Should and arm muscles

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What structure could the pectoralis minor create neurovascular compression?

Axially artery, brachial plexus, axillary

Which is the insertion point of biceps brachii?

Tuberosity of radius and aponeurosis of biceps brachii

What shoulder movement would lengthen the fibers of the latissimus dorsi?


What muscle is an antagonist to itself?

Pectoralis major

What muscle acts as a synergist with the pectoralis minor during abduction of the scapula?

Serratus anterior

Which of the following is the primary muscle of supination?

Biceps brachii

What is the thin sheet of fascia extending off the distal tendon of the biceps brachii?

Bicipital aponeurosis

Flexing the shoulder and pulling the arm anteriorly while palpating the pectoralis major in a side lying position has what benefit?

Bring the pectoralis major off the chest walk while breast tissue falls away from area

What is the origin of coracobrachialis?

Coracoid process of scapula

What is the origin of the biceps brachii short head?

Coracoid process of scapula

What is the insertion of the pectoralis major?

Crest of greater tubercle of humerus

What is the insertion point of the teres major?

Crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus

As you the biceps brachii belly proximally, it becomes deep to which muscle?


If you follow the fibers of the pectoralis major laterally they blend with the fibers of what muscle?


What muscles are completely superficial?


Which is the insertion of the deltoid

Deltoid tuberosity

What action can you ask your partner to preform to enable you to feel the levator scapula contract?

Elevate the scapula

What is an action of the levator scapula?

Elevate the scapula

What is the action of the teres major?

Extend the shoulder

What shoulder movement would lengthen the anterior fibers of the deltoid?


Which of the following is an action of biceps brachii

Flex the elbow

What is an action of the pectoralis majors upper fibers?

Horizontally adduct the shoulder

What bony landmark can help you distinguish the teres major from the latissimus dorsi fiber?

Lateral border of the scapula

What muscle helps create downward rotation of the scapula?

Levator scapula

What muscle is situated between the splenius capitis and the posterior scalene on the lateral side of the neck?

Levator scapula

Which head of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove?

Long head

What is part of the orgin of the teres major?

Lower half of lateral border of scapula

What is the insertion point for the levator scapula?

Medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula

What is part of the orgin of the pectoralis major?

Medial half of clavicle and sternum

What is the insertion of coracobrachialis?

Medial surface of mid humeral shaft

When exploring the orgin attachment site of the levator scapula there is potiental to create what condition?

Nerve compression

What muscle is divided into 3 segments: clavicular, sternal, and costal?

Pectoralis major

What acts as an antagonist to the biceps brachii during shoulder flex ion?

Pectoralis major (lower fibers)

In anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which two muscles?

Pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

Which movement would lengthen the fibers of the biceps brachii?

Pronation of the forearm

In a prone position what movement of the shoulder could you as your partner to preform to create a strong contraction of the latissimus dorsi

Resisted medial rotation

What muscle acts as an antagonist to the lower fibers of the trapezius during depression of the scapula?

Rhomboid major

With your partner in a supine position what adjustment will make the levator scapula more accessible?

Rotate head 45 degrees away from the side your palpating

Which movement would lengthen the fibers of the coracobrachialis?

Shoulder abduction

What muscle is a complete synergist with the latissismus Dorsi and is sometimes called lats little helper?

Teres major

Which of the following is part of the orgin of the latissimus dorsi?

Toracolumbar aponeurosis

The origin of the deltoid is identical to the insertion of what muscle?


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