SNCOA Test 2

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Types of interviews

-On-the-record: consider everything you say because you are on record -Background interview: provide context to stories, ensure proper emphasis placed on key aspects of information and stories accurately reported -Off-the-record: clearly state which portion of interview is 'off record" so no confusion

Ethical Behavior

Acting responsibly in difficult and/or complex situations; with quality character and judgment, is the essence of ethical behavior.

3 dimensions of POA

Physical, Intellectual and Moral

Excellence in All We Do (Teamwork)

Teamwork is an essential element the Air Force needs in order to stay competitive in today's strategic environment. Encourage your Airmen to see the benefits of interdependency amongst the team. Challenge them to carry their own weight while motivating their teammates to carry theirs.


The core beliefs we hold regarding what's right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with others; what individuals believe to be of worth and importance in their life.

Military Ethics

Values and expected rules of the profession that are appropriate to actions taken within the military environment; American military ethic designed to put principle above self interest

2. MSgt Keele returned from the unit weekly staff meeting and briefed his people about a new procedure that impacts how EPRs are submitted to the commander. While most of his people just listened, a few begin to express frustration...they argued that it will take more time than the current process. Even though MSgt Keele tried to explain the rationale behind the change, his rationales were countered with statements that support why the change will fail. Since many of them have experience with the unit's current EPR approval process, they presented a new idea they think is better than the one MSgt Keele briefed. This scenario BEST illustrates _________ behavior towards the new procedure. a. Denial b. Bargaining c. Depression Progress Check

b. CORRECT. According to the Change Management chapter, bargaining behavior includes attempting to put off the change or recommending alternatives to the change. In this scenario, MSgt Keele's people offer an alternative to the commander's new process they think will work better.

3. When diagnosing ethical dilemmas, SNCOs should ________________. a. diagnose only the dilemmas that are present b. consider the second and third order consequences c. reconcile dilemmas using the 5-Step Process

b. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, as a leader you should always attempt to anticipate and consider the second and third order consequences when making decisions.

Standard Work

best known way to complete a task. Standard work ensures the same work will take the same amount of resources to achieve the same results every time; Improving work is a never ending process -Take Time - the rate at which products must be made in a process to meet customer demand -Work Sequence - the precise work sequence in which an operator performs tasks within Takt time -Standard Inventory - the standard minimum number of pieces in-stock, including units in machines, required to keep the process operating smoothly

Ethically Minded Organization

exemplifies professionalism, humility, self-control, personal discipline, and values.

-Physical, intellectual and moral dimensions form the

foundation of OA and are the basis of professional military education and leader development

Budget Execution Review

improves effective management of funds and allows for a thorough review and examination of requirements at the installation level and above. Reviewed twice during FY to identify, validate, and prioritize and request additional resources for unfunded requirements by reallocating funds not previously expended.

Examples of responsibilities

include recovery of a community or country devastated by natural disaster (operation unified response-Haiti), the defeat of enemy forces (operation Iraqi freedom) or the security of the nation (operation noble eagle) which failure could result in catastrophe for the nation

Ethical Codes

intended to be central guides and references for users in support of day-to-day decision making. Clarify an org's mission, values, and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. AF Codes are: AF Core Values, Oath of Enlistment, AFI, and UCMJ

Commander Directed Mental Health Evaluation

may encourage Air Force members to voluntarily seek mental health care. The Air Force recognizes that members who receive help from mental health professionals can improve their job performance as well as their overall well-being, and consciously endorses caring involvement by supervisors. Supervisors and commanders may not, however, under any circumstances attempt to coerce members to voluntarily seek a mental health evaluation

Body of Theory/Specialized Knowledge

more than technical training and skill to do a given job. Professional competence is critical to a profession because the service provided by professions could have beneficial or devastating effects on the population it serves Prolonged education and experience

Hand-Off Policy

objective of caring for Airmen facing criminal or administrative action who are at an increased risk for suicide; They can easily feel isolated from family, friends, and other social supports when needing them most; Allowing a person to be alone after knowing they are facing criminal or administrative actions may end in self-harm, harming others, and/or suicide

Drive For Success

occurs when decisions are made based on a "win at all cost" attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Sure, there may be nothing wrong with possessing a sincere drive to succeed. You may be thinking, "If I don't do what's best for me, who will?"


parties are longer progressing toward an agreement in negotiation or mediation.

Strategy Map

plan to move an organization from their current state to a more desirable future state. A successful strategic plan is dependent upon an honest assessment of the current status of the organization. Strategy maps help you to ensure your strategy will be more successful, because they help you to capture, communicate and manage your strategy more effectively


reflects an individual commitment to uphold the highest of personal and professional standards; Our appearance, actions, and words shape the culture of the Air Force and the reputation of the entire military profession


represents a culture that connects each Airman to the organization. It encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness. An inclusive culture leverages diversity throughout the organization so that all individuals are able to participate and contribute to their full potential.

Purpose as a profession

serve society by effectively delivering a necessary and useful service

Striking the Right Balance

should be able to determine how much individual members of the organization are expected to adapt (assimilate) to the culture. If you ask for one hundred percent adaptation or assimilation, you're asking individuals to give up too much of their individuality. However, if you ask for no adaptation, then your organization has no culture of its own and it can fail to meet its mission. -Culture (personality)- An organization's culture is its system of shared values, beliefs, standards, norms, etc., that dictates expected behavior. It's similar to a person's personality. -Climate (mood)-On the other hand, an organization's climate is based on perceptions and attitudes (feelings) about the organization, usually its leadership. Climate is temporary and can change easily...similar to a person's mood.

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

simple diagram of every step involved in the material and information flow needed to bring a product from order to delivery. The maps can be drawn from different points in time as a way to raise consciousness of opportunities for improvement. It also helps to create understanding of the flow of materials and information, and the value that is created

Cell Design/Flow

visual representation which focuses on designing how workers are arranged relative to the work and to each other. A poor cell design is when processes control what people do instead of people controlling what processes do

Physical Dimension

warfare is a physical 'business'. Joint force applies powerful measures to destroy assets and resources essential to our adversaries' interests. Nature of these situations requires considerable physical energy, stamina, skills, and training-all have impact on health of the force -Air Force Fitness Program-promotes/benefits of active life-style help increase productivity, optimize health, and decrease absenteeism while maintaining a higher level of readiness needed to meet this dimension of the POA.

Team Dynamics

working relationships, personalities, thoughts, actions, and behaviors that arise within a team that influence the synergy of the team members and the direction of a team's performance. Team Dynamics can have significant impacts on a team's performance. By having ineffective, inappropriate, or negative Team Dynamics environments, unproductive conflict, mistrust, increased demotivation, increased dissatisfaction, deteriorated relationships, reduced communication, reduced participation, and possible loss of personnel could occur

Development-Self Development

you should continually assess your skills, qualities, and leadership abilities, identify improvement areas and engage in self development to address them. It is your responsibility.


'subcultures' within the macro-culture. They're the group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, etc. that are different from the macro-culture. For example, 'the South' could be considered a micro-culture in America. As a member of the Air Force you belong to a macro-culture (American values, beliefs, etc.) and the micro-culture of the Air Force (specific rules that guide military people only)


(Best Alt to a Nego AGRMT) The best course of action the party can realistically take if resolution isn't reached in mediation. The worse possible course of action that the party may face if resolution isn't reached in mediation (Worst Alt to a Nego Agmt) The worse possible course of action that the party may face if resolution isn't reached in mediation. an help you get parties past impasse and work toward an agreement Fostering other point of view: Rephrasing-paraphrasing -Reframing-more complex. It's the arrangement of a collection of ideas, feelings, facts, and/ or concerns into a single common theme, often moving the parties in a more constructive direction.

Lean Principles

- Specify what creates "value" from the customer's perspective -Identify all the steps along the process chain -Make all the processes "flow" -Produce only what is "pulled" by the customer (pull is a system of cascading production and delivery instructions in which nothing is produced by the supplier until the customer signals a need) -Strive for perfection by continually removing wastes

Purpose of SA&D

-Align the enterprise to achieve the priorities, goals, objectives, metrics and tasks impacting the entire organization. -Provide a common/standard methodology to deploy metrics and action plans throughout the enterprise. -Communicate commander's intent relative to goals, objectives, metrics and action plans. -Assign accountability and responsibility at all levels. - Ensure alignment throughout the organization. -Concentrate the organization on high-leverage outputs. -Form a disparate group of individuals into a team with a common goal.

Financial Terms

-Allocation:the system of dividing expenses and income, among the various branches and departments. -Apportionment: distribution by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of amounts available for obligation in appropriation or fund accounts of the executive branch; avail quarterly -Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA): budget authority resulting from legislation introduced as a joint resolution and enacted by the Congress to provide authority for federal agencies to continue operations until a specified date or until the regular appropriations are enacted -Cost Center(CC): org that gathers and distributes cost data. Ex of cost center is your financial analysis or public affairs office -Cost Center Managers(CEM): base or point of initial action in the building block process of operating budget developments

AF Guiding Values and Standards

-As a SNCO, you're responsible for promoting an understanding and an appreciation of Air Force culture -You must demonstrate, inspire, and develop in others an internalized understanding of Air Force values and standards

Synthesizing Requirements for Change

-Assess potential change initiative: Has a change in technology resulted in a new process or new piece of equipment? Do your people have the right skillset to make the process effective or utilize the new equipment? -Making the change Happen: Who do you need to tell? Who can you get to help make the changes? How go about making the change? Implement right changes? Costs of the change? By asking these essential questions to synthesize change requirements, you can accomplish two goals: first, the answers should help determine if the change is actually necessary; and second, if the change is necessary, the answers should provide valuable input for developing a change implementation plan. -Failing to synthesize change requirements could lead to the wrong people being put in the wrong positions, poor planning, lack of direction, lack of leadership...and ultimately a failed change effort


-Character Trait -A person realizes integrity when thoughts and actions align with what he/she knows to be right

3 elements of flexibility

-Cognitive flexibility: Anticipate changes to the constraints and develop multiple plans to address them. -Emotional flexibility: Understand that change may happen over the lifecycle of the project. Try to be comfortable with it and help your people do the same. -Dispositional flexibility: As unanticipated changes occur, try to see them as opportunities to make the end result better.

Center of 3C Model

-Communicate: talk with others as much as possible to avoid misunderstandings -Negotiate:When presented with mission stalls or conflict, rely on your negotiation or mediation skills to overcome differences. This can show that you're willing to listen and collaborate (if applicable) versus forcing or taking over. -Relate: In order to cultivate a positive cross cultural relationship, you should attempt to relate with individuals from other cultures to work effectively. Again, this might require you to put your point of view and judgments aside.

Team Dimensions Profile

-Conceptual-prefer to come up with new ideas; good at exploring/recognize alternatives, discus concepts and visualize master plan (helpful but don't always think things through) -Spontaneous: thinking outside the box; move from one subject to another, many things at once, showing impatience (recognize as leader-con: operate without any rules) -Normative: ideas into familiar context, rely on past experiences; use accepted norms/expectations; fit in with others (moves carefully- con: questions all plans and over analyze ideas) -Methodical: prefers order/rationality; step-by-step process; examine details and think careful before acting proving whats true (moves in orderly fashion, stays on task- con: viewed as pple want to slow process down)

Individual stages

-Creating stage: generating ideas/brainstorm, wish list; Sort through ideas; Documentation -Advancing stage: move idea forward/takes shape; define project, two-way communication; documentation -Refining Stage: analysis and evaluation to determine what is realistic; check for holes/flaws; possible consequences; evaluation-getting feedback -Executing Stage: put plan in full swing, considerable dedication/org/scheduling/willpower; begin implementation, tracking progress

Learning Approaches

-Culture-General Approach: an approach that emphasizes common aspects and domains of the culture concept, providing individuals with knowledge (concepts, theories, processes, etc.) and skills that offer broadly-applicable general principles and serve as a framework for culture-specific learning; Ex-more than likely aware of the difference between how your culture views women in the workplace and how other countries view -Specific Approach-an approach that emphasizes specific aspects of particular cultures, affording individuals much of the knowledge and/or skills necessary to interact more competently with individuals of other cultural backgrounds. Examples include country orientation briefings or other regional-specific courses/training. Additionally, you may be required to attend specific training based on your AFSC and duty assignment

Subordinate Effectiveness

-Direction provides focus and establishes expectation for work activities. For example, you may have an Airman that's a little unsure of his/her job could provide more direction (in the form of coaching) in order to help them become more confident -discipline to help reinforce the expectations and standards set or when confronted with performance problems. For example, you may have an Airman that hasn't internalized the core values as evidenced by his off-duty behavior (which has caused him to move to the left on the continuum of professionalism). His actions may require you to use discipline techniques (coaching, feedback, etc.) -Recognition (rewards) generally provides incentive for effective performance and encourages improvement, if necessary. For example, you could have an Airman that's exceeding the standards and is exhibiting warrior ethos by displaying professional behavior and takes the initiative to help his peers when they need it. You could recognize this Airman in many ways (quarterly awards, time off, increased responsibility, etc.).

Financial Terms II

-Element of Expense Investment Codes (EEIC); financial focused: Represent final breakout in budget structure -Financial Management Board(FMB): senior advisory committee chaired by CC or DeputyCC; distributes annual funding, est priorities -Financial Working Group(FWG): reviews program and cost factors compares to prior years -Fiscal year(FY): 1Oct-30September -Obligation: commitment of allocated funds to specific contract/purchase/item -Resource Advisors: monitor/assist in preparing estimated requirements for resources -Responsibility Center Manager(RCM): heads org that plans/organizes/directs/coordinates

Organization Structure

-Emphasis on Wartime Tasks: Organizations must be structured to accomplish wartime tasks without reorganizing -Functional Grouping: clear-cut purpose, goal and scope, one individual in charge; parts that form a logical, separable activity -Lean Org Structures: organizations must encourage rapid decision making and flat structures should exist without intermediate levels -Skip-Echelon Structure: MAJCOMs, wings and squadrons possess the full range of staff functions needed to perform required tasks -Standard Levels: Organizations should be established at the lowest level required to successfully accomplish the primary mission.

Styles of mediation

-Evaluative: SME acts as mediator; describes the issue, offers opinion on strengths/weakness of each party side/suggests options for resolution -Transformative: focuses on empowerment, enabling parties to define their own issues/seek solutions on their own. enables parties to see and understand (not agree with the other party's point of view. It's often used in interpersonal conflicts (family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.); -Narrative: both an approach and methodology, providing mediators with a way of incorporating stories into the very fabric of mediation. works to deconstruct how each party sees the conflict, uses open-ending questioning. -Facilitative: used when negotiation stalls due to a communication breakdown between the parties. Works to increase and enhance communication by encouraging parties to discuss maters freely without judging or taking sides.

12 Domains of Culture

-Family&Kinship-Different ways people recognize relatives and the rights and status afforded to those relatives; covers cultural practices, structures, beliefs, and values -Religion&Spirituality: a culture's way of defining and relating to the sacred and supernatural. The org system of practices, structures, beliefs, and values related. -Learning&Knowledge: the means and methods for learning and distributing (teaching) knowledge; Learning is cognitive develop process that occurs in formal/informal settings -Sex&Gender: pertains to ways different culture acknowledge biological differences between men and women; ways assign roles, responsibilities, and status to masculine, feminine or other identities; and beliefs/values that support gender differences -Economics&Resources: pertain to ways people allocate, produce, distribute, and consume goods and services. related to raw materials, human labor, careers -Political&Social Relations: how people interact with each other and includes the cultural practices related to societal org and governance. Patterns of dividing power among pple -Aesthetics&Recreation: expression of beauty and style, as well as methods of recreation, for physical survival -Sustenance&Health: covers the ways humans feed themselves and treat their bodies. Food rituals, taboos, food properties -Technology&Material: material resources that cultures have access to or can procure -History&Myth: cultures study/acknowledgement of past, both its own and others, history and scientific knowledge, first hand experience -Language&Communication-means/methods humans have for exchanging info. Both verbal/nonverbal comm -Time&Space: cultures interpretation of time space and communication

Interview Techniques

-Hooking: Entice interviewer into agenda; take advantage before to get reporter interested -Bridging: used to move from reporters agenda to your message-using smooth transitions -Flagging: used to emphasize message; verbal clues (tone and non-verbal clues) with hand gestures/facial expressions -personal credibility: you are the expert

5 Stages of Project Mgmt Process

-Initiation: define nature/scope as well as foundation on which project will be built (Why? Final result? feasible? boundaries? Stakeholders, financial) Scope creep: tendency to include more tasks than originally specified in project -Planning: detail info about tasks (i.e. personnel assignments, what needs to be done, deadlines, expectations. break into smaller pieces, single Point of reference, order of events, anticipate issues

Perspectives of BSC

-Learning&Growth Perspective: includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement -Buisiness Process Perspective: internal; allow the managers to know how well their business is running, and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements (the mission). -Customer Perspective: importance of customer focus and customer satisfaction in any business or they'll take business elsewhere -Financial Perspective: Timely and accurate funding data will always be a priority, and managers will do whatever necessary to provide it

OODA Loop and 8 step problem solving process

-Observe: Step 1 - Clarify & Validate the Problem Step 2 - Break Down the Problem / Identify Performance Gaps (flow of materials) -Orient: Step 3 - Set Improvement Targets (Balanced, specific, measurable, attainable, timely) Step 4 - Determine Root Causes -Decide: Step 5 - Develop Countermeasures -Act: Step 6 - See Countermeasures Through (Just do it completed in 1 day; Rapid Improv Event-small team-less than a week; Improvement Projected-large team long period) Step 7 - Confirm Results & Process Step 8 - Standardize Successful Processess

Project vs. Program Management

-Project management is the process of leading, coordinating, planning, and controlling a diverse and complex set of processes and people in pursuit of achieving project objectives. (specific purpose) -Program management is the process of managing several related projects, often with the intention of improving organization's performance. (specific Objective)

Suicide and Prevention

-Risk Factors: Include, but is not limited to, such factors as relationship difficulties, substance abuse, legal, financial, medical, mental health, and occupational problems, along with depression, social isolation, and previous suicide threats/ gestures which may increase the probability of self-harm -Suicide Awareness: Heightened individual and community awareness of suicide,suicide risk factors, and the fact that suicide is only the "tip of the iceberg" of psychosocial problems. -Suicide Prevention: A community-based approach that includes family, friends, and many different professional and social service providers, committed to reducing suicide by creating a safety net that provides protection and adds support for those in trouble by addressing the entire iceberg of afflictions to individuals, families, and their communities.

Parts of SA&D

-Strategy: what we choose to prioritize, our action in support of our priorities, the order in which we take them, and how we allocate resources against our priorities to support the Nation's objectives. -Alignment: strategy communication link for the organization and enables improvement at every level. It is an execution tool, not a strategic planning tool. Alignment is the translation of the vision into measurable results -Cascading Process (Catchball): develops strategic line of sight b/w CC priorities and AMN responsibilities (works from bottom up or top down)

Ethical COA supporting principles

-There are no rewards for unethical behavior -Sanctions and forgiveness for mistakes-leaders shouldn't always take disciplinary action for mistakes. i.e. gives someone wrong information.. not punished but given remedial training -Appropriate action taken for dereliction of duty or misconduct; can range from verbal to court-martial -Applying 'prudence (choose right means to achieve worthy ends) First and Justice Second'; consider what is right before what's possible.

Signs of distress

-Threats of harming or killing oneself - Seeking means, such as access to weapons or pills -Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide -Giving away personal belongings HIGH LEVEL Warnings -Hopelessness - Rage, anger, seeking revenge - Acting reckless or engaging in highly destructive activities - Increased alcohol or substance misuse -Withdrawing from friends, family, and society -Anxiety, agitation, insomnia, hypersomnia -Dramatic changes in mood -No perceived reason for living or sense of purpose

Traditional Management v Strategic Alignment&Deployment

-Traditional: One way communication, management after the fact, individual skill oriented, fails to eliminate chronic problems, used as an intimidation weapon, lacks linkage -SA&D: Two way communication, immediate self-correction, collective skills process oriented, focus problem solving root cause, used to improve and share information, links to all levels

Waste II

-Transportation: movement of materials from one location to another, this is a waste as it adds zero value to the product (right place at right time, work been consolidated where appropriate, how far being transported and how long it takes) -Intellect: any failure to fully utilize the time and talents of people (pple placed where can use knowledge, skills, abilities, encouraged to suggest improvements, solutions implemented, problem solving teams, leaders followup? -Motion: ergonomics and is seen in all instances of bending, stretching, walking, lifting, and reaching (can walking be reduced by moving equip, info/tools/materials at point of use, areas impede work flow, repetitive motion) -Excess Inventory: costs you money, every piece of product tied up in raw material, work in progress or finished goods has a cost (extra boxes, using a hall for storage, outdated materials, material through batches or single piece, overstocking)

Lewin's Phases of Change

-Unfreezing: phase is intended to motivate subordinates and help get them ready for change; 1. create felt need for change 2. Dealing with possible resistance to change by develop. implementation plan, use effective comm. skills -Changing: includes movement from old way of buisn to new way. Involves actual modifications to technology, tasks, structures, or people. 1. Monitory progress 2. Adjusting the plan as necessary -Refreezing: phase involves the locking in (or refreezing) of the new processes/procedures until permanent part of daily operations 1. Obsv. subordinates and eval. results of change 2. Ensure new procedures are documents 3. Rewarding/recognizing ind. who have adapted 4. Reinforcing benefits of change with resistors

Equal Opportunity Systems

-Unlawful Discrimination: failing or refusing to hire or promote, discharging, or otherwise discriminating against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of a person's race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or prior EO activity. -Unlawful Harassment: includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature particularly when submission to such conduct is made directly or indirectly as a term or condition of employment, and/or when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the person; to include intimidation -Complaint Process: EO attempts to resolve grievances at lowest level; formal or informal -Legal Implications: very diverse and range from administrative actions to a prison sentence

Team Roles

-based on natural thought processes and behavioral tendencies (where people fall) -Creator:comb Conceptual/Spontaneous (imaginative, abstract-thinking, unstructured, artistic, unconventional) -Advancer:Spontaneous/Normative(Pple foxused, extrovert, talkative, outgoing, expressive) -Refiner: Conceptual/Methodical (analytical, objective, logical, skeptical, reflective) -Executor: Methodical/Normative specifics identified first (realistic, detail-oriented, structured, organized, and traditional) -Flexor (combination of 3 or more patterns) can focus on everything, good at monitoring, tolerant, able to connect/negotiate, moves with ease to variety of roles

AF Core Values

-the three pillars of professionalism that provide the foundation for leadership at every level -They inform you of the price of admission into the Air Force itself, point to what is universal and unchanging in the POA, help you get a fix on the ethical climate of an organization and when necessary, serve as beacons vectoring you back to the path of professional conduct -desired behaviors and characteristics we must practice and demonstrate, showing that we truly value Integrity, Service, and Excellence

Mediation Preparation

1. Gather sufficient information about the dispute 2. Assess a dispute to determine whether mediation is appropriate 3. Determine when to offer mediation

Stages of Mediation

1. Mediator Opening Statement: Est structure, ensure parties understand process, gain commitment to the process and est. rapport; list credentials/est ground rules 2. Parties' Opening Statements: disputing parties have an opportunity to offer their opening statements; adequate time to speak about the issue at hand and share their interests without interruption; active listen, may discover hidden concerns or interests, revealing true source of dispute 3. joint discussion; Effective questioning, using open-ended and follow-up questions, are extremely useful here. You should ask questions that clarify the controversial issues; encourages the parties to discuss matters freely without judging or taking sides 4. caucus-discussion breaks down/issues become sensitive-should become suspended 'private meeting' closure-If not able to agree my reconvene. If were able to convene

Total Force Fitness Domains (Total Airman Comprehensive Fitness Program Domains

1. Physical Fitness - the ability to physically accomplish all aspects of the mission while remaining healthy and uninjured (Strength, endurance, flexibility) 2. Environmental Fitness - the ability to perform mission-specific duties in any environment (heat/cold, noise, air quality) 3. Medical & Dental Fitness - the ability to meet established standards for medical readiness (immunizations, access, screening, dental) 4. Nutritional Fitness - the ability to recognize and select the requisite nutrition to sustain and optimize physical and cognitive performance and health (food choices) 5. Spiritual Fitness - the ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere and prevail in accomplishing missions (Service Values) 6. Psychological Fitness - the ability to effectively cope with the unique mental stressors and challenges needed to ensure mission readiness (Coping, awareness, decision making) 7. Behavioral Fitness- the relationship between one's behaviors and health (Substance abuse) 8. Social Fitness - the ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall well-being and optimal performance (Support, cohesion, family)

Rogers' DIffusion of Innovations Theory

5 Categories: Innovators: those individuals in your organization that see potential and opportunity in almost any situation. Small population willing to adopt change the fastest; more adventurous than others; enjoy cutting edge (ex. new smartphone just released) - Early Adopters: social/opinions leaders; should be able to see the advantage in adopting the new ideas early on in the change process; small portion of population; comfortable with adopting new, well thought out ideas. will need to provide them with information about the change (ex. new phone-will look at manual and compare before buy) for its potential to be useful not bc its a first -Early Majority: represent mainstream thinking. Tap into early majority can get feeling/reaction of change. Will watch to see how change will work first. product is trusted/respected by opinion leaders (ex. will wait to buy until innovators/earlyadopters identify problems with product first) large percentage of popl. -Late Majority: other large popl. group tends to be more skeptical of the change; might not adopt the change until the early majority has adopted it. Peer pressure -Laggards: very traditional with views. always done it this way, it works, don't need to change. maybe less educated/uniformed of the change; close minded; Flip phone bc it works

Airman's Creed

A creed is a set of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles; it allows Airmen to think and act with one mind, and sustain a commitment to fundamental warfighting beliefs

Physical Fitness

Ability to adopt/sustain healthy behaviors needed to enhance health and well-being; aimed at building/maintaining level of readiness necessary to perform physical activities required to accomplish mission ENDURANCE-body's ability to survive/operate (stamina). how long handle physical demands/stressors; ex: long hours-little time off loading pallets over and over RECOVERY-practice you engage that help restore energy to your body and counterbalance stress-could lead to adverse moods/deteriorating perform. (spend time with family, reading-de stress) NUTRITION-provision/consumption of food in quantities, quality and proportions sufficient to promote optimal physical performance and protect body against disease and/or injury STRENGTH-ability to generate force/power, lowering relative work your body has to do in order to complete desired objectives

Recognize that resistance is Normal: 2 kinds

Active Resistance: includes finding fault, ridiculing, appealing to fear and manipulating Passive Resistance: includes agreeing verbally but not following through feigning ignorance, and withholding information -it's your responsibility to create and maintain a climate that minimizes resistance behavior (reactions) and encourages acceptance and support

Whistelblower Protections

Air Force personnel who file an unrestricted or restricted report of sexual assault will be protected from retaliation, coercion, ostracism, or maltreatment, or threat of retaliation, coercion, ostracism, or maltreatment, for filing a report. Ensuring your Airmen will discuss sexual assault with you or a helping agency is important -Reprisal: taking/threatening to take unfavorable action -Coercion; Persaude someone to do/not do something through force/threats -Ostracizing: Exclusion/banishment from society/specific group; shunning; group does not speak to as they normally would -Maltreatment: cruel/violent treatment towards person discouraging reporting of offense -Zero Tolerance: USAF has bc it is a crime and against Core Values

Religious Diversity

Although Christianity is the religion most practiced in our Nation, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and other faiths/beliefs make-up the diversity of the military. diversity' also includes those that choose not to subscribe to a religious belief;

Mission Effectiveness

American POA, the Air Force must be ready when called upon -Physical Dimension: physically ready at all times, regardless of the environment; people are healthy and engaging in a year-round fitness program; reduction can have an impact and can weaken the POA -Intellectual Dimension: focuses on the internal and external cultural aspects of the POA; expected to conduct missions in locations with vastly different cultural norms/ different cultural backgrounds Moral Dimension: Important because it reminds us that we're responsible to our civilian government; guided by the moral and ethical tenets included in documents such as the Constitution, LOAC, and the UCMJ

Dispute Resolution

Any process in which an alternative means is used to resolve an issue in controversy. A neutral party (or someone able to maintain neutrality) is appointed/asked and specified parties participate

Transformational Leadership (individual consideration)

As your people transition from the old norms to the new norms, you should understand that each person won't respond in the same way...your people have different needs and abilities. Try to empathize and support them as they transition.

7. While in a deployed location in Afghanistan, TSgt Smiley asks, "Why don't you see any Afghani women in leadership roles here?" SMSgt Green says, "Remember, Afghanistan is a different culture and their views are different than ours...understanding the differences will help you accomplish your mission. Because SMSgt Green __________ domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. understands the Family and Kinship; enhance b. misunderstands the Family and Kinship; hinder c. understands the Sex and Gender; enhance d. misunderstands the Sex and Gender; hinder

CORRECT. Because SMSgt Green understands the Sex and Gender domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. Sex and Gender often influences or even fully determines their relationship to parts of every other cultural domain, such as their access to resources, their work, the kinds of social and political relations they can enter, and how they can worship. It is evident that SMSgt Green understands the Sex and Gender domain of culture by his comments when he responds to TSgt Smiley's comments about women in leadership roles by saying "Remember, Afghanistan is a different culture and their views are different than ours ...understanding the differences will help you accomplish your mission."

4. While on deployment, TSgt Johnson states, "It seems like our coalition partners are always late...why is that?" SMSgt Cruz responds, "Just be glad they show up at this culture, it's OK to be late for a meeting...unlike it is in the Air Force. If you remember this and remind yourself to not be offended by it, we can meet our mission requirements despite the differences." SMSgt Cruz's comments BEST illustrate her understanding of _________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. chronemics b. haptics c. kinesics d. proxemics

CORRECT. SMSgt Cruz's comments BEST illustrate her understanding of chronemics and its impact on effectiveness. Chronemics is the study of how people perceive the use of time and how they structure it in their relationships. SMSgt Cruz's comments best illustrate her understanding of kinesics by her words, "just be glad they show up at this culture, it's OK to be late for a meeting."

5. While teaching a 3C lesson, SMSgt Johnson says, "I learned that people in certain cultures pay more attention to the message's framework and the spoken and nonverbal cues than people from other cultures." SMSgt Johnson's comments BEST identify a/an ________________ style/tendency. a. low context b. high context c. collectivism d. individualism

CORRECT. SMSgt Johnson's comments BEST identify a high context style/tendency. When listening to someone speak, people in relatively high context cultures pay more attention to the message's context and the verbal and nonverbal cues than people in relatively low context cultures. This is evident in SMSgt Johnson's comments when she says, "people in certain cultures pay more attention to the message's framework and the spoken and nonverbal cues than people from other cultures."

6. While in a deployed environment overseas, TSgt Wells sees two guys talking loudly and 'using their hands to talk'. TSgt Wells asks SMSgt Thomas, "Why do they have to do that?" SMSgt Thomas responds, "Remember we're not in the U.S. and using extravagant hand motions to get the point across might be perfectly acceptable to communicate in that manner here. If we remember this, we can be more effective in our communications." SMSgt Thomas' comments BEST illustrate her understanding of _________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. chronemics b. haptics c. proxemics d. kinesics

CORRECT. SMSgt Thomas' comments BEST illustrate her understanding of kinesics and its impact on effectiveness. Kinesics is the technical term for the study of movement and gesture, and it comes from the Greek word "motion" and includes gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and eye behavior. SMSgt Thomas' comments best illustrate her understanding of kinesics by her words, "Remember we're not in the U.S. and using extravagant hand motions to get the point across might be perfectly acceptable to communicate in that manner here. If we remember this, we can be more effective in our communications."

Five C's Continued

Care: Being good wingmen, exhibit integrity, empathy, respect. Builds momentum and initiative to act for the good -Commit: choose to help others become their very best. Build stronger communities that promote self-sufficiency; work collaboratively -Connect: connect others; requires intentional effort from all parties for connections to last; trust forms -Communicate: Way we express ourselves (verbally or writing) has profound effect on messages (received and understood). Learn positive/proactive skills increase effectively connecting others -Celebrate: positive results/accomplishments show appreciation for those around us. good leader communicates expectations and constructive feedback for growth and development

Three elements of Adaptability

Cognitive Flexibility: able to keep multiple scenarios in mind so you can adjust to changing, unexpected, or ambiguous situations; what might go wrong? 1. Be curious whats happening, 2. accept that different is not right or wrong, 3. See and be seen, 4. Have a plan, Emotional: understand and manager their own emotions, connect with and address emotions of others, engage emotionally to help others with change; 1. use support syst 2 Offer feedback, Find ways to motivate others 3. address resistance,. listen, collaborate Dispositional leaders- optimistic about change, support others through change, balance uncertainty with positive attitude, aware of own preferences/tendencies

Factors that support transformation

Commitment by senior leadership Needs assessment and planning Assigned personnel Diversity committee Broad involvement Resources Training Changes in policy

Professional Airman

Communicating AF Definition of diversity and its importance to all airman. Maximize use of social media to communicate that the AF values diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect. ATTRACT high-quality, talented, diverse individuals to consider service in the USAF, in uniform or as civilian employees; 'employer of choice' in order to attract top talent (competent, qualified, and diverse) from all constituent and emerging markets; -As a public servant support priority by est. relationships with key leaders in communities. -As a strategic communicator-participating in outreach events (conferences, prof associations, non-profit groups) -(recruit)As a supervisor and mentor: encourage your pple to complete training and take advantage of prof development opportunities that highlight importance and use of diversity, inclusion, and cross-cultural competency concepts. Continue to develop/mentor -(Retain) as a senior enlisted leader Recognize/address quality of life issues/possible barriers/ utilizing all pple appropriately per talents/potential

Confidentiality and Privacy Rules

Communications between a patient and a psychotherapist or an assistant to a psychotherapist made for the purpose of facilitating diagnosis or treatment of the patient's mental or emotional condition are confidential communications and shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure. Military Rule of Evidence: provides a patient with the privilege of refusing to disclose and to prevent any other person from disclosing a confidential communication made between the patient and a psychotherapist; in a case arising under UCMJ; The privilege may be claimed by the patient, the guardian or conservator of the patient

Moral Dimensions

Constantly mastering changing security environments, technologies, and military techniques

Service Responsibilities

Continue to promote healthy lifestyles, optimize safety and healthy working conditions, facilitate access to health care, and conduct periodic health assessments; Monitor the total fitness of personnel; identify stressors/other risks

Integrity First (Courage)

Courage should empower you to take necessary personal or professional risks, make decisions that may be unpopular, and admit your mistakes. In order to maintain an inclusive environment, you must have the courage to identify and correct any substandard behavior that negatively impacts your people and mission, regardless of the personal/professional cost to you.

Interview Do's and Don'ts

DO: make short simple specific statements; respond to question and stop, only matters with direct knowledge; if cant answer then don't, think about question before answering, avoid 'no comment'; use personal examples DONT: pretend to be perfect, use acronyms, jargon; don't say 'glad you asked that question', doge questions-be honest, don't repeat unverified terminology/facts

Behavior and Climates

Determined by its members; Professional actions, decisions, and behaviors can transform a negative corrosive climate into a positive ethical climate just as unprofessional actions, decisions, and behaviors can transform a positive ethical climate into a negative, corrosive climate; ensure your subordinates conduct themselves with high ethical standards.

Cognitive/Behavioral Diversity

Differences in styles of work, thinking, learning, and personality.

Lewin's Phases with Dreachslin 5 part process

Discovery, Assessment, Exploration= unfreezing focus on identifying the problem and developing a plan to implement the solution. Ind./groups awake to the need for change Exploration and transformation= Change: identify what training needs to occur, develop plan and implement Transformation and Revitalization=Refreezing: monitoring people o ensure they comply with the new processes, while evaluating change making sure results were as intended

Pressures for Change

Effective leaders understand that change is a continuous process. Internal Environment: your organization-may have to manage and deploy in ways that help attain and maintain optimal mission effectiveness External Environment-More recently, innovations in information technology and the resulting information age put continual pressure on organizations to change. Globalization-process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. It is usually driven by international trade and investments, aided by information technology. Peace: For example, when a particular region becomes more stable and the number of forces in that area is reduced, the smaller remaining forces must continue to complete their missions and the missions of those forces that left. can create friction b/w commanders Demographics-demographic pressure could cause organizations to develop new training programs educating personnel on the various needs of the diverse workforce--for example, religious beliefs and practices, and language differences.

Systems Approach

Emphasizes the interdependence and interactive nature of elements within and external to an organization (or, in this case, your project).

End State and Goals

End State: similar to mini vision statement; connects dots of where you are today and where you want to be; paints a picture Goals: clarify what must be achieved to realize an end state and provide a measurable way to let you know if you have successfully accomplished your priorities

Spiritual Fitness Guide

FIT (Green) Engaged in life's meaning/purpose Stressed (Yellow) Neglects life meaning, Less hopeful about life, doubtful ability to face demands, strays temporarily form values Depleted (orange) Loses sense of meaning, Holds very little hope, Freezes when faced with demand, Disregards some core values Drained (red) no meaning, no hope about life/future, gives up when faced with demanding situations, abandons core values/beliefs


Face-to face: find out what they want to discuss to be prepared; relax, support facts with materials from reputable sources; be honest -Remote Interview: technical problems may arise; check volume, sit straight, eye contact with camera -Press Conference: state good reason for conference, what message to be delivered, location, date/time, prepare spokesman -On-scene interview: know the reporter, exchange contact info, avoid speculative questions, message oriented, avoid acronyms/jargon terms -Ambush interview: suddenly appears, kill with kindness, lead the conversation, turn and ask the questions, decline interview is the trickiest-may go on offensive

Oath of Enlistment

Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. The Oath of Enlistment into the United States Armed Forces is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military.

Direction, Discipline, and Recognition (DDR)

Foundation of Progressive Professionalism (P2). Direction and discipline were integral to you learning our job and adjusting to life in the AF. Self-Discipline took over and following directions and responding positively to discipline became second nature. Recognition-used to reinforce behavior or encourage improvement as applicable. Subordinate recognition is a communication tool. Reinforce the actions, decisions, and behaviors you want most to repeat. Heighten level of commitment.

Getting subordinate to strike balance

Get to know him and how he wants to be treated •• Explain the unit's social culture...the benefits to teamwork and unit cohesion •• Recognize and accept his personality traits (introverted) by only requiring him to attend the activities until the commander has passed on any information •• Since he's task-focused, she could leverage that by teaming him up with someone that might need help in that area •• Continue to encourage him to get to know more people...starting with his teammates first

Communication Styles

High Context Comm culture: refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made clear because most members know what to do and what to think from years of interaction with each other; For example, in Japanese culture, preserving harmony within the group and avoiding humiliation/ embarrassment are critically important Low Context Comm culture: refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. stress lots of detail, facts, and statistics with little regard to how the message is delivered (North America/Europe-Amer. military)

Stress Continuum

How people react under stressful situations-4 zones -Ready Zone (Green) Not stress free, but using good coping skills (good to go)-motivated & continue to build unit cohesion -Reacting Zone (yellow) Reacting to life's normal stressors (temp, mild, reversible) ex.going back to school while on nights-some anxiety try communicate with them, listen, encourage -Injured Zone (orange) Stress injuries damaging the mind, body, spirit (non-mission ready)-Loss of emo control, social withdrawal, loss interest, subs abuse; offer outside sources -Ill Zone (red) Stress injuries that become stress illness (only diagnosed by health professionals)-ensure compliant to trtmt plan, monitor progress, support

Develop a change plan

If determined readiness of your org and people you should develop a change plan. include answers to important questions that might help you organize and execute the change. Help identify your requirements. where might need support from others Proceed with caution. Pple are content and comfortable with roles and norms.

Strategic Thinking (Adaptability)

In order to build an inclusive environment, you should analyze your behavior and quickly modify it to deal not only with change, but with any biases you may have. You should also be proactive when making changes...don't wait until you have to handle a diversity issue to take a look at your own behavior.

Demographic Diversity

Inherent or socially defined personal characteristics, including age, race/ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, family status, disability, and geographic origin.

Two Cultural aspects of POA (Intellectual Dimension)

Internal and External -Internal: pertains to knowledge of military values-based culture (addresses Air Force Guiding Values/Standards section) -External: pertains to the need to adapt to varying environments with different cultural and political values. must be culturally aware/sensitive

Global Diversity

Intimate knowledge of, and experience with, foreign languages and cultures, inclusive of both citizen and non-citizen personnel, exchange officers, coalition partners, and foreign nationals with whom they interact as part of a globally engaged Air Force.

Message development

Inverted Pyramid: who, what, when, where, why, how, etc-supporting details-background details-general details that are least important information

Five Part Transformation Process

It helps organizations and their people move from awareness to understanding to action on diversity related issues. This process doesn't just focus on the problems in the also requires you take a look at yourself and other senior enlisted leaders. Discovery: Determine what unit is currently doing to increase diversity awareness Assessment: Examine current unit's culture/climate from various perspectives; barrier anyalysis-search policies/procedures that may limit employ. opps Exploration: identify training/ professional development activities that can address diversity issues; potential root causes (org. structure, communication, Recognition) Transformation: Develop plan to implement activities from Exploration step; (who need to tell, how go about making the change, resources, etc) Revitalization: Institutionalize diversity efforts into unit culture/climate; what policies/procedures need to change/be developed and lock in to org's culture

Prevention and treatment programs

Lower healthcare costs and results in fewer missed work days, higher production, better quality of work, smarter decision making; help reduce suicides, accidents, and accidental deaths while helping reduce relationship problems -Universal (Primary) prevention and education: population-based outreach, education, prevention programs, screening, and consultation-community agencies -Selective (targeted) prevention: global screenings for alcohol misuse, initiatives to prevent future alcohol misuse, initiatives to prevent future alcohol misuse, prescription drug misuse, or drug use with individuals who are identified as high risk or are suspected of substance misuse; screening/education tailored in specific individuals or groups identified as moderate to high risk -Indicated Prevention: for those engaging in destructive drinking and best served through motivational interviewing and brief advice-early stages of misuse -Treatment and Continuing Care (Aftercare): provided evidence-based substance use disorder treatment for those abusing/dependent on alcohol or drugs; goal to improve quality of life, restore function, return to productive unrestrict duty

Negotiation Refresher

Mediation happens after negotiations fail; Negotiation: a process involving two or more people or groups where the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs and parties strive to reach agreement/course of action Interest: Reason behind your position/the why (ex: NCOIC doesn't want his pple to work additional duty hours Negotiation Preference and Styles Chart (NPSC): 5 strategies that can be used while negotiating; •• Evade ("Not now, can you come back later?") •• Comply ("Yes, absolutely, let's do it your way!") •• Insist ("Take it or Leave it") •• Settle ("Let's just split the difference and call it a day") •• Cooperate ("Let's work together and come up with an even better idea")

Domains of Fitness which form the CAF Framework and must fit in all 4 to be comprehenively fit(key characteristics in an individual that foster resilience)

Mental, Physical, Social, Spiritual

Essential Elements

Mission Critical Requirements: other managers to achieve the financial goals for the upcoming fiscal year while analyzing, revising, and monitoring the current budget cycle. Critical Justification: strengthens your position when advocating mission funding Unfunded requirements: Narrative may infringe on other areas of budget but justify how non-approval would hinder national security. Spend Plan: illustrates how projected funds will be spent over 12mo FY period- monthly allocations/quarterly financial targets

Mission and vision statements

Mission: -Give reasons for the organization to exist over the next three years and beyond. -Best describe the unified mission of the organization. -Indicate how unique /different the organization is from the other similar institutions. Vision: - Be grounded in reality or organization's present situation -Should create some problems for the organization -Stakeholders (those with an investment in the organization) must be able to see themselves or their interests represented in the vision -Should invite and inspire people to want to achieve it

Factors that impact transformation

Org culture and inertia lack of leadership involvement and support Org complexity: Reach large number of people getting people involved: Heavy workloads/competing demands Resistance: when power/privilege is threatened; address fears/issues from which they arise Turnover: challenge familiarizing new people Oppression model: identify/address one groups oppression of another may lead to divisiveness and confusion Burnout: without consistent involvement/support from leadership could burnout Success itself: follow process but not change mgmt. principles could set self up for failure

Organizational/Structural Diversity

Organizational/institutional background characteristics affecting interaction (e.g., problem solving, creativity, and communication), across services, components, and occupation/career fields.


Paralanguage is the non-verbal features that accompany speech and contribute to communication but aren't considered part of the language system (e.g., tone, pitch, rate, and pauses).

Communication Skills

Paralanguage-Rate of Speaking (Faster/slower), Intonation (the rise or fall of voice to emphasize words or phrases), Pitch(the highness or lowness of the tone of voice) Nonverbal Communication: sends messages without/or in addition to wods. -Haptics (functions, perceptions and meaning of touch) -Proxemics (study of communicative effects of space or distance -Chronemics (study of how people perceive the use of time and how they structure it in their relationships

Developing Others

Part of Warrior Ethos; Provide purpose (the why) direction (the how) and motivation (positive reinforcement); help your people understand the organization's 'big picture' and help them understand their piece of it. Set the example for others by demonstrating exemplary conduct in your professional and personal life. Encourage your people to adopt and internalize the core values and develop the mental, physical, and emotional attributes of a warrior. Mentor your people by encouraging them to learn about themselves (preferences, traits, temperaments, etc.) and how they deal with circumstances

Assessing Mediation Appropriateness

Personality conflicts, failure to negotiation a dispute, demands of ind are unrealistic, Impasse, desires a prompt mutually acceptable resolution Inappropriate for mediation: Fraud-waste-abuse committed, Criminal misconduct, disputes involving military personnel quality force actions, evidence of harassment/intimidation

Identify Priorities

Priorities: significant impact on mission achievement and 3-5 statements identify major strategic focus areas; what needs to be changed; can be internal or external: External: president, customer, other Org, tax payers, the wing Internal: Commander, UDM, Civil Servants, Unit RA, Airman 5 priorities: -Provide Effective 21st-Century Deterrence: -Maintain a Robust and Flexible Global Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Capability: -Ensure a Full-Spectrum Capable, High-End Focused Force: -Pursue a Multi-Domain Approach to our Five Core Missions -Continue the Pursuit of Game-Changing Technologies

Progressive Professionalism (P2)

Professionalism in the workplace is how you dress, carry yourself, your attitude and how you interact with others It is evidenced when you do your job with sincerity, maintain professional etiquette, and instill ethics in the workplace. Air Force Instruction 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, directs SNCOs to develop military professionalism in themselves and subordinates. However, developing professionalism is a process...a progression.


Refers to a mental framework within which individuals and groups interpret the nature of reality, the nature and purpose of human life, and the laws governing human relationships. -how you view the world shapes how you respond to your environment. It can affect how you think and what you decide is normal or not. -if you have a worldview that western culture is the 'norm', when you deploy to a country with an eastern culture, you might view their 'norms' as abnormal or unacceptable. OR subordinate grew up econ.disadvantaged/authority figures-corrupt.. who do they trust

Is organization ready for the change?

Requirements for change: find out what pressure is driving the change at the strategic level. Readiness and Expertise: after knowing whats driving change, figure out if have access to the experience needed to make the change happen. Perform an assessment. see which section is ready and which is not. Address any gaps in skill proficiency

Assessing current situation

SWOT Analysis S: Strengths (internal advantages, resources) W: Weaknesses (disadvantages, gaps, reputation) O: Opportunities (Mission developments, global influences, partnership, external) T: Threats: political Effects, IT developments, vital contracts (external)

Cultural Relativism

Seen as opposite of ethnocentrism-tendency to understand people's beliefs and practices within the context of their culture, rather than from your own cultural point of view; doesn't mean you have to personally accept, adopt or promote those practices

Ethical Dilema

Situations where one is forced to choose between two alternatives (both alternatives can be unfavorable and/or less right and more right or less wrong and more wrong).

Group Identity

Sometimes membership in identity groups result of personal choice (military, religion) or assigned to us by society (gender, age, race, ethnicity) and still have sense of pride; encourage your people to be active members of their identity groups (as long as the groups aren't destructive or discriminatory in nature, such as racist groups). sometimes the pride associated with identity groups can cause issues within your organization. -problems can occur when identity groups are viewed with an in-group (us) vs out-group (them) mentality. This mentality can be a result of stereotypes formed by assumptions, perceptions or experiences. Ex: working on teams, innovators (in-group) might believe they're more valuable than adaptors (out-group) simply because they propose solutions to problems that are seen as more ground-breaking and new

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Spectrum provides array of options for disputes that occur as low as unit level to disputes that occur as high as Air Force level. Umbrella term that encompasses many different options to resolve. Avoidance, coaching, negotiation, facilitation, mediation, fact finding, review panel, arbitration, and litigation/adjudication. Depending on individual level of power (i.e. Flt chief dispute in section)

SAPP: Security, Accuracy, Propriety, Policy

Stay within your lane and remember Security, Accuracy, Propriety, Policy

Step 2 and Step 3

Step 2: Deliverables: due date is tangible, measurable, specific Step 3: assign personnel and due dates to major tasks and use-Work Breakdown Structure: deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team Step 4: concerned with actions necessary to define, integrate, coordinate dox into single plan (human Resource plan-org and individuals) (Communications Plan-who needs to be kept informed)

Professional Methods

Technical Knowledge, Communication, Leadership and Management Skills; involves the actual application of professional knowledge and theory to any given situation; Example-The training you received in basic training provided you with the foundation of what it means to be an Airman and the methods of our profession that differentiates it from others. OR technical school you were provided professional knowledge in your specific Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) in order to perform your job. If done effectively, these actions can help you (and others) continue to move further along to the right side of the continuum.


The ability to withstand, recover and/ or grow in the face of stressors and changing demands -Stress is defined as: "a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize." The reaction bodies experience to external demands or stressors. (Good-Promotions/marriage Positive Bad-Divorce, financial Negative)

Ethical Relativism

The definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture or historical period; therefore nothing is objectively 'right' or 'wrong'.

The Z process

The key to the "Z" Process is knowing when to, and how to, turn to fellow team members and hand-off an idea or task to them. The most effective hand-offs occur when you're able to capitalize on the natural strengths and tendencies of the rest of the team; contains some back-and-forth collaboration -creators experience elation when brainstorm/generate new ides -advancer: likely in panic bc hasn't come up with an idea -Executor in panic thinking how things keep being changed -flexor throughout whole process ensures all functions working in orderly fashion


The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and of how we judge those behaviors. It's a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values.

Three Os

Three Os are important in making ethical decisions: Owing, Ordering, Oughting -You should understand whom and what you owe. We all owe a debt of gratitude to our country, other services, families, senior leadership, and peers. Respect ─ You owe others respect -Ordering; Duty ─You are ordered to follow the rules. Duty sometimes calls for sacrifice in ways no other profession has or will. Airmen who truly embody Service Before Self consistently choose to make necessary sacrifices to accomplish the mission -Oughting: Loyalty ─ You ought to exhibit loyalty, both professionally and personally. Loyalty is an internal commitment to the success and preservation of something bigger than us. Our loyalty is to the Nation first

TIPO Model

Trust (each other), Information (both willingly share), Power (shared), Options (multiple are generated/explored) is two fold 1. illustrates how trust influences your use of information and power, and how information and power influence the way you develop options to resolve a dispute, solve a problem, and find a solution. Second, understanding how trust, information, and power impact any negotiation session should motivate you to assess situations beforehand


Values that we attribute to a system of beliefs that help us define right from wrong, good versus bad. Typically, they get their authority from something outside the individual; they come from a higher being or authority.


Wingmen not only help deal with stressors, they also should know when something is wrong or seems 'off' with their wingman -Ask your Wingman: warning signs, directly, status of Physical, Emo, Social, spiritual-domains of fitness) -Care for wingman: calmly control, show concern/active listen, remove self harming items -Escort wingman: never leave alone/allow to engage in self-destruction; escort to someone who can help

Preparation: ready for the change

You should be curious about what's going and collecting data before the change begins. You should also get out from behind your desk and get your people's perspective on how things currently are. Once you have a baseline of the current state, you can better assess what needs to be done in order to transition to the new state. 1. Intellectual Standard of Clarity can help ensure you have a clear understanding of what's changing and what your responsibilities are in the change process. 2. Reasoning Element of Purpose can be used to figure out what your goal or objective should be. 3. Intellectual Standard of Depth can help you find answers to questions that address the complexities or multiple layers of the change. 4. Applying Depth to the Reasoning Element of Information can help you figure out if you have enough data to explain the change to others. 6. Intellectual Standard of Fairness should be used effectively when considering the Reasoning Element of Point of View...looking at the change from the perspective of all that might be impacted by it.

Service Before Self

You're charged to always act knowing that all of your Airmen (regardless of their differences) possess fundamental worth as human beings. You must treat them with dignity and respect...understanding that our diversity is a great source of strength.

Transformational Leadership-Individualized Consideration

a leader behavior that focuses on dealing with people as individuals; considering their needs, abilities, and aspirations as you work together to further their development. It's imperative to exhibit individually considerate behavior when dealing with the diverse nature of your people


a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. It is usually driven by international trade and investments, aided by information technology

Claes Janssen

a tool for visualizing how people experience change; is based on the perceptions, feelings, or aspirations triggered by external change. Contentment-people are satisfied with the 'status quo' and are calm and comfortable with how things are. Productivity high-norms maintained Denial-as change is introduced may go into denial. may encounter emotional reactions such as anger/fear as they are unaware of details. Conduct assessment to see where people are at: 1. Share information, 2. Welcome Input Confusion-Pple starting to accept change is going to happen but may be scattered/unsure what to do next; or understand new standards/expectations Renewal-new sense of energy and commitment may be displayed towards the change. At this point, emotionally, your people should be ready to help out.

Each profession establishes

a unique subculture that distinguishes practitioners from the society they serve (and other professions) while supporting and enhancing society have unique standards of performance and codes of ethics to create and maintain their effectiveness

Matching __Total Force Fitness __Comprehensive Airman Fitness __Resilience __5 C's __TFF Domains

a. A holistic approach to developing overarching Airman fitness and resilience. b. The ability to withstand, recover and/or grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. c. Fitness categories designed keep service members resilient in an environment of sustained deployments and combat operations. d. Positive behaviors that are essential to developing a healthy sense of self and the ability to effectively interact with others. e. The state in which the individual, family, and organization can sustain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.

7. After attending a unit briefing on how a reduction in deployments will change each section's manning levels, MSgt White immediately goes over the details with his NCOICs. He explains, "I know this is a lot to take in at once. So, let's take a few days to think about it. That way, I can gather more information about how the reduction will impact your subordinates and programs. We'll meet again on Friday and put together a plan. I've already started to think about how I'm going to absorb the cut in our section overall, but we need to look at all programs that could be impacted by the reduction. If you need help between now and then, just let me know." Because MSgt White _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ mission effectiveness. a. understands how to minimize resistance; enhance b. misunderstands how to minimize resistance; hinder c. understands pressures for change; enhance d. misunderstands pressures for change; hinder

a. CORRECT. According to the Change Management chapter, MSgt White understands how to minimize resistance. He allows time for the change to sink in (" ...let's take a few days to think about it"), knows why the change is necessary ("...I can gather more information about how the reduction will impact..."), is the change he wants to see ("I've already started to think about how I'm going to absorb the cut..."), and offers to help those struggling with the change ("If you need help...just let me know"). White's actions will most likely enhance mission effectiveness.

6. SMSgt Bernard has been tasked by Chief Brock to implement a new program that requires major changes in her organization. Since Brock knows Bernard isn't necessarily comfortable with change, he decides to mentor her. He begins by recommending Bernard take a look around the unit to identify any potential issues that might turn into problems during the transition. If so, she should create a few strategies to address them, just in case. Bernard interrupts by saying she might have a problem getting everyone on board with the change right away. Brock agrees, but says Bernard shouldn't dismiss those that seem resistant...they might see something she doesn't see. Finally, Brock ends by saying he knows the change will be challenging and time consuming, but she shouldn't let her personal life suffer as a result of her professional duties. Bernard agrees and says she feels better about leading the change effort. Chief Brock's comments BEST explain ________and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. adaptability b. resistance to change c. requirements for change

a. CORRECT. According to the Change management chapter, Chief Brock's comments best explain adaptability. It includes cognitive flexibility (take a look around the unit to identify potential issues...create a few strategies to address them), emotional flexibility (Bernard shouldn't dismiss those that seem resistant...they might see something she doesn't see), and dispositional flexibility (She shouldn't let her personal life suffer as a result of her professional duties).

3. MSgt Campbell's unit is preparing for an inspection. As a result, the duty hours have been increased to include Saturday and Sunday to ensure all checklists have been completed and all programs are ready. On Wednesday, one of MSgt Campbell's Airmen asks for Saturday off so she can attend a preplanned religious event. Even though MSgt Campbell has had to deny other requests for time off, he tells the Airman that she can attend her religious event, but, will have to report for duty a little earlier the next day. She agrees and goes back to work. MSgt Campbell's actions BEST illustrate _____________________________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Leveraging Diversity b. The Five Part Transformation Process c. The Importance of Diversity

a. CORRECT. According to the Diversity chapter, leveraging diversity includes striking the right balance between the need of you people and the needs of the unit's culture/climate and mission. In the scenario, MSgt Campbell was able to meet the Airman's needs (attend her religious event) and the needs of the mission (come in to work early the next day). Since the Airman agrees and goes back to work, his was able to find the right balance.

1. MSgt Luis is the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center's Superintendent. Two of his section's programmers are in a dispute over which program is appropriate for a new cyber weapon system and MSgt Luis has noticed the timelines for the project continue to slip. MSgt Luis knows these programmers have attempted to come to a mutually satisfying decision many time but the attempts have never been productive. MSgt Luis believes they won't be able to work it out without help. He begins by discussing the issue with each programmer and others in the work center. After realizing he does not have the programming background to provide appropriate choices, MSgt Luis asks MSgt Wayne, an experienced programmer, to mediate the issue with the programmers. The programmers reach a solution quickly and are able to begin developing the cyber weapon system ahead of schedule. This scenario BEST illustrates how __________ impact(s) mission effectiveness. a. Mediation Preparation b. Stages of Mediation c. Dealing with Impasse

a. CORRECT. According to the Mediation Chapter, during preparation, you would gather information about the issue in controversy, assess if mediation is an appropriate tool to help the parties, and determine if mediation is a suitable tool to help with the dispute. In the scenario MSgt Luis correctly follows the preparation process and decides he is not the best mediator for the dispute and asks a subject matter expert to assist.

3. The organization superintendent, MSgt Samson, discusses an upgrade training issue with TSgt Standard who states, "SSgt Sims has not been tracking his Airman's training progression. It is his responsibility as their supervisor to document." Next, MSgt Samson calls SSgt Sims into the office and asks for his side. SSgt Sims says, "I have been really busy, I asked TSgt Standard to document the training and sent him an email with all the info." MSgt Samson's actions BEST illustrates _____. a. gathering information b. mediation appropriateness c. when to offer mediation

a. CORRECT. According to the Mediation chapter, the first step of the preparation process involves gathering sufficient information from the all parties. In the scenario, MSgt Samson is gathering information from the parties in preparation for a possible mediation.

8. MSgt Lime arrived at his new duty section about five weeks ago. He supervises five people. MSgt Lime was just tasked with a short-notice project that requires his section to come up with a solution. As he thinks about the task, MSgt Lime walks around to meet and talk to each subordinate. He asks each one what types of roles he or she likes erforming; he actually gives a little insight into what he's after. Completing the walk around, MSgt Lime thinks about the Team Dynamics environment and decides to accomplish this task by incorporating the Team Dimensions Stages process. MSgt Lime's _____ will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. appropriate integration of Team Dynamics; enhance b. inappropriate integration of Team Dynamics; hinder c. effective use of his Creator team role preference; enhance d. ineffective use of his Creator team role preference; hinder

a. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, MSgt Lime's appropriate integration of Team Dynamics concepts and principles (new people, short-notice project, talk to his people for an indication of role preference, decide on stages to accomplish the mission) will MOST likely enhance mission effectiveness because he's taking the lead to guide his team through the stages of Team Dimensions and this should enhance subordinate effectiveness because he's developing people by creating environments for shared experiences, that allow open non-threatening feedback, which foster positive relationships, to expand individual strengths, that generate respect towards one another.

4. MSgt Maple was getting impatient. Every time MSgt Black finished his thought, MSgt Maple remembered a previous project that was similar and he already considered an action plan. But this was MSgt Black's fourth idea - and the fourth action plan in less than two weeks. "You've had four great ideas, but I think number three was the best. I already have some ways worked out to help ensure a smooth process; so let's use that one and get on with it," MSgt Maple stated. "But I'm not sure it's right yet," said MSgt Black. MSgt Maple's nonverbals displayed his frustration with the situation. This Team Dynamics scenario BEST illustrates MSgt Maple's team role preference as a/an _______________. a. Advancer b. Refiner c. Flexer d. Executor

a. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, MSgt Maple is displaying characteristics of the Advancer role. Some of the characteristics include using past experiences and proven methods to advance ideas toward implementation (remembered a previous project and considered an action plan; state how number three was the best; already have some ways worked out for smooth process; let's use that one and get on with it).

1. MSgt Caskey is the Cost Center Manager for her organization. She is very knowledgeable about finance and ensures the organization has the funding required for operation. At a training session, MSgt Caskey said to her replacement MSgt Griggs "We have to submit a document of how we are going to spend the upcoming fiscal year funding. We should list and defend all needed items and services, and the cost. Then, we have to identify and validate items or services that can't be purchased with the current budget." The organization was able to execute a strong budget and have the unfunded request considered. This scenario BEST illustrates how understanding the __________ impacts mission effectiveness. a. Purpose of the Execution Plan b. Budget Execution Review Process c. Spend Plan

a. CORRECT. According to the execution plan main point, the execution plan is an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known unfunded requirements with justification for each unfunded requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. The scenario depicts MSgt Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed execution plan can impact mission success. By training MSgt Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and be postured for the unfunded request.

6. MSgt Davis developed a budget for his work center and was disappointed when he just barely missed his first quarter spending target. He was on track for the second quarter until mid-February when his superintendent informed him of several unexpected expenses this year due to a new mission. Despite being frustrated with a new mission and costs, he submits updated paperwork the second day of the third fiscal quarter. Because MSgt Davis _____, his submission will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. understands the Budget Cycle; enhance b. misunderstands the Budget Cycle; hinder c. understands the Budget Process; enhance d. misunderstands the Budget Process; hinder

a. CORRECT. Although MSgt Davis missed his spending target for the first quarter he maintained a positive attitude. After learning of several unexpected expenses associated with the new mission, he submitted the paperwork before the 2nd BER, which according to the financial management processes main point, "BER submissions are submitted in the 2nd and 3rd quarter". The most likely outcome is that he will receive funding for the new mission and enhances mission effectiveness.

2. TSgt Hester asks, "Why do the women here in Iraq dress like that? They all wear the same! I'm so glad our culture isn't so restrictive." SMSgt Crews esponds, "Their culture doesn't support a lot of freedom of expression. We shouldn't judge their culture just because it's not like ours in the U.S." Because SMSgt Crews _____ domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. understands the Economics and Resources; enhance b. misunderstands the Economics and Resources; hinder c. understands the Aesthetics and Recreation; enhance d. misunderstands the Aesthetics and Recreation; hinder

a. CORRECT. Because SMSgt Cox understands collectivism, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. The most meaningful definition of family in collectivism is the extended family, consisting of blood relatives of multiple generations and on both parents' sides of the family and in-laws. It is evident that SMSgt Cox understands collectivism by his comments when he says, "Remember as we go door-to-door, we may encounter lots of extended family members in one small space because their culture is different than ours. We need to remember this for our safety."

3. SMSgt Cox explains to his Security Forces team, "Remember, as we go door-to-door, we may encounter many extended family members living in one space because their culture is different than ours. We need to remember this for our safety." Because SMSgt Cox _____, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. understands collectivism; enhance b. misunderstands collectivism; hinder c. understands individualism; enhance d. misunderstands individualism; hinder

a. CORRECT. Because SMSgt Cox understands collectivism, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. The most meaningful definition of family in collectivism is the extended family, consisting of blood relatives of multiple generations and on both parents' sides of the family and in-laws. It is evident that SMSgt Cox understands collectivism by his comments when he says, "Remember as we go door-to-door, we may encounter lots of extended family members in one small space because their culture is different than ours. We need to remember this for our safety."

5. MSgt Aiden has been tasked to provide leadership with a plan of how he plans to turn around the Vehicle Fleet section. He recalls how he was successful at this type of endeavor at his last assignment and begins by taking a hard look at what is currently occurring in the section. He has identified some areas where they are doing really well and a few areas for improvement. He also learns of a new mission that his section will begin to undertake and he sees that as a plus. One item of concern is the unit's inability to keep up its IT infrastructure which may present problems for them over the next year. With the information he's gathered he builds a strategy to present to leadership. Because MSgt Aiden _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ the mission. a. understands how to conduct a SWOT analysis; enhance b. misunderstands how to conduct a SWOT analysis; hinder c. understands how to develop a Mission Statement; enhance d. misunderstands how to develop a Mission Statement; hinder

a. CORRECT. MSgt Aiden understands how to conduct a SWOT analysis as evidenced by identifying things that they are really doing well (strengths) and a few areas for improvement (weaknesses). He also sees the chance to undertake a new mission as a plus (opportunity) for the section and views their inability to keep up with the IT infrastructure (threat) as an area of concern.

3. During a Rapid Improvement Event, SMSgt Black calls TSgt Gilley into her office and says, "It seems like we're all disjointed here so let's generate a graphic which focuses on how everyone is arranged relative to the work and relative to each other. It'll probably show us that we need to rearrange some things." SMSgt Black's comments BEST identify ________________. a. Cell Design/Flow b. Visual Management c. Standard Work d. Value Stream Mapping

a. CORRECT. SMSgt Black's comments are about Cell Design/Flow, which according to the lesson is a visual representation which focuses on designing how workers are arranged relative to the work and to each other. SMSgt Black's comments, "...let's generate a graphic which focuses on how everyone is arranged relative to the work and relative to each other identifies Cell Design/Flow.

4. MSgt Manning is overseeing the standup of the customer service section in her unit. She begins by clarifying to the section members what they must do to take the section from where it is today to where it needs to be at this same time next year. She informs them of her intentions and defines how they will measure their success. In no time at all, she begins to see that everyone is focused on the outlined tasks, are maintaining positive attitudes, and the section is moving in the right direction. MSgt Manning actions BEST illustrate strategic planning techniques by using ______ concepts to impact SNCO effectiveness. a. goals b. balanced scorecard c. the customer perspective

a. CORRECT. SNCOs increase their effectiveness by establishing goals for the organizations they lead. Goals clarify what must be achieved to realize an end state and provide a measureable way of identifying if priorities have been met or exceeded. Goals identify objectives and inspire the "right" type of behavior required to achieve them. MSgt Manning clearly identified her goals to the section; therefore, her actions increased SNCO effectiveness.

3. SMSgt Casey says to his flight, "We've been under a lot of stress for the inspection and I've seen a lot of bickering during the last few weeks. Sometimes, when you're feeling stressed, you may tend to see only the negative. We need to do better. Let's make sure we answer questions with optimistic, helpful feedback." SMSgt Casey's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of social fitness. a. communication b. connectedness c. social support

a. CORRECT. The communication tenet of social fitness is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information, including problem-solving and relationship management. It includes responding to others with positive, constructive feedback, even when you're feeling distress, and may tend to see only the negative. SMSgt Casey's comments indicate the communication tenet of social fitness when he says, "Let's make sure we answer questions with optimistic, helpful feedback."

4. SMSgt Tutor says to his flight, "I learned from the Senior NCO DL course we all have principles that form the framework for our approaches and how we see life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals. These should guide us as we approach our next deployment." SMSgt Tutor's comments BEST identify ______________________ tenet of spiritual fitness. a. the core values b. perseverance c. perspective d. purpose

a. CORRECT. The core values tenet of spiritual fitness includes organizational values (core values) and also personal values that can help form the framework for our attitudes and how we see/approach life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals. SMSgt Tutor's comments indicate the core values tenet of spiritual fitness when he says, "...we all have principles (values) that form the framework for our approaches (attitudes) and how we see life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals."

5. The organization superintendent, MSgt Buckley, is updating the electronic file that manages his organization's spending. First, he reviews the document that was submitted last year. Next, he gets advice from his supervisor. Then, he talks to the section NCOICs to see what resources they require. Finally, he considers any mission variations. During the process he learns about multiple requirements that were not in the last document. MSgt Buckley's actions BEST illustrate __________ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. Execution Plan b. Budget Execution Review c. Anti-Deficiency Act

a. CORRECT. The scenario BEST identifies the EP. MSgt Buckley is updating the organizations EP, which according to the EP main point "is a paper or electronic product used to identify mission critical funded requirements, unfunded requirements, and outlines how the current funds in your organization will be spent." MSgt Buckley completes all of the identified steps for gathering EP information and identified unfunded requirements that were not included in the past EPs.

2. The Air Force Core Values, Oath of Enlistment, and DOD 5500.7-R assist us in making sound ethical decisions. a. True b. False

a. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, the Air Force Core Values, the Oath of Enlistment, Air Force Instructions, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, DOD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), and AFI 36-2618, Enlisted Force Structure, all assist SNCOs in making sound ethical decisions.

4. Which ethical principle serves as a reminder to SNCOs that we must always put truth and honor first, followed by mission accomplishment and our Airmen? a. The Three Ps b. The Three Rs c. The Three Ds

a. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, the Three Ps (Principle, Purpose, and People) serve as a reminder to SNCOs that we must always put Principle (truth-telling and honor) first; Purpose (mission accomplishment and duty) second; and People third. However, this does not offer the foundation for the other ethical principles.

3. Which of the following BEST identifies Professional Methods? a. involve the actual application of professional knowledge and theory b. encompass a combination of emotional, moral, and intellectual qualities c. include both tangible and intangible measurements of performance

a. CORRECT: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, professional methods involve the actual application of professional knowledge and theory to any given situation.

2. CMSgt Tate calls MSgt Briggs into her office and notifies her that she has been tasked to depart for her third deployment. MSgt Briggs immediately thinks of her two children ages three and eight; obviously she will miss them deeply. Although her husband will take care of them in her absence she begins to wonder how much longer she can continue to deploy this way. Nonetheless, MSgt Briggs is aware of the importance of her leadership role and informs the Chief she will proudly answer her call to duty. MSgt Briggs actions BEST illustrate the core value of __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness a. Service Before Self b. Excellence in All We Do c. Integrity First

a. CORRECT: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the Air Force Core Values of Service Before Self tells us that professional duties take precedence over personal desires.

4. SMSgt Tufford scheduled weekly meetings with team members to discuss progress on assigned tasks and to provide an opportunity to voice issues and concerns. He emailed status reports to stakeholders, and invited feedback by providing detailed questionnaires. By responding to the feedback received from the questionnaires and mitigating problems identified through team meetings, SMSgt Tufford was able to adjust project execution in real time. The end product exceeded customer needs and expectations. SMSgt Tufford's actions BEST illustrate a _____ plan. a. communications a. risk management b. human resource

a. CORRECT: According to the Project Management chapter, leading projects necessitates communication with all stakeholders involved. The SNCO encourages the free exchange of ideas, strives to understand others' points of view, seeks and incorporates feedback, and applies the insight to the project.

3. MSgt Alvis opened the first team meeting by asking everyone to brainstorm idea was disregarded. With a comprehensive list developed, he guided the team through an evaluation of each solution by using the objectives of the project as criteria. As they looked at each solution, he reminded his team that the solution selected had to meet the needs of the sponsor and stakeholders, while improving the unit's current products and services. After thorough review and discussion, MSgt Alvis selected the most appropriate solution from which to define the goals and scope of the new project. MSgt Alvis' actions BEST illustrate his understanding of the project______ Stage and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Initiation b. Monitoring and Controlling c. Execution

a. CORRECT: According to the Project management chapter, the project leader will need to generate ideas for solutions, analyze the effect or impact of each solution, and select the appropriate solutions during the project initiation stage. The project leader will also commit to improve processes, products, services, and people.

1. ___________ identifies the purpose of the organization or the reason it exists. a. Mission Statement b. Vision c. Alignment

a. CORRECT: According to the Strategic Planning lesson, a mission statement identifies the purpose of the organization or the reason it exists.

1. MSgt Webster is the team leader of a diverse group of people. Sometimes, as a result of their differences, it's hard for her to keep them focused and on task. She has an agenda, a checklist of deliverables, and timelines, but they still don't make any major progress. One day, during a meeting, she observed the interaction of her team. She noticed that two of her team members are from Georgia and no matter the topic, they always seem to side with each other. Three others like to come up with new solutions for the problem and get agitated with those that won't jump on their bandwagon. Finally, two Hispanic team members speak Spanish during the meetings, giving others the impression that they're gossiping about them. As a result of her observations, she decides to have a team meeting, discuss the ways they are all different, and ask each individual for one strength they possess that can help the team move forward. This scenario BEST identifies ________________________. a. multidimensional diversity b. one of the AF Priorities c. diversity as a military necessity

a. CORRECT: According to the diversity chapter, multidimensional diversity includes all the unique ways your people are different. In the scenario, MSgt Webster's members are diverse in the following ways: demographically (two people are from Georgia...two are Hispanic), cognitively/behaviorally (three people are Innovators).

6. MSgt Jameson observes SSgt Duris performing an inspection on a newly assigned aircraft. The inspection checklist calls for removing and replacing a part after 90 days of use. Jameson approaches Duris and says, "I noticed you did not change that part even though you signed the checklist. True, the aircraft could fly a successful mission, but what if it crashes because of your actions...would you be embarrassed or humiliated? Also, would you be able to explain this to your family or friends?" Duris apologizes for the short-cut and replaces the part. The scenario BEST illustrates the __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. use of at least one of Dr. Toner's tests b. the use of at least one of Dr. Toner's supporting principles c. the avoidance of an ethical trap

a. CORRECT: MSgt Jameson used two of Toner's six tests, which, according to the Ethical Leadership chapter, "consists of the best and worst outcomes of your decision." Jameson asks Duris if he could accept the best outcome (successful mission) or worst possible outcome (aircraft crashing). Jameson used The Shame Test (... would you be embarrassed, discredited, or humiliated) and The Community Test (... would you want your family, peers, neighbors, or friends to know.)

7. MSgt Smith is overseeing newly assigned members of his unit performing routine vehicle checks. Through observation, he notices that some of the members are not conducting the checks as required. Although his Airmen are working, MSgt Smith can tell they're not sure as to what they should be doing. He decides he needs to conduct on-the-job training to bring his members up to speed. Because MSgt Smith _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ mission effectiveness. a. understands DDR; enhance b. misunderstands DDR; hinder c. understands Professional Methods; enhance

a. CORRECT: MSgt Smith decision to conduct on-the-job training represents his understanding of DDR. Direction is critical to early development and helps you learn your job

2. MSgt Thomas just conducted a briefing at her organization's commanders call. After receiving the approval from the Airman involved, MSgt Thomas discussed how a recent DUI had affected the unit. She described how the incident caused the Airman to be ineligible for deployment and caused unnecessary strain on the reduced manpower now having to deploy an alternate. The incident has also disrupted the attitudes of the unit personnel, and how they have been less productive due to the change. Lastly, MSgt Thomas discusses how the Airman risked his safety and the safety of others on the road while driving under the influence. MSgt Thomas' discussion BEST identifies ________________. a. Effects of Substance Misuse b. Education and Intervention c. Influence of SNCO Attitude

a. This answer is CORRECT. MSgt Thomas' discussion BEST identifies the effects of substance misuse. To begin MSgt Thomas discusses how the DUI effected the mission and readiness by the Airmen not being about to deploy and an alternate having to be tasked. Then, she discusses how morale in the element has degraded causing lowered productivity. Finally, MSgt Thomas discusses how the Airman's put their and others health and wellness in jeopardy.

Spiritual Fitness

ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere/prevail when accomplishing the mission. it can be religion or even constructed from personal beliefs and past experiences: CORE VALUES (Organizational values, personal values/beliefs) PERSEVERANCE (don't give up) Persistence in pursuit of course of action, purpose, state, etc when faced with obstacles PERSPECTIVE-How you view situations, facts, etc. and how you judge their relative importance. identify good and bad of each situation (deployed-finds everything negative-becomes a stressor OR makes a point to meet someone new to be positive) PURPOSE-Why did I get out of bed this morning "a calling" can help you identify unique strengths/skills to use to make mission more effective

Emotional Control

ability to effectively control outwardly visible emotional reactions is vital. A reaction can jeopardize your all-important neutrality and credibility

Mental fitness: (awareness/adaptability)

ability to effectively cope with unique mental stressors/challenges ensuring mission readiness Tenet focuses on 2 areas (self-awareness/situational awareness) AWARENESS: Self awareness: descriptions a person assigns to him/herself (labels) can influence ones actual behavior (pos/neg) Beliefs about self Ex: amn is more adaptive but dealing with high pressure situation requiring more innovative solution. attempt to cope by acting outside normal preference Situational Awareness: knowledge of what's going on around you; accurately interpreting/attending to appropriate cues in environment. Reduction in vision impacts ability to concentrate ADAPTABILITY-ability to adapt to changes assoc. with military life and within family DECISION MAKING-eval/choosing courses of action to solve a problem or reach a goal (goal-setting) POSITIVE THINKING-Information processing, applying knowledge, flexibility; belief can overcome any obstacle-become more resilient

Social Fitness

ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall well-being and optimal performance; maintain build/maintain social networks in order to deal with distress caused by stressors/demands COMMUNICATION-exchange of thoughts/opinions, info including problem solving and relationship mgmt. stressed can communicate reactively and perceived as overcritical. Communicate clear, calm, respectful CONNECTEDNESS-way people interact/come together; accounts for quality and number of connections; Deployed connections with other POA. Benefits: improve overall health, higher self esteem SOCIAL SUPPORT-support that a person receives from those around them; they're truly cared for TEAMWORK-coordination among team members to perform task/accomplish mission; when workload becomes too much share the burden of task saturated teammates

Cross Cultural Competence

ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, then appropriately and effectively act across all cultural environments without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language.

Continuum of Professionalism

all members of the POA to deliberately and consistently work toward and remain as professional as possible; Each person has varying degrees of professionalism which can be measured by their actions, decisions, and behaviors. You can move at any time based on the situation and your actions

Airman's Role in Strategic Communication

amn must be aware of and understand that the primary purpose of Strategic Communication is to influence particular audiences.

Execution Plan

an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known unfunded requirements with justification for each unfunded requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. Protect, justify, secure funds necessary for mission


an alternate view of diversity in which people learn to respect the differences between people while highlighting their similarities. For example, diversimilarity is best illustrated in that to some extent all Airmen must be the same for the sake of efficiency, good order, and discipline in an Air Force organization. However, the proper perspective for managing diversity should be expressed as, "we are different, but we are the same." For example, expecting Airmen to shed their own individuality every time they put their uniform on is an unfair request.

Informal Learning Activities

are additional learning activities (outside of a formal setting) that result in a learning outcome. Examples of informal learning include peer-to-peer communication, reading, internet research, talking with experts, mentoring moments, and managing and leading teams and organizations.

Formal Learning Activities

are deliberately designed to obtain a specific learning outcome. Examples include Basic Military Training School (BMTS), Technical Training School (TTS), First Term Airman Center (FTAC), Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME), ancillary training, and college courses.

Emergent Leadership Issues

are the evolving situations that occur and can be detrimental to an organization, mission, and the Air Force image if not handled properly

Five C's

are the vital fabric that forms the mosaic through which leaders create and sustain our Air Force community. They are behaviors that are essential to developing a healthy sense of self and the ability to effectively interact with others; creates sense of belonging-leads to well-being, life balance and resilience (Care, Commit, Communicate, Celebrate, Connect)

Professional Standards

are the yardstick a profession uses to measure the performance and behavior of its members; expressed by the core values, Airman's Creed, and Warrior Ethos Include: Quality and quantity of work, Ethical behavior, Professional Relationships, Adherence to and promotion of core values, Adherence to and promotion of AFI 36-2618

1. MSgt Merk was just briefed her unit is adopting a new process for routing helpdesk trouble tickets. She became upset since a great deal of effort was spent getting her new airmen proficient at using the current process. Immediately, she thought about developing plans to address the change, but decided to talk with her mentor, SMSgt Bellard first. He reminded her to be more optimistic about the change, especially when trying to get her people on board. She agreed but also added that she has to be realistic with them about how difficult the change will be. After her discussion with SMSgt Bellard, she decided to talk with her people to find out what concerns they may have about the new process before taking action. MSgt Merk's actions BEST illustrate the use of ______________Flexibility. a. Cognitive b. Emotional c. Dispositional

b. CORRECT. According to the Change Management chapter, emotional flexibility involves using your support systems (talking with her mentor, SMSgt Bellard), facing reality (being optimistic and realistic about change), and listening (finding out what concerns her people may have). Although MSgt Merk thought about developing plans to address the change (which might hint at cognitive flexibility), she decided to talk with her mentor instead.

2. "...provide accurate information about military activities and personnel, consistent with security guidelines that enhance public trust?" This statement BEST: a. Defines SAPP b. Describes the goal of media engagement c. Describes the purpose of strategic communication

b. CORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, the goal of media engagement is to fulfill your obligation to provide truthful, timely, and accurate information about military activities and personnel, consistent with security guidelines, which enhances public trust and support for our Air Force

4. In response to a diversity-related problem, SMSgt Porter provides a suggestion to the first sergeant that would require all Airmen in the unit to participate in a series of focus groups that stress the importance of collaboration and fairness. Additionally, he presents an implementation plan that includes a request for an assigned coordinator to oversee and organize the focus groups. He tells the first sergeant that, based on his research, he believes the focus groups can prevent further diversity-related issues in the future. A few months later on the unit climate assessment, the first sergeant noticed that unit morale had increased since the last assessment. This scenario BEST identifies the ____________________ step of the Five Part Transformation Process and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Discovery b. Transformation c. Revitalization

b. CORRECT. According to the Diversity chapter, Transformation step of the Five Part Transformation Process includes developing a plan to address the root causes of barriers and implementing them. In the scenario, SMSgt Porter presents his solution to the first sergeant along with his implementation plan.

2. Which of the following BEST describes what is meant by diversimilarity? a. The cognitive map that we operate from b. We are different but we are also the same c. Treat others the way they would have you treat them

b. CORRECT. According to the Diversity chapter, the phrase "We are different but we are also the same" describes diversimiliarity.

5. MSgt Carob is sitting in the third team meeting to come up with a solution to a problem the commander tasked her and five other SNCOs to fix. She's a little nervous because she hasn't been able to contribute to the idea pool. When one of her teammates finishes an idea, MSgt Carob realizes that this one could work. She starts thinking of experiences she had with similar issues. MSgt Carob lets the team know that this idea sounds good and that it should be explored further. A couple of the other team members explain some valid reasons why this idea would require some significant modifications. This Team Dynamics scenario BEST identifies MSgt Carob's team role as a/an _______________ in the P.E.P. Cycle. a. Creator b. Advancer c. Refiner d. Executor

b. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, MSgt Carob is displaying characteristics of the Advancer role in the P.E.P. Cycle. Some of the characteristics include Panic at first (a little nervous because she hasn't contributed to the idea pool); Elation (she realizes an idea would work, starts thinking of previous experiences, and lets the team know she thinks this idea is good); then Panic (some team members explain some significant modifications are needed).

2. MSgt Spruce is in the fourth team meeting this week. The team has been trying to figure out how to improve pharmacy medication processing. The lines are long for patients to initiate the prescription and wait times are extreme to pick up the prescriptions. Everyone keeps asking MSgt Spruce for an input but he tells them to get a solid plan first. This Team Dynamics scenario BEST identifies MSgt Spruce's preferred team role as a/an _______________. a. Flexer b. Executor c. Refiner d. Advancer

b. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, MSgt Spruce is displaying the characteristics of the Executor role. Some of the characteristics include having little interest in group discussions until specifics are identified (Everyone keeps asking MSgt Spruce for an input; he tells them to get a solid plan first), detail oriented, and finish things and do things right.

4. SMSgt Tate just received word of deployment taskings that will reduce almost half of his available manning. Because of the deployment, he is forced to assign the rest of his flight to 12 hour shifts. He decides his best course of action is to submit an authorization change request to give him more positions on his unit manning document, hoping he can backfill the openings for the duration of the deployment. This scenario Best illustrates SMSgt Tate's _____of when to use the_________? a. Understanding, ACR b. Misunderstanding, ACR c. Understanding, UPMR d. Misunderstanding, UMD

b. CORRECT. An ACR is not authorized when the problem is created by a shortage of assigned personnel, poor or inadequate supervision, personality conflicts, or lack of workers' skills, self-imposed or peaking workloads, or inefficient procedures and/or ineffective or inefficient use of personnel. The question clearly states MSgt Swenson is trying to use the ACR just to backfill for the duration of the deployment which would fall under peaking workloads. Therefore MSgt Swenson misunderstands when it is appropriate to use the ACR.

5. While using the 8-Step Problem Solving Model during a Rapid Improvement Event, TSgt Williams says, "Now that we have the problem defined, the next step is to start implementing the solution." SMSgt Baldwin replies, "Not necessarily...the next thing we should do is gather data on the problem before we start taking any actions." Because SMSgt Baldwin __________, his comments will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstands Step 2 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; hinder b. understands Step 2 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; enhance c. misunderstands Step 5 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; hinder d. understands Step 5 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; enhance

b. CORRECT. Because SMSgt Baldwin understands Step 2 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model, his comments will MOST likely enhance mission effectiveness. Step 2 is "Break Down the Problem/Identify Performance Gaps," which according to the lesson is about gathering data on the problem before taking any action to implement solutions. SMSgt Baldwin indicates that he understands Step 2 by his comment, "...the next thing we should do is gather data on the problem before we start taking any actions" and will MOST likely enhance mission effectiveness.

5. Col Nelson tells MSgt Welch, "I want you to handle the media." When a reporter asks Welch, "I hear a member of your team was killed." MSgt Welch replies, "Yes, unfortunately we lost an Airman. We ran into heavy fire; however, we still completed our mission." Because MSgt Welch_____, his actions will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. inappropriately engaged the media; hinder b. appropriately engaged the media; enhance c. failed to adhere to the Policy element of SAPP; hinder d. adhered to the Policy element of SAPP; enhance

b. CORRECT. MSgt Welch appropriately engaged the media by "staying in his lane" which, according to the Culture of Engagement lesson, "is discussing issues that you are directly responsible for including personal experiences."

5. SMSgt Wilson calls SSgt Sanford into her office and says, "I noticed you and your team seem unsure about the new changes we've implemented." Sanford replies, "I know we have to execute the changes. I just think they increase the workload for my team rather than reducing it...I wish we still used the old process." Wilson says, "I understand you and your people aren't comfortable with the changes yet. Let's rally everyone at 07:30 tomorrow morning to discuss it...maybe we can break the implementation up into smaller tasks versus one huge task. Hopefully, that might make things a little easier for everyone". The next day after the morning meeting, Wilson notices Sanford and his team are more comfortable with the idea of the new process. SMSgt Wilson's actions BEST illustrate her understanding of ______ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Roger's Diffusion of Innovations b. Janssen's Model of Change c. Lewin's Phases of Change

b. CORRECT. SMSgt Wilson's actions best illustrate her understanding of the phases of Janssen's Model of Change...specifically the Confusion phase. According to the Change Management chapter, the Confusion phase includes indications that your people are starting to accept the change, but are a little scattered or unsure as to what to do next ("seem unsure about the new changes"). They may experience anger due to the loss of the 'old way of doing things' ("To me it creates more work rather than alleviating extra steps...I wish we still used the old process"). In the scenario, Wilson uses some general guidelines for navigating through the Confusion phase, such as get people together and share information ("Let's rally everyone at 0730 tomorrow morning to discuss it..."), and focus on short term goals ("...maybe we can break the implementation up into smaller tasks versus one huge task").

1. SMSgt Downing calls TSgt Wilson into her office and says, "Since you're going to be TSgt Carver's sponsor, don't forget the number of deployments he's had lately. This may have caused a lot of stress on him and his family if they haven't been prepared for the changes. Just keep it in mind as you help him out as the sponsor for this unit." SMSgt Downing's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of mental fitness.

b. CORRECT. The adaptability tenet of mental fitness is the ability to adapt to changes associated with military life, including flexible roles within the family. This is evident in SMSgt Downing's statement when he says "number of deployments he's had lately" (changes associated with military life), and "caused a lot of stress on him and his family if they haven't been prepared for the changes" (including flexible roles within the family).

2. SMSgt Bloom explains to his team, "We've all been under a lot of stress. Since we have some time before our next deployment, we should consider getting involved in activities that help us wind down between these difficult times." SMSgt Bloom's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of physical fitness a. endurance b. recovery c. strength

b. CORRECT. The recovery tenet of physical fitness includes the practices you engage in that help to restore energy to your body and counterbalance stress that could result in adverse moods and/or deteriorating performance. The recovery tenet is evident when SMSgt Bloom says, "We should consider getting involved in activities that help us wind down during these difficult times."

1. A focused effort to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power. The narrative BEST defines: a. Culture of Engagement b. Strategic Communication c. Airman's Role in Strategic Communication

b. CORRECT: According to the Culture of Engagement chapter Strategic Communication is a focused effort to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power.

7. Major Erlbaum, Military Justice Officer in Charge, hands MSgt Franklin, Legal Office Superintendent, an Article 15 and says, "Although I've had this for a month, I was finally able to review it for legal sufficiency. Rather than jeopardize our reputation as having the best metrics in the command, it would be easier to enter last Friday's date into the Article 15 database. Franklin answers, "Sir, rather than implement your simple solution, let's discuss how to prevent this situation from happening again." MSgt Franklin's ___________ will MOST likely ________her effectiveness. a. concern for worry over image; hinder b. lack of concern for worry over image; enhance c. drive for success; hinder d. drive for success; enhance

b. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, "Worry over Image is an ethical trap that entails making decisions based on how the decision will impact one's reputation/ standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community etc. rather than on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct." Because MSgt Franklin is not concerned about her image, her lack of concern will most likely enhance her effectiveness.

1. ____________ are the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study of how we judge those behaviors. a. Morals b. Ethics c. Values

b. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, ethics is the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study of how we judge those behaviors. It is a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values. We characterize people as ethical when they act in ways that are consistent with societal moral values. In other words, the ethics of our decisions and actions are defined societally, not individually.

4. MSgt Smith is two classes shy of completing his Community College of the Air Force Degree. Uncertain about his future in the Air Force he decides to make completion a priority for the upcoming year. He also decides to seek out other opportunities that will help increase his management skills. Looking back he wishes he would have been motived to do so earlier in his career. MSgt Smith actions BEST illustrate ___________.

b. CORRECT: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, self-development is the disciplined will to leverage learning opportunities that increase or improve your knowledge, skills and attitudes.

1. MSgt Crawford has been tasked to lead a small team on an upcoming deployment to Senegal. This will be his first time deployed to the region so in preparation he has been studying the cultural environment in an attempt to familiarize himself with the values, beliefs and norms. He is trying to better understand the common way of life of his local counterparts in effort to increase working relations while operating in the area. MSgt Crawford's actions BEST illustrate the ______________dimension of the POA and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Physical b. Intellectual c. Moral

b. CORRECT: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the POA is intellectual because military professionals must be culturally aware; sensitive to differences and the implications those differences have on the operational environment. MSgt Crawford's attempt to familiarize himself with the local environment reflects the Intellectual Dimension of the POA.

1. A temporary activity with a single objective and a specified timeframe BEST identifies: ___________ a. project constraints b. project management c. program management

b. CORRECT: According to the Project Management chapter, project management is a temporary activity with a single objective that includes leading, coordinating, planning and controlling to achieve a single objective in a specified timeframe.

5. MSgt Flott wants a more secure way to store trailers loaded with munitions. He looks into the feasibility of constructing a new facility. After drafting a proposal of estimated costs, he discusses the project with his chain of command. MSgt Flott's__________ Stage of the Project Management Process will MOST likely ________ mission effectiveness. a. misuse of the Initiation; hinder b. use of the Initiation; enhance c. misuse of the Planning; hinder d. use of the Planning; enhance

b. CORRECT: According to the Project Management lesson, "in this stage, the idea for the project is explored and the feasibility of the project is examined." MSgt Flott sought the feasibility of the project by "...looking into the feasibility" and "...discusses the project with his chain of command." Because he appropriately used the Initiation Stage of Project Management, we can predict he will continue using the rest of the stages appropriately which will more than likely result in a "more secure way to store trailers loaded with munitions", and in turn, enhance mission effectiveness.

2. MSgt Aiden, NCOIC of the Human Resources section, received a briefing from new the commander. The commander provided her vision of where she sees the organization in the future. After meeting with the commander, MSgt Aiden scheduled a meeting with members of his team to inform them of the new direction the organization will take. During this session he solicits information from members to see what they think about and how they feel they the section can contribute in meeting these new goals. MSgt Aiden's actions BEST illustrate the use of ________________. a. Strategy b. The Cascading Process c. Vision Statement

b. CORRECT: According to the Strategic Planning lesson, the Cascading Process develops a strategic "line-of-sight" between commander's strategic priorities and Airmen's responsibilities & accountabilities.

3. Although Air Force members must follow Air Force policies concerning social media, they have the option to comply with policies published by social media websites. a. True b. False

b. False. CORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, Air Force members must follow Air Force policies concerning social media AND all policies published by social media websites

3. SMSgt Browning is MSgt Green's supervisor. Last week, MSgt Green was charged with a DUI by the SFS when driving on base. MSgt Green now seemed very bleak and angry with himself. MSgt Green even offered his car to a new airman. Today the commander officially charged MSgt Green with an Article 15. After the meeting with the commander, MSgt Green turns to SMSgt Browning and says, "My career is done and I'm ready to end all this mess!" After hearing this, SMSgt Browning guides MSgt Green to the first sergeant's office then says, "First Sergeant, keep an eye on MSgt Green." After the first sergeant agrees, SMSgt Browning goes back into the commander's office and says, "Ma'am, I believe MSgt Green is contemplating suicide. We should get him into mental health right now." The commander agrees. SMSgt Browning ensures MSgt Green is not left alone before his appointment and then ensures the first sergeant is there to pick up MSgt Green after the appointment is over. SMSgt Browning's actions BEST illustrate the use of ________________. a. Why Suicide b. Programs and Policies c. Developing a Relationship of Trust

b. This answer is CORRECT. SMSgt Browning's actions are illustrating the programs and policies available to get MSgt Green the help he needs. SMSgt Browning notices the warning signs and initiates a hand-off of MSgt Green to the first sergeant, then begins the LPSP program by discussing his concerns with the commander and recommending a mental health evaluation. Finally, SMSgt Browning ensures the hand-off policy is used after the evaluation to safeguard MSgt Green.

3. Which of the following examples BEST identifies the reasons why globalization is a pressure for change? Globalization causes: a. Organizations to try to maintain a competitive advantage by managing and deploying resources; workplace policies and procedures to change based how the organization conducts its activities; changes in leadership philosophies and management styles due to high personnel turnover. b. Changes in policies in programs due to demographic diversity; the requirement for new training programs based on varied religious beliefs and language differences; the development of friction and conflict between demographic groups. c. Increased competition for quality workforces; communication problems due to wider differences in workforce skills, attitudes, and needs; challenges in building cohesion and common purpose because of organizational differences.

c. CORRECT. According to the Change Management chapter, increased competition for quality workforces; communication problems due to wider differences in workforce skills, attitudes, and needs; challenges in building cohesion and common purpose because of organizational differences, are representative of pressure to change based on globalization.

4. When Airmen engage the media or interact with others via social media, they must be concerned about OPSEC issues such as developing a critical information list and conducting a vulnerability analysis. Which of the following is NOT one of their concerns? a. Threats and Threat assessments b. Risk Assessment c. Assigning security classifications

c. CORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, assigning security classification MUST occur PRIOR to engaging the media or interacting on social media websites so Airmen do not release classified information.

2. In order to help resolve a dispute between her section NCOICs, MSgt Packard calls them into the office. First, she explains why they are there and ensures they agree to resolve their difference. Next, she communicates why she is a good option to help and explains she does not have a stake in their issue. Then, she discusses guidelines for conduct during their discussion and asks if they can think of any guidelines they would like to implement. Finally, she explains the process they are going to use and thanks them for being willing to resolve the issue. This scenario BEST identifies the_____. a. Joint Discussion b. Parties' Opening Statements c. Mediator's Opening Statement

c. CORRECT. According to the Mediation chapter, in the mediator's opening statement, you will meet with both parties together for the first time. Begin the session with introductions followed by an opening statement. The purpose of the opening statement is to establish a structure for the mediation session, ensure the parties' understand the mediation process, and gain their commitment to it. In the scenario the mediator, MSgt Packard, gives an opening statement by explaining the reason for mediation, explaining her qualifications, establishing ground rules, explaining the mediation process, and congratulating the parties for being willing to attempt to settle their dispute.

4. During a break in mediation, SMSgt Lynn discusses a problem with MSgt Beasley. MSgt Beasley aggressively blats, "I'm so tired of MSgt Slater, he's always gone for Top III stuff and when he is here he only works Top III junk too!" SMSgt Lynn says, "If I understand what you are saying, you seem to be upset that MSgt Slater is not pulling his weight because he is always focused on Top III requirements." SMSgt Lynn's ______ will MOST likely _____ his effectiveness. a. understanding of the Reframing; enhance b. misunderstanding of the Reframing; hinder c. understanding of the Rephrasing; enhance d. misunderstanding of the Rephrasing; hinder

c. CORRECT. According to the Mediation chapter, rephrasing includes paraphrasing the speaker's comments to let him/her know that they were heard and understood by the listener. In the scenario SMSgt Lynn is rephrasing MSgt Beasley's comment prevent misunderstandings and to reassure Beasley that he is listening to what is being said. Because Lynn properly rephrases the comment he should enhance the communication and increase his effectiveness.

6. When MSgt Juniper is in a team environment, she normally gets along really well with people who want to ensure that an idea is the best it can be and prefers to help develop thorough plans that will work because she prefers to limit any modifications later. MSgt Juniper doesn't mind hearing a teammate that agrees with an idea and discusses how it's going to work. She has a hard time listening to those teammates who prefer to just throw ideas out on the table and she doesn't appreciate unclear plans. This Team Dynamics scenario BEST identifies MSgt Juniper's team role interaction as a/an ______________. a. Refiner b. Creator c. Executor d. Advancer

c. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, Executor interactions are BEST identified by MSgt Juniper's actions. Some of the characteristics include tolerating Advancer and working well with Refiners (get along with people who want the idea to be the best and help develop a thorough plan that will work); shying away from Creators because of ambiguous ideas (hard time listening to ideas being thrown out, don't appreciate unclear plans); tolerate Advancers because they use experiences to think through implementation (don't mind hearing someone agreeing with an idea and discussing how it's going to work).

1. MSgt Elm is getting ready to go into her first team meeting with three other SNCOs to discuss how to get her unit's DUI rate reduced. During the meeting, she offers several ideas and suggests one that's never been tried before. Over the next 20 minutes there's a stall in moving forward. MSgt Elm got tired of the silence, so she suggests an implementation action plan. Everyone agrees with her and asks her to brief it. This scenario BEST illustrates MSgt Elm's preference for the ________________ Team Dimension Pattern. a. Methodical b. Conceptual c. Spontaneous d. Normative

c. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, MSgt Elm is BEST illustrating her preference for the Spontaneous Pattern. Someone who prefers the Spontaneous Pattern thinks outside the box (offering several ideas, suggesting one that's never been tried before), focuses on many things at once (offering several ideas, suggesting one that's never been tried before, and suggesting an implementation plan), likes to have respect and influence (everyone agrees with her and asks her to brief it), and leads when team must move forward (tired of silence so MSgt Elm suggests an implementation plan).

3. Sitting at her desk, MSgt Birch recalls the day she met TSgt Blue, the newest member of her "A" flight team. It's EPR time so MSgt Birch is reviewing TSgt Blue's personnel file and notices that her decoration citation states that she initiated 15 new programs during her four-year tour at her previous assignment. MSgt Birch remembers TSgt Blue telling her that she's always considered herself to be at the forefront of change. "I love to think about how to improve things and get my thoughts out to others," she told MSgt Birch. Now, six months later, one of TSgt Blue's coworkers has come to MSgt Birch. He says, "MSgt Birch, the general perception is that every time TSgt Blue is a member of one of the problem-solving teams, she comes into the meetings and starts throwing out ways to fix the problem. As her teammates try to talk to her about her new ideas, she would start again in a new direction. Sometimes she would start working on a new project. This is causing problems with other flight members who expect her to finish what she starts." This Team Dynamics scenario BEST illustrates TSgt Blue's team role preference as a/an _____________________________. a. Refiner b. Executor c. Creator d. Advancer

c. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, TSgt Blue is displaying characteristics of the Creator role. Some of the characteristics include generating new ideas and living in a world of possibilities, in addition to, bringing excitement, spontaneity, and optimism; and moving from one subject to another (initiated 15 new programs at last base; love to think about how to improve things and get thoughts out to others; throws out ways to fix problems; talk to her about fixes, she starts a new direction; starts a new project).

7. The First Sergeant called her six SNCOs into her office and said there was a short suspense project that needed immediate attention. She said the six would be the team to make it happen. When the six met, all were able to come up with some workable ideas and wrote them down on butcher- block paper to keep. One of the ideas was selected as the best option. It was now lunch time. An agreement was made to approach some of the unit members and ask them what they thought about the idea and report their comments after lunch. After lunch, everyone heard the feedback, fixed a few problem areas, agreed on the idea, and started to formulate the plan for getting the new process implemented. Everything was written on the dry-erase boards so it could be transferred to a lessons-learned folder. The next day the team met and ensured a briefing was prepared. After hearing the briefing the First Sergeant thanked the team and the new process started. Based on this Team Dynamics scenario, the outcome of the implementation will MOST likely be _________________ because the team __________________. a. effective; was well balanced. b. ineffective; was not well balanced c. effective; included all of the Team Dimensions Stages d. ineffective; included some of the Team Dimensions Stages

c. CORRECT. According to the Team Dynamics chapter, the outcome of the implementation will MOST LIKELY be effective because all of the Team Dimensions Stages were followed: the Creation Stage; (everyone met and all six came up with ideas), the Advancing Stage (one idea was suggested as the best option; talk to a couple unit members for feedback), the Refining Stage (heard feedback, fixed problems, started plan), and the Executing Stage (get the plan implemented, briefing for First Sergeant, get it moving forward). Along the way documentation was being accomplished.

2. After reassignment as a Detachment Chief, SMSgt Mitchell tells his section chiefs, "Because of our new mission, we must be aware of timelines and milestones and be able to manage them well enough to be effective in the near-term and long-term as well. We must plan for the budget changes in the future. Remember, to be effective you must ensure quarterly spending targets are met and documents are submitted to the resource advisor on-time." SMSgt Mitchell's comments BEST illustrate _____ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. Budget Process b. Funding Allocation c. Budget Cycle

c. CORRECT. According to the financial management processes main point, another way to look at the budget cycle is through timelines and milestones. The budget cycle offers concrete dates for determining, analyzing, and prioritizing budgeting actions and decisions. Along the same lines, each budget cycle includes several milestones such as quarterly spending targets, EP submissions, and end-of-year close out.

2. While using the 8-Step Problem Solving Model during a Rapid Improvement Event, TSgt Whittaker says, "Shouldn't we look at systematizing our new process? It might help other Air Force agencies to see what we've done." SMSgt Brown replies, "The next thing we should do is look at the new problem that surfaced before we publicize anything. We don't want to make ourselves look bad." Because SMSgt Brown __________, his comments will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstands Step 7 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; hinder b. understands Step 7 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; enhance c. misunderstands Step 8 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; hinder d. understands Step 8 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model; enhance

c. CORRECT. Because SMSgt Brown misunderstands Step 8 of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model, his comments will MOST likely hinder mission effectiveness. Step 8 is "Standardize Successful Processes," which according to the lesson is about standardizing the improvements to ensure the results stick. Step 8, Standardize Successful Processes," is the most commonly skipped and under completed of the entire problem solving process. It is very tempting to take new found knowledge and skills and immediately move on to the next improvement initiative rather than standardize the process. This is exactly what SMSgt Brown does when he says, "The next thing we should do is look at the new problem that surfaced before we publicize anything."

7. SMSgt Gomez explains to his team, "MSgt Leap was put in the superintendent position because he has a good grasp on acute thinking skills, self-awareness, and he's shown the ability to bounce back from diversity...that's what we need for this position." Because SMSgt Gomez __________ fitness, his actions will MOST likely _________ the mission. a. understands social; enhance b. misunderstands social; hinder c. understands mental; enhance d. misunderstands mental; hinder

c. CORRECT. By practicing skills such as critical thinking, self-awareness, and flexibility, you're more likely to strengthen your mental fitness...making it easier for you to adapt your thinking and emotions to deal with stressors in a way that helps you return to your normal state quicker. This is evident in Gomez's comments when he says, "he has a good grasp on acute thinking skills (critical thinking), self-awareness, and he's shown the ability to bounce back from diversity (flexibility)". His actions will most likely enhance the mission.

5. While developing an implementation plan to address a problem identified during his barrier analysis, MSgt Kirk decides that even though his unit is experiencing an increase in workload, he still needs a team of people to help him put his training idea into action. So, he asks for volunteers and, surprisingly, he receives a great deal of support from the Airmen and senior leadership. MSgt Kirk thinks to himself, "Once we all get together, I can assign tasks so everyone can get involved. This should get the ball rolling on my training idea quickly." MSgt Kirk's _______________ will MOST likely __________ his effectiveness. a. effective use of multidimensional diversity; enhance b. ineffective use of multidimensional diversity; hinder c. effective use of the Five Part Transformation Process; enhance d. ineffective use of the Five Part Transformation Process; hinder

c. CORRECT. In the scenario, MSgt Kirk effectively uses the Transformation step of the Five Part Transformation Process by developing a plan. Additionally, he increases his chances of success by developing a committee and by having the support of the unit's senior leadership. As a result, his actions will most likely enhance his effectiveness.

6. While working on a team project, TSgt Black asks, "It's amazing to me that our folks are able to overcome all of the stress associated with these deployments...I'd go crazy if I had to deploy that much." SMSgt Lopez replies, "You'd be surprised what you can handle. When you embrace our core values as intended, they can help you deal with the tension that might seem to be unbearable." SMSgt Lopez's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of _________ fitness and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. physical b. social c. spiritual

c. CORRECT. Organizational and personal core values are a part of spiritual fitness. They are useful when dealing with stressors (tension) that might appear to be insurmountable (unbearable). This is evident in Lopez's comments, "When you embrace our core values as intended, they can be help you deal with the tension that might seem to be unbearable."

4. During a continuous improvement team meeting, TSgt White says, "It seems we are asking why the problem occurred over and over again...just for the sake of asking the question! We'll never make any progress on the project if we don't stop to make an educated guess now." SMSgt Brown replies, "Sometimes it's better to ask the why's so you are focused on the real problem and not just the symptoms of the problem. We've seen way too often how our predecessors identified a symptom to the problem which hindered the mission." SMSgt Brown's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of _________ of the 8-Step Problem Solving Model and it's impact on mission effectiveness. a. Step 2 (Break Down the Problem/Identify Performance Gaps) b. Step 3 (Set Improvement Targets) c. Step 4 (Determine Root Causes) d. Step 5 (Develop Countermeasures)

c. CORRECT. SMSgt Brown's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of Step 4 (Determine Root Causes) which according to the lesson uses AFSO21 tools like the Five Whys to get to the root cause versus the symptoms to the problem. SMSgt Brown's comments best illustrate his understanding of Step 4 by his words, "Sometimes it's better to ask the why's so you are focused on the real problem and not just the symptoms of the problem."

1. TSgt Cox is about to deploy for the first time to a region she's not familiar with. SMSgt Wilson calls Cox into her office and says, "I'm sure you've been taught there are differences between our culture and others around the world. This knowledge can help you get acclimated. Normally, you'll get more specific information about the culture and the people you'll be interacting with the closer you get to your deployment date." SMSgt Wilson's comments BEST identify the ________________ component of the 3C model. a. knowledge b. motivation c. learning approaches

c. CORRECT. SMSgt Wilson's comments identify the two learning approaches included as a part of the 3C model. The culture-general approach focuses on an awareness of cultural differences (This is evident in SMSgt Wilson's comments when she says, "I'm sure you've been taught there are differences between our culture and others around the world. This knowledge can help you get acclimated." The culture-specific approach focuses on the specific details of a particular culture (This is evident in SMSgt Wilson's comments when she says, "Normally, you'll get more specific information about the culture and the people you'll be interacting with the closer you get to your deployment date."

6. MSgt Wilson is a vehicle operator assigned to small reserve unit at Eutaw Air Reserve Station. Most people don't even know her unit exists, let alone what mission they perform. To gain exposure and hopefully attract new recruits interested in joining her organization, she creates a Facebook page to help expand connections both on and off the installation. MSgt Wilson's actions Best illustrate the New Media concepts by using __________to impact mission effectiveness. a. Social Media Guidelines b. a blog c. Social Networking

c. CORRECT. Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals.

5. SMSgt Mullins calls TSgt Lynn into her office and says, "Being able to evaluate a condition, conclude the desired result, and create a route to get there takes work and good resolution. The ability to do so can enhance your mental fitness." SMSgt Mullin's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of mental fitness. a. awareness b. adaptability c. decision making d. positive thinking

c. CORRECT. The decision making tenet of mental fitness involves the ability to assess a situation, determine the desired outcome, and chart a path to get there. It takes work and good judgment. This is evident in SMSgt Mullins' statement when he says "Being able to evaluate a condition (assess a situation), conclude the desired result (determine the desired outcome), and create a route (chart a path) to get there takes work and good resolution."

2. SMSgt Janson, the new flight superintendent, hears that a group of Asian American airmen has been complaining about the work center environment. They feel they're unfairly left out of unit mission planning activities because of their ethnicity. They believe the Caucasian airmen are always invited to participate. As a result, they have lost all faith in the organization and can't wait to PCS. After a few days of thinking, SMSgt Janson asks questions, uncovers the problem, and implements a monthly professional development and pizza lunch event to discuss a variety of issues, ideas, and concerns. At first, the Asian American airmen are skeptical, but after SMSgt Janson starts annotating their comments and concerns, many start to share their ideas. Six months later, the airmen feel more involved and flight morale is at an all-time high. This scenario BEST illustrates _________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Striking the Right Balance b. Fostering an Inclusive Environment c. The Five Part Transformational Process

c. CORRECT. The scenario best illustrates the Five Part Transformation Process. According to the Diversity chapter the steps are: Discovery (asks questions), Assessment (uncovers problems), Exploration/Transformation (implements a professional development event). As a result of SMSgt Janson's use of this process, subordinate effectiveness is increased (airmen feel more involved...flight morale is at an all-time high).

5. Dr. Toner's _________________ Test answers the question, "Will the end justify the means?" a. Community b. Situation c. Consequences

c. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, The Consequences Test answers the question, "Will the end justify the means?"

5. A1C Rico has really been working hard over the last quarter. In fact, he has come to work early to complete assignments which helped the unit mission success rate stay above average. A1C Rico's efforts haven't gone unnoticed. To keep him motivated and hoping to increase the initiative of other unit members, MSgt Smith submits A1C Rico for Airman of the Quarter. MSgt Smith's actions BEST illustrate his understanding of ________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Self-Development b. Developing Others c. Direction, Discipline and Recognition

c. CORRECT: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, DDR is critical to your early development and helps maintain a high degree of professionalism throughout your career.

2. MSgt McCurly is overseeing the installation of an information technology infrastructure in his workcenter. He evaluated specific needs in terms of measureable goals, and considered how the infrastructure would benefit his workcenter's mission. He considered those who would use the infrastructure, as well as how the system should increase the efficiency of his people. He thought about the IT personnel who would eventually maintain it, and how the new infrastructure would affect their workload. Finally, he assessed the financial costs, and created a budget for the project. MSgt McCurly's actions BEST illustrate the project ______ Stage and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Planning b. Monitoring and Controlling c. Initiation

c. CORRECT: According to the Project Management chapter, you should consider evaluating the needs/requirements in measurable goals, assessing the financial costs and benefits, analyzing stakeholders (including users and support personnel), and creating a budget. MSgt McCurly has done these things by considering the students, instructors, and IT personnel, and by assessing the benefits of increased efficiency.

3. MSgt Akoo was just informed by SMSgt Vanderbilt that he will be taking over the Dispatch Operations section. Over the past few months, they have been struggling to meet the service response times outlined by senior leadership. He asks the shift supervisors to gather data necessary to measure just how well they are at meeting their goals. Upon review of the information he begins to notice a trend. Since the installation of the new database in the dispatch section, most of the members are still struggling to input information correctly, resulting in them not being on time for aircrew pickups. MSgt Akoo decides to conduct an in-service-training session to get all members up to speed on the new database. MSgt Akoo's action BEST illustrate the use of the_________________ perspective. a. The Financial Perspective b. The Business Perspective c. The Learning & Growth Perspective

c. CORRECT: According to the Strategic Planning lesson, the Learning & Growth perspective includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement. In a knowledge-worker organization, people are the main resource. In the current climate of rapid technological change, it is becoming necessary for knowledge workers to be in a continuous learning mode. MSgt Akoo conducted in-service- training to bring his people up to speed on the new database.

Recognize (Positive Resistance)

can be useful; but rather may be intended to produce a better understanding of the change as well as additional options and solutions. Resistance to change can cause the change agent to slow the process down and take a more comprehensive look at the change plan. should take a step back, analyze the reactions your people are exhibiting...why they are resisting, and critically think about the way forward. Use and encourage cognitive, emo, dispositional flexibility, know why the change is necessary, communicate before, during and after change, allow time for change to sink in, offer help to those that might be struggling, be the change they want to see, encourage proactive instead of reactive response

Ethical Leadership

combines ethical decision-making and ethical behavior, and occurs in both an individual and organizational context. A major responsibility of a leader is to make ethical decisions and behave in ethical ways, and to see that the organization understands and practices its ethical codes.

Formal Assignments

come through official military channels. Examples include permanent change of station (PCS), permanent change of assignment (PCA), temporary duty assignments (TDY), and additional or special duties and tasks assigned through formal military channels, e.g., additional duty first sergeant, resource advisor, superintendent, and flight chief.

Track Metrics

communicate the intent of the objective statement and reflect how the objective is achieved; Metrics drive behavior so it is important to develop metrics that are beneficial to the whole organization; what gets measured is what gets done

What is Diversity?

composite of individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities consistent with the core values and the Air Force mission. It includes, but isn't limited to personal life experiences, educational background, work background, as well as, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. Subdivided into categories

Visual Management

concept to organize a workplace such that one can visually separate normal from abnormal working conditions. The ideal state is that all personnel should be able to manage every aspect of the process at a glance using visual data, signals and guides. Benefits are easier access to process information, informed decisions, and better ownership of process control by the workforce

Second difference for military profession

concerns individual members. We take our oaths of office which includes understanding of 'unlimited liability' clause where its expected its members lay down their lives for their friends, family, or freedoms. Risking their lives with personal sacrifices

Identify Tasks

concise, simple, and understandable action statement consisting of specific deliverables; support the objectives at a level where target completion dates can be established. They provide the tactical direction and processes to achieve the Objectives intended results

Military Professions differ in two ways:

consequences of failure in the POA for both individual members of the Armed Forces and the Nation are more serious than those in any other profession Military serves a collective client, the nation

State Objectives

consist of two to three statements that inform members how each Priority is accomplished; give strategic direction on how to execute tasks, initiatives, and process improvements

SNCO Effectiveness

continuously work on developing yourself; You should find learning activities that enhance your current knowledge and skills while forcing you to step outside your comfort zone. For example, you could take a project management course or attend a conflict resolution seminar. Both of these examples not only help increase your skill set, but when used correctly, can help make the POA more effective; understanding of Air Force Core Values and The Airman's Creed


core of process improvement is solving problems that create waste in the day-to-day work of our Airmen. Waste is anything that adds cost or time without adding value -Defects: Quality errors that cause defects invariably cost you far more than you expect. (well documented work standards, equip maintenance schedule, effective cross-training programs, proper time to do work -Overproduction: making too much or too early; oversize batches, long lead times, poor supplier relations (work performed ahead of schedule, unnecessarily producing extra inventory, schedules stable, collecting useless data) -Waiting: whenever goods are not moving or being processed-waiting on answer/delivery (punctuality internal/external customers, certain time delays occur, bottleneck in the process -Nonstandard Over Process: inappropriate techniques, oversize equipment, working with tolerances that are too tight, perform processes that are not required by the customer and so forth (has been done before, more info obtained, redundant phone calls/emails)


creation, maintenance, and transformation across generations of semi- shared patterns of meaning, sense-making, affiliation, action, and organization by groups. It consists of shared sets of traditions, belief systems, and behaviors that are shaped by many factors (e.g., history, politics, resources, etc.). Culture can be learned through a process of socialization or passed down generationally.

4. MSgt Nagle is the superintendent of a flight of 50 people. As a result of a newly published Air Force Instruction, she has to implement changes to processes people have been doing for a long time. She knows she's going to face major resistance, so she decides to give a pre-brief to a few selected people instead of telling everyone in the flight all at once. She feels this smaller, well respected group, tends to adapt to change well and seems to have the ability to 'sell' change to more resistant individuals easier. Even though she knows some people will be upset because they didn't hear about the change early, she believes that by targeting and pre-briefing certain individuals first, she can minimize resistance and get the change implemented faster. MSgt Nagle's decision to target the ____________ will MOST likely _________ her change effort. a. innovators; hinder b. innovators; enhance c. early adopters; hinder d. early adopters; enhance

d. CORRECT. MSgt Nagle targets the early adopters. According to the Change Management chapter, they are usually your social and opinion leaders (well respected...have the ability to 'sell' change to more resistance individuals easier). To appeal to this group, you need to provide information about the change (she provides a pre-brief). As a result of her actions, she will most likely enhance her change effort.

3. SMSgt Edward, the 30th LRS Superintendent, is working with a contractor in late August. SMSgt Edward tells the contractor "We really need to get this vehicle yard enclosed. We have had two vehicles vandalized and civilians keep bringing their privately owned vehicles to the government wash rack! I know the plans you have will work. Go ahead and start the process and we will get the funding squared away in October when the job is done." SMSgt Edward's ______ will MOST likely _____ SNCO effectiveness. a. understanding of the Execution Plan; enhance b. misunderstanding of the Execution Plan; hinder c. understanding of the Anti-Deficiency Act; enhance d. misunderstanding of the Anti-Deficiency Act; hinder

d. CORRECT. SMSgt Edward's misunderstanding of the Anti-deficiency Act will MOST likely hinder SNCO effectiveness. Because SMSgt Edward does not know the law he is planning to obligate funds in access of an apportionment or reapportionment, which would be a direct violation of U.S.C. Title 31 § 1517. "It is prohibited to obligate unallocated funds to purchase items, equipment, supplies, services, and contracts to be used in the next FY."

1. SMSgt Gunther calls TSgt Hancock into her office and says, "From my Continuous Improvement lesson, I discovered lots of AFSO21 tools we can use. One of the tools that would work well for this project is a simple diagram of each step of the material/information flow. It would need to show each step from the time it is ordered to the time we deliver it." SMSgt Gunther's comments BEST identify ________________. a. Cell Design/Flow b. Visual Management c. Standard Work d. Value Stream Mapping

d. CORRECT. SMSgt Gunther's comments identify Value Stream Mapping which is a simple diagram of every step involved in the material and information flow needed to bring a product from order to delivery. SMSgt Gunther's comments, "a simple diagram of each step of the material/information flow. It would need to show each step from the time it is ordered to the time we deliver it" identifies Value Stream Mapping.

8. During a feedback session with MSgt Gray, CMSgt Lovell says, "I don't know how you've done it, but since your arrival, I've noticed your flight members tend to have a sense of enthusiasm, common purpose, and confidence in the future of this organization." Gray responds, "I believe it is the collective actions, decisions, and behaviors of my flight members that are causing a more positive, more ethical climate throughout the organization." Lovell replies, "Well, whatever you think it is, keep it up." MSgt Gray's __________ will MOST likely __________his effectiveness a. failure to understand military ethics; hinder b. understanding of military ethics; enhance c. failure to understand tipping; hinder d. understanding of tipping; enhance

d. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Tipping is about moving the climate of an organization toward a positive/ethical climate. "The climate of an organization is determined by the collective actions, decisions, and behaviors of its members. As organizations move toward a more positive/ethical climate, a sense of enthusiasm, common purpose, and confidence in the future begins to accelerate the tipping effect. At this point, professional actions, decisions, and behaviors directed toward the achievement of organizational goals and objectives become the norm.

6. SSgt Blount, a heavy equipment trainer, will be separating from the Air Force in six months. He's very excited about getting out and starting a new career. MSgt Kersey calls SSgt Blount into his office and informs him that he'll continue to train the new arrivals until his separation date. Upset SSgt Blount says, "This is unfair and will take up too much of my time." Because SSgt Blount ___________, his actions will MOST likely __________ mission effectiveness. a. understands Professional Methods; enhance b. misunderstands Professional Methods; hinder c. understands Professional Standards; enhance d. misunderstands Professional Standards; hinder

d. CORRECT: SSgt Blount's comments, "This is unfair and will take up too much of my time" reflect a professional standard values conflict. According to the Profession of Arms chapter, a values conflict occurs when personal values conflict with those of the institution.

4. MSgt Gilbert is leading a SAPR small group session in his organization. During a group discussion SSgt Mcfate asks to be excused to go to the bathroom. MSgt Gilbert allows him to leave and continues the discussion with the group. After SSgt Mcfate returns the conversation transitions to supporting the victim after a sexual assault has occurred. SSgt Mcfate is visibly uncomfortable and asks to be excused from the session. MSgt Gilbert explains that the group session is mandatory and he will not get credit for attendance if he leaves. MSgt Gilbert's misunderstanding of _______ response will MOST likely _______ subordinate effectiveness. a. immediate; enhance b. immediate; hinder c. long-term; enhance d. long-term; hinder

d. This answer is CORRECT. MSgt Gilbert does not have a firm understanding of long-term response to sexual assault. Because he doesn't excuse SSgt Mcfate from the group discussion he will likely relive a past experience of sexual assault that will hinder his effectiveness. According to the individual involved in a sexual assault section, long-term response includes understanding how victims respond to past sexual assaults and the triggers that may cause them to "relive" that traumatic experience. Knowing and caring for your wingmen in the organization can ensure they are not suffering in silence when reliving a past experience of sexual assault.

1. MSgt Gordon is in charge of assigning the additional duties in her element. During a casual conversation with TSgt Sage, who is a section NCOIC within the element, MSgt Gordon mentions she needs to find a replacement Emergency Management Representative for the organization. After thinking about it TSgt Sage replies "I just gave up my additional duty, and I have never managed the Emergency Management program. That would look good on my next EPR." MSgt Gordon smiles and says, "If you take me out tonight and show me a good time, I'll recommend you for the position." MSgt Gordon's _________ will MOST likely ________________ her effectiveness. a. unlawful discrimination; enhance b. unlawful discrimination; hinder c. unlawful harassment; enhance d. unlawful harassment; hinder

d. This answer is CORRECT. MSgt Gordon's comment is a violation of unlawful harassment. MSgt Gordon is in a supervisory position and is offering an additional duty (condition of employment) for sexual favors. According to the EO systems section, Unlawful harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature particularly when submission to such conduct is made directly or indirectly as a term or condition of employment, and/or when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the person.

Step 1: Goals

deemed successful when the needs of the stakeholders have been met. -Stakeholder: anybody directly or indirectly impacted by the project's product or outcome. Then compile/prioritize comprehensive list of needs -Specific -Measurable -Attainable -Realistic -Time Based

Loyalty Syndrome

defined as making decisions based on respect and/or loyalty to an individual, unit, or organization rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.

Culture of Engagement

describe productive working relationships among employees, corporate leaders, and stakeholders. In the Air Force, the same kinds of relationships find their origins in a common set of beliefs, behaviors, and values, including a sense of devotion to the importance of sharing the Air Force experience with both the public and the media. To be effective, the message must be communicated strategically.

Warrior Ethos

describes the frame of mind of the professional Airman and is part of our Air Force culture; guiding principal for you to live by; declares your selfless commitment to your Nation, mission, unit, and fellow Airmen Displayed by: Maintaining military bearing and professional etiquette, Placing the welfare of peers or subordinates ahead of our personal needs or comfort, Maintaining ourselves, physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially Warrior spirit requires taking responsibility for mission failures, share mission success with unit, foster deployment of the POA in your people. -demonstrate your commitment to Air Force Core Values and standards by willingly performing your duties at all times and subordinating your personal welfare to that of others without expecting reward or recognition

Professions also

develop particular vocabularies/terms, establish journals, and sometimes adopt distinct forms of dress (lab coats, police uniforms, etc)

Excellence in All We Do

directs us to develop a sustained passion for the continuous improvement and innovation that will propel the Air Force in quantum leaps towards accomplishment and performance Mission, Discipline, Teamwork

AF instruction (AFI)

documented instruction for members of the United States Air Force intended for use by active duty, guard, and reserve members and associated civilians; Form of general order and violation can be punishable under UCMJ. Ex AFI 36-2903 Dress/appearance and AFI36-2618 Enl Force Structure

Intellectual Dimension

due to the expertise required to employ joint forces in military operations. From Strategic-expertise is exercised with other instruments of national power (diplomatic, informational, and economic). -From Operational/tactical perspectives-mil professionals exercise their expertise against intelligent adversaries actively seeking to defeat them in life-and-death situations.

Three Ds

emphasize that you have a moral charge to educate yourself as best as you can in light of the truth, to speak up for truth, and then to act in truth. Discern, Declare, Do Discern: the truth/ facts from assumptions and falsehoods; You're morally charged to gather the facts as they pertain to the truth in all situations. Declare: the truth; once discern the truth, declare it. declaring' it to a few individuals or your entire unit (depending on the situation) after making moral decision Do: what you've discerned; failure to do say may cause your people to see you as a hypocrite impacting trust


empowers us to take necessary personal or professional risks, make decisions that may be unpopular, and admit to our mistakes; having the courage to take these actions is crucial for the mission, the Air Force, and the Nation


encompasses operations, product and resources excellence; Our people are the platform for delivering innovative ideas, strategies, and technologies to the fight

Individual Differences

encompasses range of knowledge, skills and backgrounds needed to prevail in rapidly changing operational environment. -Individual Diff: gender, age, physical attributes (short/tall, eye color), racial categaroy (physical characteristics Unseen differences: Learn most comfortably, Problem solve, Behave in response to environment, Lead their people, Make decisions

Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF)

encourages a cultural shift that encourages Airmen to hold each other accountable and responsible for understanding the value of holistic fitness and maintaining a lifestyle that's representative of our fitness culture -by allowing them to maintain the necessary balance of cognitive sill, physical endurance, emotional stamina, and spiritual well-being needed to execute our central mission -Educating (new amn/families) on the potential challenges they may face (i.e. deployments, long hours) and available resources like chapel

Service Orientaiton (A-POA)

essential for an occupation to be categorized as a profession. those in it should not be in it soley for their own material benefit. Have some sense of duty towards the issues. i.e. health care, education, counseling nobility of purpose within each of us and provides deep personal meaning to all who serve-ties to founding document of the nation

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

establishing and communicating an organization's mission, vision and strategy map to customers, stakeholders, and employees; used for aligning the day-to-day work to the strategy; provides leadership with the instrumentation they need to navigate to future success. The scorecard measures organizational performance across four balanced perspectives: learning and growth, internal business processes, customers, and financial; execution tool

AF Core Values

exist for all members of the Air Force family. They're for all to read, to understand, to live by, and to cherish. The core values are more than minimum standards...they remind us what it takes to get the mission done and inspire us to do our very best at all times. Integrity First: Doing the right thing, all the time, whether everyone's watching or not. Service Before Self: Professional duties take precedence over personal desires. Excellence in All We Do: Continuously advance our craft and increase our knowledge as Airmen.

Ethical Principles

explains that military ethics is about knowing what's true and then doing what's right. following ethical principles: Three Os, Three Ps, Three Rs, and Three Ds. Used in conjunction with the Air Force Core Values, these principles place additional tools at your disposal as you strive to continue leading ethically.

Power Distance

extent to which the less powerful members of a culture, organization and/or institution (e.g., family, unit, government, etc.) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally High Power distance culture: those in authority openly demonstrate their rank, the superior subordinate relationship is rarely close and personal, and class divisions within society are accepted. Low Power distance: superiors treat subordinates with respect and don't pull rank; subordinates are entrusted with important assignments; blame is either shared or very often accepted by the superior due to it being their responsibility to manage; and managers may often socialize with subordinates

Dealing with Impasse

failure to make progress toward resolution Reality checking: process that works to get the parties to understand, typically through a series of questions, weaknesses of their issue/demand. questions that can help: ••What would it take for you to accept the proposal if it was presented to you? ••How would you suggest funding your solution? ••What feedback or advice do you believe the commander would provide you?

Strategic Communication

focused effort to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power.


focuses on generating efficiencies and improving combat capabilities across the Air Force and applies to all processes associated with the Air Force mission. The intent of AFSO21 is to deliver a consistent and disciplined problem solving approach

Social Sensitivity

for diversity to thrive, you and your people should practice social sensitivity. This term describes your ability to be receptive and responsive to the emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, cultural differences and beliefs of the people around you. The more socially sensitive you are, the better you can understand the people you work with and each person's talents and strengths.

Uniform Code of Military Justice

foundation of military law in the United States; applies to all members of the uniformed services of the United States; provides a single source of standards of ethical conduct and ethics guidance, including direction in the areas of financial and employment disclosure systems, post-employment rules, enforcement, and training.

The American POA

further distinguishes itself from other professions in its distinct sub-culture, body of theory/specialized knowledge, and service orientation


hallmark of integrity; Honesty requires us to evaluate our performance against standards, and to conscientiously and accurately report findings -only way to preserve the trust we hold so dear with each other and with the population we serve

Ethical Relativim

holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it's practiced. The same action may be morally right in one society, but be morally wrong in another.

Reaction to change:Kubler-Ross

how people handle death, grief, and loss. 5 stage model: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance to help explain the reactions some people might experience -Denial: deny the change. can be positive in that it gives your people time to let the change sink in -Anger: initial shock sets in some may experience anger 'this isn't what I signed up for' finding reasons why change wont work -Bargaining: pple might attempt to put off the change or find ways to not implement the change, recommend alternatives or put off the change -Depression: pple realize their alternative plants wont work or they cant derail the change. Could have decrease in motivation -Acceptance: pple realize organizational change is going to happen they should move into acceptance. its inevitable. may come up with ways to be creative


idea that all aspects of culture are interconnected and integrated. Therefore, change/action in one area (Sex and Gender, for example) may provoke a change in another area (Family and Kinship or Economics and Resources) you might not expect

Limited Privilege Suicide Program:

identify and treat those Air Force members who pose a genuine risk for suicide because of impending disciplinary action under the UCMJ; behavioral health file can be disclosed to other medical personnel for purposes of medical treatment, a member's confinement military commander, and to other authorized personnel with an official need to know -Applies only to those Air Force members who have been officially notified (written or verbal) that they are under investigation or suspected of violating the UCMJ. Members in this program are granted limited protection with respect to the information revealed during or generated by their clinical relationship with the MHP.

Professional Character

involves the combination of emotional, moral and intellectual qualities and behaviors exhibited at all times by all members of the profession; essence of airmanship Includes: Alignment with Attitude, Alignment with Core Values, and Alignment with AFI 36-2618


is the ability to adjust oneself to changed, unexpected, or ambiguous situations by actively seeking information and by demonstrating openness and support of different and innovative change ideas. states you should promote a culture of Airmen capable of adapting throughout a career Open for new ideas or opinions


is the process of helping the member recognize, at the earliest possible moment, that he or she needs treatment for selfdestructive drinking or drug abuse. This professionally structured event includes significant others in the member's life.

Profession of Arms at its core:

it defines what it means to be a valued member of our profession; serves as a foundation to guide and provide direction as you engage in the daily grind of protecting the Nation

Anti-Deficiency Act

major laws through which congress exercises control over gov't spending; arose during the nineteenth century when frustration increased among Congressional members with the failure of executive branch agencies to stay within the budgets allocated to them

Worry over Image

making decisions based on how they'll impact your reputation or standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, or community rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Concern about what might turn out to be an embarrassing situation (or needing others to see you in a positive light) may cause you to do something less ethical instead of what's right. example, instead of making his Airmen work 12-hour shifts to decrease the workload that's been stacking up, MSgt Lollar decides to keep the hours as they are because he doesn't want his Airmen to think he's a bad SNCO that doesn't 'have their backs'.


most powerful or most widely practiced cultures in a particular society, whether the society is a region or entire country. It's the 'mainstream' or dominant values, beliefs and behaviors. For example, in the Japanese culture, the majority of the society values family, institutional affiliation, and homogeneity (being similar/alike)

Ooda Loop

natural processes you go through when making decisions and implementing them; -"Observe" people in other cultures as much as possible. For example, how do they go about their daily lives? How do they interact with each other? -"Orient" yourself to the situation to understand what you've observed. You can compare what you see with what you know...asking questions to learn more, and questioning your assumptions -When "Deciding" how to proceed, consider if your cultural beliefs, values, etc. are influencing your selection of a particular course of action. Are you making a decision based on what's appropriate in your culture? -'Act' -Once you've gathered data about other cultures, oriented yourself to the situation, and decided on a way forward, it's time to put your decision into "Action"; Then review what happened as a result/reflect


negotiation breaks down or reaches a roadblock, mediation is an option that attempts to meet the needs of all participants in order to help them get back to a point where they can reach an agreement or continue to negotiate. It's intended to be non-adversarial in nature, resulting in less stress for everyone involved. The mediation process promotes understanding, builds confidence and trust, and enables parties to move forward while maintaining (or re-establishing) positive relationships Mediator: Facilitates comm, promotes understanding, focuses nego. parties on their interests, seeks problem solving to reach agreement

Service Before Self-Duty, Loyalty and Respect -Duty

obligation to perform what's required for the mission; Airmen who truly embody Service Before Self consistently choose to make necessary sacrifices to accomplish the mission, and in doing so, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice -Loyalty-internal commitment to the success and preservation of something bigger than ourselves; We offer alternative solutions and innovative ideas most effectively through the chain of command. Ultimately, loyalty is demonstrated by helping each other act with honor

Inclusive environment

one that promotes mutual respect and trust while promoting the development and mentorship of airmen with different backgrounds and perspectives so they can continue to grown and thrive in the Air Force


optional stage; mediator holds private meeting with each party in dispute. usually occurs when communication breaks down or sensitive issues arise that shouldn't be discussed in front of the other party

Informal Assignments

originate from sources other than formal military channels. Examples include positions within other professional organizations (Top III, AFSA), volunteer positions, and additional or special duties and tasks assigned through non-formal military channels.

American Proffession of Arms (American POA)

other nations with military considered peers. where we differ: service orientation, distinct sub-culture, and body of theory/specialized knowledge


outside parties who have a vested or personal interest in the initiation, processing, and resolution of an existing dispute. Commanders, first sergeants, supervisors, subordinates, neighbors, and family members are all potential stakeholders of mediation


overall perspective from which a person sees and interprets the world; a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group

6-S Lean Workplace

process for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, and high performance work place, which serves as a foundation for continuous improvement -Sort - evaluate all tools and material in the work center and eliminate what is not needed -Straighten - arrange items to be accessible, visible and in a way that promotes efficient work flow -Shine - keep the workplace tidy, return each item to its proper place to encourage cleanliness and order -Standardize - establish consistent work practices to eliminate uncertainty regarding specific job responsibilities -Sustain - achieve a transformation in culture; a new way of working -Safety - Identify and eliminate hazards; creating a safe working environment and decreasing workplace hazards

Theory of Constraints (TOC)

process improvement technique focused on maximizing throughput by use of a "constraint-based" approach; identify to prevent greater throughput -Identify the constraint -Decide how to exploit the constraint -Subordinate all other processes to above decision -Elevate the constraint -If a new constraint emerges, return to step 1 (don't let inertia become the constraint) -Change the system if required

Three Rs

provide guidance when considering the Os, explain that when making decisions, displaying conduct (on and off-duty), etc., there are rules that provide ethical guidance. Rules, Results, Realities Rules-provide individuals ethical guidance Results- the outcome or bottom line-consequences of following or not following those rules Realities-the result of recognizing the importance of the situation, circumstances, or realities

Three Ps

provide the perspective for the way to think about the Os. Airmen are to adhere to the precedence of principles, purpose, and then people. -Principle: Honesty is the hallmark of a military professional. Truth Telling and honor; An individual realizes integrity when thoughts and actions align with what he or she knows to be right -Purpose: Mission accomplishment and duty; passion for continuous improvement and innovation -People: Teamwork achieved with people; Fellow citizens, Airmen, Soldiers, etc; challenge and motivate each other

P.E.P. Cycle

reaction; an emotional reaction, a physiological reaction, or both. Some of the negative emotional reactions people experience are anxiety, tension, fear, frustration, or annoyance while some of the possible negative physiological reactions are increased heart rate, damp palms, or even a tension headache -Panic: powerful emotion/feeling occurring spontaneously, caused by worry or anxiety about something that impedes a healthy state of mind or reduces reasonable thought, action, or behavior temporarily -Elation is a temporary feeling of high spirits, happiness, or satisfaction based on some positive situation. -back to panic


reason you act/behave in a particular way, important element of 3C model -Seek out knowledge about other people and their cultures -Seek to be proactive in reducing ethnocentrism in your unit -Seek cross cultural knowledge and strategies as resources and methods that help you accomplish your mission -Develop a positive attitude toward cultural differences Ex of external impact on mission: situation where your people are running out of drinking water and you need to access more water quickly. There happens to be a body of water close to your location, but you must get approval to use it from the local tribe. This task/mission should motivate you to find information (knowledge) about the tribe so you can request permission appropriately. If you lacked the motivation to acquire the appropriate knowledge, your mission could fail (no water)...that's why motivation is an important part of the model.

Ethical Decision Making

refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles. 5 Steps: 1. Interpret the situation: stop and think about circumstances; critically think; delay impulse to rush to a conclusion 2. Analyze the situation (why does ethical dilemma exist?) uncertainty? not having all the facts? Competing values: principle first, purpose second, and people third 3. Identify Ethical traps: (ethical relativism, loyalty syndrome, worry over image, and drive for success) 4. Consider possible courses of action: brainstorm, make a list of possible decisions that could fix the problem or solution. Use 6 tests in conjunction. -Shame Test, Community Test, Legal test, situation test, God Test, and Consequences Test 5. Decide the most ethical course of action: leaders should create and promote an ethical climate and foster ethical behavior. Ensure your COA doesn't have a negative impact on your organization's ethical climate (or tip it to the left on the continuum towards less professional behavior) -There are no rewards for unethical behavior -Sanctions and forgiveness for mistakes-leaders shouldn't always take disciplinary action for mistakes. i.e. gives someone wrong information.. not punished but given remedial training

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SARC) and immediate response

reinforces the Air Force's commitment to prevention through the development, implementation, and assessment of policies and programs to prevent and respond to sexual assault. -How you respond to sexual assault can help or harm the victim Dos of S.Assault: • attend to safety and medical considerations first • contact the SARC and notify Security Forces • be aware of personal biases that might get in your way • listen with sensitivity • be a role model Dont's • blame the victim • judge • press for details • assume there is only one appropriate reaction to a sexual assault


required to triumph at every level; challenge and motivate each other Core values: They remind you what it takes to get the mission done, inspire you to do your very best at all times, and are the common bond among all comrades in arms


requires us to treat others with dignity and value them as individuals; act knowing that all Airmen possess fundamental worth as human beings -Failure to adhere to Service Before Self diminishes your commitment to the core values and places mission success at risk


responsibility with an audience i.e. American people, our units, supervisors, fellow Airmen, families, loved ones, and even ourselves -maintain transparency, seek honest and constructive feedback, and take ownership of the outcomes of their actions and decisions. They're responsible to themselves and others and refrain from actions which discredit themselves or our service

Building (fostering) Inclusive Environments

should analyze your behavior and quickly modify it to deal not only with change, but with any biases you may have. You should also be proactive when making changes...don't wait until you have to handle a diversity issue to take a look at your own behavior. Be self-aware and help you identify preferences and traits of your people, adapt to them and ability to provide what they need from the environment to be successful

Ethical Traps

stem from confusion or uncertainty as to what action or behavior should be taken in a given situation. Those traps are: Ethical Relativism, Loyalty Syndrome, Worry Over Image, and Drive for Success.


technical term for the study of movement and gesture


tendency to negatively judge other cultures (beliefs, values, etc.) by the values and assumptions of your own culture; suspend one's judgment, become educated on the culture, and educate others on the culture

Moral Dimension

the authority to wield it carries a moral responsibility of the greatest magnitude -Law of Armed Conflict, UCMJ, and Code of Conduct give structure to its moral standards -Included is civilian control of the military and are responsible to congress, President, supreme court

Leaveraging Diversity

the leading and managing of inclusive (work environments) to maximize the talents of each person to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. -Treat all individuals with respect regardless of individual differences -Develop a knowledge and understanding of your people's different cultures and backgrounds - Build collaborative and mutually beneficial working relationships with people regardless of their individual differences -Modify your behavior (if necessary) based on an understanding of individual differences -Utilize an understanding of individual differences to communicate with, influence, and manage (e.g., mediation, team building) your people - Foster an environment where diverse thoughts are encouraged, respected, and integrated (if possible) -Help others increase their awareness and acceptance of individual differences - Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse, high quality workforce

Distinct Sub-Culture

the most obvious aspect of all professions includes values, norms, symbols that are accepted by the profession i.e. insignias, emblems, distinctive dress Clear and controlling symbols Distinguish between officers and noncommissioned officers expected to exercise initiative to identify and resolve unforeseen circumstances

Total Force Fitness

the state in which the individual, family and organization can sustain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions; Goal to provided holistically based approaches that promote resilience and allow individuals, units and families to grow/recover in ever changing environments with multiple demands; includes 8 Domains(Nutritional Fitness, Spiritual, Psychological, Behavioral, Social) and 3 applicable to Sr Enl Leader (Physical, Environmental, Medical/Dental Fitness)


the state of being happy, healthy or prosperous


the state of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity


the tendency for the individual's needs to take precedence over the extended family needs. Extended family ties play a less important role 2. An individual takes the blame for losing a tool while working on a group project. 6. Even though a teenager's mother needs her to help look after her younger siblings, she decides to go meet her friends instead.


the tendency to consider extended family affiliations and being a member of a larger group (ethnic, national, tribal, etc) as very important throughout a person's life 1. A young man gives up his dream of attending college in order to follow his father's request to take over as head chef at the family restaurant. 3. The leader of a group makes the entire group stay late until one group member finishes his work. 4. A young man agrees with his family's opinion on whom he should date simply because he doesn't want to upset his family. 5. A lawyer hesitates to raise her voice in anger because it would bring shame on her law firm.

Ethical Dilemmas

times when you're challenged with ethical dilemmas. Remember as you learned earlier, an ethical dilemma is a situation where you're forced to choose between two alternatives, neither of which may result in an ethically acceptable outcome. Three general causes: Uncertainty, competing values, potential Harm UNCERTAINTY-dilemmas stem from as a result of not having all the facts pertaining to the situation or have no experience dealing with, or may not be a clearly established policy, procedure, rule for handling COMPETING VALUES-when strive to adopt and internalize our services core values, there are times when our personal values conflict with those of the institution as well as subord/peers/sups-work on greater good of org and people POTETIAL HARM-intentional or unintentional (good/bad) consequences caused by your actions. Good leader considers the consequence of a decision

Rainbow Rule

treat others the way THEY WOULD HAVE YOU treat them; based on the fabled story that a rainbow extends from a pot of gold, thus it's an extension of the Golden Rule; we're all different, but have a common purpose: we're all Airmen.


understanding how culture influences people's beliefs, values, and thought processes; 1. Know key elements of the dominant culture(s) in each of the world's major regions. 2. Know how international organizations and other non-state actors influence the world's major regions. Ex: Being American can watch, listen read anything want without fear of retribution. Other countries censor and if caught could face jail time

Domains of Culture

universal categories of human interaction, belief, behavior, and meaning/ values (e.g., kinship, gender, economic exchange, etc.). People in all cultures share these broad categories, even though they have different ways of expressing them; overlap/intersect

Project Management Triangle

used by managers to analyze or understand the difficulties that may arise due to implementing and executing a project. All projects, regardless of their size, will have constraints -Scope determines what must be done to produce the project's end result. (project sponsor-owner) -Cost is the budgeted amount available for the project. -Time refers to the amount of time available to complete a project. -Quality of Performance: how well project achieves its stated end results -Project Manager Resp/Skills: certain responsibilities during project cycle (defining/assign team members, key resources, setting objectives)

Cross Cultural Competence (3C) Model

you might be put into situations where you'll have to form working relationships with people from different cultures or with people that have different beliefs and values from your own; Your ability to understand these differences and adjust can have an impact on whether or not your mission succeeds or fails; developed by the Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC); 3 components-Knowledge, Motivation, Learning approaches

The Who, Stakes, and Situation

••Who: Who are you dealing with? (A supervisor...peer...subordinate?) •• Stakes: What do you stand to gain or lose? (Something important or vital?) •• Situation: What are the current and future circumstances? (Is it a critical situation?) For example, if you're dealing with a superior, you probably won't be able to use the Insist strategy. Or, if you stand to lose something extremely important, you might want to use the Cooperate strategy

Risk management plan

▪▪ Time and cost estimates that are too optimistic ▪▪ Customer review and feedback cycle that's too slow ▪▪ Unexpected budget cuts ▪▪ Unclear roles and responsibilities ▪▪ Stakeholder input isn't sought, or their needs aren't properly understood ▪▪ Stakeholders change the requirements after the project has started, or add requirements after the project has started ▪▪ Poor communication resulting in misunderstandings, quality problems, and rework ▪▪ Lack of resources

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