Signature APUSH Finals Study Guide

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articles of confederation

new country needs a government after the war, the articles are born with the fear of power, the power stays with the states, central government didn't have a power to tax or create military therefore they couldn't put down rebellions (shays rebellion) so we needed a constitution

divisions over the constitution

new jersey plan gives states equal reps, Virginia gives states reps based on population, the compromise puts these two together, federalists support the government and antifederalists want a revision so then, in order to appease the antifederalists, we create the Bill of rights

pueblo revolt

pueblo revolt pushes out spain but 12 years later they come back and allows some of the native cultures to come back

1st great awakening

religious zeal is gone and there becomes a split of religions; new lights and old lights. Splits churches. Most important people is George Whitfield, a popular speaker; and john Edward, who gets the title for starting this

reform movements

second great awakening defined as an idea of perfectionism, causes reform movements; mainly with middle class women

life expectancy in NE and Chesapeake colonies

slavery doesn't take root in the new England, longer life expectancies, more families; indentured servants go to the Chesapeake, head right system takes root there; not as strong of a society as the new england colonies

intermarriage during colonization

the Spanish are well known for intermarriage, develops caste system with the mixed people; British don't typically intermarry

spanish response to the pueblo revolt

they came back then let some natives stay

constitutional amendments during reconstruction

13th abolitism of slavery, 14th citizenship of slaves , and 15th gives them the right to vote, amendments you must know they come directly from the revolution

population of slaves

1619 first slaves, once we become a nation were going to have a natural rise in the population of African slaves

american system

American system: BIT; bank of America, internal improvements, tariffs

causes of civil war

PopFACT, popular sovernigty through Missouri comp causes issues and know about bleeding Kansas it was called a mini revolution

reasons for spanish exploration

Three Gs; Gold, God, Glory

columbian exchange

Trade from new world to old of animals plants, horses are a very important addition to native culture, natives and Europeans are going to trade diseases, maize creates permanent societies

old immigration

Wave of English, German, and Irish immigration to escape economic

jays treaty

after the revolution Britain does a lot of things to make living in the USA suck like impressment and funding native americans to attack us also they didn't leave the continent when they should have so jay is sent to Britain to get a treaty signed to avoid another war but what the united states got was what they originally got after the war, this made America mad and they want Britain to pay for what they've done

declaration of independence

based around the enlightenment


comes from reform movement, pushes against southern way of life, radical abolitionists; Fredrick Douglas and john brown and William Lloyd garrison; writes the liberator which called slave owning a sin

european enlightenment

comes over through trade routes, comes to the the USA and effects the generation and the founding of the government bc we start seeing things like all men are created equally, new religion comes through this called deism, creates new American identity

compromise of 1877

comp of 1877 ends construction but brings about loopholes;Popular Sovereignty in the Mexican Cession, Fugitive Slave Law, Abolition of Slave Trade in Washington, DC (note: doesn't END slavery in DC), California Enters as a Free State, Texas Agrees to Accept Money in Return for Abandoning Claims to New Mexico Territory

settlement patterns

differnet settlement pattens in the south and north bc in the north there is a rise of small towns and in the south people are buying large plots of land for plantations

encomienda system

forced labor system with the natives,barthomela de la casas speaks out against this

womens rights movements

fueled bc women were mad since now blacks were allowed to vote but they weren't

difference between europeans and natives

gender roles

jacksonian democracy

illumination of property requirements to vote so we see a mass democracy form and white make suffrage

jackson and the natives

jacksons Indian removal act removes Indians from east of the Mississippi which creates court cases with natives fro them to keep their land but they don't work, Worchester vs Georgia; in favor of Cherokee however they're removed anyways through the trail of tears

hamilton and jefferson beliefs

jeffersons and hamiltons disagreements creates first political parties; Jeffersonians: -democratic-republic -strict constitution -agrarian economy (farming) -national bank: unconstitutional -pro french -weak central gov -located mainly in the south Hamiltonians: -federalists -loose construction (elastic clause) -supported an equal amount of farming and manufacturing -pro bank -anti french -strong central government -located mainly in north (new england colonies)

middle passage

mainly the transfer of African slaves from africa to the new world where many are going to die

bill of rights

maps out protections for individuals bc antifeds are scared of giving so much power to one central government

nullification crisis

nullification crisis tariff of abominations leads to south Carolina to issue a right of nullification that says that they have the right to nullify federal law and if they don't then they will succeed from the union, gets this idea from the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, Jackson says that he would go to war in order for them to follow federal war

manifest destiny

our god given right to move our culture and ideas from sea to shining sea, we want land (Texas, Oregon, Mexican Cession) this creates problems

revolutions in other countries

our revolution sparks other revolutions like French and Haiti because we were able to defeat someone as large as Britain

supporters of slavery

people start to say that it was a states rights issue to take slavery away, says that slaves are property and you cant take their property

complex societies before contact

the horse makes the native tribes able to be more mobile making less complex societies

effects of columbian exchange on europe

the introduction of the potato creates a more stable society because its so high in calories and the columbian creates an economic boom

response from US to old immigration

they replace women in factory jobs, the response of the society is negative, know nothing party forms just to go against immigrants

southern responses to reconstruction

theyre going to do a lot to condense the rights gained for Africans like grandfather clauses and klu klux klan

republican motherhood/spheres

women have certain spheres in which they can work and they must raise good republican kids

seneca falls convention

women said they should have the same rigths as men, lacrecia mott and elizbeth cady Stanton big part in this

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