Semester 2

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Who was Josephus? (Hint: Choose two answers)

- A Jewish historian in the 1st century. - A Pharisee (expert on Old Testament laws).

Who was Ignatius?

- A church leader in Antioch and leader in the early church. - A fellow worker with the apostle John, who trained him as well as Polycarp. - He was sentenced to death in Rome; on the way to his execution he wrote seven letters to six churches and one individual (Polycarp).

What does 2 Timothy 3:16 say?

"All Scripture is inspired by God"

What were the two purposes of an apostle?

Commissioned by Jesus to launch the Christian religion. Responsible for making the New Testament available.

Jesus stated that he was " _________ ________ " and that by following him people could have their sins forgiven (John 8:21-26).

from above

Jesus stated that he was "_____ _________" and that by following him people could have their sins forgiven (John 8:21-26).

from above

What was James like after his conversion (after the resurrection)? (Hint: Choose two answers)

James suffered and eventually was martyred for his faith in Jesus. James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

What was James like prior to his conversion (before the resurrection)? (Hint: Choose two answers)

James was a Jew who strictly followed the Jewish law. James did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God.

"Eyewitness authority was commissioned by ________" in Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1:6-8.


Who/what is the focal point of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation?

Jesus Christ

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Barnabas?

Jesus chose his apostles to proclaim the gospel message. Jesus performed miracles and expressed love for people. Jesus became a man. Jesus preached and taught Israel It was necessary for Jesus "to suffer on a tree.

How does God display his power through the cross and tomb of Jesus?

Jesus dies on behalf of the sins of the whole world and God raises him from the dead three days after his death.

What does John 10:17-18 say?

Jesus has authority to lay his life down and to take it up again.

What can we learn about "The Teachings of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

Jesus isn't just our Savior, he is our teacher. Jesus can teach things and know things nobody else can. He preached to the people of Israel and encouraged the Jews to repent of their ways and follow him. Jews thought the only way they could get to God was through their works and following laws, but Jesus changed all of that. Jesus received the gospel from God and shared it with many people. The apostles were convinced it was true and started preaching it. Many of Jesus followers took oaths to follow his ethical teachings and worshipped on a certain day of the week.

What is the Swoon Theory?

Jesus only appeared to have died on the cross; he regained conciousness while in the tomb and rolled the stone away.

What did Jesus do when Thomas doubted that he (Jesus) had truly risen from the dead?

Jesus presented evidence to Thomas in order to convince him (Jesus showed Thomas his hands and feet).

What happened after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead?

Many people began to believe in Jesus

Generally speaking, _______ is said to be the earliest Gospel written.


Choose the three Synoptic Gospels below.

Mark, Mathew, Luke

Identify two ways that you can build relationships with people.

Meet people where they are; don't beg them to come to you. Identify points of connection with people

In 50-100 words, discuss at least two miracles in Scripture that produced faith in unbelievers.

One miracle in Scripture that produced faith in unbelievers was when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He had died from being ill and was put in a tomb. After four days, Jesus travelled to the tomb and yelled out, "Lazarus, come out," and he came out of the tomb alive. Many of the witnesses who saw it began to believe. Another miracle that produced faith in unbelievers was during the Passover feast when they saw Jesus and what He was doing.

In 50-100 words, discuss at least two miracles in Scripture that strengthened the faith of believers.

One miracle in Scripture that strengthened the faith of believers was when God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. He was told to rescue the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Another miracle in Scripture that strengthened the faith of believers was when Jonah was swallowed by a whale, but survived for three days and then was spit out. He then carried on to preach in Nineveh.

In 50-100 words, discuss at least two miracles in Scripture that displayed God's divine power.

One miracle that displayed God's divine power was when Jesus and some disciples were in a boat. Jesus was asleep when a huge storm started and the waves were crashing the boat, however He remained asleep. The disciples were worried and woke Him up, and he simply exclaimed, "Peace, be still!" and the storm was calm. Another miracle that displayed God's divine power was when Moses split the Red Sea, through God.

In 50-100 words, discuss at least two miracles in Scripture that verified a message/messenger was indeed from God.

One miracle that verified a message from God was when God instructed Moses and Aaron to cast down their staff before Pharaoh and it would become a serpent. They followed through with his instructions and sure enough, their staff turned into a serpent. Another miracle that verified a message from God is the many people who were sick or had unclean spirits and were all healed.

Who was Justin Martyr?

One of the earliest Christian scholars, and the first well-known Christian apologist. He lived and completed numerous writings in the 2nd century.

Who was Quadratus?

One of the early Christian apologists (one who made a defense to people who were presenting claims against Christianity).

As apologists, who are we ultimately working for/with?

Our father in heaven

What happens if we determine that the New Testament is reliable?

Our list of possible world religions is narrowed to just one: Christianity.

Each book in the New Testament was written within the same ________ that the events it describes took place.


According to 1 Corinthians 15:14-17, if Christ has not been raised from the dead...

Faith in Christ is in vain, Preaching about Christ is in vain, God is misrepresented, Christians are still in their sins.

The central message of James 2:14-26 is:

Faith, if not accompanied by works, is worthless.

John 17:5: "And now, _________, ________ me in your presence with the _________ I had with you before the __________ began."

Father, glorify, glory, world

Which verse is this: "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today"?

Genesis 50:20

Identify the central theme of Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, and Acts 1:8.

God is telling the people in the bible to make disciples. He wants them to spread his word.

John 10:29 records the fact that Jesus believed ______ was his _________.

God, Father

Part of being created in the image of _____ means that humans possess a ______ _________ .

God, free will

What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?


Within the context of the problem of evil, what does "privation" mean?

Good gone bad (spoiled).

What are the three things that archaeology can do?

- Affirm the biblical text. - It can illuminate the text (tell us things we don't know about the Bible). - Clarify things we don't understand about the Bible

What are the three ways to ensure that you spend time in God's Word daily?

Have a specific place, plan, and time

"Despite the fact that evidence alone cannot create belief in the life of an individual, the _______ _______ can use evidence to bring about belief."

Holy Spirit

Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus? If so, why? If not, why not? Why is the resurrection of Jesus so significant/important?

I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, because that's what I've been taught ever since I was little. When I started to question it, I went in the bible, online, anywhere to find proof. I found evidence everywhere saying that Jesus actually did rise from the dead. Easter is celebrated because of the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection was so important, it became a holiday. I don't think the three hundred people or more all lied about seeing Jesus after he died. The resurrection is so significant because it explains the whole reason we are on this planet and the orgin of where we come from. Jesus was meant to be the "lamb" for all of us. His whole purpose in life was to save us all from sin. If Jesus didn't rise, then he didn't die. If he didn't die, then he didn't live. If he didn't exist and wasn't the son of God, then God wouldn't have a son because he wouldn't be real either. If God wasn't real, then he couldn't have created the world and we wouldn't be living. Jesus is our ticket to heaven. We couldn't follow the Jewish law, because we weren't perfect. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever should believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16. God gave his only son, just so he could be with us. Jesus went through all that pain and suffering, just for us. How could someone go through all that and it not be real? My true reason I believe in the resurrection is because Jesus makes the impossible, possible.

What does Jesus claim when he refers to himself as "the Son of Man" in Matthew 25:31-32 and at other points throughout the four Gospels?

That he is the fulfillment of the "son of man" prophecy.

In Luke 18:31-33, Jesus predicted something that he would later fulfill? What was it?

That he would be beaten, crucified, and rise again three days later.

What did Jesus explain in John 10:32-28?

That his works proved that he was the Son of God.

What does 2 Peter 1:21 say?

That men recorded the words of God as he spoke to them.

Virtually all scholars agree that the disciples made the claim that Jesus rose from the dead. Which three categories is this fact evidenced by?

Paul's writings about the disciples Oral traditions (creeds) Writings from early church leaders

Who was Tacitus?

Perhaps the greatest historian of ancient Rome.

Mark was not an eyewitness to the events of Jesus' life. However, he was a close friend of _______, who informed Mark of the life of Christ and guided him in writing the Gospel of Mark.


Which one of Jesus' disciples denied him three times prior to his death?


"though he (Jesus) was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped"

Philippians 2:6

According to Josephus and Tacitus (1st and 2nd century non-Christian historians), who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion? (Note: This is in complete agreement with what the Bible says).

Pontius Pilate

An archaeological find in Caesarea (stone with an inscription on it) proved that which New Testament person actually existed?

Pontius Pilate

What was the name of the governor who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion?

Pontius Pilate

Little did the ________ soldiers know that at the very moment they were nailing Jesus to the cross, they were at the same time providing the way in which their own__________could be attained.

Roman, salvation

"if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"

Romans 10:9

"because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved"

Romans 10:9-10

"concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord"

Romans 1:3-4

"who (Jesus) was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification"

Romans 4:25

Which verse says: "God works all things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose"?

Romans 8:28

What are the three qualifications for biblical inspiration? In other words, what three requirements did each book have to meet in order to be considered part of Scripture?

- Apostolicity (written by an apostle or apostolic emissary) - Universality (unanimously accepted by early church leaders) - Veracity (books do not contradict one another)

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Suetonius? (Hint: Choose two answers)

- Christ's teachings caused the Jews to make an uproar in Rome. - The word "Christians" is used to identify the group individuals that followed the teachings of Christ.

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Pliny the Younger? (Hint: Choose two answers)

- Christian worship involved singing hymns to Christ. - Jesus was worshipped as deity (as a god) by early Christians.

What are the six "miracles" that naturalists must explain?

- Non-life produces life. - Chaos produces order. - Nothing produces everything. - Non-reason produces reason. - Randomness produces fine tuning. - Unconsciousness produces consciousness.

Choose four key things that the Gospels describe.

- Numerous miracles performed by Jesus. - Jesus lived a sinless life. - The birth of Jesus. - Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Who was Justin Martyr?

- One of the earliest Christian scholars, and the first well-known Christian apologist. - He lived and completed numerous writings in the 2nd century.

Who was Clement of Rome?

- One of the early church fathers/leaders. - One who worked alongside and was trained by the apostle Paul. - Author of a letter to the Corinthian church, which is generally considered to be the earliest Christian writing from outside the New Testament.

According to Matthew, what did Jesus' enemies say about him? (Hint: Choose five things)

- Teacher - Jesus casts out demons - Jesus' tomb was empty three days after his crucifixion - They questioned where he got his wisdom and how he performed mighty works. - Son of God

According to Luke, what did Jesus' enemies say about him? (Hint: Choose five things)

- Teacher, Son of the Most High God, Son of God, The Holy One of God - They stated that only God could forgive sins.

According to Matthew, what did Jesus' enemies say about to him?

They questioned where he got his wisdom and how he performed mighty works. Jesus' tomb was empty three days after his crucifixion. Jesus casts out demons, Teacher, Son of God

Two ways that 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 can be applied to one's life are as follows:

Use television shows, music, and movies as a way of connecting with people to share the gospel with them. Become familiar with the most popular television shows, music, and movies.

"For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread"

1 Corinthians 11:23

"Jesus Christ is come in the flesh"

1 John 4:2

"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit"

1 Peter 3:18

"Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory"

1 Timothy 3:16

"I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession"

1 Timothy 6:13

Choose five possible reasons why God allows evil.

1. He has given humans a free will. 2. To receive greater glory by triumphing over it. 3. To warn humans that something is wrong. 4. To make mold us into the person he wants us to be. 5. Because he keeps his promises.

If we can come to the conclusion that Jesus did live, and that he did live a perfect life, die on the cross and rise from the grave, then.....

1. He is the Son of God. 2. Christianity is true 3. Christians may have hope of salvation and eternal life through him.

How many Greek manuscripts of the New Testament are there in the world today?


What is the similarity (textual agreement) amongst all 5,686 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament available today?


Who was Lucian?

A 2nd century Greek writer who spoke critically of Christians due to their belief that Jesus was the Son of God.

Who was Josephus?

A Jewish historian in the 1st century. A Pharisee (expert on Old Testament laws).

Who was Pliny the Younger?

A Roman author and administrator who served as the governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor.

Who was Suetonius?

A Roman historian.

In Genesis 20, who did God keep from committing a terrible evil (touching another man's wife)?


In John 8:58, Jesus stated that he existed before ___________, and he used God's own title ("I am") to describe himself.


In John 8:58, Jesus stated that he existed before _________ , and he used God's own __________ ("I am") to describe himself.

Abraham, title

In Acts 13, Paul met a proconsul named ______ ______ . Skeptical historians doubted this person's existence until a stone was found with his inscription on it.

Sergius Paulus

According to the four Gospels, who initially found the tomb of Jesus empty?

Several women

According to John, after Mary Magdalene found the tomb of Jesus empty three days after his crucifixion, who did she immediately run to tell first?

Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved

According to Mathew who carried Jesus' cross on his way to crucifixion?

Simon, a man of Cyrene

If the critics of the Bible dismiss the New Testament as reliable information, then what else must they do?

Also dismiss the reliability of the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, and Homer.

According to the article, what is a miracle?

An event that cannot be normally explained through the laws of nature.

Who did Jesus send to restore Saul's (Paul's) eyesight?


What was the name of the prisoner who was released in place of Jesus?


According to this lesson (Commitment to Live the Bible), what is one of the main reasons why some people refuse to become Christians?

Because Christians are hypocrites.

Why is "The Disciples' Prayer" actually a better name for "The Lord's Prayer?"

Because Jesus is teaching the disciples how to pray.

Why is it significant that the enemies of Jesus affirmed the tomb to be empty three days after the crucifixion?

Because potential bias does not exist (when your enemy says something nice about you, it carries more weight).

Why do all humans feel a sense of "ought" or "ought not?" (All humans feel like there are some things they "ought" to do, while there are other things they "ought not" do.)

Because there is a moral code that God has placed in the heart of every single human being in the world (Romans 2:14-15).

Why is it extremely important to hear the testimonies of ancient non-Christian witnesses regarding Jesus' historical existence?

Because they have nothing to gain by telling the truth.

If Jews and Romans had a low view of women during the first-century, and women typically weren't viewed as credible sources, why would the Gospel writers say that a group of women found the tomb of Jesus empty?

Because women actually found the tomb empty; they are telling the truth.

According to Romans 10:9-10, what are the two requirements for salvation?

Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Confess Jesus as Lord.

According to Romans 10:9-10, what does a person have to do in order to be "saved"?

Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. Confess Jesus as Lord

Where was Lazarus from? (He was also buried in his hometown.)


How were books of the New Testament distributed?

Written by apostle or apostolic emissary; sent to churches; scribes copied books and sent them to other churches

If a skeptic makes the statement, "An all-powerful God would put a stop to evil in the world," how should you respond initially?

ask questions

According to Joshua 1:8, we shouldn't just meditate on God's Word, but we should:

be careful and do what is in it

God gave Adam and Eve a _______ when he placed them in the Garden of Eden.


In Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus acknowledged that he was "the __________ " and "the_________ of the living________ ."

christ, son, God

Prior to his conversion, Paul was a persecutor and murderer of Christians; he was also a Pharisee who tried to destroy the early (blank) .


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the (blank) of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change" (James 1:17).


John 10:29 records the fact that Jesus believed God was his __________.


All of the Gospels were completed before the close of the _______ century and were written by _______ or under the direction of _______.

first; eyewitnesses; eyewitnesses

If Jesus never existed, how does it follow that Christianity is false?

Christianity can't be true if its central figure never existed.

In Genesis 1-2, God creates all things and calls them "_______."


The (blank) of God at the cross is most clearly seen in the fact that he used the worst act of evil in all of human history (crucifixion of his Son) to accomplish the greatest act of good in all of human history (salvation available to all people).


In Matthew 19:17, who was Jesus referring to when he said, "There is only one who is good"?


People noticed that Moses was different when he spent time with God. How did he appear different?

his face shone (was shining)

All _______ are responsible for doing ________ (Genesis 8:21). Therefore, nothing that is evil is morally attributed to God (Job 1:20-22; 2:10).

humans, evil

What is the approximate time span between the original copies of the New Testament and the earliest manuscript of the New Testament that we have available today?

less than 100 years

"For we did not follow cleverly devised ______ when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were ________________ of his majesty" (2 Peter 1:16).

myths, eyewitnesses

What are the two different types of evil?

natural and moral evil

What type of evil would the picture below be classified as?

natural evil

Moral evil is what people do to people, whereas (blank) evil is what (blank) does to people.

natural, nature

According to Mark's account of Jesus' crucifixion, Jesus was crucified at Golgotha. What does "Golgotha" mean?

place of a skull

"God raised him (Jesus) up, loosing the pangs of death , because it was not ________ for him to be held by it" (Acts 2:24).


When we are attempting to use apologetics, we should _______ at all times.


Evil is the __________- of goodness.


Regarding the apostles, Polycarp, writing within 80 years of Jesus' resurrection, said, "For they did not love the present age, but him who died for our benefit and for our sake was (blank) by God."


Who tempted Adam and Eve to eat some of the fruit from the forbidden tree?

serpent (Satan)

In Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus acknowledged that he was "the Christ " and "the ________ of the living ________."

son, God

Of all the things that the disciples could have asked Jesus to teach them, they asked him to:

teach them how to pray

According to Mark, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him?

the Christ ,Son of David, Lord, Teacher/Rabbi

According to Matthew, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him?

the Christ, Son of God, Lord, Teacher, Prophet, Son of David

Jesus stated that seeing him was the same as seeing "_____ _______" in John 14:9.

the Father

Who was Jesus? Choose the four possible answers to this question.

the son of God, he never existed, a bad teacher/man, a good teacher/man

In Acts 9:20-22, who did Paul proclaim Jesus to be?

the son of god

According to Matthew's account of Jesus' crucifixion, what were the crimes of the two men who were hanging on crosses beside Jesus?


When God asked the man (Adam) and the woman (Eve) why they ate of the tree that he told them not to eat of, the man blamed the woman and the woman blamed the serpent. Who should Adam and Eve have blamed?


A "_______" is an attempt to reconcile the existence of an omnipotent (all-powerful), omnibenevolent (all-good), sovereign (in control) God with the existence of evil.


If the tomb wasn't empty, then no one would have believed the disciples when they claimed the tomb was empty. No scholar would deny that shortly after the time of Jesus' alleged resurrection, (blank) of people began following the life and teachings of Jesus .


What does it mean to "hallow" God's name?

to honor him as holy

If the (blank) wasn't empty, then the lives of the disciples wouldn't have been transformed.


According to tradition, the disciples were martyred for their belief in the risen Christ (Note: Martyrdom is not a confirmation of (blank) , but rather a confirmation of what an individual believed to be true).


John 14:6: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the ________ , and the_________. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

truth, life

God possesses ultimate power over the entire _______ and all _______.

universe; humans

John 14:6: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the ________ , and the _________ , and the __________. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

way, truth, life

John was an eyewitness. "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a ________, to bear ________ about the light, that all might believe through him" (John 1:6-7). (Same word should be used to fill in both blanks.)


"And we are ________ of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree, but God ________ him on the third day and made him to appear" (Acts 10:39-40).

witnesses, raised

John 17:5: "And now father, Glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the _________ began."


According to atheists, if God is omnibenevolent, then he.

would not want evil to occur

According to Mark, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him? (Hint: Choose four titles)

Teacher/Rabbi, the Christ, Son of David, Lord

How did evil enter into the world?

Temptation of Satan and sins of Adam and Eve.

What can we learn about "The Life of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

Thanks to extra-biblical evidence and the Bible, people can learn about the many stages and events of the life of Jesus. These events include the information about His birth and lineage. Things like where He was born, His mother, and other details. We can also learn about His life on earth, like how he was baptized by John the Baptist, chose His apostles, and ministered to many people. He also performed miracles and healed many people. Lastly, we can learn about His death and resurrection. He truly lived as a man and fulfilled the prophecies that were told about Him.

Because one of the greatest apologetic methods is the way we live our lives, we should pray:

That God would keep us from giving into temptations that would bring our testimony ruin.

What did Jesus say in John 11:25?

That he had the ability to give eternal life.

What's the first thing the serpent said to the woman (Eve) in the Garden of Eden?

"Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?'"

What did C. S. Lewis once say about evil and atheism?

"Evil is atheism's most potent weapon against the Christian faith."

What does Psalm 136:1 say?

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good..."

What command did Jesus give his followers prior to his ascension to heaven?

"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."

In at least 100 words, explain why "good" and "evil" cannot be defined by societies/cultures or individuals.

"Good" and "evil" cannot be defined by societies and cultures for three reasons. The first reason is that there is more than one society in our world. How are we to known which one we should obey? The second reason is that there is no such thing as an immoral law because if a society is the final measure of morality, then all its judgments are moral by definition. The last reason is that those who have tried to reform corrupt societies are actually criminals of the worst kind. "Good" and "evil" cannot be defined by individuals because of eight problems. These problems are (1) Relativists can't say, "You're wrong!" (2) Relativists can't call something "good" or "bad", (3) Relativists can't place blame or accept praise, (4) Relativists can't make the claim, "that's not fair." (5) Relativists can't improve upon their morality, (6) Relativists can't hold meaningful discussions about morality, (7) Relativists can't say, "You need to stop being intolerant of other views!" (8) Relativists can't complain about being mistreated.

What does Job 42:2 say?

"I know that you (God) can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted."

According to John's account of Jesus' crucifixion, what is the last thing Jesus said before he died?

"It is finished."

What did Jesus say to the disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection and they thought he was a spirit?

"See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see."

When the crowds demanded that Pontius Pilate crucify Jesus, what did Pilate initially say?

"Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no guilt in him."

What common objection do skeptics make regarding prophecy?

"The prophecies were written after the events took place."

What does Romans 5:12 say?

"Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned."

According to Matthew's account of Jesus' crucifixion, what charge was written above Jesus' head while he was hanging on the cross?

"This is Jesus, the King of the Jews"

According to Luke's account of Jesus' crucifixion, Jesus made a statement to one of the criminals, who was hanging on the cross beside him, that changed his (the criminal's) eternal destination. What was this statement?

"Today you will be with me in Paradise."

What did the Roman centurion (chief officer) say at the moment Jesus died?

"Truly this man was the Son of God."

What did the two angels say to the women when they went to Jesus' empty tomb three days after his crucifixion?

"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen."

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Tacitus? (Hint: Choose four answers)

- Christians were named for their founder, Christ. - Jesus was put to death during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. - Jesus was put to death by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. - Christians were mocked, tortured, nailed to crosses, and burned alive for spreading the "superstition" of Jesus alleged resurrection.

What were the two purposes of an apostle?

- Commissioned by Jesus to launch the Christian religion. - Responsible for making the New Testament available.

What are the two primary types of evidence that historians look for?

- Eyewitness accounts - Early accounts (non-eyewitnesses)

What are the three qualifications for apostleship?

- Had to have seen the resurrected Jesus. - Had to be given miraculous powers by the Holy Spirit. - Had to be specifically chosen by Jesus or the Holy Spirit for a specific ministry.

If Jesus didn't exist, then... (Hint: Choose six answers)

- He couldn't have lived a perfect life. - He couldn't have died on the cross. - He couldn't have risen from the dead. - He isn't the Son of God. - Christianity is false. - Christians have no hope of salvation and eternal life.

If we can come to the conclusion that Jesus did live, and that he did live a perfect life, die on the cross and rise from the grave, then.. (Hint: Choose three answers)

- He is the Son of God. - Christianity is true. - Christians may have hope of salvation and eternal life through him.

If Jesus existed, then... (Hint: Choose six answers)

- He may have lived a perfect life. - He may have died on the cross. - He may have risen from the dead. - Christianity may be true. - He may be the Son of God. - He may give hope of salvation and eternal life.

Identify the four questions that you should ask yourself when considering historical evidence.

- How many accounts are there and how far removed are they from the events? - Do the accounts share any embarrassing details?- Are the accounts independent of one another? - Are the accounts biased toward the person/event?

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Barnabas?

- Jesus chose his apostles to proclaim the gospel message. - Jesus performed miracles and expressed love for people. - Jesus became a man. - Jesus preached and taught Israel. - It was necessary for Jesus "to suffer on a tree."

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Clement of Rome?

- Jesus gave the gospel to the apostles. - The apostles were responsible for spreading the gospel message. - Jesus' resurrection provided the assurance of the truthfulness of his teachings. - The gospel of God's kingdom was/is the central and most important Christian message. - Wherever the gospel was preached and local churches were started, leaders were chosen to minister to believers.

What can we learn from the testimony of Quadratus?

- Jesus healed people and raised some from the dead. - Jesus performed many miracles; a number of people were eyewitnesses of them. - Many of the people who Jesus healed or raised were still alive when Jesus "left the earth," and some were even alive during Quadratus' time.

According to John, what did Jesus' enemies say about him? (Hint: Choose three things)

- Jesus is the man who performs many signs. - Teacher, Rabbi, and Teacher come from God - "I find no guilt in him" (when he was on trial before Pilate).

What eleven facts can we learn from the testimony of Justin Martyr?

- Jesus predicted that he would die and rise again before he actually did. - Jesus was born in Bethlehem. - Wise men traveled to see Jesus after his birth. - Jesus was a descendant of Jesse (King David's father). - Jesus was nailed to the cross through his hands and feet. - Jesus performed miracles and fulfilled prophecy. - Jesus' friends and disciples denied and forsook him while he was hanging on the cross. - Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his followers. - After Jesus' resurrection, the Jews spread the lie that the disciples had stolen his body from the tomb. - Jesus ascended to heaven shortly after his resurrection. - After his ascension into heaven, Jesus' disciples began preaching the message of his death and resurrection to all men; these men were called apostles.

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Josephus? (Hint: Choose six answers)

- Jesus was the brother of James. - Jesus was called the "Messiah" by some. - Jesus was known as a wise and virtuous man. - Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion. - Jesus had many disciples, both Jews and Gentiles. - The disciples reported that Jesus had risen from the dead and that he appeared to them alive the third day after the crucifixion.

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Lucian? (Hint: Choose four answers)

- Jesus was worshiped by Christians. - Jesus taught his followers to live according to his laws. - Jesus introduced new teachings in Palestine and was crucified because of them. - The followers of Jesus practiced their faith and demonstrated obedience to his laws and teachings.

Choose the three Synoptic Gospels below.

- Mark - Matthew - Luke

What can we learn from the testimony of Ignatius?

- Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin when she gave birth. - Jesus was from the family of David. - Jesus really lived, ate and drank on the earth. - Jesus was baptized by John. - God raised Jesus from the dead; he appeared to his disciples in the flesh after his resurrection. - Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. - Jesus was the Son of God.

Choose three key things that are mentioned in the book of Acts.

- The Holy Spirit begins indwelling believers. - The New Testament Church begins and spreads. - Jesus ascends to heaven

What are the four parts to the definition of a miracle?

- The exception to the way things usually happen is temporary. - A miracle must be caused by God's power. - A miracle is an exception to the way things usually happen. - God performs miracles to demonstrate his power.

What are the four purposes of miracles in Scripture?

- To display God's divine power. - To produce faith in unbelievers. - To strengthen the faith of believers. - To confirm that a particular message/messenger was from God.

What are the three qualifications for biblical inspiration? In other words, what three requirements did each book have to meet in order to be considered part of Scripture?

-Apostolicity (written by an apostle or apostolic emissary) -Universality (unanimously accepted by early church leaders) -Veracity (books do not contradict one another)

What are the three qualifications for apostleship?

-Had to be given miraculous powers by the Holy Spirit. -Had to have seen the resurrected Jesus. -Had to be specifically chosen by Jesus or the Holy Spirit for a specific ministry.

Match the verses on the left with the references on the right. 1 Corinthians 11:23 Romans 10:9-10 Romans 4:25 1 Timothy 6:13 1 Peter 3:18

1. "For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread" 2. "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved" 3. "who (Jesus) was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification" 4. "I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession" 5. "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit"

According to John, what did Jesus' enemies say about to him?

1. "I find no guilt in him" (when he was on trial before Pilate). 2. Jesus is the man who performs many signs. 3. Teacher, Rabbi, and Teacher come from God

Match the verses on the left with the correct references on the right. (Reminder: All verses are taken from the ESV; make sure you read each carefully.) 1. Mark 6:3-4 2. Mrak 3:21 3. John 7:1-5 4. Mathew 13:55-57

1. "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?' And they took offense at him. And Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.'" 2. "And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, 'He is out of his mind.'" 3. "After this Jesus went about in Galilee. He would not go about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill him. Now the Jews' Feast of Booths was at hand. So his brothers said to him, 'Leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.' For not even his brothers believed in him." 4. "'Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?' And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.'"

Match the verses on the left with the references on the right. 1 John 4:2 Romans 1:3-4 Philippians 2:6 2 Timothy 2:8 1 Timothy 3:16 Romans 10:9

1. "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" 2. " concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord" 3. "though he (Jesus) was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped" 4. "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel" 5. "Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory" 6. "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"

Choose the four questions that you should ask a skeptic who objects to the existence of God in light of the problem of evil.

1. "What do you mean by 'evil?'" 2. "How would you define 'evil?'" 3. "How do you know if something is 'good' or 'evil?'" 4. "What standard do you use in order to decide if something is 'good' or 'evil?'"

It should be noted that Homer's Iliad is an ancient work that is rarely ever called into question. The New Testament, on the other hand, is frequently called into question. For these two works, match the statements on the left with the correct dates, number of copies, and/or percentage of accuracy on the right. 1. Iliad: Time between date written and earliest copy on hand. 2. Iliad: Number of manuscripts available 3. Iliad: Textual consistency amongst manuscripts 4. NT: Time between date written and earliest copy on hand. 5. NT: Number of manuscripts available (only Greek manuscripts) 6. NT: Textual consistency amongst manuscripts

1. 500 years 2. 643 3. 95% 4. less than 100 years 5. 5,686 6. 99.5 %

If Jesus didn't exist, then...

1. He couldn't have died on the cross. 2. He couldn't have risen from the dead. 3. He couldn't have lived a perfect life. 4. Christians have no hope of salvation and eternal life. 5. Christianity is false. 6. He isn't the Son of God.

Who was Ignatius?

1. A church leader in Antioch and leader in the early church. 2. A fellow worker with the apostle John, who trained him as well as Polycarp. 3. He was sentenced to death in Rome; on the way to his execution he wrote seven letters to six churches and one individual (Polycarp).

In Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus acknowledged that he was "the _________ " and "the _____ of the living _____."

1. Christ 2. Son 3. God

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Tacitus? (Hint: Choose four answers)

1. Christians were mocked, tortured, nailed to crosses, and burned alive for spreading the "superstition" of Jesus alleged resurrection. 2. Jesus was put to death by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. 3. Christians were named for their founder, Christ. 4. Jesus was put to death during the reign of Emperor Tiberius.

Jesus fulfilled over ________ Old Testament prophecies.


What can we learn from the testimony of Quadratus?

1. Jesus healed people and raised some from the dead. 2. Jesus performed many miracles; a number of people were eyewitnesses of them. 3. Many of the people who Jesus healed or raised were still alive when Jesus "left the earth," and some were even alive during Quadratus' time.

What eleven facts can we learn from the testimony of Justin Martyr?

1. Jesus predicted that he would die and rise again before he actually did. 2. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 3. Jesus was a descendant of Jesse (King David's father). 4. Jesus was nailed to the cross through his hands and feet. 5. Jesus performed miracles and fulfilled prophecy. 6. Wise men traveled to see Jesus after his birth. 7. Jesus' friends and disciples denied and forsook him while he was hanging on the cross. 8. After Jesus' resurrection, the Jews spread the lie that the disciples had stolen his body from the tomb. 9. Jesus ascended to heaven shortly after his resurrection. 10. After his ascension into heaven, Jesus' disciples began preaching the message of his death and resurrection to all men; these men were called apostles. 11. Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his followers.

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Lucian? (Hint: Choose four answers)

1. Jesus taught his followers to live according to his laws. 2. Jesus was worshiped by Christians. 3. The followers of Jesus practiced their faith and demonstrated obedience to his laws and teachings. 4. Jesus introduced new teachings in Palestine and was crucified because of them.

What can we learn from the testimony of Ignatius?

1. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin when she gave birth. 2. Jesus was from the family of David. 3. Jesus really lived, ate and drank on the earth. 4. Jesus was baptized by John. 5. God raised Jesus from the dead; he appeared to his disciples in the flesh after his resurrection. 6. Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. 7. Jesus was the Son of God.

Who was Clement of Rome?

1. One who worked alongside and was trained by the apostle Paul. 2. Author of a letter to the Corinthian church, which is generally considered to be the earliest Christian writing from outside the New Testament. 3. One of the early church fathers/leaders.

Match the verses on the left with the correct references on the right. 1. "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will." 2. "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him." 3. "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand." 4. "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

1. Proverbs 21:1 2. Act 10:38 3. Deuteronomy 32:39 4. 1 Corinthians 10:13

What are the four things we must do when skeptics raise objections to God's existence in light of the problem of evil?

1. Remember that truth is not based on emotions, but rather on facts. 2. Sympathize with the person and attempt to comfort them. 3. Ask questions to gain information and expose flaws. 4. Give possible explanations for the problem of evil .

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Josephus?

1. The disciples reported that Jesus had risen from the dead and that he appeared to them alive the third day after the crucifixion. 2. Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion. 3. Jesus had many disciples, both Jews and Gentiles. 4. Jesus was known as a wise and virtuous man. 5. Jesus was called the "Messiah" by some. 6. Jesus was the brother of James

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Clement of Rome?

1. The apostles were responsible for spreading the gospel message. 2. Jesus' resurrection provided the assurance of the truthfulness of his teachings. 3. The gospel of God's kingdom was/is the central and most important Christian message. 4. Jesus gave the gospel to the apostles. 5. Wherever the gospel was preached and local churches were started, leaders were chosen to minister to believers.

Choose four reasons why you should have a quiet time?

1. To make you more like Christ and so that others can see him in you. 2. Jesus did 3. To grow closer to God. 4. So that you can more effectively defend what you believe.

There are two primary presuppositions when it comes to whether or not miracles can happen: ____________ and _______________ . _____________ do not believe in God, therefore they do not believe miracles can happen. ________________ believe in God, therefore they believe miracles can happen.

1. naturalism 2. supernaturalism 3. Naturalists 4. Supernaturalists

"Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel"

2 Timothy 2:8

How many books are in the New Testament? How many different authors are there? When were these books written?

27 books; about 10 authors; about 40-100 AD

After his conversion, how long did Saul (Paul) go without his eyesight?

3 days

Individuals with naturalistic presuppositions must still account for at least how many miracles?


What percentage of scholars who have studied the life of Jesus believe the empty tomb to be a historical fact.


What is a "petition" and how many are found in The Disciples' Prayer?

A request presented to God; there are six in this prayer.

Who was Suetonius?

A roman historian

When reading the Bible, there are three things that you should do. These three things are listed on the left and they correspond with questions on the right. Your job is to match them correctly.

Application- how can I apply it to my life? Observation- what does it say? Interpretation- what does it mean?

In 100-150 words, explain how archaeological finds like the ones above attest to the Bible's reliability.

Archaeological finds help with the Bible's reliability because they can prove that certain events, people, and places from the Bible existed. The Bible speaks of numerous things that can be questionable and people may doubt whether it is true or not. However, when there are many archaeological finds the correspond to the Bible, people can be assured that it is accurate. In addition, even though there is not an archaeological find for every little detail in the Bible, we can know that if some of the Bible is true, then all of it is true. With all the archaeological finds that have been discovered, there is no way to not believe in what the Bible says.

What is the purpose of the books written by the apostle Paul?

Books were written as letters to churches and/or individuals for the purpose of correcting wrongdoings and providing additional instruction about how to live the Christian life.

How should we begin every prayer?

By addressing God

When Pontius Pilate addressed the crowd in Jerusalem and asked them what he should do with Jesus, what did they say?

Crucify him

According to Acts 9:1-19, where was Saul (Paul) headed when the resurrected Jesus appeared to him? What was he going to do there?

Damascus; arrest Christians

According to Mark's account of Jesus' crucifixion, what did the Roman soldiers do after they crucified Jesus? (Note: This was a fulfillment of the Psalm 22:18 prophecy).

Divided his garments amongst themselves.

"The God of the Bible __________ individuals to __________ evidence for belief in Jesus Christ."


What did Jesus claim in John 5:17-18 and John 10:30?

Equality with God.

What did Jesus claim in John 5:17-18 and John 10:30?

Equality with god

What can qualify as evidence?


What if it can be proven that Jesus didn't rise from the dead?

Everything Jesus said and did is a lie. Christianity is false We shouldn't pay attention to anything Jesus said. Jesus is a fraud.

What if it can be proven that Jesus did rise from the dead? (Hint: Choose four answers)

Everything Jesus said and did is validated. We have to pay attention to everything Jesus said, Christianity is true, Jesus is Lord

What is perhaps the best definition of "evil?"

Evil is goodness spoiled

How many days had Lazarus been in the tomb before Jesus raised him from the dead?


What can we learn about "The Early Church" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 50 words in length.

From the extra biblical evidence, we can learn about the Early Church. Jesus' death and resurrection transformed the disciples to become strong witnesses for Him wherever they go. Jesus' death and resurrection validated His claims and showed that God approved him. We also know that the Gospel was the central message of the Early Christian preaching. Early Christian preaching took place in Jerusalem with the primary day of worship being Sunday.

What can we learn about "The Resurrection of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

From the extra biblical evidence, we can learn some details about the Resurrection of Jesus. When He was in the grave, his disciples denied Jesus. Three days later, the tomb was found empty because Jesus rose from the grave. The Jews thought the disciples took the body and claimed He has risen. However, Jesus did in fact rise from the dead and the evidence comes from early eye-witness reports. Over 500 people, including Peter and other apostles, saw Jesus alive. He ate and drank in front of others, and people touched Him to make sure He was alive. Jesus taught the disciples about the Old Testament prophecy that was fulfilled, and later He ascended into heaven.

What can we learn about "The Teachings of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

From the extra biblical evidence, we can learn that through the course of His life, Jesus preached the Gospel and transformed many lives so that the world would all know of His name. The evidence shows that Jesus received the Gospel from God, and taught it to many people, along with the apostles. We also can learn that He often taught in Israel and encouraged the people to repent, worship Him, and live out His teachings. He also introduced new teachings in Palestine. Often times, during his teachings, He performed miracles which influenced many people to put their faith in Jesus. Later, we learn that Jesus was persecuted for His teachings.

What can we learn about "The Death of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

From the extra-biblical evidence, we can learn about the many things that occurred before, during, and after the death of Jesus. We know that before His death, He went to a dinner and was betrayed and referred the drink and bread to His sacrificed body. Jesus made a confession before Pontius Pilate and then was crucified with His hands and feet nailed to the cross. He died at the hands of the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, during the rule of Herod, and during the reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius. Many executioners gambled for His garments. Lastly, we know that Jesus hung on the cross till evening, and then He was removed and buried.

No human is capable of doing good (Romans 3:10-12). Therefore, everything that is good is morally attributed to (blank) (James 1:17).


In at least 100 words, explain how God displays his power, goodness, and sovereignty at the cross of Jesus Christ.

God can show his power, goodness, and sovereignty in many ways. One of them was Jesus being nailed on the cross. Some days I can't even wrap my mind around it. Some das, I am so thankful I cry. God is so good, he wants a relationship so bad with us that he gave up his one and only son. He knew we couldn't follow the 10 commandments, which is why he sent his son. God had a plan from the very beginning. He knew Adam and Eve were going to sin, he knew everything before he made the universe. You know what? He still did it, knowing everything that was going to happen. It's crazy to think that Jesus would go through all that torture just to have a relationship with one person. He loves us that much. God is so powerful when Jesus said "It is finished", the ground shook.

What did Jesus do when John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was really the Son of God?

He appealed to his miracles as evidence that he is the Son of God.

What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord? (Hint: Choose four answers)

He has absolute authority over life and death. He has absolute authority over all things. He has absolute authority over sin and Satan. He has absolute authority over all people.

When Jesus forgave the sins of the paralytic, which is something that only God has the right to do, many of the scribes began asking themselves, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" Following this, what did Jesus do to prove that he had the right to forgive sins?

He healed the paralytic.

What does the Talmud say about Jesus? (Note: This is in complete agreement with what the Bible says).

He was hanged on the eve of the Passover.

How did Paul die?

He was martyred in Rome by being beheaded.

In 150-200 words, explain at least two of the possible reasons why God allows evil. (Note: Choose the two possible reasons that you think are the strongest.)

I believe the two strongest reasons why God allows evil is because he has given humans free will and to make mold us into the person he wants us to be. If God didn't give us free will, he would be controlling us, like robots. There is no relationship with a robot and its master. God loves us and wants us to love him back. He doesn't want to force us to, because if he did, it wouldn't be real. With no choice, there is no freedom, and with no freedom, everything is tied up and held like in a jail cell. God loves us so much that he is willing to let go and let us live and make our own choices. Like a little baby bird leaving the nest, he is letting us fly. He is always there, watching us grow and learn in life. Which leads me to my second reason, him molding us. Sometimes we go through things in life that we don't want to. But in doing so, it makes us a better person and leads us closer to our destiny. When people go through tough times they cry out to God and they feel he isn't there. They can't see him moving in their life till that struggle is over. When my mom died, all I wondered was why, why would God take her? But in going through that, I became so much closer with God and stronger as a person. I am no able to relate to other people and share my story. If my mom never died, my dad wouldn't have ever met my new mom and I would have never had a new baby sister. One plan isn't better than the other. If my mom was still alive, obviously things would be different. If someone misses their chance to meet there husband, because they didn't listen to God, he usually gives them a second chance. Things happen for a reason, we might not understand right now, but in the future most of the time, it becomes clear.

How can you apply 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 to your life? What does this passage of Scripture teach you about being an apologist in the twenty-first century?

I can apply this to my life by believing it. I don't have to freak out every time I accidently disobey something in the law. I fast once a week on the same day and if one day I forgot, I would not be freaked out because I know Jesus died for all my sins and that we as Christians no longer live under the law but under Jesus and God. Being an apologist in the twenty-first century had to have been difficult because not everyone believes in the same thing.

How can you apply John 13:34-35 to your life as an apologist? In other words, how will this verse help you when you are using apologetics?

I can apply this to my life in hard and easy situations. It teaches patience because if someone is being annoying, the person can choose to get mad at them, or love them and forgive them as God would.

How will you begin using apologetics in order to carry out the commands found in Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, and Acts 1:8?

I can use apologetics in my community, school, and friends. I can share his words in conversations over texting or in person. I have learned how to share his word to a non-Christian without it seeming forceful. I can lead the conversation towards religion to see what they believe, then I can start sharing. I could bring up some experiences I've had with God and show them what he is really like. I could start a petition around the youth group saying that at least once a day, share God's words to someone who may not know him. I could talk to people in grocery stores, clothing stores, anywhere. I could strike up a conversation with someone waiting in line for food. I could make posters and have a fundraiser, so more people can have the opportunity to travel and share with the world what God placed in their heart.

Name two pieces of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus that you find most convincing. Why do you think these two pieces of evidence are more convincing than others? If someone asked you why they should believe in the resurrection, what would you say?

I found it interesting when the non-Christians were proclaiming Jesus died then rose again because they had nothing held against them. It didn't matter if they said he did or didn't. Why would someone say someone rose from the dead if they didn't. There were a lot of eyewitnesses, and majority of them were Christians. People didn't believe the Christians because they thought they framed it or hid the body so people would believe in Jesus more. Not everyone believed Jesus was the son of God so when a non-Christian says "This was truly the son of God", people tend to believe it more. I also found Paul's writings and life fascinating because Paul was persecuting Christians before he became one. It amazed me how God can turn someone's life around just like that. Paul became what he hated most, and only God could do that. Paul became a very wise man and what he wrote is still read today. The Christians didn't believe that Paul was actually going to the help them because of the person he used to be. They were astonished at how his heart had changed. If someone asked why they should believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I would say why would you not believe it? There is proof everywhere claiming Jesus rose from the dead. How could someone explain the tomb being empty on Easter, three hundred people or more saying they saw Jesus after his death, or the miraculous change in his disciples. They went from being scared of the resurrection to being bold and confident about it and sharing his words. How could three hundred people that were strangers to each other, all tell the same lie. Some things can't be explained by science and this is one of them.

Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus and have you confessed him as Lord?

I made the decision to follow Jesus when I was eight. My second grade teacher gave me a booklet explaining what being a Christian meant. She asked me some questions, took me into a small room, and I repeated a prayer. When I returned to the classroom everyone was clapping. I got saved with two other girls also. When my parents came to pick me up they said I seemed very joyful and my teacher told them I accepted Jesus into my heart. Even though I became a Christian, my actions didn't change till I was ten. I had been getting into a lot of trouble and my parents had told me if I didn't get right with God or change, they would send me to boot camp. I wanted to change so I went in my room and talked with God and after that I felt I was truly a Christian. My parents said I changed dramatically and were grateful I made the decision to truly follow God.

Considering what you've learned in this module and the article you just read, who do you think Jesus was? What evidence lead you to this conclusion? Explain your answers to these questions in 150-200 words.

I think Jesus was and is the Son of God. All of my life my parents and people have told me. I've read books about him and seen proof of him working in my life. If he wasn't the Son of God then we all would still be living in the Old Testament. Life would be so different for Christians if Jesus wasn't who he said he was. How do people explain other people performing miracles through prayer. They could say they have super powers or are demon possessed, but I say that is nonsense. I have seen, heard, and experienced too much in my life for someone to tell me Jesus isn't Gods son. As a kid, I saw a lot of things in the spiritual realm but didn't know what it meant at the time. Now that I know what it all means, I can tell the world. I believe Jesus was a friend to all and in many bible verses and eye witnesses, it said he was a good teacher. When Jesus was on the cross something must have shown so clearly for a man to say, "Truly this was the Son of God."

What is 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 about? In other words, what does it say?

I think it is saying that Jesus came to be on our level so he could understand us. It is saying that he took the bondage from his people and became a Jew. The people followed the law and since Jesus is not under it, he is hoping to gain the Jews.

What can we learn about "The Life of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

In the life of Jesus we can learn many things about him. He lived on the earth and became a man from the tribe of Judah. He was of the lineage of Jesse and David, born from a virgin, and had a brother named James. Their were a lot of testimonies about Jesus and his life in the bible. Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, nearby Jerusalem, and he was visited by Arabian Magi. He chose his disciples and was baptized by John. Jesus started a ministry in Galilee and extended it to Judea in Palestine. He was known as a wise, virtuous, and ethnical man. Jesus performed many miracles, like healing people or raising them from the dead. Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies and one of the most important things he fulfilled was that he would die and rise again.

What are the two categories of evidence?

Indirect evidence and Direct evidence

What Old Testament verse predicts that Jesus will be born of a virgin? What New Testament verse is the fulfillment of this prophecy?

Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:22-23

Which world religion came up with the theory that Jesus didn't even die on the cross?


Why do some individuals need evidence for the Christian faith?

It allows them to consider faith in Christ to be a rational decision.

What is John 13:34-35 about?

It is about God telling his people to love each other as he has loved them.

According to John, what is the last thing that Jesus said on the cross before he died?

It is finished

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Pliny the Younger?

Jesus was worshipped as deity (as a god) by early Christians. Christian worship involved singing hymns to Christ.

If you begin to piece together all of the evidence from Module 7 (Historical Jesus), what conclusion does it lead to?

Jesus was/is the Son of God.

Isaiah 53:4-12 and Romans 5:8 mention which prophecy about Jesus?

Jesus will suffer and die for sins

"This __________ God raised up, and of that we all are _______." (Acts 2:32).

Jesus, witnesses

Who wrote the Gospel of John and when do most scholars believe it was written?

John, between A.D 80 - 95.

Whose tomb was Jesus buried in?

Joseph of Arimathea

Which one of Jesus' disciples betrayed him with a kiss?


In Luke 23:1-3, after Pilate asked him a question, Jesus acknowledged that he was the "_______ of the ______."

King, Jews

What language was the New Testament first written in?

Koine Greek

According to Mathew, who found Jesus' tomb empty 3 days after his crucifixion?

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

According to Mark, who found the tomb of Jesus empty on the third day after his crucifixion? (choose three people from the list below)

Mary the mother of James, Mary Magdalene, Salome

Who wrote the Gospel of Matthew and when was it written?

Matthew; between A.D. 50-70.

What does James 2:19 say?

NOT Faith without works is dead.

If Jesus really was still in the grave, what could the Jews have done in order to shatter the hoax of Jesus' resurrection? (Note: They couldn't do this because Jesus was alive.)

NOT Make up a lie about the empty tomb.

Which of the Gospels record the claims that the disciples made about Jesus' resurrection?

NOT none of the answers

According to John, who assisted Joseph of Arimathea with the burial of Jesus?


What fact allows an individual to conclude that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts were written prior to A.D. 70?

None of these books record the destruction of the temple, which took place in A.D. 70.

Luke was not an eyewitness of the life of Christ, but he was a companion of the apostle _______.


In 100 words or more, explain how Paul could have received the 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 creed. In your answer, you should also discuss how this creed could be dated all the way back to Jesus' death and resurrection.

Paul could have received the 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 creed through many different ways. First of all, in the first half of 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, he mentions that hundreds of people have witnessed Christ's death and resurrection. These witnesses include the twelve apostles. He also talks about how the Bible speaks the truth of the resurrection. He then goes on to briefly discuss his personal experience of how he was radically transformed through God's mercy. This creed could be dated all the way back to Jesus' death and resurrection because he and the apostles lived during the same time and place that Jesus walked the earth.

In 100 words or more, explain how Paul could have received the 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 creed. In your answer, you should also discuss how this creed could be dated all the way back to Jesus' death and resurrection.

Paul could have received the creed from anyone. According to what the creed says it looks like he got the information from an earlier time. Words are being used in it that Paul doesn't usually use and are from older times. "Cephas" is in Aramaic but Paul wrote in Greek. The creed used past tense in it like "delivered" and "received." This piece of work can be dated all the way back to Jesus' death and resurrection because of the time span it was written in. Jesus was crucified AD 30 and Paul's conversion came shortly after that. Paul then went on a three trip and visited Peter and James for fifteen days in Jerusalem. All of the dates when these events happened line up. The creed is even reported to have been an eyewitness.

When was the Gospel of Luke written?

Prior to A.D. 62.

According to John, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him?

Prophet, Son of God, King of Israel The Christ, Rabbi, Lord/God,The Holy One of God, Messiah, The lamb of god

Read the following verses: Psalms 2:2, 6-7; 16:10-11; Isaiah 53:10; and Matthew 28:1-6. What prophecy of Jesus is given and fulfilled in these verses?

Resurrection of Jesus

What is the definition of "evidence?"

Something that helps show whether something else exists or is true.

According to John, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him? (Hint: Choose nine titles)

Son of God, Messiah, The Holy One of God, King of Israel, Rabbi, Lord/God, The Lamb of God, The Christ, Prophet

According to Matthew, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him? (Hint: Choose six titles)

Son of God, Prophet, the Christ, Son of David, Teacher, Lord

According to Mark, what did Jesus' enemies say about him? (Hint: Choose five things)

Son of God, The Holy One of God, Teacher, Son of the Most High God, Jesus of Nazareth

Prior to his conversion, Paul was a participant in the stoning of _______, Christianity's first martyr.


Aside from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, what story in Scripture, perhaps better than any other, shows that God uses evil in order to accomplish good?

Story of joseph

What does it mean for a person to "confess Jesus as Lord"?

Submit to his absolute authority.

What can we learn about "The Early Church" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 50 words in length.

The Early Church started because of Jesus resurrection. Since the disciples saw Jesus rise it gave them more faith and strength to share the word of God. They became strong witnesses for Jesus and spread the gospel. Early Christian preaching took place in Jerusalem, where the church began and grew, with Sunday being the primary day of worship.

According to Luke, what did Jesus' enemies say about to him?

The Holy One of God, Son of God Teacher,Son of the Most High God, They stated that only God could forgive sins.

According to Mark, what did Jesus' enemies say about to him?

The Holy One of God, Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God, Son of God

Who came up with the theory that the disciples came by night and stole the body of Jesus from the tomb?

The Jewish chief priests and elders in Jerusalem

How does the translation of the Septuagint verify the legitimacy of the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus?

The Septuagint was completed 200-300 years before the first event in the New Testament took place.

What did the piece of papyrus (paper) decree found in Egypt that was an order for a Roman census at the time of Trajan in 104 A.D. prove?

The censuses like the one in Luke 2 actually took place.

What does 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 mean? In other words, what does it mean within its context?

The context behind it is that Jesus was willing to give up everything, to gain our love. The law no longer needed to be followed because Jesus had come and he wanted the Jews and everyone else to know it. Jesus went on their level to show them that he understands and cares.

What does John 13:34-35 mean within its context?

The context behind it is that if a man or woman is a disciple of God, he or she should show love to others. Christians are meant to represent God, and God is loving.

According to Mathew what lie did the chiefs priests and elders in Jerusalem fabricate in order to explain the empty tomb of Jesus?

The disciples stole his body during the night

According to Matthew 28:11-15, what lie did the enemies of Jesus (the Jews) initially spread in order to explain the empty tomb?

The disciples stole his body.

Clement of Rome, writing within 70 years of Jesus' resurrection, stated:

The disciples were assured of Jesus' resurrection and went forth preaching this good news with great joy.

What does Matthew 28:11-15 talk about?

The enemies of Jesus decide to tell the lie that the disciples stole his body from his tomb.

What can we learn about "The Resurrection of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

The resurrection of Jesus is a miracle itself, only God can raise someone from the dead. What is sad is that that Jesus disciples denied Jesus while he was in the grave. Three days after Jesus' death and tomb was rolled away and was found empty. The Jews claimed that the disciples stole the body and falsely proclaimed him risen. Eyewitnesses say otherwise as Jesus appeared to over five hundred people including his disciples. After his resurrection from the dead, he ate and drank in the presence of others. A lot of people touched him just to make sure he was alive and real. Before Jesus ascended back into heaven he taught his disciples about the Old Testament prophecies he fulfilled.

The conversion of Saul (Paul) was characterized by two things. What were these two things?

The risen Jesus appeared to him. A bright light came down from heaven.

What major event took place in A.D. 70 in Jerusalem?

The temple was destroyed.

What is the Empty Tomb Theory?

The women who discovered the tomb went to the wrong tomb.

What facts can we learn from the testimony of Suetonius? (Hint: Choose two answers)

The word "Christians" is used to identify the group individuals that followed the teachings of Christ. Christ's teachings caused the Jews to make an uproar in Rome.

After Jesus' resurrection, which disciple made the following statement? "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe."


What does it mean to submit to Jesus as Lord?

To consent to his direction over your life (allow him to determine everything about your life). To conform your life to the teachings of the Bible.

If you find yourself not having enough time to read your Bible, what are two things you can do in order to make time?

Wake up 15-30 minutes earlier. stay up 15-30 min later

What can we learn about "The Death of Jesus" from the extra-biblical evidence? Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

We can learn a lot about the death of Jesus. He attended a dinner on the evening he was betrayed. At the meal he gave thanks for the food and shared the bread and drink, which he referred to as the sacrifice of his body and blood for sin. He made a confession before Pontius Pilate and was put to death by crucifixion. He was crucified during the reign of Tiberius and had his wrists and feet nailed to a cross. After he died his body was removed and buried in a tomb. All of these acts can be found throughout the bible.

What question should you ask when examining evidence?

What conclusion is most consistent with the evidence?

According to Luke, what titles did Jesus' followers give to him?

a light for revelation to the Gentiles, Teacher, son of david, Prophet, Master, Lord, the Christ of God, The King who comes in the name of the Lord

Match the attributes of God on the left with the correct definition of each on the right. 1. Omnipotent 2. Omnibenevolence 3. Sovereign

all powerful, all good, in control,

A proper definition of God's omnipotence is: God is ________and able to do whatever he wills; since his will is limited by his _______ (who he is), God can do everything that is in harmony with his perfections .

all powerful, nature

Paul's reference to " ___________ " in Romans 8:28 includes evil

all things

If Jesus rose from the dead, then he is Lord, which means he has absolute authority over...

all things, all people, life and death sin and Satan

"We have absolutely no _______ documents contemporary with the First Century that _______ the New Testament texts." In other words, all first century documents that speak of the New Testament do so in high regards; no document calls it into question whatsoever.

ancient, contest

There is only one correct interpretation of a particular text in the Bible, but there is always more than one correct ____________


"Your life may be the only _______ someone else will ever read."


At one point the psalmist prays that God would keep him from evil: "Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be (blank) , and innocent of great (blank)" (Ps. 19:13).

blameless, transgressions

What was James' relationship to Jesus?


"People don't ________ how much you know until they _______ how much you care."

care, know

According to atheists, if God is omnipotent, then he...

could stop evil from occuring.

Jesus' disciples believed that he rose from the (blank) and (blank) to them.

dead, appeared

If someone is referred to as a Christian apologist, what does this mean? In other words, a Christian apologist is someone who...

defends the Christian faith.

The words "_________ " and " __________" in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 suggest that Paul got this information from an earlier source, perhaps a creed that was recited verbally in churches prior to the New Testament being written.

delievered, received

The words "________" and "________" in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 suggest that Paul got this information from an earlier source, perhaps a creed that was recited verbally in churches prior to the New Testament being written.

delivered; received

According to Clement of Rome, Ignatius, and Polycarp, after the resurrection of Jesus the (blank) were willing to suffer and die for spreading the gospel message.


According to James 1:22, we should, "be _________of the word, and not ________only, deceiving yourselves."

doers, hearers

The problem of evil is loaded (blank).


Atheists conclude that because _______ exist(s), then an omnibenevolent, omnipotent, sovereign God must not.


In Luke 23:1-3, after Pilate asked him a question, Jesus acknowledged that he was the "_______ of the Jews ."


In John 18:36-37, Jesus said that he was a _______ and that his _________ was not of this _________.

king, kingdom, world

In John 18:36-37, Jesus said that he was a king and that his _________ was not of this _______.

kingdom, world

"If you do not ________ God's Word, then you cannot ________ it."

know, defend

"A __________ is an event in which ___________ temporarily makes an _____________ to the way things usually happen (natural order of things), to show that God is ____________."

miracle, God, exception, acting

What type of evil would the picture below be classified as (Adolf Hitler and Nazi Holocaust)?

moral evil

According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, how many people saw the resurrected Jesus with their own eyes?

over 500

According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, how many people saw the resurrected Jesus?

over 500

The power of Satan to accomplish evil is always limited by the prerogative of God. In other words, before Satan can carry out a single act of evil, he first has to (in a sense) ask God for______________ to do so.


Jesus stated that seeing him was the same as seeing "_____ _______" in John 14:9.

the father

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