SLP 108 Midterm

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The _________ muscle pulls the tongue down and back as in 'ah'.

alveolar ridge

The place behind the upper teeth used for articulation of consonants such as /t/ and /d/ is called the ____________.

The Adam's Apple is the most prominent anterior point of the thyroid cartilage.



___________ muscles run within the body of the tongue to provide shaping of the tongue surface.

The external intercostal muscles are

a series of muscles between each pair of ribs that are angled inferiorly and anteriorly

A person with a cleft palate may have a nasal quality to their voice because

air flows through the cleft and resonates in the nasal cavity

the cricothyroid joint

allows the thyroid cartilage to rock forward and downward to achieve vocal fold elongation

In the case of spasmodic dysphonia

botox injections often help; the neurological system is involved; the patient's speech is randomly breathy

Increasing your vocal fundamental frequency will

increase the longitudinal stress on the vocal folds

the major regulator of intensity is

increased lung pressure

The major muscles of the lower airway that function during exhalation is the

internal intercostals

The patient with Parkinson''s Disease

may not have good muscular control; may run out of air before the end of a sentence; may speak very quietly

The myoelastic aerodynamic theory of voice production tells us that

vocal fold vibration occurs passively due to the interaction of the aerodynamics and the biomechanical properties of the vocal fold tissues

The major muscles of the lower airway that function during inspiration are

the diaphragm and the external intercostals

The lungs are mechanically attached to the thoracic cavity by

the visceral pleura, which encases the outside of the lungs, and the paarietal pleura, attached to the inside of the thoracic cavity, and pleural fluid between the two membranes

The mean Fo of men's voices, on average, is significantly lower than the mean Fo of women's voices because

the vocal folds of men usually have greater mass

The congenitally deaf speaker may have a breathy quality to their voice because

they have had no auditory input upon which to develop speech


The ___________ are needed to obstruct airflow in the production of /s/.


The ____________ muscle pulls the tongue up and back for the /u/ as in 'you'.


The ____________ protects the larynx during swallowing


The __________________muscle pulls the tongue up and forward for /i/ as in 'eat'.


Generally, refers to the process of gas exchange at the cellular level

production of nasal phonemes

Relaxation of the levator palatini is needed for _________


The articulatory system processes activity that is considered ______________.

levator palatini

The muscle that raises and lowers the velum is the _________________


To produce the /i/ as in 'eat', the _________ muscle spreads the lips.

obicularis oris

To produce the /u/ as in 'true', the ____________muscle rounds the lips

The terms inhalation and exhalation

are equivalent to the terms inspiration and expiration

When the diaphragm contracts

it flattens downward, expanding the volume of the lungs

Abduction refers to the ___________movement of the vocal folds, and adduction refers to the __________movement of the vocal folds.

opening, closing

The conversion of aerodynamic energy into acoustic energy is called


The Bernoulli effect tells us that

the air pressure will decrease as the air flows through the vocal tract in an area of constriction

Fundamental frequency is controlled by

the size of the vibrating mass

Contraction of the external intercostal muscles results in

upward and outward expansion of the rib cage, expanding the volume of the lungs

Average fundamental frequency during reading aloud has been measured at

215 HZ for women and 115 HZ for men

a vocal tract resonance

A formant is _________.


The most powerful phonemes that produce the most acoustic energy are ______

speech breathing is

The regulation of breathing for voice and speech production

Boyle's Law describes

an inverse relationship between volume and pressure

What is the largest muscle of respiration?


The internal intercostal muscles are primarily active

during expiration

The cartilage responsible for protecting the larynx during swallowing is the


The space between the vocal folds is called the


the velopharyngeal port must be open

In order to produce nasal consonants ___________


Another name for the soft palate is the _________

The paired arytenoid cartilages articulate with the cricoid cartilage by means of the ____________joint.


The abduction and adduction of the vocal folds is achieved by movement of the

cricoarytenoid joints

The cricothyroid joint results in cartilage movement upon contraction of the ________muscle.

cricothyroid muscle

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