll be using the product? 3. The final phase of my qualification process would be the Stakeholder-Level prospect Qualification. If the prospect's company is a good match for our solution and fits the ideal buyer persona I will see if my point of contact is able to make a purchase decision. To clarify this I would ask: Will this purchase come out of your budget? Who else is involved in the decision? Do you have criteria for this purchase decision? Who defined them? If they are qualified on all three levels I will advance them to the next stage of the sales process.

Why do you want to be in sales

Well, as you can see from my background have varied knowledge in different fields and I was looking for a career path that could utilize all of these skills and after doing some research it seems that sales fit the description. I get to use my analytical skills by tracking my metrics, I get to utilize my business skills by understanding businesses pain points, especially with Leapfin as they have consumers from varied industries, and I get to use my communication skills on a daily basis by interacting with people and understanding our target audience. Not only that but it's very rare to find a career that is goal-oriented, autonomous, enables a growth-mindset, and is customer-centric like Leapfin is. With Leapfin you can help solve the business problems and make both the company and the employee's life easier.

What are your career goals?

Well, if working for your company I would work as an SDR for an couple of years enhancing my time-management, prospecting, outreach, and research skills then try and move on to become an AE.

Do you have any questions for us?

What is the framework used to qualify leads a Leapfin? What would an exceptional performance in the first three months look like? What direction is the company headed in and where do you think it will be in five years? What is the biggest challenge that I may face in this role? Can you tell me more about the team I'd be working with? How do you expect this role to evolve in the next few years? What metrics or goals will I be evaluated on? How often are they evaluated? What is the quota? What percentage of reps hit their quota? What is the average deal size? What tools are used to track metrics? Of the reps that don't make quota, what percentage of quota do they achieve on average & how long (on average) have they been with the org? What is the churn rate for the product/solution I'm selling? What type of support do I have throughout a typical sales cycle? What are the activity expectations? is it 100 calls a day? had anyone been fired from this role? why? what's the average tenure before getting promoted to an AE What is the biggest challenge your reps face during the training cycle? Do you have any reservations about my experience or fit with the company that we could discuss?

What are some questions you'd ask prospects

What is the top problem you run into when analyzing your financial data?

How do you react if you can't meet the sales goals for a particular month?

When I can't meet the sales target for a month, I don't panic and I stay focused. I create a strategic outreach plan that may include reaching out to high potential clients or finding new and exciting business opportunities to bring in last minutes sales. The plan is to focus on consistency and targeted task numbers."

What do you do when something doesn't go as planned

When something doesn't go as planned I evaluate why it didn't go as planned. What is something that was unavoidable? If so then I will make a note on how to prevent it from happening again or what to do in case it does happen again.

How have you dealt with rejections/failure?

Yes, I have. When I worked at a company called VXI Global and sold DirectTV I got rejected from what I thought was one of the greatest sales pitch I ever made. However, what I got from that rejection was that there are some things about your product that you cannot change and instead of getting upset about losing out on this opportunity get feedback and use this information to your advantage for the next call. Which is what I did. I think that's on of the great things about sales is it teaches to not take rejection personally. It teaches you that rejection is inevitable. You face rejection in your personal and professional life and instead of getting upset or down about it sales teaches you to find out what you did wrong and what lesson can be learned from it.

Do you enjoy talking to people?

Yes, of course. Talk about talking with people at previous jobs and how it tied into your decision of become and SDR.

Do you consider yourself a team player?

Yes. (military, TaskUs, family etc)

Are you comfortable making cold calls?

Yes. Talk about how you used to be a customer service agent.

Why should I hire you?

You should hire me because my background in statistics and data science give me a unique perspective into your product. I think that a lot of people can learn what to say in case of an objection but to really know how to sell a technical product to someone from a non-technical background can be hard. However, my education has prepared me for those type of situations and allows me to explain technical topics and software in a way that any one from any background can understand how it works and why it would be beneficial for them

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