ServSafe Exam Study Guide

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Hazards can be eliminated, minimized, or prevented.

A Critical Control Point is an action that can be taken, by which:

The meat processor that packed the steaks meets USDA defined sanitary standards and the meat quality is acceptable.

A box of sirloin steaks carries a USDA inspection stamp and also a USDA Choice grade stamp. What do these stamps tell you?

Air temperature thermometer

A cold temperature storage unit should have at least one:

They feed on garbage and animal wastes.

A fly is capable of transmitting disease to human beings primarily because it:

Hepatitis A

A food service worker can infect other for weeks before having any symptoms themselves with which of these diseases?

10-15 seconds

A food service worker should vigorously rub their hands for a minimum of ______ during the handwashing process.

Use-by date and time & reheating and service instructions

A pan of lasagna at 165 F was packed in a heated cabinet for off-site delivery. What is the minimum information that should be on the label?


A training need is a gap between what an employee knows and what they need to know to do their job.


An allergic reaction is caused by a _____________ in the food item

Call the health dept. & remove him from the establishment until the doctor releases him to come back to work.

An employee tells you, the manager, that he has been diagnosed with Hepatitis A virus, you:

After each use or at regularly scheduled intervals when in constant use.

An important rule for kitchen cleaning requires the cleaning and sanitizing of utensils, equipment, and food contact surfaces:


An operation has a self-service salad bar with 12 different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bar?

Washed and rinsed

Before a food contact surface is sanitized, it must be:


Certain illnesses require a person to be removed from food service. Which of the following is NOT one of those illnesses?

6 hours

Cold food, such as potato salad that has been properly temperature controlled prior to service is labeled with the correct use or discard time can set out without temp control (on a buffet for example) for up to ___________?

All of the above: cleaned, bandaged, covered

Cuts, abrasions, burns and pustule lesions need to be:

A local jurisdictional allowance

Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum or tobacco when preparing or serving food, except when it is allowed by which of the following?

-water transport vehicles -closed, portable water containers -approved public water mains ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Drinkable or potable water can come from which of the following sources?

Proof of staff eligibility to work in the US

During an inspection by the local health department, all of the following documentation may be requested, except:


Effective sanitizing requires a suitable agent that is applied for an adequate length of time with a sufficient:

145 F 15 sec

Eggs cooked to order must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.


Establishments can be closed by the health department if they find a significant lack of refrigeration inside.


Food Service equipment needs to meet certain standards to be used with food production. Which organization creates these standards?

Be symptom free for 24 hours before being allowed to return to work.

Food handler's that have vomiting, diarrhea, or jaundice must:

145 F 4 min

Fresh Baked ham (not injected or marinated) must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.

165 F 15 sec

Fried chicken must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ and a time of ___.

155 F 15 sec

Ground beef must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.

HACCP step: Establish Monitoring Procedures

HACCP principle: Food handlers check the internal temp of the hamburger patties using bi-metallic stemmed thermometers, and record the information on the temperature log.

HACCP step: Determine Critical Control Points

HACCP principle: The GM has determined that cooking the hamburger patty is the last step where the establishment can intervene to prevent the growth of micro-organisms.

HACCP step: Conduct a Hazard Analysis

HACCP principle: The general manager determines that the hamburgers are potentially hazardous food item on the menu.

HACCP step: Verify System Works

HACCP principle: The manager checks the temperature logs to make sure that the critical limits are consistently being met.

HACCP step: Identify Corrective Action

HACCP principle: The manager discards hamburger patties in hot holding, and slow the speed of the broiler conveyor.

HACCP step: Establish Critical Limits

HACCP principle:Food handlers are to cook hamburger patties to 155 F.

Anyone who works with food.

Hair restraints are required for:

The wing tips are dark

How could you tell if a whole fresh chicken has been exposed to temperature abuse?

After every possible contamination

How frequently should a food handler wash his or her hands?


How many steps are involved in the manual cleaning and sanitizing of tableware and pots and pans when using a 3-compartment sink?

From the bottom

How should a waiter serve plates?

Covered with crushed self-draining ice

How should fresh salmon be packaged for delivery & storage until cooking?

In a locked cabinet in their original labeled containers.

How should pesticides be stored if they are kept on-site at the food service facility?

Be FDA compliant

If a hand antiseptic is used in a food service operation it must be:

4 hours

If food contact surfaces are in constant use, how often must they be cleaned and sanitized.

Discard the entire package and its contents

If you find that a stored vacuum-packed package is torn, you should immediately:

Top: Ready to eat Middle: Beef Bottom: Poultry

If you only have 3 shelves in your Walk-in Cooler, how would you place the following items from top shelf to bottom shelf:

30 seconds 171 F

In a 3 compartment sink used for manual washing, if heat sanitation is used for the 3rd sink the item must be immersed for _______ seconds and the water must be ________

Specifically made for food service equipment

In a food service operation, machine lubricants should be:

Almost anywhere in the facility

In food service operations, cockroaches might be found:

Set an example for all employees to follow

In maintaining a program of good personal hygiene, which of these is management's most important responsibility?

Carry out the previously determined policy on how to safely handle these types of situations

In the event a food item in your establishment is purposefully contaminated, you should:


Interior garbage containers do not have any specifications to meet.

Food contact surface

Is touched by food, or from which food could drip or drain onto surfaces that normally touch food.

45 degrees F

Liquid milk can be received at a maximum temperature of:

Edges of the fillets are brown in color

Mario is inspecting a shipment of fish fillets. Which is a sign that he should reject the delivery?

165 F 2 mins

Microwaved Beef Stew must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ and must wait for a time of ___ before being served.

An allergic reaction

Nausea and hives are symptoms of which of the following?


OJT (On The Job Training) is utilized by many Hospitality Industry employers because it is the best way to train an incoming group of new hires.

They should be stored inverted on a clean surface

Once cups have been cleaned and sanitized, how should they be stored?


Pesticides stored inside the facility to not require SDS sheets.

155 F 15 sec

Pork sausage must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.

Reduce the number of times hands need to be washed

Proper glove use DOES NOT include:


Properly installed ventilation systems do not require ongoing maintenance.

After an extreme temperature change

Recalibration and adjusting of a bi-metallic stemmed thermometer should occur:

145 F 15 sec

Red Snapper must be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of ___ for a time of ___.

165 F 15 sec

Reheated Cheese & Spinach Quiche for hot holding must reach a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___, within two hours.

145 F 4 min

Roast beef must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.


Safety Data Sheets formally known as Material Safety Data Sheets are required by:

Increased when fresh poultry is held on self-draining ice

Shelf life is:

Open and slatted

Shelving in a refrigerator should be:

165 F 15 sec

Stuffed pork chops must be cooked to a minimum internal temp of ___ for a time of ___.

Wash cut, then cover the cut with a clean, dry, waterproof bandage, and a glove.

Susan has a small cut on her finger & is about to prepare chicken salad. How should Susan's manager respond to the situation?


Table top equipment not sealed to the counter, should be on legs or a stand that allows for how many inches from the counter?

Oxygen, heat, and fuel

The 3 elements that must exist for fire to exist are:

Class K

The Class of Fire that involves cooking oil and fats is:

-Demonstration of Knowledge by food service managers -Staff health Controls -Consumer Advisories ALL OF THE ABOVE

The FDA's Public Health Interventions provides recommendations for:

The path food travels through a foodservice operation.

The Flow of Food refers to:

How the job is done step by step

The Master Cleaning Schedule needs to specify: Which piece of equipment is to be cleaned, When it is to be cleaned, Who is to Clean it and:

The specific time period of the service.

The contract is an important element of the relationship between the food service manager and the pest control operator. Which of the following should be part of the contract?

methods that combine preventative and control steps to reduce pest infestations and keep pests from entering the facility.

The definition of INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) is a system of:

Lemons & limes

The following are common food allergens EXCEPT which one?

Ask for identification

The health inspector arrives at lunch time when you are very busy, what do you do?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

The initials HACCP stand for:

Below 41 degrees F and above 135 degrees F

The internal temperature of most TCS foods during display and service should be:

droppings that look like grains of pepper.

The presence of cockroaches in an establishment can be detected by:


The presence of large ice crystals in a frozen product often indicates that the product has undergone which of the following:

Gnaw marks and holes along the foundations

The presence of rats in an operation can be detected by:

135 or above

The temperature of hot-holding equipment should hold cooked foods at:

Cool to 125 F in 2 hours; 70 F in 2 hours

The temperature requirements for 2-stage cooling TCS foods suggest the following:

It smells like sulfur

To check the freshness of a delivery of shell eggs, you crack on onto a plate. What about the egg would tell you that you SHOULD reject the delivery?

Plan ahead for the arrival of all shipments

To check the quality of food coming into your operation, a manager should:

Carefully fold the soft plastic around the thermometer

To measure the temperature of milk that is delivered in a 5 gallon bulk plastic bag designed for a milk dispenser, you should:

Whom to contact about suspicious activity

To prevent the deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in the facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file, and know:

Light red in color

Upon delivery at a food service operation, fresh, unfrozen lamb should be:

The box is water stained

Upon delivery, what is one way to tell if a frozen food product has NOT been properly handled?

A variance from the regulatory authority

What does an operation that wants to smoke food as a method of preservation need to have before processing food this way?

-The amount of time the sanitizer has contact with the item. -The temperature of the sanitizing solution. -The concentration of the solution ALL OF THE ABOVE

What factor influences the effectiveness of a chemical santizer?

Air drying

What is the PROPER way to dry tableware and equipment after cleaning and sanitizing?

Their shells are opened

What is the most important observation to make about the condition of a shipment of LIVE oysters that would cause you to reject the delivery?

Follow the label instructions and regulatory requirements

What should be done when throwing away chemicals?

Remove item from inventory and store it appropriately where it will not be used until procedures are determined for it's removal from your establishment

What should be done with an item that has been recalled?

Confirm the foods items is not in the dish ordered, because they know how the item is prepared.

When a guest informs the server that they are allergic to a food item, that staff member should be able to:

Closed shells

When a molluscan bi-valved shellfish, such as clams are delivered live, the shellfish should have:

Identifying all risks to food safety

When an establishment performs self-inspections, the focus is on which of the following items?

have staff clean their own work station, and rotate other cleaning duties in order to evenly distribute cleaning tasks.

When assigning cleaning tasks, the best policy is to:

60 minutes

When partially cooking food for later service, what is the maximum amount of time the food can be heated during the initial cooking step?

Inspection reports from USDA or FDA

When selecting suppliers for your operation, it is important for food safety to review their price list.

When eggs are not delivered at 45 degrees or below

When should an establishment reject a shipment of unbroken shell eggs?

The top of the can of tomatoes is bulging out

When should you reject the delivery of a dry or canned food product?

All areas in the facility and all pieces of equipment

When surveying cleaning needs, it is recommended that a food service manager draw up a list that covers:

Under fingernails

When washing hands, food service workers should pay particular attention to which area?

Check it before accepting it

When you are receiving a delivery of food for your establishment, it is important that you:

Third, remove the probe from the ice water.

Which is NOT a proper step in the ice-point method of calibrating a thermometer?

The product is absolutely free of disease-causing organisms that can cause foodborne illness.

Which is NOT true of USDA inspection stamps on meat?

Higher temperatures will increase shelflife

Which is not a guideline for dry storge

7 seconds for chlorine

Which is the correct contact time for the listed sanitizer?

Ice crystals inside the package of the beef

Which of the following IS a characteristic that might indicate a delivery of T-bone steaks has been thawed and refrozen?

Operations with poor past inspection reports

Which of the following can require more frequent Health Inspections?

It eliminates the need for inspection of items.

Which of the following conditions of accepting key drop deliveries is false?

Detergent residue from inadequate rinsing.

Which of the following factors would most likely limit the effectiveness of a chemical sanitizer?

Identify steps taken to restore food to a safe condition when the critical limit has not been met.

Which of the following food preparation practices is referring to the "Corrective Action" step in HACCP?

All of the above: Fever, diarrhea, vomiting

Which of the following health concern would require an employee be removed from food preparation in a preschool kitchen?

Keep all food supplies at least 6 inches off the floor.

Which of the following help prevent a pest infestation?

Ammonia based window cleaner

Which of the following is NOT acceptable for chemical sanitizing on a food contact surface?

Having management regularly apply chemicals in-between PCO visits.

Which of the following is a key to a successful IPM program.

Defrost freezers regularly to increase efficiency

Which of the following is an important guideline for freezer storage?

Storing stationary equipment uncovered so it may air dry

Which of the following is an improper method for storing clean and sanitized tableware and equipment?

Storing stationary equipment uncovered so it may air dry.

Which of the following is an improper method for storing clean and sanitized tableware and equipment?

-Emergency Contact Information and First Aid Information -Hazard identification of the product including long-term health effects -Handling and Storage Information and Disposal Measures ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Which of the following is information that does not need to be supplied on a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) formally known as Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?

Only removing the amount of food item from the refrigerated storage needed during preparation.

Which of the following is not a guideline for preventing cross-contamination between food?

Keeping workplace illness logs

Which of the following is not one of the 5 common Risk factors for foodborne illness that is part of a manager's responsibility to actively control?

Identify and label expiration dates on food items as they are received

Which of the following is the first step in implementing the FIFO rule.

Training DVDs help staff see and hear the information, increasing their ability to retain the information.

Which of the following is true when it comes to training?

Beef, poultry, and lamb

Which of the following must be received at an internal temperature of 41 degrees F or below?

All of the above: (Blowing your nose, touching your hair, touching a pimple)

Which of the following personal behaviors can contaminate food?

Fish with dry skin

Which of the following shipments should be rejected?

There are no produce products that are considered TCS foods

Which of the following statements about FRESH PRODUCE is NOT true:

A scheduled cleaning program makes sure that all necessary cleaning and sanitation tasks are not overlooked.

Which of the following states the MOST important reason why a scheduled cleaning program needs to be instituted in a food service facility?

Identify potential crises Develop simple instructions on what to do for each crisis. Assemble a list of contact names and numbers, and post it by the phones. ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Which of the following steps would be part of a Crisis Development Plan?

Raw poultry is stored above potato salad in the walk-in refrigerator

Which of the following storage practices should prompt a manager to take corrective action?

Covering a cut with a bandage or a finger cot.

Which of the following would NOT be a corrective action as defined for HACCP purpose?

A packaging staple

Which of the following would be considered a physical contaminant?

Separate cutting boards for foods ordered by a guest with a stated allergy

Which one of the following best guards against cross-contact?

Dry the hands thoroughly with a hot air dryer or sanitary single-service towel

Which one of the following describes the proper way to dry your hands after they have been washed?

A recipe reads: "Bake casserole in a 325 F oven until the center of the food reaches 165 F."

Which one of the following is an example of a Critical Control Point and Critical Limit that an operation has established?

By using appropriate temperature monitoring devices to ascertain that internal temperature has reached establishment standards.

Which one of the following is an example of how an operation might monitor its' Critical Control Points?

-To determine if the CCPs and critical limits that you have chosed are appropriate -To determine whether monitoring is alerting you to hazards. -To determine if corrective actions are adequate to prevent foodborne illness. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which statement best describes the purpose if verification in a HACCP plan?


Which step is critical to the success of an active managerial control program?

A damp floor

Which storeroom condition is most likely to cause a sack of flour to become contaminated

A cross-connection

Which will NOT prevent back-flow?


While preparing cherry pies, you discover a cherry pit in the filling. This is an example of which type of contamination?


Who writes the recommendations for code enforcement?

16 mesh per square inch

Windows and vents should be covered with the correct sized screen. Which is the correct size to be used in order to prevent insects?

You tell your chef to prepare turkey breasts in small batches

You (the manager) discover that your chef has been preparing all of the turkey breasts at one time, which exceeds your time and temperature requirements. Which of the following is the proper corrective action?

Insert an immersion probe of a thermometer into the center of each soup pot.

You are the manager of a restaurant with a soup and salad bar. How should you measure the temperature of the soup to ensure it is safe to eat?

Return the stew to the stove and reheat to 165 degrees F within 2 hours before returning it to hot holding.

You measure the temp of foods being held in hot holding every hour. You discover that the temperature of the Beef Stew has dropped to 120 F. Which of the following corrective actions should you implement?


You should provide a minimum of 20 foot candles of light in food-preparation areas.

A mercury-filled glass thermometer

Your manager has asked you to purchase a new thermometer for the restaurant. Which would NOT be the proper choice?

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