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Bimetallic Stemmed thermometer

0 F - 220 F Insert into food up to the dimple Calibration nut, Easy to read markings, and dimple

A food handler is reheating commercially processed cheese sticks, which will be hot-held on a buffet. What temperature must the cheese sticks be reheated to?

135 degrees F

At what minimum internal temperature should hot TCS food be held?

135 degrees F

Cooked vegetables should be held at a minimum internal temperature of ?

135 degrees F

What is the maximum distance that sneeze guards can be located from the self-service counter to protect food from contamination?

14 inches

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground beef?

160 degrees F

When reheating partially cooked food for service, what minimum internal temperature must be reached?

165 degrees for 15 seconds

To what temp must soup containing cooked beef be reheated for hot holding?

165 for 15 seconds

What temperature must TCS food be reheated to if it will be hot held?

165 for 15 secs

A hanging thermometer in a walk-in cooler should be accurate to within how many degrees F?


A food slicer in the prep area is in continuous contact with potentially hazardous food. What is the maximum time you can use it before cleaning and sanitizing it?

4 hours

At what maximum internal temperature should cold TCS food be held?

41 degrees F

When cold TCS food is delivered, what temperature should it be?

41 degrees or less

What is the food safety refrigeration temperature based on

41 or lower

What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water?

60 degrees F

What is the max amount of time that food can be heated when partially cooking food?

60 minutes

Ready to eat TCS food can be stored at 41 or lower for how long before being thrown out?

7 days

Pathogens grow especially fast between what range of temperatures

70-125 degrees F

An operation has a small salad bar with 8 different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bad?

8, one for each

A shellstock identification tag should be kept of file ___ days from the date the last shellfish was used in the delivery.


Calibrating Thermometers

Boil point method -212 F Ice point method- 32 F

A (reconditioning)

Cleaning the surfaces of some cans of tomato sauce so that they can be accepted is an example of A (reconditioning) B (spot-inspecting) C (calibrating) D (documenting)

Temperatures for food deliveries

Cold TCS Food: 41 or lower Live shellfish: air temp of 45 F and internal temp no greater than 50 F (cool to 41 F or lower in 4 hours) Shucked Shellfish: 45 F or lower (cool to 41 F in 4 hours) Milk: 45 F or lower (cool to 41 or lower in 4 hours) Shell Eggs: air temp of 45 or lower Hot TCS Food: 135 F or higher Frozen Food: Solid when received, REJECT IF ice crystals or fluid stains appear on the packaging

Cooling TCS food requirements

Cool from 135 F to 70 F in first 2 hours Cool from 70 F to 41 or lower in last 4 hours Factors: thickness and density, size, and storage container

What can occur if prep tables are not cleaned and sanitized between uses?


Whole potatoes were coated with olive oil and salt, baked in house, and stored in a cooler. What should be included on the label?

Date that the food should be discarded

Glass thermometers are often considered the safest and most accurate type of thermometer to use in a kitchen


The movement of food from purchasing and receiving through cooking and serving is known as the flow of food.


What does FIFO stand for?

First In First Out

Which of the following statements about preventing time-temperature abuse is the most accurate?

Food temps should be recorded in writing on forms kept on clip boards near coolers, freezers, prep areas

Which type of food requires additional documentation stating that it was raised to FDA standards

Fresh produce

D (at least 6" (15 cm))

How far above the floor should food be stored? A (at least 1") B (at least 2") C (at least 4") D (at least 6")

D (up to the dimple of the thermometer stem)

How far must a bimetallic stemmed thermometer be inserted into food to give an accurate reading? A (up to the tip of the thermometer stem) B (just past the tip of the thermometer stem) C (past the dimple of the thermometer stem) D (up to the dimple of the thermometer stem)

C (7 days)

How long can ready-to-eat TCS food that was prepped in-house be stored if it was held at 41˚F (5˚C) or lower? A (3 days) B (5 days) C (7 days) D (9 days)

B (open a carton and insert a thermometer stem into the food)

How should cartons of coleslaw be checked for the correct receiving temperatures? A (check the interior air temperature of the delivery truck) B (open a carton and insert a thermometer stem into the food) C (place a thermometer against the outside of the carton) D (touch the carton to see if it is cold)

Types of probes

Immersion probe- temp of liquids Surface probe- flat cooking equipment Penetration probe- internal temp of food Air probe- inside coolers and ovens

A (lettuce, salmon, pork roast, chicken breasts)

In top-to-bottom order, how should a pork roast, salmon, lettuce, and chicken breasts be stored in a cooler? A (lettuce, salmon, pork roast, chicken breasts) B (salmon, pork roast, chicken breasts, lettuce) C (lettuce, chicken breasts, pork roast, salmon) D (salmon, lettuce, chicken breasts, pork roast)

When must you discard tuna salad that was prepped on July 19th?

July 25th

What is the most basic and practical way to prevent cross contamination in a kitchen?

Keep raw and ready to eat food away from each other

A (Shellstock identification tag)

Live shellfish must be received with what documentation? A (Shellstock identification tag) B (USDA inspection stamp) C (certified fisheries tag) D (USDA grading stamp)

B (it is cooled to 41˚F (5˚C) or lower in 4 hours)

Milk can be received at 45˚F (7˚C) under what condition? A (it is thrown out after 2 days) B (it is cooled to 41˚F (5˚C) or lower in 4 hours) C (it is immediately cooled to 41˚F (5˚C) or lower D (it is served or used in the operation within 2 hours)

Avoiding time-temp abuse

Monitor Proper tools Record Time temp control Corrective actions

Cooking Temps for Specific Foods ie. Poultry, Beef, Fish, Pork, and Veggies

Poultry- 165 F (15 secs) Beef- 155 F (15 secs) Fish- 145 F (15 secs) Pork- 145 F (4 mins) Veggies- 135 F (no time limit)

Storage order (Top to Bottom)

Ready to Eat Food - n/a Seafood - 145 F Whole cuts of beef or pork - 145 F Ground meat and fish - 155 F Whole and ground poultry - 165 F

Methods for thawing TCS foods

Refrigeration Running water -70 F or lower Microwave Cooking

What is the most important factor in monitoring food stored under refrigeration?

The internal temperature of food

The most important tool to have in preventing time-temperature abuse is:


Why can you not use empty chemical containers for transporting food?

They are hard to clean properly

A food handler pulled a hotel pan of tuna salad from the cooler and used it to prepare six tuna salads sandwiches. What is the problem with this situation?

Time-temperature abuse

A food-handler thaws several frozen turkeys on a prep table. What is the danger that this poses to the food?

Time-temperature abuse

Good manufacturing practices, or GMP are the FDA's minimum sanitation processing requirements for producing safe food


Ready to eat TCS food must be marked if held for longer than 24 hours The label must indicate when the food must be sold, eaten or thrown out


Single use items should be stored in their original packaging


You should never use empty food containers to store chemicals or put food in empty chemical containers


C - time temp abuse

What causes large ice crystals to form on frozen food and its packaging? A (cross-contact) B (cross-contamination) C (time-temp. abuse) D (incorrect cleaning and sanitizing)

A (thermocouple)

What device can be used to record time-temperature abuse during the delivery of food? A (thermocouple) B (thermistor) C (time-temp. indicator) D (bimetallic stemmed thermometer)

C (it must be used within 24 hours of receiving)

What is required when receiving fish that will be served raw of partially cooked? A (it must be alive when received) B (it must be thawed in the microwave) C (it must be used within 24 hours of receiving) D (it must be correctly frozen before you receive it)

B (insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish)

What is the best method of checking the temperature of a delivery of fresh fish? A (feel the fish, making sure that it is cold to the touch) B (insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish) C (place a time-temperature indicator on the surface of the fish) D (use an infrared thermometer to check the fish's temperature)

B (41˚F (5˚C) or lower)

What is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food? A (32˚F (0˚C) or lower) B (41˚F (5˚C) or lower) C (45˚F (7˚C) or lower) D (50˚F (10˚C) or lower)

D (it has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws)

What is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier? A (it has a HACCP program or other food safety system) B (it has documented manufacturing and packing practices) C (its warehouse is close to the operation, reducing shipping time) D (it has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws)

A (cross-contamination)

What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads? A (cross-contamination) B (poor personal hygiene) C (time-temp. abuse) D (cross-contact with allergens)

C (date that the food should be thrown out)

What must be included on the label of TCS food that was prepped in-house? A (date that the food was received) B (name of each TCS ingredient included) C (date that the food should be thrown out) D (list of all potential ingredients in the food)

C (immersion probe)

What probe should be used to check the temperature of a large stockpot of chili? A (air probe) B (surface probe) C (immersion probe) D (penetration probe)

A (tell the cook to stay away from work and see a doctor)

What should a manager of a hospital cafeteria do if the cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea? A (tell the cook to stay away from work and see a doctor) B (tell the cook to come in fro a couple of hours and then go home) C (tell the cook to rest for a couple of hours and then come to work) D (tell the cook to go to the doctor and then immediately come to work)

D (remove the item from inventory, and place it in a secure location)

What should be done with an item that has been recalled? A (throw it out) B (arrange a pick-up from the vendor) C (record the item's use-by date, and place the item in storage) D (remove the item from inventory, and place it in a secure location)

D (take off their aprons)

What should food handlers do after prepping food and before using the restroom? A. (wash their hands) B. (take off their hats) C. (change their gloves) D. (take off their aprons)

What is a reason for a food item to be recalled by the manufacturer?

When food contamination is confirmed or suspected. When items are mislabeled or misbranded. When food allergens have not been identified on the label.

C (when sitting in a break area)

When is it acceptable to eat in an operation? A (when prepping food) B (when washing dishes) C (when sitting in a break area) D (when handling utensils)

C (before putting on the gloves)

When should food handlers who wear gloves wash their hands? A (after putting on gloves) B (before taking off the gloves) C (before putting on gloves) D (after applying a hand antiseptic)

A (after washing hands)

When should hand antiseptics be used? A. (after washing hands) B. (before washing hands) C. (when soap is unavailable) D. (when gloves are not being used)

C (in front of food with later use-by dates)

When storing food using the FIFO (first in first out) method, where should the food with the earliest use-by dates be stored? A (below food with later use-by dates) B (behind food with later use-by dates) C (in front of food with later use-by dates) D (alongside food with later use-by dates)

C (plain band ring)

Which piece of jewelry can be worn on a food handler's hand or arm? A. (watch) B. (diamond ring) C. (plain band ring) D. (medical bracelet)

B (infrared)

Which type of thermometer can read temperature without touching the item's surface? A (TTI) B (infrared) C (air probe) D (immersion probe)

What item must customers take each time they return to s self-service area for more food?

a clean plate

Which type of thermometer has a dimple on it to indicate the end of the temperature sensing area?

bimetallic stemmed thermometer

Food that is packaged in a reduced oxygen environment usually demonstrates internal damage by appearing

bloated and leaking

What must food handlers do to food immediately after thawing it in the microwave?

cook it

How often must you check the temp of food being held with temp control

every 4 hours

When a food item is recalled by the manufacturer, what is the first thing you should do?

identify the recalled food based on the recall notice and remove the item from inventory

Which type of thermometer does not have to touch the surface of food to check the temperatures accurately?

infrared or laser

A supplier that has been approved should be able to provide a food-service operation with a(n)

inspection report.

Infrared Laser thermometers

measures food equipment surfaces Do NOT need to touch the surface

What should you do when you need to make a dish for a high risk group that contains raw eggs?

pasteurize them

Which food should not be offered on a children's menu?

rare hamburger

What should you do when rejecting shipments?

set aside from the items you're accepting, tell deliverer whats wrong with the item, get signed adjustment or credit slop, and log the incident on the invoice

Which foods can be displayed in a self-service area without the use of packaging, sneeze guards, or a display case to protect them from contamination?

shelled nuts

A food handler can cool a stockpot of clam chowder by placing it into a

sink of ice

A safe way to cool a stockpot of meat sauce is to put it into a

sink of ice water

Why does food in storage have to be rotated

to maintain quality and limit the growth of pathogens

Meat, fish or poultry that is soft enough to leave an imprint if touched should be rejected


A shellstock identification tag is used to indicate

when and where the shellfish was harvested

D (the cook didn't wash his hands and put on new gloves before slicing the hamburger buns)

A cook wore single-use gloves while forming raw ground beef into patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburgers. What mistake was made? A. (The cook didn't wear reusable gloves while handling the raw ground beef and hamburger buns) B. (The cook didn't clean and sanitize the gloves before handling the hamburger buns) C. (the cook didn't wash hands before putting on the same gloves to slice the hamburger buns) D. (the cook didn't wash hands and put on new gloves before slicing the hamburger buns)

A (stay home until a doctor approves a return to work)

A food handler has been diagnosed with an illness from Shigella spp. What should the manager tell this food handler to do? A (stay home until a doctor approves a return to work) B (wear gloves while handling food) C (work in a nonfood-handling position) D (wash hands frequently while handling food)

C (it must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized)

A food handler has finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting board and needs it to prep vegetables. What must be done to the cutting board? A (it must be dried with a paper towel) B (it must be turned over to the other side) C (it must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized) D (it must be rinsed in hot water and air-dried)

C (sore throat with fever)

A food handler prepares and delivers meals to elderly individuals receiving cancer care services at home. What symptoms require this food handler to stay home from work? A (thirst with itching) B (soreness with fatigue) C (sore throat with fever) D (headache with soreness)

A (+/- 2˚F or +/- 1˚C)

A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food must be accurate to what temperature? A (+/- 2˚F or +/- 1˚C) B (+/- 4˚F or +/- 3˚C) C (+/- 6˚F or +/- 5˚C) D (+/- 8˚F or +/- 7˚C)

D (Cleaning Tables)

After which activity must food handlers wash their hands? A. (putting on gloves) B. (serving customers) C. (applying hand antiseptic) D. (cleaning tables)

Food labeling

All items not in their original container must be labeled Common name of the food stated on label Source of each major food allergen should be labeled

C (between 70˚F and 125˚F (21˚C and 52˚C))

At what temperatures do most foodborne pathogens grow most quickly? A (between 0˚F and 41˚F (-17˚F and 5˚C)) B (between 45˚F and 65˚F (7˚C and 18˚C)) C (between 70˚F and 125˚F (21˚C and 52˚C)) D (between 130˚F and 165˚F (54˚C and 74˚C))

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