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The effect of a 1980s Supreme Court ruling on the issue of whether institutional policies created advantages for white people and disadvantages for persons of color

indicated that for institutional policies to be discriminative required proof of evil intent.

Rejecting an individual or group on the basis of group membership is considered

individual racism.

Homosexuality was removed from the American Psychological Association's list of mental illnesses in


Percent of the divorcing fathers who agree or are ordered by the courts to pay child support actually making full payments for the first year and percent of divorced fathers still making full or partial payments one year later is

40%, one year later less than 20%.

Which of the following is UNTRUE regarding persons with disabilities?

A person with a disability is a incapable of living a normal life

All of the following are examples of how merchants exploit poor people EXCEPT:

Advertising a high quality product at a low price

Schools that remain on the "in need of improvement" list for four or five years have what option?

All of these

Which of the following was considered an "approach" to eliminating various forms of sexual desire, including homosexuality?

All of these

While the psychological community in the second half of the 20th century continued to regard homosexuals as having "mental defects" a plausible alternative to many was

All of these

Which of the following is an accurate statement about children living in poverty in the United States?

All of these are accurate statements

Which of the following is an assumption about people with disabilities as discussed in the text?

All of these are assumptions made about people with disabilities

Poverty in the U.S. is the most harmful to

infants - one out of five is born into poverty in the U.S. the highest rate in the industrialized world.

That people are born with an innate attraction to opposite-sex partners

is primarily a Western cultural attitude.

Controversies over how the bible depicts homosexuality include all of the following, EXCEPT:

All of these are controversies that arise when considering how the bible depicts homosexuality.

Sexism is learned through

All of these are ways that sexism can be learned

Sexual harassment in the workplace is NOT

All of these illustrate workplace sexual harassment

The pattern of several past research studies on women reveal that researchers

All of these represent a pattern in past research on women

Which of the following is not an example of a historic attempt in the United States to respond to the problems of those people living in poverty?

All of these were U.S. responses to poverty

Which sentence represents the correct use of the term "androgyny"?

Androgynous people respond to situations as needed, without being limited by gender

Why were children removed from poorhouses?

Belief that although poverty was a genetic defect, children could be saved if removed from their parents

Workplace discrimination towards persons with disabilities includes

Both being paid less than persons with similar responsibilities and fewer opportunities for advancement

In addition to being subject to housing discrimination, persons with disabilities are subject to discrimination in all of the following areas EXCEPT:


The passage of what act was considered as the first public acknowledgment that people with disabilities could be considered a minority group in need of civil rights protections?

Rehabilitation Act

How did research adversely affect women's rights?

Research reported that women who attended college and entered the workforce were less likely to get married

________ contributes to the perception that there are certain jobs for men and certain jobs for women.

Sexist language

Examples of institutionally racist practices in education include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Supplementary instructional materials

What allowed employers to keep wages low, and in some cases, even reduce wages?

The continuing flow of immigrants resulted in an increase in competition for jobs among the poor

Which of the following is UNTRUE of welfare?

The number of persons on welfare is increasing at a greater rate than the U.S. population

Which of the following is UNTRUE about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of recruiting and retaining homosexuals in the U.S. military?

The policy has increased the retention and advancement of homosexuals in the military

Which of the following is not cultural racism?

The practice of white families moving from urban areas into the suburbs

Which of the following is not an accurate statement concerning distribution of wealth in the United States?

The salaries of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) for American Corporations is approximately 30 times the salary of the average worker

According to research on human sexuality studies, which of the following statements is true?

There are several different factors that influence our sexual orientation

In the 1970s scholars began to explain that institutional racism

in the form of institutional policies benefiting whites, did not require intentionality.

In comparing salaries between male and female workers

salary discrepancies between male and female workers have diminished because salaries of male workers have not been increasing.

Institutional care ratings in the U.S. for persons with disabilities are

seriously deficient in quality of care and residential safety.

Two of the most common complaints at work concerning sexual harassment are

sexually suggestive remarks and persistent requests for a date.

White privilege is not

available to persons of color.

San Francisco became the site of the first major urban gay community in the United States because

Both many gay and lesbian soldiers returning from World War II came through San Francisco and elected to remain there and California courts had upheld the constitutionality of having a business designed exclusively for gay and lesbian customers

The most common sexually harassing behaviors reported by women include

Both persistently asking a women out on a date and sexually suggestive remarks

Attempts by poor workers to raise wages included

Both the formation and organization of unions and strikes

Why is the trend of factories being relocated from metropolitan areas to the suburbs described as an example of institutional racism?

Building a factory in an all-white suburb guarantees a predominantly white work force

Correlations between poverty and poor achievement in school are related to all EXCEPT which of the following?

Children living in poverty lack parents who are able to provide academic support

Arguments used to deny people with disabilities minority status include all of the following EXCEPT:

Classifying persons with a disabilities that constitute "daily hardships" is too subjective a measure

Results of community-based care for persons with disabilities includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Decrease in safety

"Greek love" was a euphemism used by British boarding school boys to refer to what activity?

Engaging in sexual activity with each other

What adverse reaction to the women's movement occurred early in the 20th century?

Feminists were considered as being hateful towards men

Reasons for increases in poverty in 19th century America include all EXCEPT for which of the following?

Genetic predisposition to avoid work

Which of the following statements about homosexuality is accurate?

Homosexual relationships can be monogamous and lifelong

Growing income disparities between the wealthy and the poor provide evidence of a shrinking middle class. Where is the U.S. in terms of income disparity?

Income disparity in the U.S. has been the greatest worldwide since becoming number one in the 1980s

Federal and state governments can assist families living in poverty in of the following ways EXCEPT:

Keep minimum wage at the current rate

Towards the middle of 20th century, what effect did media have on women securing work?

Media outlets consistently reported that women should stay at home "where they belonged"

Literature and films, including Captain Hook, Long John Silver, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Phantom of the Opera and others, portray disabled people as evil. This is an example of what historical perception of people with disabilities?

Menace to Society

Which condition does NOT meet the definition of "sexism?"

Oppression stemming from separation between dominant and subordinate groups

Following the reformation,

attitudes towards persons with disabilities became increasingly hostile as those persons had fewer places to go.

Which statement is at the root of workforce salary inequity between men and women?

Women earn college degrees and perform job duties equivalently to men

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about rape?

Women who read sexually graphic novels secretly fantasize about being raped

Which of the following is NOT an economic consequence of institutional sexism?

Women who receive child support payments are ineligible to receive public assistance

Which of the following is NOT true about word-of-mouth hiring practices?

Word-of-mouth hiring is discriminatory when it is used to limit opportunities of applicants of color

The 1948 Kinsey Report publicized the concept of "sexual orientation" as

a continuum of sexual possibilities ranging from exclusively homosexual to exclusively heterosexual with a variety of bisexual orientations in-between.

A feminist is

a person who advocates and promotes legal and social equality for men and women.

A male chauvinist is

a person who believes in the superiority of males.

When a white asks a person of color "where are you from?" the questioner is likely asking

about the person's nationality.

Historic cultural perspectives of people with disabilities include all of the following except that they may be

accessible for medical experimentation.

Eugenics, or forced sterilization, was not placed on a list of Nazi war crimes because

allied authorities determined that similar laws had recently been upheld in the U.S.

According to many scholars, ending institutional racism requires all of the following, EXCEPT:

assessing large fines to institutions engaged in discriminatory practices.

Towards the middle of the 20th century, attitudes towards homosexuality in the medical community

began to converge around the conclusion that homosexuality was permanent condition.

Choices such as where to live and feelings about personal safety are generally not taken for granted

by persons of color in comparison to whites.

As a result of the New Deal, the Economic Security Act of 1935 created all of the following to provide basic protection and support for those in need EXCEPT for

college loan forgiveness.

Receiving messages from peers, family members and the media that persons of middle eastern decent could harbor resentment towards Christians is an example of

cultural racism.

The last significant effort to de-segregate U.S. schools resulted in

decreases in achievement gaps and increases in high school graduation rates among minority students.

Individual ableism includes consideration of all but which of these

established laws, customs, and daily practices.

Requiring that friends and colleagues practice your cultural traditions is an example of


Supplemental Security Income for persons with disabilities provides

financial support to persons with disabilities as long as they remain without other means of financial support.

Disability is to handicap as

functional barrier is to environmental barrier.

Tracking, or grouping students by ability and assigning them to ability-related classes

has been shown to harm students in remedial tracks and minimally benefit students in accelerated tracks.

State "deinstitutionalization" laws

have failed to positively curb the poor quality of care provided to many people with disabilities.

According to McIntosh, an invisible knapsack of privilege does not include

having most academic subjects come easy to you.

Providing community-centered home-based care to persons with disabilities provides

lower cost and higher quality of care overall.

Cultural heterosexism, or the dominant culture's belief that heterosexuality is normal and that orientations other than heterosexuality are deviant is

medically and historically disputable.

In the late 1800's, adoption of children of poor families became a means of

middle- and upper-class Americans helping to snap the cycle of poverty.

A person's ethnicity refers to their

nation/s of origin and culture.

Both the American Medical Association (A.M.A.) and the American Psychiatric Association (A.P.A.) have concluded that homosexuality is

one of many varieties of sexual expression/experience.

In the early 1800s, a movement to gain more rights for women began with efforts to change what British common law stipulated about a married woman's right to

own property and keep their earnings.

The term "f*gg*t" as derived from "fagot" or bundle of sticks, was applied to homosexuals as slur to represent

persecuted homosexuals were sometimes piled together and burned like a bundle of sticks.

Institutional ableism does not include consideration of our

personal attitudes towards disabilities.

The term "gay rights" refers to

protecting the civil rights of homosexuals in areas such as those of housing, employment, medical care.

Rights and privileges sought by domestic partnership legislation include all but which of the following

provides domestic partners the right to be married in a church of their choosing.

Until the 16th century, persons with disabilities were

received relief from monasteries and often times, their corresponding hospices.

The "Band of Thebes" is a historic example of the appropriateness of

recruiting homosexuals for active duty military service.

Redlining, a process used by financial institutions to exploit poor people, refers to

refusal to lend money for mortgages or home improvements based on home's location in an undesirable neighborhood.

More than by any other classification, U.S. schools are segregated by

social class.

Relative to several European countries, the U.S.

spends less on long-term disability benefits.

The Catholic church accepts that individuals are pre-disposed to homosexuality while

still continuing to denounce homosexuality.

Sexual harassment in schools is illustrated by

teachers have more frequent verbal interactions with boys than girls.

An example of institutional racism is NOT

that persons of color are often under-presented by the media as positive role models.

The relationship between family income and scores on scholastic aptitude tests is

the higher the income the higher the scores.

According to the educational philosophy of Essentialism, the main purpose of schools is to

transmit a core of knowledge and values to succeeding generations.

Domestic partner legislation is

well-established in numerous countries throughout the world.

As a consequence of not receiving a culturally responsive education in grade school

white students might be surprised and annoyed when learning of required courses in racial and ethnic diversity upon entering college.

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