Service Titan Essential System Practice

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A Zip code can be a part of more than one Zone.

Return on Investment

A comparison of you spend on marketing got the revenue it has generated.

Return on Investment

A comparison of your spend on marketing to the revenue it has generated.


A customer completed a survey and the feedback was not very good. Youve called them to follow up and after speaking, the customer would like to update their response. To allow them to do so you can resend them the survey.

Attach it to all of the locations Attach it to just one of the locatiosn

A customer owns three service locations, if this customer purchases a single membership, what option would you have in adding that membership to the locations??

Resell a new membership to the customer. Manually dismiss any recurring service events not needed, and edi the active range if necessary.

A customer who was planning to move called to cancel their deferred revenue membership. After it was canceled, they called back to let you know the move fell through and they want to continue coverage. What do?

All the billing invoices have been marked as paid

A membership billing run is considered incomplete until what happens?

The membership is added to a renewal estimate that is marked/sold/converted The membership is added to a renewal estimate that is subsequently dismissed the membership is renewed using the renew membership option in the office or in mobile

A membership will remain in the Expiring Memberships tab of the follow up scren until which of the following occur?

1. In the call booking, create the new customer using their location address (this creates a new location as well) 2. Book the job 3. In the search screen, search by location for the service address (both locations will appear) 4. Open and edit the "old location" Change the name to "old owner" and select the newly added owner in the customer field 5. In settings, merge the two locations.

A new customer has called and tells you they've just bought this home, and your company's sticker is on their furnace. They would like to book a pre-season tune up. Put the steps for updating the owner of the existing locations in proper order.

Closed Jobq

A sales job where the subtotal of at least one sold estimate on the job meets the sold threshold

A project is created that contains the estimate job. The install job will be added to the project automatically when the job is booked from the sold estimate

A salesperson has presented and sold an estimate to a customer.Because a seperate crew will need to come and perform the install, the salesperson selected Perform Work Later. What is the result?

Converted Job

A servie, maintenance, or install job where the invoice subtotal meets the sold threshold.

The tech did not download the pricebook after the form was published display on "both office and tech sides" option is unchecked

A tech tells you that they are not able to access a form on the app. Youve checked the form is published, What are the other reasons they may not have access to the form?

Cross Sale Group

Adding Service items to a ______ will allow you to report on the items together even if they are not all part of the same category.

A specific form has been completed on a job, the email delivery of an invoice to a customer has failed, a customer has viewed an online estimate.

Alerts can be added to notify members of your team of each of the following:


Allow you to associate revenue to the different ways customers "find" you


Allow you to associate revenue to the different ways customers find you in the marketplace

Business Unit

Assigning a specific _____ to an office employee will limit them from seeing some jobs on the dispatch board.

Business Unit

Assigning a specific____ to an office employee will limit them from seeing some jobs on the dispatch board.

Tracking Number

Automates the selection of marketing campaigns when a CSR is booking a job


Billing runs will remain in the incomplete tab of the billing history until all the included invoices have been posted and exported.

Enter a set of questions in the summary field of the job type and for the call taker to ask the customer when booking the job.

Certain types of jobs are easier for a tech to diagnose and repair if additional information is collected from the customer and shared with the technician before they start the job. How could you use Job types to help you with this?


Change the order of the report results based on selected data field


Customer surveys will not be sent unless the sold threshold for the job type associated with the job has been reached.

Manual Calls Booked- booked independent of an inbound phone call that have a campaign selected Inbound Calls Booked- those booked from a call to one of your company's trakcing numbers

Difference in Manual Call & Inbound Calls Booked

A tag marked as a converstion opp is added to the equipment type associated with the equipment The equipment at the location has reached the replacement age the equpment type associated with the equipment has a replacement age set

Equipment of a certain age at a service location will automatically be tagged as a conversion opp if each of the following are true


Filters applied to the jobs listed in the job tray will also be applied to the appts that display in the dispatch board itself.


For customers to track a dispatched tech location in real time, accesss to the GPS on the techs mobile devise must be activated. When you set this up, you can mark it to auto activate GPS for new techs moving forward. This option will activate GPS for existing tech devises as well.


From the Search Screen, (with proper permissions) you can export results in which formats?

By adding the tag to the "apply tag" field on the workflow tab of the service item in the pricebook

How can a service item sold on a job, automatically apply a tag to that job?

Add a membership renewal task to an invoice on the job or on a manual invoice

How can a tech renew a customers membership from the field?

Click on the techs profile pic and select call tech

How can the install manager quickly call the tech from the dispatch board to discuss rejected estimates

Edit the membership and select the equipment link on each Recurring Service

How can you attach Equipment at a location to the individual recurring services that are part of a membership?

Edit the customer record and check the "do not service" box

How can you mark a customer as "do not service" so the system will not allow jobs to be booked for the customer?

when setting up a tag, right-click in the code field and select "emojis"

How could you add emojis to the short code field of a tag so it can be shown on the dispatch job bubble.

Select the event you want to modify and select "log a follwo up" set the new date in the "change appt date" field

How do you change the due date on a single upcoming recurring service event on a customer membership?

365 Days

How often are you required to change your ST password?

Renewal Tasks Membership Add-Ons Recurring Service Tasks Sale Tasks

Identify the elements of a membership that need to be created in the pricebook.


If a customer record is marked as "non-taxable" this indicates they are tax exempt. All of the locations associated with the customers will be marked as NOn-taxable as well. You can however modify any of the individual locations taxable status.


If a customer with a booked job calls to reschedule, you should open the job and change the Job start date

At the time of billing

If a membership does not use a deferred reenue, when are amounts billed against the membership (upfront or recurring) recognized as income/revenue


If a tech calls a customer through the mobile app, their phone number wil display on the customer's caller ID>

From the job, select "contact details"

If a tech sees a red circle "M" next to a customer's name, they know the customer has a Membership. Where can they go to view membership details?


If a technician uses the Pencil Icon on the job screen to record a note, that note will be visible to the customer on their invoice.

Associate the new location with the Customer, and in the Location's details mark as non Taxable

If an existing customer is the billing party for a number of taxable loacations, and then acquires a location that is not taxable, what will you need to do ensure tax is not charged at that location?

View the alerts tab of the job Tray Hover over the appt and the alert reason will be displayed

If there is an alert related to an appt, you will see a red outline around the appt in dispatch. Where can y ou go to see what the alert is about?

The item is added to a sold estimate or invoice on a completed job that has the same Conversion Opportunity tag attached to it.

If you add a Conversion Opportunity Tag to a Pricebook Item, the opportunity will be considered converted for reporting purposes if:


If you add a custom field to the job form, you can make the field visible during the call booking process, but you cannot make it required.

Within Email and MMs text dispatch notifications to customers, next to their name in scorecard, and next to their name on the dispatch board.

If you add a picture of a technician to their profile, where will the picture appear?

The member price of the item if one has been entered, otherwise the regular price.

If you create a membership type that has a 0% discount on all services, what price will be charged to the member for items added to an invoice?


If you create a membership type that has an ongoing duration, you can allow the customer to pay the full membership price upfront.


If you filter the Modular Dashboard by a single BU, the various Dashboards will only display data for that BU, but Company Metrics will continue to show data for all BU's.


If you have a job with multiple appts, you can change the job type per appts, as long as its different day

Invoice amount for future monthly billings is updated

If you make change to a Membership Type that has been used to create existing Memberships, what changes will not ve applied to those existing memberships?


In order for marketing campaigns to be auto selected in the call booking process, you must have phone integration set up in ST.

When you add the equipment to a location, it will auto-populate the manufacturer and/or provider warranty start/end date.

In the pricebook, we can enter a duration (in years) into the warranty tabs for equipment. Where does this reflect in ST?


In the process of creating an estimate template you can quickly add new services to your pricebook on the fly

Set the threshold on your job types to a dollar more than the standard dispatch fee you charge for that type of job.

In your business you want to track how often your techs are "closing the deal" by selling the diagnostic fee. However, when you look at your tech's opportunity closing rate for servie jobs on the technician dashboard they're all 100%! That sounds great, but probably isnt right. What have you failed to do?


Limits the results of the report to those that match criteria you have selected

Services & Equipment

Material items can be linked to which of the following types of pricebook items?

Extend the duration of the membership

Membership Add-ons can be used to make each of the following modifications to a membership, except which?


Once you've turned on arrival tracking as part of the dispatch notification settings, as long as a tech is using some GPS device, the track now link will automatically be sent to the customer as part of the Dispatch Notification


Once youve turned on arrival tracking as part of the Dispatch Notifications settings, as long as a tech is using some GPS device, the Track NOw link will auto be sent to the customer as part of the dispatch notification.

Column Ordering

Process of rearranging the fields displayed within a report

Edit Columns

Process of removing or adding specific data elements in a report


Summarizes report data based on selected fields allowing you apply calculations such as count, sum and average

Office Users Only

Task Management allows employees to be assaigned tasks to complete. Which employees can be assigned a Task?


Tasks created using Task Managment can be linked to Jobs, Customers, and locations.

The methods of payment you accept

The appearance of estimates and invoices can be customized based on the BU selected when the job is booked. Which attribute cannot be customized by the BU?

The Customer Record

The link to View property data is available on all of the following screens, except which?

On the dispatch board, how can you tell the time a tech arrived at an appt and time it is marked as Done?

The sollid blue lines that appears on a tech's schedule.


There are certain types of jobs you run that are taxed differently than the standard sales tax rule you would usually apply at a location. If the Tax Zone on an invoice needs to be changed, the tech will need to call the office and have it changed by someone there with admin permissions.

Set a follow up date on which you will either resend the survey or call to ask the customer to complette the survey by phone.

To find a list of customers who have not responded to surveys, you can go to the surveys tab in the Follow-Up screen. From the list which of the following cannot be done?


To see a list of survey responses htat have been returned, as well as a list of surveys that have no been returned by customers, you can run the survey report in legacy reports


Using the Board appearance settings in dispatch, you can modify info you see when you hover over an appt.


Using the board appearance settings in dispatch, you can modify info you see when you hover your mouse over an appt

Creating the relationship between job types and BUs help improve the accuracy of reporting. when a job is being booked, selecting a job type will then limit the BU drop down to only those associated with the job type.

What are the benefits of associating business units with job types?

Applying triggers to the form

What feature can ensure that forms are consistently completed on jobs based on conditions you set?

Applying triggers to the form.

What feature can ensure that forms are consistently completed on the jobs based onto he conditions you set?

SMS message only text- MMS only picks

What is the difference between MMS & SMS

Upgrades, when selected add an additional line item to an invoice or estimate. Recommendations simply appear as text in the notes on the estimate or invoice.

What is the difference between a Recommendation and an Upgrade?

No, but you can trigger a confirmation notification manually if necessary

When a job gets scheduled and then rescheduled, will another job booking confirmation notification be sent to the customer?


When a job is "on hold" it will appear in dispatch on the Hold tab of the job tray. There you will see the hold reason.


When a membership is canceled, RS associated with the membership are dismissed. If you change the status of the membership bak to "active(uncancelling it) the RS will be re-instated as well.

When the membership is added to the invoice

When a membership is set to use Deferred Revenue is sold, when are the initial reserve balance entries made?


When a user changes notification types they want to see in Notifications within dispatch configurations, those changes are applied to all of them.


When a user changes the notification types they want to see in Notifications within the dispatch configurations, those changes will only be applied to them.

Add a note in the summary telling the tech to listen to the call recording for important details

When booking a job, the customer gave a detailed description of the issue and troubleshooting that has already been performed. How can this info best be shared with the tech?


When building a membership type you can use the same Pricebook task as both the sale task and the renewal task for the membership, as long as youve chosen to have the membership renew for the same price it sold for originally.

All line items on the invoice (chargeable materials, services and equipment) will be discounted 10%

When building a membership type, what impact will adding 10% discount on "all services" have on invoices for customers with that membership.?

Go ot the workflow tab and select the desired Add-On options

When building a service in the Pricebook, what must you do to allow that service to be used as a Membership Add-ON?

Add subitem

When building an invoice, which option allows a tech to add additional chargeable service items to an existing invoice item? These items will not be visible to the customer but will be added to the price of the existing invoice line item.

When the membership's sale or renewal task is added to an invoice

When is the membership considered "active" on a customer's account in ST?

Sold hours have not been properly configured in the pricebook for the job's invoice items There are mulitiple managed techs assigned to the job and splits have not been assigned

When looking at the Efficiency tab in the Technician Scorecard, a tech with completed jobs in the scorecard date range is showing 0% Billiable Efficiency. Which may be the reason?

None of the customers from the "plumbing service" BU have returned their surveys The Plumbing Service BU has been excluded from having customer surveys sent

When reviewing your tech's customer satisfaction scores, you've noticed that techs who work for the "plumbing service" BU have no scores. Why?


When setting up a deferred revenue membership, which type of general ledger account should the sale, renewal, and billing tasks you build be pointed to?


When setting up a job type, adding a tag to it will cause that tag to auto be added to the customer records when a job of that type is booked.

job of that type will not negatively count toward a techs conv. rate in reports.

When setting up a job type, what impact will selecting "no charge/ unconvertible by default" have?


When setting up job type, adding a tag to it will cause that tag to automatically be added to the customer record when a job of that type is booked.


When setting up recurring service type, which is NOT available to select as a recurrence type?


When using Task Management, marking all of the subtasks within a task is completed will automatically close the main task.


When using task management, marking all of the Subtasks within a task as completed will automatically close the main task.

When setting up a Customer Notification, under the Settings for each Notification type, exclud the "HVAC-New Construction: BU

When you are performing work under your "HVAC New Construction" BU you do not want customer notifications to be sent. How can you control this?


When you create or edit a Zone, the created or edited Zone will auto be applied to existing service locations.


When you create or edit a zone, the created or edited zone will automatically be applied to the existing service locations.


When you mark the customer record as "do not mail" you can still change the notification settings for any of the customers locations individually if necessary.


When you print a statement from a customers record, you have an option to "include zero balance invoices" When selected, the printed statement will include any invoices with an outstanding balance, as well as invoice from the last 60 days that have a zero balance along with their associated payments.


When you print a statement from a customers record, you have an option to include zero balance invoices. When selected, the printed statement will include any invoices with an outstanding balance, as well as invoice from the last 60 days that have a zero balance along with their associated payments.

Go to schedule board and select tech shift. Turn on the shfit type filter for on-call Go to the dispatch board for each day and look for the techs who show an orange shaded area of their schedule

Where can you go to quickly view on-call shifts?

They represent Sold Hours It can be used in the calculation of the items prices via the Pricebook Wizard It feeds into the techs billable efficiency calculations

Which are true about the "hours" filed in the details tab of a pricebook service item?

The tech arrived to the job

Which is NOT a notification that can be sent to clients?

Outstanding Balance Due Membership status Email Address

Which of the following CAN be used as search criteria/filters when searching for a customer in the search screen.

You cant continue to work until a permit inspection is performed A tech arrived onsite but the gate code does not work. You cant reach the customer and will need to reschedule Additional work was discovered that requires a commercial customer to authorize additional cost.

Which of the following are examples of reasons for putting a job on hold?

Only Jobs with that bU appear in the job tray -only techs assigned to that BU appear on the board -Only jobs with that BU appear on the Dispatch Map

Which of the following are true when you apply a BU filter to the dispatch board?

Mail Email

Which of the following options are available as Mailing Preferences for the Invoices and statements on a customers record?

Access Dismiss button on Recurring Service Events page Edit Customer Membership Data Allow employee to sell a membership from customer to location record

Which of the following permissions would an office team member, who only manages existing customer memberships, need to effectively do their job?

When a job is being booked, selecting a job type will then limit the BU drop down to only those associated with the JT and Creating a relationship between BU and JT helps improve accuracy of reporting.

Which two of the following are benefits of associating BU's with JTs?

Use the Pricebooks Edit More (in line editing) feature

Which would be fastest method of changing the general ledger account on all of ther service items within a single category in the pricebook?

Markint the estimate as sold will create a project linking the original job and the new job -if the estimate sells,the original tech can be set as the "sold by" on the new invoice -If the estimate sells, the new jobs invoice will containt the selected sold items from the estimate

While making a happy check follow up call to a customer, they ask you for a quote for some additional work the tech mentioned. You go to the recent job and "add an estimate" from the job actions menu. What benefits does this give you?

Use Membership Add-ons to modify your standard membership types as needed

While the majority of customers have 1 or 2 systems, its not unusual for some to have four or 5. Memberships for these will require additional RS and higher membership price. Whats the best practice for handling memberships for these customers?

Yes-you can turn off job notifications at the individual job level

You are performing a long term job for a cusomer that involves many appts and many techs. The customer has asked you to skip the notifications, Can you?

A job with a separate appointment for each day of the work

You are performing a multiple day job with each day having the same job type and BU. You will bill the customer in-full at the end of the job. How should the job be set up.?

These items in the audit trail represent automated actions taken by the software

You are reviewing the Job History of a job and notice some items int eh audit trail have a blank profile pic in front of them and no employee name.

Set up a project with seperate job for each BU. When all the work is done, send the customer a project invoice.

You are running a multiple day job that requires each BU involved to have its own invoice. You want the customer to receive only a single invoice for the whole job. How can you do this?


You can give permission to technicians allowing them create Purchase Orders in ST Mobile while on the job.


You can start a chat conversation with a customer by clicking the blue chat icon to their phone number on their customer, location, and job record. You can also start a chat by right clicking an appointment on the dispatch board and selecting "chat"


You can start a chat convo with a customer by clicking the blud chat icon next to their phone number on the customer, location, and job record. You can also start by right clicking appt on the dipatch board and select "chat"

Edit their customer record and check the "do not service" box

You have a customer that does not pay their bills, and is generally nasty to your office. What is the best way to prevent CSRs from booking new work for that customer.

1. Set the preferred Payment method to "check" on the memberships of customers you need to invoice. 2. Open the accounting tab and select the "charge members" button 3. Enter the date range for billings you want to create and click "search members" 4. Use the membership type, billing type, and payment type filters to pull up your list of customers to be billed 5. checkmark all the listed customer to be billed and select the "only generate invoices" button. Name the billing run. 6. From the billing history, select the "unattempted" filter and click the batch name of the batch you just created. 7. Click the "email all" link to email the invoices.

You have a number of commercial cumstomer with memberships that are billed quarterly. Put the workflow steps for generating and emailing the billings in proper order.

Add the plumbing Businees Unit to the category and leave the business unit on the items blank

You have created a Material category called PVC Pipes. These materials are only used by plumbing tecs who are all assigned to plumbing BU. How could you most Easily make sure that the PVC Pipe category is only visible to plumbing techs.

-Some customers may have additional membership with a higher discount -Some items in your pricebook may have a member price which is lower than the calculated discount price. Members always get the highest discount available on an item

You have created and sold a membership which provides a 5% discount on all services. In reviewing invoices, you see some customers with the membership are recieving discounts bigger than 5% on some items, why is this?

They also need to have the "read only access to customer chats" permission

You have given CSRs the permission "Full access to customer chats" but they are not able to see them, why?

It appears as an attached file on the Purchase Order

You have set the permission "purchase order receipt photo required" on your techs profiles. When they take a pic of the receipt while creating a PO, you will find the pic in all of the following except which?

Create a job with three appts

You need to perform recurring services for a commercial customer. Due to the number of units that must be serviced, the work will take 3 days. How should you set this up?

Edit Modular Dashboard Access in Dashboard Settings. Remove View Access for the modules you wish to hide

You see value in your CSR/Dispatch teams access to some of the modules on the Modular Dasboard, but not all of them. HOw would you control which setions of the module dashboard those roles can view?


You want a "completed job" alert to be sent when work is performed by one of your three Commercial BU"s. To do this, when building the alert, just select the three commercial BU's in the BU field and not the others


You want a Completed Job alert to be sent when work is performed by one of your three commercial BU's. To do this, when building the alert, just select the three commercial BUs in the BU field and not the others.

Technician Team names must match exactly (case as well) to group properly. You may have added an extra space or capitalized words differently between techs.

You want to organize your techs on the Dispatch board into teams on the type of work they do or the dept. they work in. You've gone to the Tech Teams Field in their profile and added them, but when you look at the dispatch board some of the groups seem to be duplicated and techs appear under one or the other. Why is this happening?

In each tech's permissions, unselect "view material cost" and "view equipment cost"

You want your tech to list the materials and equipment they are using on jobs to ensure proper job costing, however, you don't want them to be able to see your company's cost for these items. What can you do?

Create a project with a job (and invoice) for each business unit

You will be performing an installation that requires different departments (BUs) to do parts of the work and portions of the revenue need to be credited to those BUs. How will you set up the job?

Manufacturer and Model

You've been informed by a manufacturer that there is a recall on one of their systems. In order to effectively run report to find all the locations with the recalled system, what fields should you be sure are always completed on equipment items you add to the Pricebook?

Your technicians in mobile will easily be able to access the right dispatch fee for the type of job they're working & You will be able to use the price setup wizard to modify all your dispatch or diagnostic fees while not affecting other items.

You've built a category called Dispatch fees in your pricebook. Within this category you'll first list all the different diagnostic and dispatch fees your company charges customers. What are the benefits of doing this?

Bookmark the Report Use the report to create a custom Dashboard

You've built a custom report that contains much of the data you would like to keep an eye on througout the day. Which allows you to quickly access the data daily?

You cannot create on Ongoing Membership with only an Upfront billing required.

You've built a membership type that has an ongoing duration, but requires the customer to pay upfront. When will the customer be charged next?

The techs need to have "receive shipment" permission to create and save an auto-receive PO

You've created a PO type called "supply house runs" that is set to auto-receive. your techs have permission to create POs but they get a message that they cant create the Supply House Run POs when they try. Why might this be?

Use the Add Findings option in the estimate to include info from the inspection form on the estimate

You've created an inspection form for a tech to complete while evaluating a system before preparing an estimate. What would be the best way for the tech to share key findings from the inspection with the customer?

1- make the appropriate change to your GL Accounts in settings 2. Go the service section of Pricebook 3. Filter the category of items you need to change 4. Select all 5. Click the general ledger account field 6. Select the updated account from the dropdown and apply

You've made a change in your accounting system and all the items in one of your pricebook service categories needs to have their general ledger account updated. Edit Mode (in line editing) will let yo u do this. Put steps in proper order.

Business Unit

Your business has acquired another company and you want to continue to do work for their customers under the brand while you continue serving your existing customers through your original brand. What tool in service titan would you use to set this up?

The Member Add on price is zero, the items will display the standard add on price.

Your tech has added an "Add on" item to an invoice for a customer who has a membership. In setting up that item you added an "add on" price but left the member add on price as zero. Which price will appear on the invoice?

Create a membership type that discounts all services by 15% and "sell" the membership to the customer at $0 price

Youve agreed to provide an across the board, 15% discount on all work you perform for a strategic customer. How could you ensure that ll work you perform for this customer is discounted 15%

Manufacturer and Model

Youve been informed by a manufacturer that there is a recall on one of their systems. In order to effectively runa report to find all the locations with the recalled system, what fields hsould you be sure are always completed on equipment items you add on the Pricebook?

From the location screen of customers with this membership, click on the fall inspection recurring service, unselect Sept. and choose a different month.

Youve built a membership type that includes spring and fall inspections. The RS Type for the Fall inspection is set with a RS type of Seasonal with Sept as the month. YOur techs have sold a lot and the number in sept is high. How can you adjust the month of the Fall inspections are due for some of the customers to spread out the visits?

They can click on the My forms tab and then select the Add forms button.

Youve created a number of non-job related tech forms, safety checklists, time off requests. Once they're published, where will the techs access them in Mobile?

When setting up your BU, you put your internal facing BU name in the Official Name field.

Youve customized your job notifcationan text and emails. You are hearing back from customers that messages are confusing becuase they say things like "irrigation service" is on his way.

A customer viewed online estimate a specific form has been completed the email delivery of an invoice to a customer has failed

alerts can be added to notify members of your team of each of the following:

campaign categories

allow you to judge the effectiveness of marketing by type (i.e. internet, direct mail)

Campaign Category

allow you to judge the effectiveness of the marketing type

Tracking number

automates the selection of marketing campaign when a CSR books jobs


if you activate native GPS for your techs mobile devices, in addition to being able to include a tech tracking URL with dispatch notifications, the techs will be marked as arrived to their assignments automatically when they are within 125 meters of the location.

Place Holders

to automate and personalize emails that are created from templates you can insert ____ into the body of email.

1 Create a new zone or edit existing 2. make sure zone contains the zip codes in the area you want to limit work 3.Checkemark service days enabled 4.. select the days of the week you want to work there 5. save the zone

to limit unneccessary travel time youd like to limit jobs n one of the furthest areas to aonly a certain day of the week.

Because the member Add- on Price is zero, the item will display the standard member price

your technician has added an add-on item to an invoice for a customer who has a membership. in setting gup that item you added an "add on" price but the member add on price is zero. Which price will appear on the customers invoice?

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