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Bhagavad Gita

A book in popular Hinduism that was a response to Buddhism and made reaching moksha way easier. Was about two sets of cousins competing for throne. Inscribed 5 reasons not to be troubled by battle: 1) Atman- reincarnation 2) Dharma- duty, fighting for family 3) Inaction is impossible 4) Action isn't evil 5) Karma

Character: Kamala

A courtesan who instructs Siddhartha in the art of physical love. Kamala helps Siddhartha learn the ways of the city and leaves his ascetic life as a Samana behind. She reveals to Siddhartha that he is a father.

Character: The Samanas

A group of traveling ascetics who believe that a life of deprivation and wandering is the path to self-actualization.


A group of writings sacred in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, God, and the universe. The writings last half of each Vedas (Vedas- holy scriptures). Each one split into two: 1st half- Rules & ceremonies 2nd half- God's knowledge

Siddhartha worries that the rituals and mantras of the Brahmins are...

A matter of custom.


A metaphysical and ethical philosophy that is traced around 2100 B.C.E in ancient Babylon


A religion native to India, featuring belief in many gods and reincarnation.

Character: Siddhartha's Father

A respected Brahmin. He familiarizes Siddhartha w/ many basic religious teachings, but is unable to provide Siddhartha w/ his needed answers.


A spiritual discipline; a method for perfecting one's union with the divine. Practice helps to control one's senses and mind.

What did he learm from his time as a Samana?

He learned how to start over and not feel pain. He also became enlightened.

What did he learn during his time of being a Capitalist?

He learned moderation.

What does Siddhartha come to understand in the chapter 'Om'?

He understands that some sorrows in life cannot be prevented and will pass from generation to generation throughout time

Who does Siddhartha leave behind to travel with the Samanas?

His father.

Summary: The Brahmin's Son

Siddhartha asks his father if he can leave his life as a Brahmin in order to join the Samanas. He is granted permission and sets off with his best friend Govinda.


The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life. Good karma= human reincarnation, Bad karma= animal/ non-human reincarnation.


The common ground between opposites. Siddhartha finds that enlightenment does not come from mastering either one side or the other [in this case, the spiritual world and the material world].

Character: Vasudeva

The enlightened ferryman who guides Siddhartha to a transcendent understanding of himself and the universe. Siddhartha achieves enlightenment because of his association w/ Vasudeva.

Symbol: The Ferryman

The ferryman is a guide for both the river and the path to enlightenment.


experience and understand that fundamental unity and awareness. self can be infinite as well.

Siddhartha themes

1. Search for spiritual enlightenment 2. Inner vs. Exterior Guidance 3. The Wisdom of Indirection

Symbol: The Smile

"Only after going through the requisite stages leading to enlightenment can one express the beatific smile. "


"Siddhartha has gained wisdom in the absence of love, and the love he feels for his son becomes a test of this wisdom. Enlightenment cannot exist without love, and Siddhartha must accept love, painful as it might be, if he is to achieve Nirvana."

Characters along Siddartha's journey

- Siddhartha - Vasudeva - Govinda - Kamala - Gotama - Kamaswami - Young Siddhartha - Siddhartha's Father - The Samanas

Holy scriptures in Upanishads

1) Rik 2) Sama 3) Yavur 4) Atharva


1. Love 2. Om 3. Polarities

Why was the ferryman in part two of the book unbothered by Siddhartha not being able to pay him?

After his awakening, Siddhartha stays with a ferryman and asks the ferryman to take him to the river. Afterwards, Siddhartha forgets to pay him. The ferryman is unbothered because he believes that Siddhartha will return in the future and give him a gift.

Summary: Kamala

After his awakening, Siddhartha was in the edge of a village. A washerwomen tried to seduce Siddhartha but failed due to Siddhartha's resistance. Momentarily, another women (Kamala, a beautiful elegant courtesan) offers a temptation that he cannot resist. Siddhartha returns to Kamala after cleaning up, and asked her to be taught the art of love. She is willing to exchange a kiss for a poem, but Siddhartha is limited to her teachings until he comes bearing gifts.

Summary: By the River

After leaving the city, Siddhartha contemplates suicide. While pondering, he is about to let himself slip into the water and to end his life. However, the sacred word 'Om' reverberates within him, and his slumbering spirit awakens. He recognizes the folly of his contemplated suicide, lies down in the grass, and falls asleep. He wakes up and sees that a meditating Buddhist monk has joined him. After exchanging conversation about both of their lives, Govinda nods and parted.

Summary: Samsara

After many years of being employed by Kamaswami and intimate company by Kamala, he finds little peace in his new lifestyle. The inner voice that had prompted him to become a Samana, to turn away from the Buddha, and to face the unknown has been silent for a long time, yet appears again. He comes to terms that his life was being played at the game of Samsara; the cyclical path of normal life in which one lives, suffers and dies. He then leaves his life of the city in despair.

Character: Gotama

An enlightened religious leader with many followers, a.k.a Buddha. Gotama is said to have attained Nirvana.

Character: Kamaswami

An older businessman who teaches Siddhartha the art of business. Kamala referred Siddhartha to him. Helps [via guidance] Siddhartha insinuate himself into the society of city-dwellers.

What does Kamaswami teach Siddhartha art of?

Art of Business.

What does Siddhartha realize after conversing with Govinda (the Buddhist monk)?

Eventually, Siddhartha reasons that his overthinking compromised his previous attempts at enlightenment. His zealous attempts to attach himself to religious movements or ways of being that appeared to offer enlightenment have been in error. He has, in a sense, been trying too hard to find what he seeks. Siddhartha stares down into the river and begins to feel a strong affection for it. He resolves to not leave its side.

What is Siddhartha's most defining characteristic?

Desire for a transcendent, spiritual understanding of himself and the world.

Summary: Gotama

During his time as a Buddhist, Siddhartha has doubts and finds he has trouble completely accepting some of Gotama's teachings. The next morning, when Siddhartha unexpectedly meets Gotama in the grove, he boldly speaks to him about his doctrine, praising his victory in finding the unbroken chain of being, of cause and effect.


Economic principle and an ethical or metaphysical philosophy.

What is the name of the technique that Gotama teaches?

Eightfold path.

In Siddhartha, what does a smile indicate?


Say-Chit- Anada

Existence- consciousness- bliss. Sat- (truth of absolute being never changes), Chit- (true awareness & understanding), Ananda- (pure happiness).

Summary: With the Samanas

Govinda and Siddhartha have quickly adopted the lifestyle and teachings of the Samanas. While with the Samanas, Siddhartha's only goal is to become completely empty of everything, believing that his inner-most being will awaken. He also becomes a protégé of the eldest Samana until he learns that destroying will is not the answer. After three years with the Samanas, Govinda and Siddhartha both set out to follow the teachings of Gotama the Buddha.

Summary: Govinda

Govinda returns to the river to seek enlightenment. After recognizing Siddhartha, Govinda is amazed at the enlightenment Siddhartha has now attained, and asks him to to teach him his ways. Staying the night at Siddhartha's hut and being taught lessons, Govinda points out that he is very old. Siddhartha tells Govinda to kiss him on the forehead. When he does, Govinda sees the timeless flow of forces and images pass before his eyes, just as Siddhartha had envisioned them in the flowing river. With tears streaming from his eyes, Govinda bows down to Siddhartha, whose smiling face is no different from that of the enlightened Buddha. Govinda and Siddhartha have both finally achieved the enlightenment they set out to find in the days of their youth.

During his first night after his awakening, he dreams of?

Govinda. In the dream, Govinda, imitating Christ, asks, "Why hast thou forsaken me?" Then Govinda changes into a woman, and Siddhartha suckles at her breast.

What did he learn during his time as a Hedonist?

He can do what he needs to do in order to find happiness but not at the expense of other's happiness.

What did he learn during his time as a buddhist?

He doesn't need a teacher, and he learned that he needs to find himself on his own.

Eightfold path

In Buddhism, the basic rules of behavior and belief leading to an end of suffering.


In Hindu belief, a person's religious and moral duties. Has four types: 1) Rita- forces of nature, laws of physics, apart of nature. 2) Varna- social responsibilities (family, society, community). 3) Ashrana- human law or natural expression evolution of body, mind, soul and feelings. 4) Sva- Karma, ones actions in life.


In Hinduism, it is the principal of non violence against all living things.

Where does Siddhartha spend his first night after his awakening?

In the ferryman's hut


India, 625 B.C.E

How does Kamala die

Kamala dies by a snakebite.

In the chapter 'Kamala' who did Kamala recommend Siddhartha to?

Kamala recommended Siddhartha to her friend Kamaswami (a wealthy businessman) but insist that he becomes Kamaswami's equal, not servant.

Summary: Amongst the people

Kamaswami receives Siddhartha into his home and takes him in as a protégé. Siddhartha works with him as a merchant while having flippant attitude; not worrying or achieving pleasure from the tangible wealth of it all. Meanwhile, Kamala is teaching Siddhartha love, patience and self-respect.

Were Kamala and Siddhartha in love?

No. They shared intimacy but weren't in love. Sex is apart of Kampala's job as a courtesan, and is only in this dynamic with Siddhartha for fiscal gain. While Siddhartha is in this dynamic to achieve enlightenment.

Character: Siddhartha

Novel's protagonist. Sets out on a quest for enlightenment, and tests the religious philosophies he discovers.

Summary: Om

One day as Siddhartha was meditating near the river over the loss of his son, Siddhartha looks into the river and realizes that life, just like the river, has an inevitable flow to it. When Siddhartha was a boy, he left his own father despite great protestations. Now his own son has left him. Because of this doubled perspective, Siddhartha sympathizes with his father and his son at the same time. Siddhartha feels a new sense of peace. Later her sits near the river with Vasudeva, the images of Siddhartha's life dance in the river, and he hears the single word Om. Sitting beside Vasudeva at the river, Siddhartha realizes that his Self is a part of the great perfection that is all of the voices in the world speaking together. Siddhartha no longer doubts his place in the world or second-guesses his actions. His face now reflects the same divine understanding that he first noticed on Vasudeva's face when he met him. In this hour Siddhartha stops battling his fate, and his eyes glow with the serenity of knowledge. When Vasudeva sees this, he says that he has been waiting for this moment, and he departs to the forest, leaving Siddhartha as the ferryman.


Priests, at the top of the caste system which the Aryans made.

What do Siddhartha and Govinda wear while traveling with the Samanas?


In the chapter Samsara, what does Siddhartha dream of again?

Siddhartha begins to have dreams that suggest the time may have come to move on. In one dream, he recalls a conversation with Kamala in which she expresses interest in Gotama, but Siddhartha dissuades her from seeking him out. In another dream, he finds the rare songbird Kamala keeps in a cage has died. He throws it out into the street, as though he discards all that is good and of value in his life.

Summary: Awakening

Siddhartha leaves the grove because he is done learning from teachers, and believes by knowing himself all around can help him achieve enlightenment. He gains powerful certainty in himself, and his first impulse is to return home to his father. He then realizes that home is apart of his past, and he realizes that he is completely alone.

Why did Siddhartha leave Govinda?

Siddhartha let Govinda go, because he realized that he can only achieve his own enlightenment on his own. Govinda remains with the Buddhist in order to follow Gotama.

What does Siddhartha soon notices about the river?

Siddhartha notices that the river has many voices, that it sounds like all things and all people, and that when the voices are all heard in unison the sound Om appears.

What does Siddhartha tell Govinda that is a summary of his wisdom?

Siddhartha points out that when one attempts to teach, as the Buddha did, then one must divide or categorize the world into Samsara and Nirvana, into disappointment and truth, into sorrow and salvation. Siddhartha has learned that for every truth, there is an opposite truth. No one is ever fully saintly or fully sinful, and if someone appears to be so, it is merely a deception that time is real. The world is never incomplete or on its path to completeness. It is complete at every moment. Grace carries every sin, all babies carry death, and all the dying carry eternal life.

Themes: The Wisdom of Indirection

Siddhartha pursues Nirvana aggressively & deliberately in the beginning but later pursues it indirectly. Siddhartha was able to achieve this buy not focusing on one goal and instead relies on intuition. Because he understands that the essence of enlightenment already exists within us and is present all the time, having set paths lead us further from enlightenment.

Major Conflict:

Siddhartha searches for total enlightenment.

Summary: The Son

Siddhartha tried to console and provide for his son. His son is unhappy being with his father and decides to return to life in the city. His son steals from Siddhartha and Vasudeva, but Siddhartha excuses it as behavior caused by Kamala's death. He begins to follow his son. As he looks at the city, memories of his life there come rushing back. He remembers the time he spent with Kamaswami and, especially, with Kamala. In a flash, Siddhartha acknowledges he must let his son go. He understands that no amount of reasoning will convince him to stay. Although the son may grow into a spiritual pilgrim like Siddhartha, the quest must be undertaken on his own. Siddhartha falls to the ground, exhausted, and is awakened by Vasudeva, who has secretly followed him. Together, they return to the river.

Describe Siddhartha & Vasudeva when they first met.

Siddhartha wants to only cross the river when he meets Vasudeva. Vasudeva does not wish to tell Siddhartha where to go, he pertains the role as a guide, helping Siddhartha lead his own way.

Character: Govinda

Siddhartha's best friend, and follower (sometimes). Joins Siddhartha with the Samanas, then leaves and follows Gotama. Able to achieve enlightenment because of Siddhartha's love for him.

What did Siddhartha's dream of Govinda represent?

Siddhartha's dream of Govinda turning into a woman marks a transitional moment in Siddhartha's life, as he moves away from his previous ascetic life that he shared with Govinda toward a new life of desire.

Describe Siddhartha's son (who is also named Siddhartha m).

Siddhartha's son is spoiled and cynical, and enjoys the life of materialism and wealth.

Character: Young Siddhartha

Siddhartha's son. Was the final test for Siddhartha before enlightenment. He is a materialistic city-dweller, dislikes his father, and wants to return to his city life.

Themes: Inner vs. Exterior Guidance

Siddhartha, in the beginning, looks for guidance externally [through organized religion in the form of Brahmins, Samanas, and Buddhists]. Yet they end up failing him; Siddhartha then learns that enlightenment cannot be reached through teachers (external guidance) because it cannot be taught.

Gotama's goal is to achieve freedom from...



Symbolizes the oneness and unity of all things, and the unity of polarities. Om is also written as 'Aum'.

Who is the only character in Siddhartha that can help others find enlightenment?

The Ferryman.


The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths. Ultimate goal.


The Samanas are starved, half-naked, and must beg for food, but only because they believe enlightenment can be reached through asceticism, a rejection of the body and physical desire.

What was the first lesson Siddhartha learned from the river?

The first lesson Siddhartha learns from the river is that time does not exist. Siddhartha is excited with the discovery and realizes that all suffering, self-torment, anxieties, difficulties, and hostilities are anchored in time, and all will disappear when people overcome the idea of time.

Who was the Buddhist monk meditating by the river?

The monk was Govinda.

What battle does the river visually suggests?

The opposing banks represents the polarities, and the river itself represents the union between them Siddhartha battles with polar opposites: time/timelessness; and attachment/detachment.

When Nirvana comes to Siddhartha, it is through an internal connection to-

The river.

What is Vasudeva closely linked to?

The river. He helps Siddhartha learn how to listen to the river's secrets.


The search for truth on the universal understanding of life. Siddhartha & Godiva are both looking to reach Nirvana.

What is the truth Siddhartha and Govinda are searching for?

The universal understanding of life.

Themes: Search for spiritual enlightenment

The unrelenting search for truth is essential for achieving a harmonious relationship with the world. Siddhartha was able to find truth through his own path because of his unrelenting search.

What does Siddhartha ask Govinda to do that unlocks Nirvana for him?

To kiss his forehead.

In Samsara, what did Kamala do after learning of Siddhartha's disappearance?

When Kamala learns of his disappearance, she frees her songbird from its golden cage. From this day on, Kamala accepts no more lovers, and she discovers she is pregnant with Siddhartha's child.

Summary: The Ferryman

While living a new life by the river, Siddhartha soon meets a Ferryman. That ferryman (Vasudeva) was the same ferryman who helped Siddhartha cross the river years prior. After telling Vasudeva his story, Vasudeva knows that the river has spoken to Siddhartha, then he allows Siddhartha to become his assistant. When news broke that Buddha was dying, many people flocked over to seek homage; among them are Kamala and her son. Kamala stops and rests but is bitten by a venomous snake. Her son, prying for help, carries Kamala to the Ferryman's hut. Siddhartha recognizes her, and before her death exchanged a conversation with her- - eventually being informed that he has a son.


a religion founded in ancient India by the religious teacher Buddha.


stress spiritual growth and the afterlife, rather than achievement while in this world.

What did he learn during his time time as a Hindu?

the root of his religions , he learned this wasn't what he wanted to do with himself

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