SOC 101 Final

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You are observing children on an elementary school playground. Why might you find some girls playing sports with boys, but almost no boys playing jump rope with girls?

Children are mocked by their peers for crossing gender lines, and boys are mocked more than girls.

__________ is the physical and legal responsibility for the everyday life and routines of children.


__________ is the central means by which modern society transmits knowledge, values, and expectations to its members.


__________ is what sociologists call marriage to someone from a different social group.


________ was the system of social stratification in the final stages of breaking down when Karl Marx developed his ideas.


How has union membership changed in recent years?

Membership has steeply declined.

Which sociologist conducted work on intersectionality among workers in nail salons?

Miliann Kang

What do you think Barbara Ehrenreich would say about efforts to reform welfare, which attempted to move people off welfare rolls and into minimum-wage jobs?

She would disapprove because she thinks that low-wage work is demeaning and insufficient for survival.

Aggressive men are often described as "go-getters" in the workplace, but aggressive women are often described as "bitches." This is an example of

a microaggression.

The more strongly men identify with stereotypical ideas about masculinity, the more likely they are to

avoid preventive health care.

Which organization monitors and defines pandemics?

World Health Organization (WHO)

Is medicine in the United States a social institution?

Yes, because organizations like the American Medical Association set policy and shape definitions of health and illness throughout the nation.

A woman is married to another woman. She is attracted to her wife, but she is also attracted to men. In the past, she dated both women and men. How would this woman most likely identify?


Most individuals experience an increase in happiness when they become parents, especially in the first two years of a newborn's life.


The likelihood of individuals cohabitating with one another has declined modestly since 1996.


The point in children's school careers by which gender norms become firmly established is

fifth grade.

An edge city is different from a suburb because it

has its own centers of employment and commerce.

What term describes the tendency to choose romantic partners based on similarities in background and group membership?


What are the tactics used by workers to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor called?

resistance strategies

A society that separates church and state is a(n) __________ society.


What are systems and structures within society that shape the activities of groups and individuals called?

social institutions

Which economic system is based on collective ownership of the means of production and collective distribution of goods and services?


If a sociologist believes that urban sprawl creates largely white, upper- and middle-class suburbs whose residents have access to resources that urban dwellers do not, what theoretical perspective do they represent?

structural functionalism

In the __________ approach to addiction, people who become addicted may be responding to strains in the social system and their own lives by escaping through drugs and alcohol.

structural functionalist

If researchers find that the Great Recession of 2008 led to large numbers of middle-class people experiencing downward mobility to the lower-middle class, it would be an example of

structural mobility

Beyond just money, the economy is about

the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

A math teacher writes problems featuring male characters who are always given an occupation, like Bob the janitor or James the lawyer, but the female characters are always given carework jobs, like nanny, or have no occupation. This is an example of the

ways schools socialize children into gender roles.

How did the Industrial Revolution create "work" in the modern sense?

It used machines to produce more goods, more efficiently.

Babies become aware of their own gender

by age two.

The American Medical Association

creates, maintains, legitimizes, and controls medicine in the United States.

What is it called when individuals live as if they were members of a different racial category than the one into which they were born?

racial passing

Pierre Bourdieu studied ________, which is the tendency of social class to be passed down from one generation to the next and consequently remain relatively stable over time.

social reproduction

The process of gender socialization tends to emphasize heteronormativity.


What is it called when members of a minority group adopt the cultural practices of the dominant group?

cultural assimilation

Banks often offer customers with low credit scores subprime loans that have higher-than-normal interest rates. What is the bank guilty of if it gives three times as many subprime loans to Black Americans than to white Americans, even when they have the same credit scores?

institutional discrimination

The Industrial Revolution changed the common meaning of family because

it shifted the meaning from extended family to nuclear family.

An example of discrimination is

refusing to sell someone a house because of their race.

Which of the following statements highlights the idea that mental illness can be socially constructed?

The meanings and definitions of mental illness vary over time and place.

How do we decide when to display situational ethnicity?

We do a cost-benefit analysis.

From a symbolic interactionist perspective, the most important way that schools socialize children into their gender identities is

through interactions between teachers and students.

Conflict theory argues that, although religion is sometimes an oppressive force, it can also sometimes act as a liberating force.


Our bodies are social objects, and our social experiences and social location shape our prospects for health and risks of disease.


Oxygen is an example of a renewable resource, as it is a natural resource that can be replenished by plants and trees.


American anthropologist Margaret Mead spent much of her career documenting the ways in which other cultures had gender roles that differed, sometimes radically, from those of twentieth-century America. Why does this matter?

It shows the meaning of masculinity and femininity differs in different societies.

How is custody of minor children usually handled in divorce cases?

Mothers receive custody in a disproportionate number of cases.

"Welfare queen" is an insulting term for a woman who is accused of cheating the government by collecting welfare payments. There is no "welfare king" insult. What sociological truth is contained in the phrase "welfare queen"?

The use of the word "queen" reminds us that women are more likely than men to live in poverty.

How does your textbook debunk the idea that white people can be victims of "reverse racism"?

White people do not suffer from the widespread cumulative disadvantages in almost every sphere of social life that are perpetuated within a historically and pervasively racist society.

Urban density is measured by the number of

people per square mile

The process by which members of a group individually conclude that nothing is wrong because they observe that no one else seems to be worried is called

pluralistic ignorance.

Sociologists refer to the methods and tactics used to influence government policies, policy-related attitudes, and activities as


In the nineteenth century, those American Indians who survived clashes with the U.S. Army were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of

population transfer

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the preexisting inequalities in service work, while also exacerbating them.


The power elite consists of a group of individuals who are in leadership positions within the economy, politics, and the military.


White nationalism is the belief that a nation should be based on white identity, which would be found in religion, politics, economics, and culture.


Who led campaigns to end child labor and increase workplace safety?


In what year did the first states in the United States begin legalizing same-sex marriages?


A country has a population of 1,231,994 as of December 31, 2017. On December 31, 2018, you are tasked with calculating the growth rate over the year. The country experienced 128,240 births and 103,412 deaths. The net migration was 12,388. What was the growth rate?

3.0 percent

__________ is/are an example of a special interest group.

A lobbying organization created to advocate on behalf of universities

Evangelical Christianity is characterized by a focus on

converting others to their way of worshipping.

In the Hawaiian language, makuahine means both "mother" and


Religion fulfills what role in society from a structural functionalist perspective?

It provides its supporters with a set of values, norms, and rules by which to live.

According to theorists like Edna Bonacich, what is the effect of a split labor market in which workers belonging to one race are paid less than those of a different race?

The effects of racism are compounded by poverty.

According to Max Weber, Protestant values contributed to the rise of


In the 1940s and 1950s, Alfred Kinsey surveyed Americans to find out about their sexual behavior. His findings were important because they

challenged the view that Americans were either exclusively heterosexual or homosexual.

__________ are associated with an increase in social atomization.


Although they have only been dating for seven months, Rita and Joo-won decided to move in together. When two people live together as a romantically involved, unmarried couple, they are


What are unmarried adults who are romantically involved and live together under the same roof participating in?


In House of Yes, a play by Wendy MacLeod, the character Marty brings his fiancée Lesly to meet his family. She comes from a different social class, which leads to miscommunication and difficult interactions among Lesly, Marty, and Marty's two siblings. According to Pierre Bourdieu, Lesly not having enough ________ could cause the strained relations.

cultural capital

In the 1960s, many sociologists noticed that economic obstacles alone were insufficient in explaining disparities in the educational attainment of children from different social classes. Which concept was introduced to explain these disparities?

cultural capital

A social scientist argues that inner-city families cannot escape a cycle of poverty because they see the lack of opportunities around them, decide that the world of the middle class is permanently closed to them, and do not try to maintain steady employment or send their children to college. What concept does this example highlight?

culture of poverty theory

Which of the following would you expect to see happen in the future if the pattern of demographic transition that followed the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States is repeated in Africa?

decreasing mortality rates

Which of the following techniques is used to disenfranchise part of the American population today?

denying people who have been convicted of felonies the right to vote for the rest of their lives

What is the term for the range of behaviors that abusers use to gain and maintain power over their victims?

domestic abuse

Environmental justice claims that those who are most responsible for climate change suffer the most from it.


Karl Marx spent much of his life attempting to understand and describe how capitalism works. In one particularly vivid passage, he described the turbulence he saw as inherent in capitalism: "All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real condition of life and his relations with his kind." What sort of relationships did he think his readers had with other people?

economic relationships

According to diversity training studies, which of the following leads to increases in managerial diversity?

efforts to establish responsibility for diversity

The exploitation of a minority group within the dominant group's political borders is called

internal colonialism

Sometimes child welfare agencies are called to investigate a child who never seems to have clean clothing and is very skinny. The suspicion would be that the child is a victim of


The Environmental Protection Agency has a department with a mandate to work for the "fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." What is this department most likely to be called based on your reading in Chapter 15?

the Environmental Justice Department

Why would a sociologist categorize an urban area as a "global city"?

the city has global impact as a center of economic, political, and social power

According to the text, which of the following is one of the four major eras of environmental activism?

the conservation era

According to a study, Black defendants on trial for murder in Pennsylvania were 40 percent more likely to receive the death penalty than white people convicted of similar crimes. This indicates that

the criminal justice system has a racial bias.

Valentina calls her nineteen-year-old son every Sunday to make sure he's doing okay in college. She also sends him gas and grocery money every month. Valentina is also the primary caretaker for her elderly mother who lives with her. Which of these phrases best describes her situation?

the sandwich generation

A symbolic interactionist studying the family would be most interested in

the way gift giving within an extended family makes some bonds more important than others.

In a capitalist system, what do workers have available to sell?

their own labor

Regarding class conflict, Karl Marx argues that

there have been class conflicts throughout all of human history.

In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the Seneca Falls Convention to address the issue of equal rights for women. The convention produced a Declaration of Sentiments, which laid out a list of injustices done to women by men. Which of the following do you think was first on their list given your knowledge of the first wave of the women's movement?

"He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise."

The last antimiscegenation law in the United States was struck down in


What does a sociological perspective tell us about education in the United States?

Educational success often has as much to do with social stratification as it does with individual ability.

__________ is/are tasks designed to achieve a tangible goal like washing the dishes or taking out the trash.

Instrumental tasks

Capitalism and socialism are two examples of political systems throughout the world.


Gender is biologically natural.


One of the major problems with slowing greenhouse gas emissions lies in the developing world, where many countries are just now starting to burn fossil fuels at the same rate as the industrialized world. Aside from the pollution produced, this is also a problem because there is not enough oil left for the world to burn it at its current rate. What do many people believe we need to solve this problem?


According to symbolic interactionists Jay Gubrium and Jim Holstein, what form does the family take in contemporary society?

"The family" does not exist; rather, family is a fluid, adaptable set of concepts and practices.

Why is intravenous drug use responsible for most HIV/AIDS cases in Central Europe and Central Asia, while HIV/AIDS is a general problem spread throughout the entire population in sub-Saharan Africa?

HIV/AIDS is a different epidemic depending on where it is.

How does the academic achievement of homeschooled students compare to that of public school students?

Homeschooled students perform significantly better, on average, than public school students.

In the United States, __________ would have the most freedom in choosing whether to display their race or ethnicity.

Irish Americans

One cost-of-living indicator shows that a salary of $40,000 in Santa Barbara, California, is equivalent to $14,000 in Wichita, Kansas. This is primarily because of the cost of housing, which is much less expensive in Wichita. What does this difference say about how the federal government calculates poverty?

It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line, as the standard is uniformly applied without regard to regional differences.

Which of the following facts might a sociologist be interested in if they are studying the problems associated with resource depletion when investigating the way our society uses paper?

It requires more than three pounds of tree pulp to make one pound of paper.

People living in what type of area have an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease?

food desert

Brazilians employ many racial categories, such as moreno, mulato, neguinho, and pretinho. Most of these terms do not have an equivalent in the United States. What does this tell you?

Race is a social construct.

In the Sermon on the Mount of the Christian New Testament, believers are told, "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." Of which of the functions or dysfunctions of religion does this remind you?

Religion provides morals, values, rules, and norms for participants.

In 2009, South African track star Caster Semenya broke the world record in the 800-meter race. Subsequently, she was asked to prove to the world that she was a woman. The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) subjected her to a complex series of tests that included physical and medical examinations. The controversy over Semenya's gender raises which of the following issues?

The IAAF's response assumes an essentialist idea of gender.

Demographers noticed __________ in the numbers of unwed individuals living with their romantic partners between 1960 and 2014.

a sharp increase

Race is defined by sociologists

as a social category based on real or perceived biological differences.

What is it called when a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group?


Which of the following is a major area of concern within the four analytic frameworks of environmental sociology?

attitudes about the environment

Boys are __________ times as likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than girls are.


In 2008, the Obama family's search for a church to attend in Washington, DC, was big news. A sociological analysis of the national curiosity about the president's church might argue that

being a Christian is an unofficial requirement for the presidency.

Factories that produce noxious levels of pollution and toxic waste dumps are often located near areas where minorities and the poor reside. Which of the following terms could be used to describe this situation?

environmental racism

Genetic testing in utero can inform parents of possible genetic mutations in the embryo. There are ethical concerns regarding this type of genetic testing because some individuals believe the selection of only healthy babies is a form of


It is easy to think of forms of employment that allow individuals to avoid bureaucratic restraints.


The middle class is made up of mostly blue collar workers.


The sick role, which consists of the actions and attitudes expected of ill individuals, is most associated with structural functionalist Robert Merton.


There is little to no difference between Republicans and Democrats in how much they trust the media or which news sources they prefer.


The globe will have two billion more people living on it by the year 2050, according to the United Nations estimates. At that point, the population may actually shrink because, although life expectancy may continue to rise, the average number of children each person gives birth to is poised to drop below 2.1. What demographic variable might make the global population drop?


The radio played a news story about the murder of a twenty-five-year-old married woman with one child. Who would you expect the police to first investigate for the crime?

her husband

A highly vaccinated community maintains __________, a kind of group resistance that helps protect even the unvaccinated from contracting the disease.

herd immunity

Office workers hanging pictures in their cubicles or wasting time daydreaming while on the clock are examples of what?

individual resistance

In sociology, authority refers to the

legitimate right to wield power.

Laura Scott describes U.S. society as __________, suggesting that U.S. cultural values support childbearing and child-rearing as the normative and preferred practice.


The criteria used by a social class system to stratify its members include

property, power, and prestige.

According to Randall Collins, our educational system is much like a "tribal initiation rite," a "secret society," or a "closed occupational caste." For Collins, it is not a rational system that produces more efficient production but a mechanism for

reproducing the existing class structure.

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, and some political strategists argued it was partly due to Trump being a reality television celebrity. These political strategists likely feel that politics today

rewards style over substance.

Chris McCandless lived on his own in the wilderness because he felt constrained and betrayed by a society that cared so little for its individual members. What term describes the attitude to which McCandless objected?

social atomization

Which area of the economy has seen increases in union membership since the early 1970s?

the public sector

Karl Marx believed that workers in a capitalist economy experience alienation because

they are paid for their labor but do not own the things they produce.

During the rise of suburbanization in the 1950s and 1960s, __________ were most likely to move away from the urban core to the suburbs.

white people

Sociologists define a minority group as a group

with members who are denied access to power and resources.

Plantation owners in early America often argued that enslaved Africans were better off because they did not have the mental capacity to run their own lives. Today, this seems ridiculous and racist. How could such racist beliefs flourish?

Such beliefs justify social arrangements between dominant and minority groups that benefit those who accept them.

Someone who works primarily with information and develops or uses knowledge in the workplace is called a(n) ________ worker.


In the United States, the federal poverty line is calculated using food costs based on the cheapest possible diet that can still provide basic nutrition. What sort of measure of poverty is this?

a measure of absolute deprivation

Several members of the Indian government have argued that poverty in India should be calculated according to how many calories per day people consume, not in relation to their incomes. What sort of measure of poverty would this be?


What sort of jobs can support a middle-class lifestyle in America today?

jobs in the information and technology sectors

A transgender woman, a person who does not identify as male or female, and a person who usually identifies as a man but sometimes identifies as a woman are all

gender nonconforming.

Luciana was a trauma surgeon, but she became a professor at the university medical school after deciding she wanted to spend more time working with students. Which sociological term describes when an individual changes their career but remains within the same social class?

horizontal social mobility

What do sociologists ask you to consider regarding health and illness?

how health and illness are shaped by social factors

Although "like usually marries like," ________ is more common for heterosexual women, whereas ________ is more common for heterosexual men when class boundaries are crossed in marriage.

hypergamy; hypogamy

Epidemiologists predict that rates of certain diseases or viruses may dramatically increase when vector organisms enter new ecosystems due to global climate change. Which of the following have epidemiologists linked to climate change?


As the process of __________ develops, we will be less likely to treat someone who has a mental health issue as having something they should just "deal with" alone. We will instead be more likely to think of the issue as having to do with a disease.


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association in the form we now know it until 1987, despite children exhibiting the symptoms of ADHD before 1987. What sociological concept does this highlight?


Many health inequities that people of lower socioeconomic status experience are worsened in __________ groups.


In the United Kingdom, the government owns the British Broadcasting Corporation, or BBC, which is the world's largest television and radio broadcasting service. This tells you that the United Kingdom is

partially socialist

Some conservative groups have organized to campaign for crackdowns on illegal immigration and limits on legal immigration because they are concerned about how the United States will be changed by nonwhite immigrants. This means that they are against


The fact that so many people are asked, "What are you?" in reference to their race is evidence that

race must be established interactionally.

A man is found guilty of rape, and despite the prosecutors asking for a sentence of six years in prison, the judge handed down a sentence of just six months in county jail. Many felt that, by handing down a light sentence for a serious crime, the judge was normalizing

rape culture.

The tendency of social classes to remain relatively stable as social class status is passed down from one generation to the next is called

social reproduction

Mother Teresa was a person with tremendous power and prestige, yet she was very poor. Which sociological term best describes her situation?

status inconsistency

According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, an employer that violates more than one federal or state labor law concerning wages, overtime, child labor, safety and health, or industrial regulation is classified as a(n)


Siobhan recently learned that she has a mental illness. Since her diagnosis, she has begun to act according to the illness and in ways that she thinks others expect someone with a mental illness to act. Which theory of health and illness best explains her situation?

symbolic interactionism

Oscar Lewis was the first to suggest that the poor develop a way of life with fundamentally different values and goals because they are excluded from mainstream social life. Consequently, they are much less likely to join the middle class. This way of life is usually called

the culture of poverty

Which of the following carry and spread pathogens in geographic locations around the world?

vector organisms

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