SN 20- Types II, III, IV hypersensitivities

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contributing factors to type 3 rxns

(1) the presence of antigens capable of generating particularly extensive antigen-antibody lattices​ (2) a high intrinsic affinity of antigens for particular tissues​ (3) the presence of highly charged antigens (which can affect immune complex engulfment)​ (4) a compromised phagocytic system

Type III Hypersensitivities - Example 2: Serum Sickness

(systemic type 3 reaction) May result from artificial passive immunization​ Horse serum has been used to treat snake bites, diphtheria, scarlet fever, tetanus, and other severe infections Serum sickness occurs 7-10 days after serum administration Occurs today in response to equine anti-venom, monoclonal antibodies, high-dose intravenous drugs (e.g. penicillin) Serum sickness symptoms occur as IgG is produced in response to the foreign antibody​ Symptoms abate as immune complexes are cleared​ Subsequent exposures result in responses within 1-2 days

3) Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC)

-Autoantibodies binds to a cell surface antigen, and opsonize the cell​ -Natural Killer (NK) cells recognize Fc receptor on opsonizing antibodies​ -NK delivers perforin and granzymes killing the opsonized cell​

1) Opsonization and phagocytosis​

-Autoantibodies binds to a cell surface antigen, opsonizing the cell​ -Macrophages have cell surface receptor for antibody Fc regions​ -Macrophage phagocytoses and destroys the opsonized cell​

type IV hypersensitivity process

A) Primary Exposure​ -CD4+ or CD8+ T Cell recognizes​antigen presented on MHC​Class I or MHC Class III​ -Effector cells and memory cells proliferate​ B) Re-exposure activates memory T Cells and causes proliferation of effector T Cells​ C) CD4+ T Cells trigger inflammation by macrophage and neutrophil activation, CD8+ T Cells kill cells presenting the antigen

type IV hypersensitivies: Responses occur more slowly (after 1-3 days) than Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions

Always require antigen processing & presentation and T Cell activation​ Other hypersensitivities occur at a faster pace due to the presence of pre-existing antibodies


An antigen of one's own cell or cell products

cause of rheumatic heart disease

Antibodies produced in the anti-Group A Strep response cross-react with certain self-antigens

hemolytic disease of the newborn: RhoGAM

Antibody coats the fetal red cells that cross the placenta and enter maternal circulation. ​ All Rh antigen in the maternal circulation is complexed with human IgG​ -IgG bound to fetal RBCs binds to inhibitory Fc receptors on mother's naïve B Cells preventing immune activation

autoimmunity: Chronic, adaptive immune response to self-antigens​

Antigen always present, effector and memory cells in constant production​ Immune reactions constantly occurring


Any molecule, macromolecule, virus particle, or cell that contains a structure that can be recognized and bound by an antibody, B-cell receptor or T-cell receptor​ Includes molecules from harmful things like pathogens AND molecules from harmless things found in the environment and the components that make up our bodies​ autoantigen

hemolytic disease of the newborn: during pregnancy

Around 28 weeks, some blood begins to be exchanged between mother and fetus​ -If mother is Rh- and fetus is Rh+, mother will recognize Rh+ RBCs as foreign antigen and mount a primary immune response

2) Activation of the classical complement cascade

Autoantibodies binds to a cell surface antigen, beginning the process of forming a C3 convertase​ Complement cascade activation results in:​ -Membrane attack complex formation and cell lysis​ -Opsonization and phagocytosis of the cell​ -Triggers inflammation and recruits leukocytes

4) Antibody-mediated cellular dysfunction

Autoantibodies binds to a cell surface receptor​ -This may block a receptor, preventing its activation by a ligand​ -This may inappropriately activate a cellular receptor even when the appropriate ligand is not present​ ​

result of type II hypersensitivity

B Cells produce IgG or IgM autoantibodies that are directed against antigens on the surface of cells or other tissues components​

type 3: intrinsic soluble substance

DNA, histones, ribosomes, ribonucleoproteins

type IV

Delayed-Type Cell Mediated ​ Cellular/T Cell-Mediated (only one mediated by T cells, types I-III are driven by some sort of antibody)

poison ivy: Urishol: Modified proteins generate modified peptides within the cytosol

Delivered to the cell surface by MHC class I molecules ​ Recognized by CD8 T cells, which can cause damage either by killing the eliciting cell or by secreting cytokines such as IFN-γ.

type III: serum sickness: Horse serum has been used to treat snake bites, diphtheria, scarlet fever, tetanus, and other severe infections

Horse is injected with sub-lethal doses or the toxin, neutralizing antibodies develop, and serum or purified antibodies are collected​ Horse serum components (including antibody Fc regions) are recognized as foreign

Type III Hypersensitivities - Example 3: Infective Endocarditis

IE occurs when bacteria colonize heart valves​ Viridans streptococci may disseminate from periodontitis or periapical abscess or via bacteremia induced by dental procedures (including normal at-home hygiene)​ Patients with artificial or damaged valves, certain congenital heart defects, history of endocarditis, heart transplants with valve problems are at increased risk​ -Prophylactic antibiotics recommended for these patients​

type 3 hypersensitivity result

IgG antibodies bind antigens in the blood and extracellular fluid, forming large networks called immune complexes which form deposits in blood vessels and lung alveoli

type I

Immediate hypersensitivity​ IgE-Mediated​

type III

Immune Complex-Mediated ​ Immune Complex, Neutrophil; and Complement-Mediated

type III reactions: farmers lung

Inhaled allergens may induce IgG instead of IgE, ---> Immune-complex mediated damage to alveolar epithelium ​ Inhalation of biologic dusts coming from hay dust or mold spores or any other agricultural products​ Occurs in about 30/1,000 dairy famers

Type IV Reaction to toothpaste flavoring

Patient had a 7 month history of itching, painful dermatitis​ Symptoms were resolved by switching from mint to citrus flavored toothpaste

hemolytic disease of the newborn: -Immune reaction during the FIRST pregnancy

Predominant antibody is low-affinity IgM​ -Cannot cross the placenta​ Some IgG is made which cause minor destruction of fetal RBC​ Healthy newborn baby

hemolytic disease of the newborn: Rh- mother has a second pregnancy with a Rh+ fetus

Produced a SECONDARY immune response​ -Characterized by high affinity IgG​ -High affinity IgG crosses placenta​ -IgG transferred to the fetus opsonizes fetal RBCs​ -Fetal RBCs are destroyed by macrophages in the fetus's spleen ​ -Anemic newborn baby​ ​

Type III Hypersensitivities: Examples:

Reaction to Diphtheria & Tetanus Vaccines​ (Arthus rxn) serum sickness infective endocarditis farmers lung chronic viral hepatitis

3. maintain tolerance

Self, Commensal Microbes, Food, Environment​ Loss of tolerance can lead to allergies and autoimmune disorders

Type IV Hypersensitivities - Example 1: Contact Hypersensitivity Phases

Sensitization Phase of Contact Hypersensitivity Phase 2 of Contact Hypersensitivity (Elicitation Phase)


Small, low molecular weight organic molecules that are antigenic but not immunogenic

mechanism of rheumatic heart disease

Some antibodies produced during the normal humoral adaptive immune response to streptococcus bacteria cross-react with self-antigens in the joints and hearts some individuals​ Cross-reactive antibodies bind to self-antigens in the heart (1)​ Neutrophils and macrophages recognize antibody Fc receptors and become activated (2)​ Leukocyte activation results in chronic inflammation damaging heart tissue (3)​

Type IV Hypersensitivities - Example 2: Tb Test

Tuberculin placed under skin​ If sensitized:​ -APCs present antigen to memory CD4+ T Cells​ -Tuberculin-specific TH1 cells proliferate​ -IFNγ activates macrophages​ -Macrophages cause inflammation​ (Red bump appears)

type 3 hypersensitivities: immune complex

antigen-antibody association formed by antibody-antigen crosslinking​ Under normal circumstances, immune complexes are cleared via phagocytosis​


can neutralize Rh+ fetal RBC -RhoGAM = IgG antibody ​ -Given to Rh- mothers at 28 weeks (The typical point when the mother begins mounting a response to transferred RBCs) -Second dose given within 3 days of birth if the baby is Rh+ (Blood exposure occurs during delivery labor and delivery​, At least 1ml is exchanged between baby and mother, even in uncomplicated deliveries) -given in subsequent pregnancies as well

examples of type IV hypersensitivities:

contact hypersensitivity -poison ivy -nickel -acrylic resin -tooth paste flavoring Tb test

autoimmune disease

disease in which the pathology is caused by an adaptive immune response to normal components of healthy tissue

hypersensitivity reactions

haptens carrier proteins On their own, neither the hapten nor the carrier protein stimulate an immune response​ Haptens may covalently bond to carrier proteins (haptenization)​

symptoms and pathologies of hypersensitivities are due to

misplaced/inappropriate adaptive immune responses -type 1, II, III, IV

type III: infective endocarditis: bacterial vegetation stimulates...

persistent antibody production​ Antibodies fail to clear infection on valves​ -Immune complexes cause widespread damage in capillaries​ -May present with oral petechiae, Osler's nodes​ -Often results in damage to skin and kidneys​ -Treatment: Antibiotics​

examples of allergens

plant pollen dust mite feces insect venom drugs peanuts shellfish plant oil metal

rheumatic fever and heart disease are ____ but most commonly occur in ___

rare children ages 5-15


an antibody produced by the host that binds a self-antigen

type 3: Immune complexes then move through the capillary walls and into the tissues, where they are deposited

-Deposited complexes and set up a localized inflammatory response.​ -Complement activation results in the production of the anaphylatoxin chemokines C3a and C5a​ -Anaphylatoxins attract more neutrophils and macrophages ​ -Neutrophils and macrophages are further activated by immune complexes binding to their Fc receptors to secrete pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines, prostaglandins, and proteases.​ -Proteases attack the basement membrane proteins collagen and elastin, as well as cartilage. ​ -Tissue damage is further mediated by oxygen free radicals released by the activated neutrophils. ​ -Immune complexes interact with platelets and induce the formation of tiny clots. ​

Sensitization Phase of Contact Hypersensitivity

-Hapten molecules like oils from poison ivy or nickel are able to penetrate the skin​ -Hapten binds carrier protein in the skin​ -Langerhans Cells (skin DCs) take up antigen and present to T Cells​ -Clonal expansion and formation of memory T Cells occurs

hemolytic disease of the newborn continued

-Immune reaction during the FIRST pregnancy -Rh- mother has a second pregnancy with a Rh+ fetus -RhoGAM

type 3 hypersensitivities

-Mediated by IgG-associated immune complex formation​ -occur when an excess of soluble immunogenic antigen is present​

penicillin-type 2 hypersensitivity reaction process

-Penicillin binds to molecules on the surface of erythrocytes forming a unique antigenic structure​ -During normal turnover of erythrocytes, cells are broken down and digested​ -Modified antigen is presented on MHC and is seen as a foreign antigen by the immune system​ -Adaptive immune response occurs, IgG specific for the new antigen are produced -IgG autoantibodies coat the erythrocyte​ -Induces further complement deposition on the cell​ -Cellular destruction (cytotoxicity) occurs by MAC formation or opsonization

Phase 2 of Contact Hypersensitivity

-Re-exposure to the hapten occurs​ -Hapten-carrier complex presented to T Cells by Langerhans cells​ -Activation of Memory T cells occur, cells proliferate and produce effector cells​ -Inflammation damages tissue leading to rash​

Type II Hypersensitivity - Example 3: Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn

-Rh antigen - on red blood cells (RBCs) in a portion of the population​ (85% Caucasians, 92% Blacks, 99% Asians​ -Rh- individual will recognize Rh+ RBCs as foreign antigens -during pregnancy

type III: pathogenesis of infective endocarditis

-Streptococci reach bloodstream​ -Damaged endothelium is coated by platelets​ -Platelets are colonized by oral streptococci ​ (Platelet aggregation-associated proteins encourage adherence)​ -Fibrin deposition results in microbial/fibrin/platelet vegetation - protects bacteria​ -Can result in acute septic embolism (occlusion of capillaries) -also results in type III reaction

localized type 3 rxn: arthus reaction

1) IgG responds to injected antigen​ 2) Immune complex forms, complement activated​ 3) C5a and immune complexes trigger mast cell degranulation​ 4) Local inflammation and swelling​ 5) Blood vessel occlusion

type II hypersensitivity: autoantibodies binding cells leads to:

1) Opsonization and phagocytosis​ 2) Activation of the classical complement cascade 3) Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) 4) Antibody-mediated cellular dysfunction

3 major roles of the immune system

1. defense against infection 2. avoid collateral damge 3. maintain tolerance

type IV reaction to acrylic resin

60yoF reports burning sensation, bitter taste, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing​ Symptoms improve following removal, treatment with corticosteroids


A molecule or substance that can activate B or T cells​ All immunogens are antigens - an antigen is not necessarily an immunogen

hemolytic disease of the newborn can also be caused by

ABO blood-group incompatibility between mom and fetus -Less severe​ -Type A or B fetuses carried by type O mothers most commonly develop these reactions. ​ -Type O mother can develop IgG antibodies to the A or B blood-group antigens through exposure to fetal blood-group A or B antigens in successive pregnancies. ​ -Major clinical manifestation: light elevation of bilirubin, with jaundice.​ -Exposure of the infant to low levels of UV light is often enough to break down the bilirubin and avoid cerebral damage

autoimmunity: May results in tissue damage, dysfunction and organ failure​

Accumulation of damage due to chronic inflammation​ May take years (decades?) for symptoms to appear

autoimmune diseases: key point

All autoimmune diseases resemble a Type II, Type III or Type IV hypersensitivity​ Autoimmune diseases never resemble a Type I hypersensitivity -There are no autoimmune diseases caused by IgE responses

Type II Hypersensitivity - Example 1: Penicillin

Certain antibiotics (e.g., penicillin, cephalosporins, and streptomycin), as well as other drugs (ibuprofen and naproxen), can adsorb nonspecifically to proteins on red blood cell membranes -Forms a new forming a drug-protein complex​ -This is a new antigen which induces antibody formation in some patients


Chronic, adaptive immune response to self-antigens​ May results in tissue damage, dysfunction and organ failure​

type III: serum sickness: Serum sickness occurs 7-10 days after serum administration

Coincides with production of high affinity IgG​ Fever, chills, rash, arthritis, vasculitis, glomerulonephritis (on occasion)​ Induced by immune complexes against foreign equine serum proteins

type II

Cytotoxic ​ IgG (or IgM) and Complement-Mediated

type 3: Reaction to Diphtheria & Tetanus Vaccines​

Diphtheria and tetanus vaccines consist of inactivated bacterial toxins​ -Vaccine produces neutralizing antibodies towards to toxin​ A localized Type III reaction may occur in rare cases when receiving a diphtheria or tetanus booster shot​ localized type 3 rxn: Arthus reaction

Cellular destruction (cytotoxicity) occurs by MAC formation or opsonization

Drug-induced hemolytic anemia (Erythrocytes)​ Drug-induced thrombocytopenia (Platelets)


Environmental antigens that cause hypersensitivity reactions​ Typically Type I or Type IV reactions​ May be inhaled, injected, ingested or contacted​ Allergy = Greek derivation of "altered reactivity"​

T/F: all antigens activate the adaptive immune system


type III reactions: chronic viral hepatitis

Failure to clear infection results in persistent antibody production --> Damage to liver

symptoms of type 3 reactions

Fever, urticaria (rashes/hives), joint pain, lymph node enlargement, protein in the urine ​ Inflammatory lesions in blood vessels result in vasculitis​ Inflammatory lesions in the kidneys result in glomerulonephritis​ Inflammatory lesion in the joints results in arthritis

type III: Serum sickness symptoms occur as IgG is produced in response to the foreign antibody​

Foreign antibodies are widespread throughout the circulation​ Immune complexes disperse throughout the body deposit in capillaries​ Numerous areas of inflammation contribute to widespread damage

type 3: exogenous soluble substance

Foreign serum, iv drugs, bacterial or viral antigens

exogenous molecules

Foreign substance such as a drug metabolite, Antigen that mimics a self-antigen

carrier protein

May be found in the body or externally​ Antigenic but not immunogenic

type IV: contact hypersensitivity: poison ivy

Mediated by CD4 & CD8 T cells​ 1st exposure results in sensitization​ Urishol = pentadecacatechol and other catechols -Lipid-soluble​ (Crosses the cell membrane and modify intracellular proteins) ​ -Modified proteins generate modified peptides within the cytosol

symptoms of rheumatic heart disease

Mirrors symptoms of congestive heart failure (including chest pain, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat) ​ New heart murmur​ Enlarged heart​ Fluid around the heart

blood transfusion reaction in hemolytic disease of the newborn

Mismatched ABO blood group transfusions result in Type II Hypersensitivity reactions.

intrinic molecules

Naturally occurring self-antigens, Autoimmune reaction

Haptens may covalently bond to carrier proteins (haptenization)

New conformation/complex is antigenic AND immunogenic​ Hapten-carrier complex can trigger hypersensitivity reactions

type IV hypersensitivities: nickel

Nickel binds to histidine-containing proteins to form novel antigen​ Alter the conformation or the peptide binding of MHC class II molecules, provoke a T Cell responses

symptoms of rheumatic fever

Painful, tender joints (most commonly in the knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists)​ Fatigue​ Rash (rare)


The ability of an antigen to stimulate an immune response​ -Proteins are usually more immunogenic than lipids and nucleic acids​ -Large molecules are usually more immunogenic than small molecules​

2. avoid collateral damage

The immune response is powerful - if it is not appropriately limited tissues will be damaged

Type II hypersensitivity ex 2- Rheumatic heart disease

The immune response to the infection causing strep throat (Group A Streptococcus) can lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease​

progression of a type 3 hypersensitivity reaction

Uncleared immune complexes bind to mast cells, neutrophils, and macrophages via Fc receptors​ These cells produce of vasoactive mediators and inflammatory cytokines​ (incr permeability of the blood vessel walls) Immune complexes then move through the capillary walls and into the tissues, where they are deposited

hypersensitivity/allergic reactions

Unnecessary overreaction of the immune system to innocuous environmental or self antigens

1. defense against infection

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Worms, Cancer​ Weak or ineffective immune responses - chronic and persistent infections​ -Illness, death

type IV hypersensitivity

aka Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity, T Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity​ Triggering antigens - T Cell Activating Antigens ​ Result: Contact, tuberculin or granuloma response​ T Cell-Mediated​ (May be CD4+ or CD8+) Responses occur more slowly (after 1-3 days) than Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions

autoimmune response

adaptive immune response directed at an antigenic component of the responder's own body (autoantigen) can cause autoimmune disease

type II hypersensitivity

aka Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity Triggering antigens may be an intrinsic or an exogenous molecule

type III hypersensitivity

aka Immune Complex Hypersensitivity Triggering antigens may be intrinsic or an exogenous SOLUBLE substance

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