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The virtue emerging when one achieves generativity is ___


In 1978 Daniel Levinson published a book entitled The Seasons of a Man's Life in which he presented a theory of development in adulthood. Levinson's work was based on in-depth interviews with 40 men between the ages of 35-45. Levinson indicated that adults go through stages and have an image of the future that motivates them. This image is called ___ and for the men interviewed, it was how their career paths would progress and where they would be at midlife.

"the dream"

About ##% of Americans report having stress


Currently ##% of adult children, mainly baby boomers, provide personal or financial care to a parent.


Most divorces take place within the first ## to ## years of marriage.

5 to 10

Fifty-five percent. These grandparents do things with the grandchild but have little authority or control over them. They prefer to spend time with them without interfering in parenting. They are more like friends to their grandchildren.


(Daughters/Sons) are more likely to provide basic care and (daughters/sons) are more likely to provide financial assistance.

Daughters, Sons

The rate for remarriage, like the rate for marriage, is (declining/increasing)


Research suggests that most people in the United States today (do not/do) experience a midlife crisis.

Do not

Many of the grandfathers in Sorenson and Cooper's study felt that being a grandfather was (easier/harder) and a lot (less/more) enjoyable.

Easier, more

__ coping regulates the emotions that come with stress. In the above examination example, this might mean watching a funny movie to take your mind off the anxiety you are feeling.

Emotion-focused coping

Another name for the post-parental period. When does it usually happen?

Empty nest. Midlife

those who use divorce to better themselves and seek more productive intimate relationships,


Early research in the 1980s and 1990s supported the notion that boomerang children, along with those who were failing to exit the home, placed greater __ hardship on the parents, and the parents reported more negative perceptions of this living arrangement. Recent surveys suggests what?

Financial, today's parents are more tolerant of boomerang kids, perhaps because this is becoming a more normative experience than in the past.

the stress response called the ___, which is a three-phase model of stress, which includes a mobilization of physiological resources phase, a coping phase, and an exhaustion phase (i.e., when an organism fails to cope with the stress adequately and depletes its resources).

General Adaptation Syndrome

Stress was first used in a psychological manner by researcher ___, who was examining the effect of an ovarian hormone that he thought caused sickness in a sample of rats.

Hans Selye

___ a factor in significantly lower odds of psychiatric morbidity including depression and anxiety.

Having a close friend

generative women and men scored high on what four traits? Low on what trait?

High on conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience. low on neuroticism.

18-33 year-olds reporting the (lowest/highest) levels of stress


__ individuals are quick to get upset, and this angry arousal can damage the arteries of the heart. In addition, given their negative personality style, these people often lack a heath-protective supportive social network. (Not Type A)


Marital satisfaction tends to (decrease/increase) for many couples in midlife as children are leaving home.

Increase (Not all researchers agree. They suggest that those who are unhappy with their marriage are likely to have gotten divorced by now, making the quality of marriages later in life only look more satisfactory.)

Several studies have reported that martial satisfaction often (decreases/increases) during the launching phase of the empty nest period

Increases (this satisfaction endures long after the last child has left home.)

Fifteen percent of grandparents. These grandparents take a very active role in their grandchild's life. They children might even live with the grandparent. The involved grandparent is one who has frequent contact with and authority over the grandchild. Grandmothers, more so than grandfathers, play this role. In contrast, more grandfathers than grandmothers saw their role as family historian and family advisor.


(Women/Men) are more likely to remarry than


Research has found that those who are married may be (less/more) satisfied with life than the divorced or widowed, but there is little difference between married and what?

More, always single

Raising children has a (negative/positive) impact on the quality of martial relationships.


___ dispositions and personality traits are strongly tied to an array of health risks.


(Younger/Older) individuals identify religion/spirituality as being more important in their lives


the role stress relief hypothesis suggests that the empty nest period should lead to more (negative/positive) changes for parents

Positive (the responsibility of raising children is lifted.)

___ coping is thought of as actively addressing the event that is causing stress in an effort to solve the issue at hand. For example, say you have an important exam coming up next week. A strategy might be to spend additional time over the weekend studying to make sure you understand all of the material.

Problem-focused coping

Coping is often classified into what two categories?

Problem-focused coping or emotion-focused coping.

Thirty percent of grandparents rarely see their grandchildren. Usually they live far away from the grandchildren, but may also have a distant relationship. Contact is typically made on special occasions, such as holidays or birthdays.


What are the 3 types of grandparents?

Remote, Companionate, Involved

How does empty nesting effect parents in rural China?

Reports of greater loneliness and depression than their counterparts with children still at home.

Courtships are (shorter/longer) in remarriage than in first marriages.


__ is the concept used to describe the number of social roles that you have. For example, you might be a daughter, a basketball team member, a Humane Society volunteer, a coworker, and a student.

Social integration

___ was originally derived from the field of mechanics where it is used to describe materials under pressure.


Parents of young adults who have moved back home because of economic reasons report what?

The parents are just as satisfied with their life as are parents whose adult children are still living independently.

being competitive, impatient, hostile, and time urgent.

Type A Behavior

The absence of Type A behaviors

Type B Behavior

___ was one of the main researchers in the 75 year-old Harvard Study of Adult Development, and he considered a midlife crisis to be a rare occurrence among the participants.


In Western society, aging for (women/men) is much more stressful


Can minor life stressors increase the likelihood of getting sick?


Can social relationships help people with serious illnesses stay alive longer?


Do attitudes about aging vary by race, culture, and sexual orientation?


Is exercise is a great stress reduction activity?


Caregiving for __ or __ was associated with poorer global health and more physical symptoms among both fathers and mothers.

a young or adult child with special needs

Many grandfathers reported that they were more openly __ with their grandchildren than with their own children.


The empty nest syndrome is linked to the absence of what?

alternative roles for the parent in which they could establish their identity

Research has demonstrated a strong relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being, irrespective of what?

an individual's religious participation.

Physiological arousal from stress can also be reduced via __, a technique where the individual is shown bodily information that is not normally available to them (e.g., heart rate), and then taught strategies to alter this signal.


young adults who are returning after having lived independently outside the home, and these are called ___.

boomerang kids

those who used their divorce experience to grow emotionally, but who choose to stay single. Overwhelming majority were (women/men).

competent loners, women

Type A Behavior was found to be associated with ## the risk of heart disease as compared with Type B Behavior


Researchers have found that the divorces in ___ adulthood were more angry and conflictual, with each partner blaming the other for the failures in the marriage.


In the short term, ___ coping might reduce feelings of stress, but ___ coping seems to have the greatest impact on mental wellness.

emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping

This support might include __ help (e.g., a hug when you need it), ___ help (e.g., lending you money), or ___.

emotional help, tangible help, or advice

researchers have found that people who worked in an environment where ___ could develop and be maintained were more likely to report higher levels of job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment, and they were less likely to leave that job


Post-divorce parents __, that is, they regulate the flow of information about their new romantic partner to their children, in an attempt to balance their own needs for romance with consideration regarding the needs and reactions of their children.


Erikson believed that the stage of __, during which one established a family and career, was the longest of all the stages


For ____ individuals, the Internet facilitated communication and relationship development with others, which would have been more difficult in face-to-face contexts, leading to the conclusion that Internet communication could be empowering for those who feel frustrated when communicating face to face.

high-functioning autistic individuals

The rate of divorce among remarriages is (lower/higher) than among first marriages


Since the 1950s, researchers have discovered that it is the __ and __ components of Type A that are especially harmful to heart health.

hostility and competitiveness

Erikson argued that generativity occurred best after the individual had resolved issues __ and __.

identity and intimacy

Friendships often take root where?

in the workplace

The notion that people in important relationships, such as children and parents, mutually influence each other's developmental pathways.

linked lives

In Bouchard's review of the research, she found that few parents reported ___ or ___ once all their children had left home.

loneliness or a big sense of loss

___ is the most common relationship status for middle-aged adults in the United States.


___ divorces tended to be more about having grown apart, or a cooling off of the relationship.


Levinson believed that a ___ was a normal part of development as the person is more aware of how much time has gone by and how much time is left.

midlife crisis

According to Levinson the ___ (40-45) was a time of reevaluating previous commitments; making dramatic changes if necessary; giving expression to previously ignored talents or aspirations; and feeling more of a sense of urgency about life and its meaning.

midlife transition

online relationships are sometimes (less/more) intimate.


those who are wedded are (no/more) happier or healthier than those who remained single.


Individuals at midlife are primarily concerned with leaving a positive legacy of themselves, and according to Erikson ___ is the primary generative type.


What are the 3 parts of the General Adaptation Syndrome?

physiological resources phase, a coping phase, and an exhaustion phase (i.e., when an organism fails to cope with the stress adequately and depletes its resources).

___ in adulthood is associated with a larger risk of premature mortality than cigarette smoking, obesity, and excessive alcohol use.

poor social connectedness

Even small daily hassles, like getting stuck in traffic or fighting with your friend, can do what 3 things?

raise your blood pressure, alter your stress hormones, and even suppress your immune system function.

__ and __ are techniques that allow individuals to reduce their stress via breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and mental imagery.

relaxation activities and forms of meditation

engaging with a formal religious group's doctrines, values, traditions, and co-members.


Hypothesis that predicts that when people lose an important role in their life they experience a decrease in emotional well-being.

role loss hypothesis

adults who have at least one parent age 65 or older and are either raising their own children or providing support for their grown children

sandwich generation (According to a recent Pew Research survey, 47% of middle-aged adults are part of this sandwich generation. In addition, 15% of middle-aged adults are providing financial support to an older parent while raising or supporting their own children. According to the same survey, almost half (48%) of middle-aged adults, have supported their adult children in the past year, and 27% are the primary source of support for their grown children.)

Research has shown that the impact of ___ on our risk for disease and death is similar in magnitude to the risk associated with smoking regularly.

social isolation

Those in your social network might also provide you with ___ (e.g., when you are under stress).

social support

refers to an individual's intrapsychic sense of connection with something transcendent (that which exists apart from and not limited by the material universe) and the subsequent feelings of awe, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness.


A sense of ___ occurs when one is not active in generative matters


The term ___ is defined as a pattern of physical and psychological responses in an organism after it perceives a threatening event that disturbs its homeostasis and taxes its abilities to cope with the event.


In fact, the importance of social relationships for our health is so significant that some scientists believe our body has developed a physiological system that encourages us to seek out our relationships, especially in times of ___


a stimulus that causes stress.


The Stress was first used in a psychological manner by researcher Hans Selye, who was examining the effect of an ovarian hormone that he thought caused sickness in a sample of rats. Surprisingly, he noticed what?

that almost any injected hormone produced this same sickness. He smartly realized that it was not the hormone under investigation that was causing these problems, but instead the aversive experience of being handled and injected by researchers led to high physiological arousal, and eventually to health problems like ulcers.

In addition to being parents and working, Erikson also described individuals being involved in ___ during this stage.

the community

For men in midlife, ___ was important to creating and maintaining male friends.

the shared consumption of alcohol

The future focus of early adulthood gives way to an emphasis on the present in midlife, and the men interviewed had difficulty reconciling the "dream" they held about the future with the reality they experienced. Consequently, they felt impatient and were no longer willing to postpone what?

the things they had always wanted to do.

American (women/men) also are more likely to pray daily (64% vs. 47%) and attend religious services at least once a week (40% vs. 32%).


Divorce at midlife is more stressful for (women/men).


In the United States, (women/men) report identifying as being more religious and spiritual


Two-thirds of divorces are initiated by (women/men).


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