SOC 123 Exam 3 Quiz Questions

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Robin's 7-year-old son Harry has just asked her why it feels good to rub his penis and that sometimes it gets hard when he does. Which of the following responses might be harmful to Harry's sexuality? a. "That's private touching but it's okay to do." b. "Touching can make our bodies feel happy." c. "Good question. Let's ask daddy about that." d. " Don't do that again and don't think about it."

"Don't do that again and don't think about it."

A group of 100 college-age women were invited to attend a gala show of designer fashions . How many of the attendees are similar in appearance to the models walking the runway? a. 1 b. 7 c. 12 d. 19


Seroconversion enables HIV tests to identify whether a person has been infected due to the presence of which of the following? a. Lymphocytes b. T-cells c. Antibodies d. CD4 cells


What can a couple take away from Gottman's research to help them maintain a satisfying marriage? a. Always say positive things. b. Focus on platonic connection. c. Don't focus on sexual issues. d. Walk away from hot conflict

Focus on platonic connection

Drugs like Viagra and Cialis used to treat erectile dysfunction in men focus on what substance in the body? a. Gonadotropin b. Serotonin c. Nitric oxide d. Testosterone

Nitric Oxide

Which of the following is the greatest impediment to the effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)? a. Financial costs b. Drug resistance c. Noncompliance d. Social stigma


As part of his treatment for a sexual disorder, Lorenzo's therapist told him to increase his masturbatory activity to once a day or more. What is Lorenzo likely receiving treatment for? a. Sexual aversion b. Ejaculatory inhibition c. Erectile dysfunction d. Premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

Rondella recently learned that she has an STI. Luckily, she can buy a treatment product at the drugstore without getting a prescription. What does Rondella likely have? a. Pubic lice b. Bacterial Vaginosis c. Genital Warts d. Latent Syphilis

Pubic lice

When did the virus that causes AIDS first infect the human population? a. 1920s b. 1940s c. 1960s d. 1980s


Isaac, an African American man, and Sheila, a White woman, have been happily married for five years. When could the couple have been convicted of breaking anti-miscegenation laws? a. 1965 b. 1974 c. 1981 d. 1990


Humans experience infant sexuality up to what age? a. 6 months b. 12 months c. 18 months d. 24 months

24 months.

Palmetto Springs High School has 100 girls in Grades 9 -12. How many of these students have had a sexual experience with a boy, despite not wanting to be sexual? a. 16 b. 27 c. 39 d. 55


According to the DSM-5, how long does a person need to be experiencing frequent and distressing problems with sexual encounters before being diagnosed with a sexual disorder? a. 1 month b. 3 months c. 6 months d. 12 months

6 months

Dr. Ortiz is conducting sexology research on college campuses. She recently discussed sexual behaviors with a group of ten college sophomores who are members of a men's fraternity. According to her research, how many of the students had masturbated without a partner? a. 4 b. 5 c. 8 d. 9


Who is most likely to "play doctor" by looking at and displaying genitals with friends? a. An 18-month old infant b. A 2-year-old preschooler c. A 5-year-old first grader d. An 8-year-old third grader

A 5-year-old first grader

Over the past twenty years, people have been waiting longer before getting married for the first time. What will be the likely long-term result of this cultural shift? a. A decrease in the birth rate b. A decrease in the divorce rate c. An increase in sexual fidelity d. A decrease in cohabitation

A decrease in the divorce rate

Which of the following people is most likely to have an extramarital affair? a. A tour group leader b. A university professor c. A national news anchor d. A regional bank manager

A national news anchor

Which of the following accurately describes the progression of rates of adolescent coitus over the past 60 years? a. A static rate, followed by a steady increase, then a gradual decrease b. A steady increase, followed by a static rate, followed by a decrease c. A gradual increase, followed by a static rate, followed by an increase d. A marginal increase, followed by a sharp decrease, then a static rate

A steady increase, followed by a static rate, followed by a decrease.

Which of the following experiences will likely cause a teenager to delay their first experience of coitus? a. Living with a divorced parent b. Being on the school honor roll c. Feeling inferior to peer group d. Hanging out with drug users

Being on the school honor roll

A large boys' academy has 100 students in the fifth grade. How many of these students have likely masturbated? a. less than 20 b. about 36 c. about 65 d. more than 75

About 65

What proportion of unmarried Americans are content to maintain their current relationship status? a. About one-fourth b. About one-third c. About one-half d. About two-thirds

About one-half

In a sexual culture that is very youth oriented, what proportion of older gay men feel satisfied with their sex lives? a. About one-third b. About one-half c. About two-thirds d. About three-fourths

About three-fourths

Masturbation can be an important tool for couples to overcome sexual difficulties. At the same time, it can be problematic. What proportion of men have ejaculatory problems related to masturbation? a. About one fourth b. About one third c. About two thirds d. About three fourths

About two thirds

Which of the following strategies is most effective in preventing a sexually transmitted infection? a. Not swallowing semen or vaginal fluid b. Abstaining from sex with a partner c. Using a condom during intercourse d. Inspecting partner genitals before sex

Abstaining from sex with a partner

Based on the experience of countries in western Europe, which of the following would be an effective way to reduce teen pregnancy in the United States? a. Fund national abstinence education b. Accept human sexuality openly c. Increase church attendance d. Restrict teen access to abortion

Accept human sexuality openly

Which of the following is considered a natural first line of defense against many vaginal infections? a. Acidic pH b. Antibodies c. T4 cells d. Lymph

Acidic pH

Liam is 26 years old and has had several relationships as well as casual sexual encounters since high school. After a difficult break-up and being unemployed for months, he has had problems getting and sustaining an erection when he is with women. Which of the following best describes Liam's situation? a. Lifelong sexual disorder of a generalized type b. Lifelong sexual disorder of a situational type c. Acquired sexual disorder of a generalized type d. Acquired sexual disorder of a situational type

Acquired sexual disorder of a generalized type.

Why does the availability of self-administered HIV kits present some cause for concern? a. Because manufacturers of test kits may not be reliable b. Because the test results can be hard to read correctly c. Because people who test positive will get no counseling d. Because negative results spur higher rates of unsafe sex

Because people who test positive will get no counseling

Sixth grade students Robert and Cassie both started puberty about a year ago. Which of the following statements is likely true of this boy and girl? a. Robert and Cassie both sing soprano. b. Robert has more body hair than Cassie. c. Cassie wears longer jeans than Robert. d. Cassie has more pimples than Robert.

Cassie wears longer jeans than Robert.

The graduating class of Wildwood High School is celebrating Senior Day with a big concert and cookout at a park. Sexual activity is certain to occur among students at or following the event. What will the students be most at risk of contracting through having sex? a. AIDS b. Chlamydia c. Gonorrhea d. Trichomoniasis


Which of the following would be the best synonym for the practice of sensate focus? a. Orgasmic awakening b. Guided positioning c. Gender-role reversing d. Expressive touching

Expressive Touching

Shonda and Neal recently had a long, open discussion with their 15-year-old son Devon about sex. Which of the following is likely to occur over the next year? a. Devon will focus on school more than sex. b. Devon's girlfriend will become pregnant. c. Devon will become distant from his parents. d. Devon will explore MPS and get an infection.

Devon will focus on school more than sex

Jack recently learned from his physician that his sexual difficulties are due in part to hormonal changes in which his actions played a part. What did Jack do to cause his problem? a. Smoke cigarettes b. Drink alcohol c. Abuse cocaine d. Take an SSRI

Drink alcohol

Someone who receives the HPV vaccine will be protected against which of the following? a. Gonorrhea and joint damage b. Herpes type 2 and prostate cancer c. Genital warts and cervical cancer d. Hepatitis B and liver cancer

Genital warts and cervical cancer

Malcolm, a youth counselor, is talking to a group of male college students about STIs. He knows that men tend to brush off health problems and avoid seeing doctors, so he shares his own powerful experience of ignoring symptoms. Because of his lack of action, Malcolm is now sterile. What was Malcolm likely infected with as a young man? a. Chlamydia b. Hepatitis c. Gonorrhea d. Herpes


To increase sexual desire and satisfaction in their long marriage, Marcus and Rosa each went to their doctors and obtained prescriptions for testosterone. Since taking the hormone, their libidos have increased and they are having more sex. What are both Rosa and Marcus risking with this treatment? a. Prostate problems b. Heart problems c. Kidney problems d. Sensitivity problems

Heart problems

Crystal, an unemployed woman living in a trailer in Kentucky, recently was divorced from her husband. What would Crystal likely say was the reason for her seeking a divorce? a. Lack of attention from her husband b. Heavy alcohol use by her husband c. Little sense of true connection d. Not sharing similar goals for life

Heavy alcohol use by her husband

Which of the following people in the United States has the highest risk for HIV infection? a. Dana, a White gay man living n a middle-class suburb b. Hector, a bisexual Hispanic man living in public housing c. Reggie, a straight African American man receiving food stamps d. Gene, a gay African American man working as a tech executive

Hector, a bisexual Hispanic man living in public housing

Holly and her boyfriend got married right after they finished high school. Her cousin Rachel got married a few years after graduating from college to a man she met at freshman orientation. Which of the following accurately describes the women's relative risks of getting a divorce? a. Rachel's risk is roughly the same as Holly's risk. b. Rachel's risk is five times lower than Holly's risk. c. Holly's risk is two times greater than Rachel's risk. d. Holly's risk is three times higher than Rachel's risk

Holly's risk is two times greater than Rachel's risk.

In what way is extensive use of online communication and social networking most likely to have a negative impact on a teen's capacity for healthy social and sexual experiences? a. It can expose them to safety risks from adult predators. b. It can limit their ability to deal with people face-to-face. c. It can present them with misinformation on sexual issues d. It can subject them to higher levels of peer pressure.

It can limit their ability to deal with people face-to-face.

How has the rate of cohabitation in the United States changed over the past twenty years? a. It has increased about 50 percent. b. It has stayed relatively stable c. It has more than doubled. d. It has seen a marginal decline.

It has more than doubled

When he was a young married man, Joseph had a fairly low sex drive. Now that he is over 65, how does Joseph's sex drive compare? a. It is totally absent. b. It is about the same. c. It is much higher. d. It is slightly higher.

It is about the same.

What role does the hypothalamus play in the onset of puberty? a. It releases testosterone. b. It signals the pituitary gland. c. It releases gonadotropins. d. It enlarges the gonads.

It signals the pituitary gland

According to beliefs common among contemporary teenagers, who would not be considered a virgin by their peers? a. Rosa, who received oral stimulation from a friend b. Latrell, who had intercourse with his girlfriend c. Manny, who rubbed genitals with a teammate d. Hae, who masturbated with her boyfriend

Latrell, who had intercourse with his girlfriend

Ron and Yvette are widowed retirees in their late 60s. After meeting at a Woodstock-themed dance and dating for several months, they decided to move in together and have a more committed relationship. What likely played a role in their decision to cohabitate rather than get married? a. Guilt over deceased spouses b. Loss of government benefits c. Growing up in a permissive era d. Lack of religious affiliations

Loss of government benefits

Which of the following describes the most likely impact of various factors on the sex life of a gay male couple? a. Low impact of emotional issues; high impact of gender-role issues b. Low impact of performance anxiety; high impact of emotional issues c. Low impact of gender role issues; high impact of self-concept issues d. Low impact of self-concept issues; high impact of childhood learning

Low impact of gender role issues; high impact of self-concept issues.

Which of the following statements provides the most support for the individualist cultural perspective on marriage? a. Married couples report equal sexual satisfaction into their later years. b. Married couples generally experience greater emotional well-being. c. Married couples benefit from the resources of each spouse's family. d. Married couples report increased satisfaction after having children.

Married couples generally experience greater emotional well-being

Which of the following people is likely to subscribe to an individualist perspective on marriage? a. Thuy, a Vietnamese woman b. Martine, a Canadian woman c. Sandeep, an Indian man d. Bongani, a Zambian man

Martine, a Canadian woman

Which of the following statements about nonmonogamy is accurate? a. Nonmonogamy is more dream than reality for most people in a couple relationship. b. Most people who fantasize about nonmonogamous behavior will act to make it happen. c. Nonmonogamous behavior always occurs because people are unhappy with their partner. d. People who engage in nonmonogamous behavior will inevitably feel guilt and shame.

Nonmonogamy is more dream than reality for most people in a couple relationship.

Connie is a happily unmarried, 42-year-old woman who still enjoys a full sex life. Which of the following likely has the least impact on Connie's sexual experiences? a. One-night stands b. Serial monogamy c. Masturbation d. Friends with benefits

One-night stands

A new couple looking to maximize their satisfaction during shared sexual activity should rely on which of the following? a. Good intention b. Past experiences c. Open dialogue d. Natural intuition

Open Dialogue

After checking her symptoms on a medical website, Rachel thinks she has chlamydia. She is afraid to tell her parents because they will know that she has been sexually active. So she decides to just ignore it and hope the symptoms go away. What further risk is Rachel exposing herself to? a. HIV, which can cause pneumonia b. NGU, which can cause blindness c. PID, which can cause infertility d. Hepatitis B, which can cause cancer

PID, which can cause infertility

Roberto has recently been diagnosed with an STI. Which of the following symptoms is he most likely experiencing? a. Penile discharge b. Glans rash c. Swollen testes d. Painful urination

Painful Urination

Which of the following demographic groups seems to be having difficulties with marital satisfaction in recent years? a. People ages 20 to 29 b. People ages 30 to 39 c. People ages 40 to 49 d. People ages 50 to 59

People ages 50 to 59

Consider the following: "When it comes to sex, we're always a work in progress." What is the best interpretation of this quote? a. Having a satisfying sex life requires a good deal of effort. b. Everyone has some type of sexual problem to address. c. People keep discovering more about themselves sexually. d. Couples have to be creative to maintain sexual interest.

People keep discovering more about themselves sexually.

Javier is a popular high school senior. He knows that using a condom can protect him from contracting an STI or HIV. He even had an uncle who died from AIDS when he was younger. Still, Javier has an active sex life with several partners and will not use condoms. What is the likely cause of this behavior in Javier? a. Peer pressure b. Low self-esteem c. Personal fable d. Bragging rights

Personal Fable

Which of the following best reflects the longstanding historical rationale for two people getting married? a. Freedom b. Spiritualism c. Romance d. Pragmatism


Which of the following people is most likely to engage in sexting? a. Jamaal, a 16-year-old student b. Olivia, a 33-year-old waitress c. Rodrigo, a 23-year-old salesman d. Noreen, a 44-year-old executive

Rodrigo, a 23-year-old salesman

Which of the following people will likely have the least concern over body image? a. Annette, a straight White woman b. Roxy, an African-American lesbian c. Lena, a White lesbian d. Debra, a straight African American woman

Roxy, an African-American lesbian

Young men who use erectile dysfunction medication as a "party drug" along with alcohol or other recreational drugs are at higher risk for which of the following? a. Prostatitis b. Priapus c. STIs d. PGAD


Tanya has a thick rash on her hands that is mainly just unattractive, as it doesn't hurt or itch. She does, however, feel tired and a bit achy. Which of the following is Tanya likely experiencing? a. Primary syphilis b. Secondary syphilis c. Primary gonorrhea d. Secondary gonorrhea

Secondary Syphilis

Someone who wants to avoid HIV infection should be most careful about limiting contact with which substance from an infected person? a. Urine b. Semen c. Breast milk d. Saliva


Jorge recently began seeing a sex therapist to obtain treatment for problems he is experiencing during the desire phase. Which of the following is Jorge likely diagnosed with? a. Sexual aversion b. Erectile disorder c. Premature ejaculation d. Persistent genital arousal

Sexual Aversion

What recent cultural practice has caused a change in the prevalence of a common ectoparasitic STI? a. Having friends with benefits b. Hooking up online c. Shaving pubic hair d. Using antibacterial gels

Shaving pubic hair

Which of the following do women focus on most to have an orgasm during a sexual encounter? a. Partner b. Desire c. Rhythm d. Stimulation


An extramarital relationship is an example of which of the following? a. Swinging b. Polyamory c. Nonmonogamy d. Sexual hospitality


Which of the following nonmonogamous behaviors minimizes the role of emotions and is accepted by both members of a couple? a. Swinging b. Open marriage c. Infidelity d. Polyamory


Which of the following STIs is caused by a type of bacteria? a. Candidiasis b. Herpes c. Syphilis d. Scabies


Which of the following lists male sexual development milestones in the correct chronological order? a. Growth spurt, testosterone increase, gonad enlargement, viable sperm, first ejaculation b. Testosterone increase, gonad enlargement, first ejaculation, viable sperm, growth spurt c. Gonad enlargement, testosterone increase, growth spurt, viable sperm, first ejaculation d. Testosterone increase, gonad enlargement, growth spurt, first ejaculation, viable sperm

Testosterone increase, gonad enlargement, growth spurt, first ejaculation, viable sperm

When did the United States experience its highest rate of teen pregnancies? a. The late 1970s b. The early 1980s c. The early 1990s d. The late 2000s

The early 1990s

Although rare and unethical, some therapists have had sexual contact with a client. How do rates of this activity compare among male and female sex therapists? a. The rate for male therapists is four times higher than the rate for female therapists. b. The rate for female therapists is two times higher than the rate for male therapists. c. The rate for male therapists is three times higher than the rate for female therapists. d. The rate for male therapists is six times higher than the rate for female therapists.

The rate for male therapists is four times higher than the rate for female therapists.

Why do Americans tend to believe that older people don't have active sex lives? a. They see elders as being too conservative. b. They think elder sexual activity is risky. c. They think seniors no longer enjoy sex. d. They focus on sex for creating a baby.

They focus on sex for creating a baby

Which of the following people in sub-Saharan Africa has the highest risk for HIV infection? a. Claire a 31-year-old White woman b. Thuli, a 22-year-old Black woman c. Jack, a 19-year-old White man d. Bongani, a 17-year-old Black man

Thuli, a 22-year-old Black woman

Which of the following high school sophomores is likely having intercourse? a. Morgan, a White girl b. Jackson, a White boy c. Trey, an African American boy d. Dawn, an African American girl

Trey, an African American boy

Priya and Marcus are high school juniors who have been dating for some time and feel ready to have intercourse. On the night they had their first experience of coitus, Priya knew that Marcus should wear a condom but she didn't want to ask him. What likely led Priya to avoid making her feelings known to Marcus? a. Low self-esteem b. Personal fable c. Peer pressure d. Unequal roles

Unequal Roles

Muscular contractions are a common and usually pleasurable component of sexual response and orgasm in both men and women. Under what circumstances are muscular contractions a hindrance to sexual activity? a. Peyronie's disease b. Vaginismus c. Vestibulodynia d. Anorgasmia


Rajesh was always careful to make sure he had no visible sores from genital herpes when having sex. So he was surprised and upset when a partner became infected after they had intercourse. What likely caused Rajesh to infect his partner? a. Drug resistance b. Viral shedding c. Seroconversion d. Latency

Viral Shedding

A person's sexuality exists on many different levels. Which of the following people will primarily have difficulty with social aspects of sex? a. Ron, who has hypertension b. Ahmad, who has an SCI c. Vonetta, who is blind d. Joan, who is diabetic

Vonetta, who is blind.

Under what circumstances can eating a popular commercial yogurt product have limited effectiveness in fighting candidiasis? a. When it contains unpasteurized milk b. When it has high sugar content c. When it includes artificial color d. When it uses live yogurt cultures

When it has high sugar content

When should a new parent expect to begin answering their child's questions about sex? a. When the child is 4 b. When the child is 7 c. When the child is 9 d. When the child is 12

When the child is 4

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