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10. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of self-service technologies? a. Greater choice of products b. Higher perceived level of customization. c. Convenience of location. d. Greater control over service delivery. e. Cost and time savings


10. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of having a reservations system? a. Helps service personnel to serve more effectively. b. Helps in pre-selling the service. c. Helps customers to avoid queuing. d. Helps firms to keep some time aside for emergency jobs. e. Allows demand to be controlled.


29. Banks ensure eye contact by requiring tellers to record ____________ on a checklist at the start of a transaction. a. the customer's eye color b. the customer's bank account number c. the customer's shirt size d. the customer's account type e. the customer's nationality


30. ____________ is usually the first variable to be proposed for bringing demand and supply into balance. a. Price. b. Place. c. Personnel. d. Product. e. Promotion


7. Marketing strategies can be used to shape demand in all ways EXCEPT ____________. a. modify mode of delivery b. use price and other cost to manage demand c. change product elements d. modify time and place of delivery e. use promotion and education


Which of the following is NOT a key component of a service blueprint? a. Line of transference b. Line of interaction c. Line of visibility d. Backstage actions by customer contact personnel e. Front-stage actions by customer contact personnel


31. One way for car washes to decrease the number of visitors to the existing site is to a. Offer free pickup and delivery of cars to be washed. b. Offer mobile car wash services. c. Add more service options. d. Increase prices to get the most out of current customers. e. Educate customers on when they should have their cars washed.


8. Which of the following is NOT one of the alternative queuing configurations discussed? a. Single line/single servers at sequential stages b. Multiple line to single servers ("snake") c. Parallel lines to multiple servers d. Designated lines to designated servers e. "Take a Number" (single or multiple servers)


Blueprinting is a more complex form of ____________. a. linear graphing b. flow charting c. Cox & Snell analysis d. non-linear graphing e. cluster analysis


Marriage counseling is a service that requires a ____________ level of participation from customers. a. minimal b. high c. moderate d. low e. absolute


Server ____________ ensure that service staffs do things correctly, as requested, in the right order, and at the right speed. a. kanbans b. poka-yokes c. jidokas d. banzais e. sodokus


The ____________ or ____________ includes both the ____________ and ____________ of a service facility. a. roll; retrieval; implicit aspects; explicit aspects b. stage; servicescape; exterior; interior c. stage; service area; customers; employees d. roll; canopy; employees; equipment e. roll; service area; front-stage; backstage


The first step in developing a service blueprint is ____________. a. to reach a consensus on which activities are more important than others b. to identify all the key activities involved in creating and delivering the service c. to identify the links between a set of alternative service possibilities d. to identify the key employees who will be enacting the service blueprint e. to identify the key customers who will be participating in the service


The internet kiosk with a touchscreen in Vienna, Austria is getting popular for the following reasons EXCEPT ____________. a. it is conveniently located b. it saves customers from having to deal with other undesirable customers c. it is accessible 24/7 d. it doesn't make mistakes, unlike employees e. it has easy access to websites


1. Which of the following is NOT one of the productive capacity forms in a service context? a. Physical facilities designed to contain customers b. Physical equipment used to process people, possessions, or information c. Customers d. Labor e. Infrastructure


28. How many "acts" does a meal at Chez Jean consist of? a. One act b. Two acts c. Three acts d. Four acts e. Five acts


3. Service blueprints ____________, and how these are supported by backstage activities and systems. a. enhance servicescape features such as furniture and lighting b. complicate employee handling of special requests c. clarify the interactions between customers and employees d. enhance customer technical know-how e. diminish customer complaining capacity


32. New York City's 911 service uses education to ______________. a. attract new callers b. show callers when peak periods are c. discourage undesirable demand d. channel calls to medical services e. encourage callers to use their services


5. All of the following are questions to ask about demand patterns and their underlying causes EXCEPT ____________. a. Do demand levels follow a predictable cycle? b. What are the underlying causes of these cyclical variations? c. How much demand are competitors receiving? d. Do demand levels seem to change randomly? e. Can demand for a particular service over time be disaggregated by market segment?


2. Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that fixed-capacity firms may face? a. Excess capacity. b. Demand exceeds desired capacity. c. Demand and supply are well-balanced. d. Ideal demand exceeds capacity. e. Excess demand.


28. Mont Tremblant uses all the following ways to attract guests during summer EXCEPT _____________. a. water sports on the lake b. face painting c. balloon sculpting d. wind surfing e. roller-blading


29. The demand on a city bus is likely to vary by all EXCEPT which of the following? a. Time of day. b. Day of the week. c. Season of the year. d. Population density in the city. e. All of the above will likely cause demand to vary on a city bus.


3. Which of the following is the correct action for a firm to take that wants to reduce demand and has insufficient capacity? a. Take no action. b. Consider override for most desirable segments. c. Consider priority systems for most desirable segments. d. Increase prices or encourage use in other time slots. e. Lower prices selectively.


30. Examples of preparing customers for service encounters include all of the following EXCEPT ____________. a. printing dress code requests on invitations b. sending reminders of dental appointments c. printing guidelines on customer cards d. billing customers for services rendered e. all of the above are examples of preparing customers for service encounters


6. Which of the following is NOT one of the five basic approaches to managing demand? a. Taking no action and leaving demand to find its own levels. b. Reduce demand in peak periods. c. Increase demand when there is excess capacity. d. Inventory capacity until demand increases. e. Inventory demand by creating a formalized queuing system.


8. Service process redesign efforts typically focus on achieving all EXCEPT which of the following key performance measures? a. Reduced number of service failures. b. Reduced cycle time. c. Enhanced productivity. d. Increased profitability. e. Increased customer satisfaction.


Service process redesign can be categorized into all EXCEPT which of the following types? a. Getting rid of non-value adding steps. b. Shifting to self-service. c. Delivering direct service. d. Separating services. e. Redesigning the physical aspect of service processes


4. The line of ____________ divides front-stage activities from backstage activities. a. service standards and scripts b. physical evidence c. internal physical interaction d. internal IT interaction e. visibility


4. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to change the overall level of capacity to match demand variations? a. Use part-time employees. b. Ask customers to share. c. Invite customers to perform self-service. d. Cross-train employees. e. Share facilities with the supplier


9. All of the following are ways to make waits more bearable EXCEPT ____________. a. encourage group waits b. keep customers occupied while waiting c. make customers feel comfortable during waits d. let customers know how long they are expected to wait e. provide the customers with no explanation for the wait


12. Medical clinics, hotels, and passenger aircrafts are all examples of physical facilities designed to contain goods and services


14. Optimum and maximum capacities are never one and the same (e.g. a sport performance).


15. One way to stretch capacity is to ensure slack time is encountered.


16. Demand patterns are usually random


16. Service staff poka-yokes usually focus on preparing the customer for the encounter, understanding and anticipating their role in the service transaction, and selecting the correct service or transaction.


18. Customer participation refers to the actions and resources supplied by customers during the service production and/or delivery process, including all but emotional inputs.


18. When a firm wants to inventory demand via a reservation system and has insufficient capacity it should lower prices selectively


34. "Risk of excessive wait" points in a restaurant service blueprint provided in the chapter occur mainly in the backstage processes.


34. During the SARS period when travel and tourism was affected, staff were sent for training or encouraged to resign


35. "Failure" points in the restaurant service blueprint provided in the chapter only occur in the backstage processes.


35. A good example of inventorying demand is a haircut that can be set up and prepared for one day and executed the next.


37. Airlines place restrictive conditions on fares for tourists to prevent business travelers from traveling on economy class


A drawback of service blueprints is that they cannot give managers the opportunity to identify potential fail points in the process where there is a significant risk of things going wrong and diminishing service quality


A key characteristic of service blueprinting is that it makes little or no distinction between what customers experience "front-stage" and the activities of employees and support processes "backstage."


11. A blueprint specifies in some detail how a service process should be constructed


11. The term "productive capacity" refers to the resources or assets that a firm can employ to create goods and services.


13. Financial success in businesses with limited capacity depends largely on how capacity is used.


14. Blueprints can pinpoint the stages in the process where customers commonly have to wait


15. Part of the challenge of implementing poka-yokes in service contexts is the need to address not only server errors, but also customer errors


17. Good records of a firm's transactions can help one to understand demand patterns.


19. We need to have queuing or reservations systems because demand cannot be inventoried.


20. Yield analysis forces managers to recognize the opportunity cost of selling capacity for a given date to a customer from one market segment when another might subsequently yield a higher rate.


33. A subway can increase the capacity on a route after all seats have been occupied.


33. Restaurants are often quite theatrical in their use of physical evidence (such as furnishing, décor, uniforms, lighting, and table settings).


36. One of the most direct ways for a hotel to reduce excess demand at peak periods is to charge customers more money to use the service during those periods.


36. Poke-yokes originated from Total Quality Management methods in manufacturing.


37. A good example of a service poka-yoke is a surgeon whose surgical instrument trays have indentations for each instrument


A key problem with self-service technologies is that so few of them incorporate service recovery systems.


SST is only better than the interpersonal alternative if it saves time, provides ease of access, cost savings, or some other benefits.


Service process redesign encompasses reconstitution, rearrangement, or substitution of service processes


According to Adrian North, the key to driving unwanted people away is ____________. a. unfamiliarity b. laws c. direct recourse d. indirect recourse e. segmentation


Of the following, which is NOT an ambient condition that irritates shoppers according to Alain d'Astous? a. Store is too small b. Store is not clean c. Too hot inside the store or the shopping center d. Music inside the store is too loud e. Bad smell in the store


Of the following, which is NOT an environmental design condition that irritates shoppers according to Alain d'Astous? a. Arrangement of store items is always the same. b. No mirror in the dressing room. c. Unable to find what one needs. d. Directions within the store are inadequate. e. Store is too small.


Which of the following fragrances would you use to boost energy levels and help make customers feel happy and rejuvenated? a. Lemon b. Black pepper c. Lavender d. Eucalyptus e. Rose


1. Service environments, also called ____________ relate to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites. a. service planes b. servicescapes c. service boxes d. servicetomies e. service vaults


The ____________ complex a(n) ____________ process becomes, the more powerful is its potential impact on ____________. a. more; affective; cognition b. more; cognitive; affect c. less; cognitive; services d. less; affective; cognition e. less; cognitive; affect


The two dimensions of Russell's model of affect are ____________ and ____________. a. centrality; dominance b. pleasure; arousal c. centrality; permanence d. pleasure; regret e. fullness; looseness


The Hong Kong Tourism Board used ______________ to create harmony among elements and ensure that people feel good in the environment. a. scent b. color c. feng shui d. music e. spatial layout


The field of ____________ studies how people respond to specific environments. a. organizational behavior b. marketing c. environmental psychology d. strategic management e. financial management


Which of the following is an ambient condition? a. Facility layout b. Displays c. Music d. Location e. Price


If a service environment is inherently ____________, one should avoid increasing ____________ levels, as this would move customers into the "distressed" region of Russell's model. a. pleasant; arousal b. pleasant; excitement c. pleasant; relaxation d. unpleasant; arousal e. unpleasant; excitement


The term ____________, used by Dennis Nickson and his colleagues, would most apply to sales associates at Victoria's Secret or Calvin Klein. a. restricted labor b. value-added labor c. functional labor d. aesthetic labor e. synergistic labor


Which of the following is the best example of problems created by inappropriate color usage? a. Blue chairs in Canada b. Black bags in London c. Yellow cars in Switzerland d. Green buses in Israel e. Red buses in London


In environmental psychology the typical outcome variable is ____________ or ____________ of an environment. a. service; repurchase b. control; reproach c. control; avoidance d. control; sensibility e. approach; avoidance


Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions of the service environment? a. Exterior facilities b. General infrastructure c. Store layout d. Interior displays e. Location


According to the Mehrabian-Russell Stimulus-Response Model, people avoid crowded environments because there of the number of people rather than being deterred by the unpleasant feeling of crowding, people being in the way, or lacking perceived control.


Fast music environments have been shown to generate more revenue and get customers to spend longer amounts of time in an environment than slow music environments.


Functionality refers to the floor plan, size and shape of furnishings, counters, and potential machinery and equipment, and the ways in which they are arranged.


In practice, the large majority of service encounters are routine, involving a high level cognitive processing and little affect.


Marketing communications attempt not to attract customers who will enhance the ambiance with their presence because of potential legal ramifications.


Spatial layout refers to the ability of items to facilitate the performance of service transactions.


A spa environment should be designed with low arousal and high pleasantness.


Ambient conditions refer to those characteristics of the environment pertaining to our five senses.


Facing competition from numerous casinos in other locations, Las Vegas has been trying to reposition itself away from being an adult destination to a somewhat more wholesome family fun resort.


Service consumers use service environment as an important quality proxy.


Servicescapes help to shape the desired feelings and reactions in customers and employees.


Signs are frequently used to teach and reinforce behavioral rules in service settings.


Staff acting as Cinderella, or seven drawfs at Disney theme parks are part of the service environment.


The appearance of both service personnel and customers can reinforce or detract from the impression created by the service environment.


The use of orange is commonly associated with its ability to encourage verbal expression.


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