Sectional Anatomy Chapter 4 Spine & Chapter 5

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how many sympyses or intervertebral discs are there

typically present are 24

when do Secondary curvatures occur

usually after birth which represent developmental milestones

The Ventral horns contain the nerve cell bodies of the ________ ________ Neurons

Efferent/Motor Neurons

This Leaf shaped ______ differs from the other cartilages in that it is elastic and allows for _________ ?

Epiglottis, Movement.

The Epiglottis during Swallowing does what?

Folds back over the Larynx, Preventing the Entry of Liquids or Solid food into the Respiratory Passageways.

what makes up the Vertebral Arch

Formed by 2 pedicles, 2 laminae, one spinous process, 2 Transverse processes, 2 superior and 2 inferior Articular processes.

the dura mater extends to approximately which vertebral level

S2 vertebral level

The anterior union of the lamina froms a vertical projection commonly referred to as what??

The Adam's Apple or Laryngeal Prominence

Which Ligament runs along the Back of the vertebral bodies, preventing HyperFlexion

Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

which ligament helps stabiliz the vertebral colomn during Flexion and is narrow

Posterior Longitudinal Ligament or PLL

Ligamentum nuchae or nuchal ligament runs from what to what

Runs from the External Occipital Protuerance down to spine C7 which is the Expansion of Supraspinous Ligament and limits Flexion

there are 3 overlapping Constrictor muscles that are responsible for constriction the pharynx and inducing peristaltic wave during swallowing what are the 3 muscles?

Superior, Middle and Inferior.

function of C1 or the Atlas

Supports the head and articulates with the occipital condyles at the atlantooccipital joint.

The thyroid cartilage Shield does what

That protects the Vocal Cords.

Just above the Laryngeal prominence is an area where the laminae do no meet, creating what

the superior thyroid Notch

Piriform sinuses or recesses function:

these sinuses Divert Food away from the entrance of the larynx and into the esophagus.

what contains the nerve cell bodies of the efferent/motor neurons

Ventral Horns

what supports the weight of the body, helps maintain posture, and protects the delicate spinal cord and nerves.

Vertebral Column

How many thoracic vertebrae are there?

12 Thoracic T1-T12

How many pairs of spinal nerves are there that exit the spinal cord

31 pairs

How many lumbar vertebrae are there?

5 Lumbar L1-L5

how many main regions are in the vertebral column

5 main regions

what are two strong bands that extend obliquely from the sides of the odontoid process and upward to the lateral margins of the occipital condyles to limit rotation and flexion of the head

Alar Ligaments to limit rotation and flexion of the head.

True or false All of the vertebrae are cushioned by intervertebral discs?

False no cushion between C1, C2 or between Sacrum and Coccyx

what is a intervertebral disk Herniation

Is any displacement of disk Material behond the limits of the intervertebral disk space.

Will result from transection of the spinal cord between the cervical and lumbosacral enlargements.


boundaries of nasopharynx

Posteriorly is the Clivus and upper cervical spine Inferiorly by the soft palate and extends down to the level of the uvula

Will result if the transection occurs above the level of C3, has all four limbs they can't move.


suprahyoid neck and Infrahyoid Neck locations

Suprahyoid Neck extends from the base of the skull to the Hyoid Bone, And InfraHyoid Neck extends from the Hyoid bone to the Clavicles.

What is a complete ring that forms the base of the larynx.

The Cricoid which is single and the posterior portion is broader than the anterior portion, and is where the other laryngeal Cartilages rest.

Anterior Element of the Vertebra functions are

The Cylindrical Body is Anteriorly located and support body weight

What is covered with a Mucous Membrane and projects Superiorly and Posteriorly Behind the Tongue.

The Epiglottis

what consists of two pairs of ligaments that extend from the Arytenoid cartilages to the posterior laminal surface of the thyroid cartilage.

The False and True Vocal Cords and they are separated by a space termed Laryngeal Ventricle

What from the Intervertebral Disks attaches to the Anterior and Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments,

The Fibers of the Annulus Fibrosis, which help increase the Stability of the Spine.

The Extrinsic muscles of the Tongue are responsilble for Changing the position of the Tongue and include what musles?

The Genioglossus, Hyogossus, Styloglssus, and Palatoglossus Muscles

The Epiglottis is attached to the Hyoid bone by what

The Hyoepiglottic Ligament.

Which Ligament extends between adjacent spinous processes throughout the spinal column?

The InterSpinous Ligaments

Nasopharynx is an extension of the nasal cavities along with what?

The Nasal mucosa

Located at the sides of the sacral hiatus are the inferior articular processes of the fifth sacral segment termed what?

The Sacral Cornu which project downward.

which vertebral regions feature Secondary or Lordotic curves

The cervical and Lumbar curvatures

Describe the anatomy of the intervertebral disk

The intervertebral Disks consist of a central mass of soft semigelatinous material called the nucleus pulposus and a firm outer portion termed the Annulus fibrosus.

whats a bony skeleton that surrounds and protects the vocal cords?

The larynx and is commonly called the Voice Box.

The Spine Functions

To protect the delicate sensory and motor nerves that allow for peripheral sensations and body movement.

Function of the StenoCleidoMastoid S.C.M Muscle is

To turn the head from side to side and Flex the neck.

What spinal ligament extends aross the vertebral foramen of C1/Atlas to form a sling over the posterior surface of the odontoid process

Transverse Ligament

pharyngeal tonsils

also called adenoids; located in posterior wall of nasopharynx

erector spinae muscles

are Massive muscles that form a prominent bulge on each side of the vertebral column

Multifidus muscle

are deep muscles consisting of many fibrous bundles that extend the full length of the spine are the most Prominent in the lumbar region

denticulate ligaments

are extensions of the pia mater, they attach to the dura mater to prevent movement of the spinal cord within the spinal canal

The Palatine Tonsils and Lingual Tonsils both initiate specific defense mechanisms of the immune systerm by what

by Protecting against pathogens entering the Nasopharynx and Oropharynx.

The Oropharynx is separated from the larynx by the what?

by the Epiglottis

anterior longitudinal ligament

connects adjacent vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs- from the occipital bone to sacrum - anteriorly

What are vertebral end plates?

hyaline and fibril cartilage structures that form the superior and inferior boundaries of the intervertebral disk

palatine tonsils location

located on the Lateral Walls

laminae of vertebrae

make up vertebral arch; flattened plates from the 2 pedicles that fuse median and posteriorly to form a spinous proces

soft palate is a

muscular extension posterior/back portion of the hard palate

3 sections of the pharynx

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

in the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx is a collection of what?

of Lymphoid Tissue known as the Pharyngeal Tonsils

nasopharynx is the most superior portion of the what

of the pharynx

esophagus function

passage from mouth to stomach

fascial spaces

potential spaces between the layers of fascia in the body


region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above the soft palate

Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (PLL)

runs along the posterior vertebral bodies and discs from C2 to Sacrum and sits in the spinal canal

9 cartilages that constitute the larynx

single are cricoid epiglottis, thyroid, and paired are arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform

splenius muscles

superficial layer of muscles of the spine

What forms the Zygapophyseal Joints of Facet Joints?

superior and inferior articular processes that arise from the junctions of teh pedicles and laminae to articulate with adjacent vertebrae.

what consists of 3-5 fused vertebrae

the Coccyx

What is articulation with the Superior Surface of the Arytenoid Cartilages ?

the Corniculate Cartilages with are small elastic, Horn-Shaped.

The Laryngopharynx is commonly referred to as what?

the HypoPharynx

Everything anteromedial to the S.C.M or StenoCleidoMastoid Muscle is considered part of what ?

the Posterior Triangle

which vertebral regions feature Primary or Kyphotic curves

the Thoracic and Sacral Curvatures

what is the compact bone on the superior and inferior surfaces of the body called

the Vertebral END Plates.

The pharynx extends from what

the base of the skull and ends inferiorly as the continuatoin of the esophagus.

the pharyngeal muscles include what

the circular layer of constrictors and the inner longitudinal layers.

oropharynx location

the posterior extension of the oral cavity and extends from the soft palate to the level of the Hyoid Bone.

what consists of 5 fused vertebrae

the sacrum

Within the anterior walls of the laryngopharynx, along either side of the larynx are what

two depressions or cavities called the piriform sinuses/reccesses

what are sympyses articulations

type of joints made up of fibrocartilage, located in intervertebral discs between the vertebral bodies.

whats the fibrocartilage ring part that surrounds the gel-like nucleus in the intervertebral disc

Annulus Fibrosus

which part of the intervertebral disc contains layers of rings

Annulus fibrosus

which ligament helps stabiliz the vertebral colomn during extension and is Wide.

Anterior Longitudianal ligament

This artery is formed just caudal to the basilar artery, by the union of 2 small branches of the vertebral arteries

Anterior Spinal Artery

The neck is frequently divided into 2 areas by the Stenocleidomastoid /S.C.M. Muscle called what?

Anterior and Posterior Triangles

what is a Midline structure that connects the apex of the odontoid process to the inferior margin of the clivus?

Apical Ligament

What Cartilages are involved in the movement of the vocal cords for the PRODUCTION of Sound?

Corniculate Cartilages and are Paired

What have ligamentous attachments to the sacral cornu that provide additional stability to the articulation between the sacrum and coccyx.

Cornus which are Superior projections off the first coccygeal segment.

Which ligament attaches the head and tubercle of the rib to the transverse process of the vertebra?

CostoTransverse Ligament. Costo refers to the rib.

What marks the junction between the larynx and the trachea and the beginning of the esophagus

Crioid Cartilage which is Single

which ligament is associated with C1/Atlas and creates a Cross Pattern

Cruciate Ligament the word cruciate means Cross and this ligament has two bands that intersect.

The Transverse Ligament is sometimes called _______ because of its crosslike appearance when viewed in the coronal plane.

Cruciform Ligament or Transverse Ligament holds the odontoid process of C2 against the anterior arch of C1.

The Small Curved ________, _________, lie withing the folds of tissue termed _______, ________,

Cuneiform Cartilages that are Paired, and Aryepiglottic Folds that extend between the lateral aspect of the arytenoid cartilage and epiglottis.

whats associated with the vertebral column provide spinal flexibility and distribute compressive forces over the spine.

Curvatures of the vertebral Column

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or T.O.S

Distored and thickened C8 and T1 nerve roots.

Disks are most common at Vertebral levels C5-C6, C6-C7, L4-L5 and L5 to S1

Heniated InterVeretbral Disks

The bones of the vertebral column are classified as which type of bone?

Irregular Bones

Within the lateral wall of the nasopharynx, posterior to the inferior Nasal Conchae is what

Is the Opening of the Eustachian Tube or the Auditory Tube

The uvula is a

Projection on the the posterior edge of the soft palate

which Vertebra in the Cervical has a Long Spinous Process that is typically not Bifid.

The 7th Cervical vertebral or Vertebra Prominens and its easily palpable posteriorly at the Base of the neck.

what membrane passes from the anterior arch of the atlas and connects to the base of the Occipital bone at its Anterior Margin

The Anterior AtlantoOccipital Membrane, this ligament is the Superior extension of the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament.

Which ligament runs along the entire front surface of the vertebral column, attaching to both the vertebrae bodies and the intervertebral discs?

The Anterior Longitudinal Ligament or A.L.L and prevents hyperextension with is bending backwards too much

Lateral to the Odontoid process on the upper surface of the body are the superior articular processes which are termed?

The AtlantoAxial Joint, which the Atlas Articulates.

The Cervical Vertebrae C3-C6 have a unique configuration with their what?

Their Bifid Spinous Processes.

ligamenta flava

Yellow elastic tissue ligaments that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae arches

Basivertebral veins

drain the bodies of the vertebrae before joining the anterior and internal venous plexuses

What connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx?

eustachian tube or also called Auditory Tube

Supraspinous Ligament continues from?

is a ligament that is a continuation of the Ligamentum Nuchae

Which Ligament is thicker in the Thoracic Region than in the Cervical and lumbar regions?

A.L.L. or Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments providing additional support to the Thoracic spine.

Transverse Foramina

is of the cervical vertebrae and allows for the passage of vertebral arteries and veins as they ascend to and descend from the head.

femoral nerve

is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus descending beneath the inguinal ligament

Arachnoid mater and dura mater

is what runs between a potential space called the subdural space

The nasopharynx has a respiratory functions what are they

it allows for the passage of AIR from the nasal cavity to the Larynx.

The larynx location

it begins at the laryngopharynx, continues to the trachea, and marks the behinning of the respiratory pathway.

pedicles of vertebrae

on lateral sides of body, project posteriorly, then join at midline

The structures of the neck are attached by what

By Conncetive tissue and muscles.

Their Transverse Processes combine to form the Lateral Masses or Alae

The Sacrum lateral masses which also articulate with the pelvic bones at the SacroIliac Joints.

laryngeal cartilages

largely construct the larynx or voice box

the conus medullaris is located at approximately the level of what

level of T12 and L1

Ligamentum nuchae or nuchal ligament

ligament that extends from the external occipital protuberance of the cranium to the spinous processes of the cervical 7 vertebrae

What is acute epiglottitis?

Caused by Bacterial or viral infections can result in direct blockage of the glottis and airway, leading to suffocation and death

how many bones are there in the vertebral column?

33 bones as an Infant/baby then some of these bones fuse to form the coccyx and sacrum for 26 bones in adulthood

How many cervical vertebrae are there?

7 cervical C1 - C7, C1 is right under skull, C7 is right above T1

The Nucleus Pulposus contains up to ______ % of water at Birth, which Gradully ______ as a person ages.

85% of water, and Decreases as a person ages.

when do Primary Curvature

Are formed during Development to house and protect certain organs

are projections of the vertebra that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra

Articular Processes

These Paired Cartilages are shaped like pyramids and situated at the Posterior aspect of he larynx just on top of the Cricoid Cartilage.

Arytenoid Cartilages are paired

Valleculae are two pouchlike opening located where

At the Union of the base of the tongue and the epiglottis

The Laryngopharynx continues from the Oropharynx and Lies

Between the Hyoid Bone and the entrance to the Larynx and esophagus and is Narrow.

what arises from the ventral rami of C5 thru C8 and T1

Brachial plexus

The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament is separated from the middle of each vertebra by ______, _______, which provides passage of the _______, ________, ?

By Epidual Fat that provides passage of the BasiVertebral Veins.

How do C1 & C2 articulate?

C1 or the Atlas articulates with C2 or the Axis at the Atlantoaxial articulation.

Describe the anatomy of C1 bone

C1 or the Atlas is a ringlike structure that consists of an anterior arch, a posterior arch, and 2 large lateral masses.

Arises from the upper four ventral rami of C1 thru C4 to innervate the neck, the lower part

Cervical Plexus

The neck is a region of considerable anatomic and functional ...

Complexity Situated in a relatvely small area.

The pharynx, or throat, is a

Funnel shaped fibromuscular tube approximately 12 cm long that acts as an opening for both the respiratory and disgestive systems.

Which ligament runs between the spinous processes of the vertebrae, meeting with the SupraSpinous Ligament posteriorly and the Ligamentum Flavum Anteriorly?

InterSpinous Ligament, meeting the Supraspinous ligament posteriorly and the ligamentum Flavum Anteriorly.

Which ligagment attaches vertically to the transverse processes of the vertebrae, preventing excess lateral flexion?

InterTransverse Ligament.

which ligament limit separation of spinous processes during flexion

Interspinous Ligaments

The Thoracic and Sacral CONVEX backward and termed

Kyphotic Curvature

What continues as the esophagus at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx.


what allows for the Passage of AIR into the Trachea?

Larynx and it consists of an outer skeleton made up of nine cartilages that extend from the 3rd to 6th cervical vertebrae.

why would vertebral artery injuries possibly occur as a result of a Jefferson Fracture

Lateral displacement of the lateral masses of C1 or Atlas due to a Jefferson Fracture can cause bilateral vertebral artery occlusions or transections.

Which ligament is a Strong Yellow elastic tissue helping to preserve the normal curvature of the spine

Ligamenta Flava Ligament

This Ligament helps preserve the Normal Curvature of the spine.

Ligamenta Flava which consists of Yellow Elastic Tissue.

What spinal ligament best prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column?

Ligamentum Flavum forms a cover over the dura mater which is a layer of tissue that protects the spinal cord.

which ligament has a yellowish color that attaches to the laminae of the adjacent vertebrae

Ligamentum Flavum has Short, Paired Bands.

vertebral foramen

Located posteriorly is the ringlike arch that attaches to the side of the body, creating a space

The Cervical and Lumbar sections CONCAVE in or Forward and termed

Lordotic Curvature

Which ligament runs along the back of the neck, starting at C7, and attaches to the external Occipital Protuberance of the skull?

Nuchal Ligament, which Nuchal refers to the Nape of the Neck.

The gel-like nucleus in the intervertebral disc that the Annulus Fibrousus protects?

Nucleus Pulposis remnant of the notochord

What view best visualizes the Zygapophyseal Joints on Lumbar x-ray?

Oblique "Scotty dog" versus antero-posterior/AP views

whats is a small bony segment that joins the superior and inferior facet joints.

Pars InterArticularis also is the Weakest portion of the vertebrae, making it the MOST vulnerable to Injury.

Which ligamens attach the Sacrum to the Ilium of each hip bone?

SacoIliac Ligament, consist of anterior, posterior and interosseous ligaments.

Which sacral segment has a prominent ridge located on the anterior surface of the body termed

Sacral Promontory, this bony landmark is used to separate the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity.

An Abnormal Lateral Curvature of the spine is termed


What are Costal Facets or Demi-Facets?

Sites of articulation 2 located on the body and 2 located on the transverse processes on thoracic vertebrate for the ribs, not present on T11 or T12

lingual tonsils

Situated at the base of the tongue and are Smaller

What are the 3 Inner Longitudinal Muscles that are involved with elevateing the pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking.

Stylopharyngeus, Palatopharyngeus, and Salpingopharyngeus Muscles.

Three groupings or layers of the back Muscles are:

Superficial Layer or Splenius Muscles, the InterMediate Layer or Erector Spinae Group and the Deep Layer or TransVersoSpinal Group

The Posterior aspect of the lamina has superior and inferior projections termed what?

Superior and Inferior Horns or Cornua

Which ligament attaches to the tip of the spinous process of the vertebrae, from C7 to the Sacrum?

SupraSpinous Ligament

The _______, _________ project from the vertebral body to meet with 2 laminae that continue posterior and medial to form a ___________ process

The 2 Pedicles, to form a Spinous Process

what consists of an anterior and posterior portion, which serve to connect the arches of the Atlas with the Occipital Bone.

The AtlantoOccipital Menbrane reinforces the stability of the Suboccipital region of the spine

What Spinous Process is the First Projection to be felt in the Posterior Groove of the neck?

The Axis Spinous Process of C2

A typical Vertebra consists of 2 main parts what are they

The Body or Anterior Element and the Vertebral Arch or Posterior Element

Which section of the spine is the Most Mobile Section?

The Cervical Section

The Tubercle of the Ribs Articulates with the Transverse Processes at what point?

The CostoTransverse Joints.

The head of the Rib articulates with the vertebral bodies at what point?

The CostoVertebral Joints

What lies in the anterior aspect of the neck superior to the thyroid cartilage and below the mandible?

The Hyoid Bone which is HorseShoe Shaped if forms a base for the Tongue.

The vertebral bodies are separated by shock-absorbing cartilaginous termed

The Intervertebral Disks.

What articulates with the Occipital Condyles of the cranium to form the AtlantoOccipital Joint?

The Large Superior Articular Processes of C1/Atlas

What provide the Only Weight-Bearing articulation between the Cranium and Vertebral Column

The Lateral Masses of C1/Atlas

What serves as an attachment point for muscles in the Posterior Portion of the neck?

The Ligamentum Nuchae which continues inferiorly as the SupraSpinous Ligament.

Function of C2 or Axis

The Odontoid Process or Dens of C2 or Axis projects upward into the anterior ring of the C1 or Altas to act as a pivot for rotational movement of C1 or Altas.

This Ligament starts at C2, helps prevent Posterior Protrusion of the Nucleus Pulposus and prevent HyperFlexion of the Vertebral Column

The P.L.L or Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

What is considered the Chief Muscle for Facial Expression.

The Platysma Muscle

what is the most superfical muscle found in the anterior portion of the Neck.

The Platysma and it arises from the fascia and skin overlying the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles extends superioly as a Thin, Broad Muscle to the inferior portion of the Mandible.

What Membrane extends from the Posterior Arch of C1 to the Occipital Bone, Closing the posterior portion of the Vertebral Canal between the Cranium to C1

The Posterior AtlantoOccipital Membrane

The Tectorial Membrane forms the Anterior Boundary of the Vertebral Canal and is Continuous with the _____, _______, ________?

The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (Fig. 4.4-4.42)

Which Ligament lies inside the vertebral Canal and Runs along the Posterior aspect of teh vertebral bodies?

The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament and its attached only at the intervertebral disk and adjacent margins.

The Lateral Masses of the Sacrum provide the lateral boundaries of what?

The Sacral Canal, which is a Triangular-shaped which is a continuation of the vertebral canal and terminates at Sacral Hiatus.

What are located within the Sacrum lateral masses that allow for the passage of the spinal nerves?

The Sacral Foramina

The spinous process of the fifth sacral segment is absent, leaving an opening termed what?

The Sacral Hiatus

Splenius Cranial Portion called ________, _________, which inserts on the mastoid process of the termporal bone and on the lateral aspect of the occipital bone, and a cervical Portion called _______, _______, which inserts on teh transverse processes of C1-C3

The Splenius Capitis/ Cranical Portion and Splenius Cervicis/Cervical Portion Together they act to Extend the Head and Neck.

These Bandage-like Muscles originate on the spinous processes of C7 to T6 and the inferior half of the Ligamentum Nuchae.

The Splenius Muscle and they are located on the lateral and posterior aspect of the Cervical and Upper Thoracic spine.

are superficial bandagelike muscles that originae on the spinous proesses of C7 thru T6 and the inferior half of the ligamentum nuchae

The Splenius Muscles

what muscle is a broad, straplike muscle that originated on the Sternum and Clavicle and inserts on the mastoid tip of Temporal Bone.

The StenoCleidoMastoid or S.C.M Muscle

This ligament is a narrow band of fibers that runs over and connects the tips of the spinous processes from the C7 vertebral to the Lower lumbar vertebra.

The SupraSpinous Ligament

What ligament helps to limit separation of the spinous processes during flexion

The Supraspinous Ligaments

What membrane is a broad Ligament that extends from the Clivus of the Occipital Bone to the Posterior Body of the Axis, covering the Dens, Transverse, Apical, and Alar ligaments.

The Tectorial Membrane

The Spinous processes of what Region are typically Long and Slender, Projecting inferiorly over the vertebral Arches of the Vertebrae below

The Thoracic Vertebrae Spinous Processes

what the largest and most superior of the larynx cartilages

The Thyroid Cartilage and consists of a right and left lamina that unite anteriorly to form a Shield

Whats extends across the vertebral foramne of C1 to form a sling over the posterior surface of the Odontoid Process.

The Transverse Ligament it has a small band of longitudinal fibers that ascend to attach to the posteroinferior aspect of the clivus and inferiorly to attach to the body of the Axis.

What projects laterally from the approximate junction of the pedicle and lamina

The Transverse Processes Projects

Unique to the C3 thru C7 vertebrae, which have Hook-Shaped projections are located bilaterally on the superior end plates of the vertebral bodies where the lateral edges curve upward.

The Uncinate Processes also helps to prevent lateral movement of the cervical vertebrae.

what are common sites for foreign objects to become lodged with in the Pharynx.

The Valleculae are the spots for thing to get lodged in.

The succession of the vertebral Foramina forms what

The Vertebral Canal, which contains and protechs the spinal cord.

On the upper and lower surfaces of the pedicles is a CONCAVE Surface termed

The Vertebral Notch

The is the largest nerve in the body?

The sciatic nerve

Zygapophyseal Joints Function

These Joints give additional support and allow Movement of the vertebral column

what direction does the secondary or Lordotic curves go?

These curve inwardly toward the Front of the Body.

what direction does the Primary or Kyphotic curves go?

These curves are Conves, Curving outward toward the backside of the body

whats formed when the Superior and Inferior notches of Adjacent Vertebrae meet

They form Intervertebral Foramina which allow for the transmission of Spinal Nerves and Blood Vessels.

The Epiglottis is attached to the Thyroid Cartilage by what ?

Thyroepiglottic Ligament

What Communicates with the First Four pairs of sacral foramina for the passage of the S1 thru S4 nerve roots

Trianglular-Shaped Sacral Canal.

interspinous ligament

connects the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae but poorly developed in cervical region

Supraspinous Ligament does what?

connects tips of Spinous Processes of C7 to Sacrum which is continuous with Ligamentum Nuchae from C7 to skull

The inner stuctures of teh larynx include what ?

the false and true vocal cords and the aryepiglottic folds.

Intervertebral Disk functions

the functions of these disks are to absorb shock and provide support between the vertebrae.

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