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The breast is divided into levels of equal depth from the skin to the chest wall. If a lesion is located near the chest wall, what is the correct annotation?


A 33-year-old female with single lumen silicone breast implants has developed a painful right breast. Select the correct statement regarding silicone implant rupture:

extracapsular rupture involves silicone leaking from the implant through the fibrous capsule into the surrounding tissues

You have performed a breast ultrasound on a woman who is currently breastfeeding her infant. She presented with a painful swollen breast and flu-like symptoms. Sonographic findings indicate that she has acute mastitis. What other condition should you consider?

fibrocystic disease

Which type of transducer is typically selected for examination of the breast?

high freq linear

The breast ductal system consists of:

- adipose tissue - cooper's ligaments - acini

MRI is usually preferred to mammography and sonography in which circumstance(s)?

- chest wall invasion assessment - breast implants - previous breast cancer

Longitudinal and transverse plane images should always be taken of:

- lesions - the axilla - the nipple

A patient presents with an early stage breast abscess. Which of the following would you expect to see sonographically?

hyperemia when using color or power Doppler

A feature of a malignant tumor is:

ill-defined margins


influences the creation of the ductal system in the young female

The following image is of a tubular carcinoma. Tubular carcinoma is a form of:

invasive ductal carcinoma

Colloid carcinoma

is a rare type of non-aggressive breast cancer

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS):

is not considered a cancer

The anatomy indicated on the provided image of the breast is the:

lactiferous sinus

A normal sonographic feature of a breast is the:

nipple appearing as an oval hypoechoic structure

A 60-year-old woman presents with an itchy, scaly nipple, and bloody nipple discharge. A retroareolar mass with uneven margins and posterior shadowing is noted sonographically. What is the most likely diagnosis?

paget's disease

The radial scan plane is:

parallel to the ductal system

The structure indicated by the arrow is the:

pectoral muscle

For breast imaging, an optimal image is obtained with the transducer positioned:

perpendicular to the skin surface

The following is an image of a fibroadenoma. A fibroadenoma is:

usually observed in young females

What measuring technique is demonstrated for the lesion in the following image?

width measurement

Radial and anti-radial images should be taken in which of the following clock face positions:

12 oclock

The breast is divided into zones of equal width from the nipple to the outer aspect of the breast. If a lesion is located in the outer circle, what is the correct annotation?


The following image demonstrates the position of a lesion. Which of the following correctly annotates the lesion position when scanned radially?

R 3:00 2C RAD

Which technique is used to enhance images of lesions using Doppler transducers?

Vocal fremitus

Athelia is the:

absence of one or both nipples

Hamartoma is a benign nodular tumor that forms as a result of:

proliferation of normal tissues

A fluid collection within the breast that is a result of a surgical procedure, foreign body reaction, or implant rupture is called a:


To facilitate better visualization of the upper-outer quadrant of the breast, how would you position your patient?

supine oblique

What are the sonographic findings of invasive ductal carcinoma?

taller than wide

A sentinel node biopsy involves:

the removal of 1 to 3 lymph nodes for investigation by a pathologist

Select the correct statement regarding placement of the transducer notch (or light) during radial scanning with the clock method:

the transducer notch should face the nipple when scanning from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock

A biopsy of a breast lesion is performed:

to provide a definitive diagnosis

The following image demonstrates the transducer position on the breast in the:

transverse plane

A 19-year-old woman presents with a palpable breast lump. She has no history of breast disease. What imaging modality would be appropriate?


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