shoulder and arm muscle group

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glenohumeral joint

4 rotator cuff muscles encompass and stabilize the

the origin of the deltoid is identical to the insertion of which muscle


long head

Which head of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove?

what action can you ask your client to perform in order to contract all fibers of the deltoid

abduct the shoulder

name 2 actions in which the rhomboids and trapezius are synergist and 1 where they are antagonist.

adduct and elevate the scapula, trap upwardly rotates the scapula while rhomboids downwardly rotates the scapula

to feel the middle fibers of the trapezius contract, you could ask your client to perform which action

adduction of scapula and bring shoulder up off the table

the actions of the deltoid's anterior and posterior fibers make it an ____________ to itself



as you follow the biceps brachii belly proximally, it becomes deep to what muscle

the subscapularis tendon can be located between 2 tendons of which muscle

biceps brachii

the pectoralis minor has the potential to create neurovascular compression on which 3 vessels

brachial plexus, axillary artery and axillary vein

flexing the shoulder and pulling it anterioriorly while you palpate the pectoralis major on a side lying position has which 2 benefits

brings the pectoralis major off of the chest wall and allows breast tissue to fall away

the pectoralis major is divided into 3 sections

clavicular, sternal and costal

the most important aspect when palpating near breast tissue

communicating your intentions to your client

if you follow the fibers of the pectoralis major laterally, they blend with the fibers of what muscle


the upper fibers of the trapezius elevate the scapula, so the lower fibers must __________ the scapula


An action to ask your partner to perform to feel the levator scapula contract is ________?

elevation of the scapula

what action could you ask you client to perform to feel the contraction of the long head of the triceps Brachii

extend his elbow

bilateral contraction of the upper fibers of the trapezius will create what movements of the head and neck


to locate the infraspinatus and teres minor tendons in a supine position, how would you position your client's shoulder

flex the shoulder 90°, horizontally adduct and laterally rotate the shoulder

when palpating the latissimus dorsi, how can you discern the muscle tissue from superficial skin

grasp tissue and let it slip through your fingers as you feel for the muscles fibrous texture


if you follow the fibers of the infraspinatus laterally, they converge underneath which muscle

in which 2 directions do you want to move from the coracoid process to locate the subscapularis tendon

inferior and lateral

one palpatory distinction between the teres major and latissimus dorsi is tha the teres attaches to the _________ of the scapula

lateral border

How can you position the shoulder to bring the belly of the coracobrachialis to a superficial position?

laterally rotate and abduct the shoulder

most of the serratus anterior is deep to the scapula and which 2 muscles

latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

which portion of the latissimus dorsi is easy to grasp


in anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which 2 muscles

pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

what action could you ask your client to do to gently contract the subscapularis

rotate shoulder medially

when accessing the levator scapula in a supine position, the benefits of rotating the head 45° away from the side you are palpating include

shifts the cervical TVP's further anterior, gives the levator more palpable tensions and shortens and softens the overlying trapezius

the levator scapula is situated between which 2 muscles on the lateral side of the neck

splenis capitis and posterior scalene

name an everyday action in which the biceps brachii's ability to supinate the forearm would come in handy

starting your car by turning your key

name an everyday action using your pectoralis major

stirring a pot

long head of triceps brachii weaves between which 2 muscles before attaching at infraglenoid tuberacle

teres major and teres minor

Multipennate Fibers & Thick Superficial Fascia

the dense quality of the infraspinatus is due to it's


the only rotator cuff muscle not involved with rotation of the shoulder is


the serratus anterior abducts the scapula, making it a direct antagonist to the

subscapular fossa and serratus anterior

the subscapularis is sandwiched between which fossa and which muscle

bicipital aponeurosis

the thin sheet of fascia extending from the distal biceps brachii tendon is called the


to access the supraspinatus tendon, you need to sink your thumb tip through which muscle

pectoralis major

to locate the belly of coracobrachialis, from which muscle would you slide off of into the axilla


to locate the supraspinatus belly, you must palpate through which muscle

olecranon process

to outline the distal tendon of the triceps brachii, which bony landmark do you locate

the rhomboids are deep to the _______ muscle and superficial to the ___________ muscles.

trapezius and erector spinae

accessing the medial portion of the serratus anterior by curling your fingers around the medial border of the scapula, you fingers will inherently have to work through the bellies of which 2 muscles

trapezius and rhomboids

spine, medial and lateral border of the scapula

what 3 bony landmarks can you lay your fingers along to isolate the belly of the infraspinatus

abduction of the shoulder

what is the best action to ask your partner to perform to feel the supraspinatus contract

latissimus dorsi and teres major

when accessing the subscapularis from side lying position, under what 2 muscles should you slide your thumb

teres major medically rotates the shoulder while teres minor laterally rotates the shoulder. minor is smaller

you can distinguish the teres minor from the teres major by their sizes and actions, explain

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