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Place the events related to birth control in chronological order.

-A U.S. law banned shipping birth control materials through the mail. -The term "birth control" was first coined. -The FDA approved the use of oral contraceptives -Adulthood began to be defined as beginning at age 18, which meant that 18-year-olds now had access to birth control. .-The Supreme Court allows religious protection to private corporations, limiting contraception coverage through some employer plans.

Match each population to the unique circumstances they face while dating.

-They often have more resources to invest in dating and romance.--single older adults -They don't have much time to date, but many still do.--unmarried parents -Older adults form a large proportion of this group (although they are not the majority).--divorced adults -This group makes up a much smaller proportion of the dating pool than it used to.--widowed adults

Label this figure according to the number of hookups reported by different percentages of college students.

10 or more hookups- 13% 1 to 3 hookups- 26$ no hookups- 38$

In her study of hooking up, defined as a---sexual or romantic encounter in which the participants are not explicitly---sexual or romantic encounter in which the participants are not explicitly that the tendency to engage in these types of relationships is influenced by the---.

-casual -committed -culture

Love is defined as a deep affection and concern for another, with whom one feels a strong---bond, such as what one might feel for a---. Romantic love is comprised of passionate devotion and---to another person, such as a---.

-emotional -best friend -attraction -cohabiting partner

Select the bold phrases that represent examples of sociologist Ann Swidler's four qualities of the romantic ideal.

-fiftieth wedding anniversary -a perfect fit -her family's objections to the match

Although there has been---acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships over time in the United States, many gays and lesbians still face---.Given this situation, gay and lesbian couples face greater relational---compared with straight couples.

-increasing -discrimination -ambiguity

In the modern age, sexuality has become part of the---project, in which sexuality is a---choice that individuals make.

-individual identity -free

Modern revolutions in---ushered in a new era in which sex for---,rather than strictly for---was an important part of men's and women's sexual behavior.

-medical technology -pleasure -procreation

Select the bold phrases that represent common experiences in online dating, according to social researchers.

-more efficient -men often post photos that misrepresent their age and appearance

A social script is a --- of interaction that serves as a --- in --- situations.

-pattern -model of behavior -familiar

Match each group to the dating scenario it best fits.

-says, "No one dates anymore!"--a college student today -go on about three dates a week with various men, which is socially acceptable.--1950s women entering college -appreciate parental advice, and see moral value in a woman's virginity.--Mexican-American students today -use the term "game" to describe gaining persuasive skills used in dating.--African-American students today

Over the past few decades,---in marriage have decreased, leading to more---sex and higher. These effects are due in part to increased---from family members.

-sexual inhibitions -adventurous -expectations -privacy

Supportive family environments offer protection from the stress and isolation that young people often feel as they come out, revealing their---to the significant people in their lives. In the absence of such support—or when family members are hostile or abusive—troubles such as---and other serious challenges are more likely.

-sexual orientation -depression and anxiety

Unlike courtship, dating usually takes place in the market arena, involving personal spending and commercial consumption. Identify the ways commercial consumption changed the dating script in the twentieth century.

Change(s) -Families had less of a say in whom young people dated and what they did. -Dating became a public process.

Which statement best describes why some researchers argue that love is an evolutionary adaptation?

Children loved by their parents were more likely to survive infancy.

Identify the major lenses through which social scientists study sexuality.

Correct Answer(s): -identity -human biology -sexual behavior

Identify the examples of how the birth control pill has had repercussions for society once it was widely available.

Example(s) -Men and women delayed marriage until later ages. -Women bear more of the responsibility for preventing pregnancy. -Economic inequality between men and women declined.

In light of the spread of egalitarian beliefs, most college students promote equality in dating. It is now the norm that either person may take the lead in formal dating situations, and either person may make the first sexual move.


The Victorian moral panic over male masturbation was primarily related to fears that masturbating would make men unable to help produce children. True or False


The percentage of teens having sex has increased in recent decades. True or False


The marital status of the adult population ages 55 to 75 has changed dramatically since 1970. Identify the groups who make up larger proportions of this population than they did in the past.

Larger now than in the past -never married adults -separated/divorced adults

Identify the major changes in dating and romantic relationships that have made following social scripts more difficult in recent years.

Major Change(s) -There are more ways to form and sustain a relationship. -The Internet has broadened the social world for many people, changing how people meet and socialize. -More divorced and older single adults are in the dating pool. -Cohabitation has increased.

Paul is a single, straight young man. Identify the circumstances that would make dating more efficient for Paul.

More Efficient -the opportunity to socialize in mixed-gender groups -being around many other single young people

Research about online dating finds that a substantial percentage of users use misleading pictures or information. Identify the reasons why people misrepresent themselves online.

Reason(s) -to conform to what they think others are doing -to manage their self-images and representations of self

Identify the reasons why married people may have sex more often than single people.

Reason(s): -Married men and women have available partners. -Married men and women enjoy sex with their partners more than single people do.

Identify the reasons why sexual behavior is less constrained now than in the past, according to the textbook.

Reason(s): -the advent of modern birth control -young people's living alone before marriage -sex among older adults

Identify each scenario as applying to either romantic love or utilitarian love.

Romantic Love -Despite distance and difficulty, two lovers unite. -Across a crowded room, a man spots a stranger who will be his one true love.

Identify the statements that are supported by research on hookup culture and sex on college campuses.

Supported by Research -The role of alcohol and drugs in hookup culture increases the risk of sexual assault. -The majority of young men appear to engage in hookup culture.

For same-gender couples, one important cause of "relational ambiguity" is the constant need to create and modify social scripts for sexual and romantic relationships.


Identify the true and false statements about utilitarian love.

True Statement(s) -It is based on rational calculations in addition to emotion. -It depends upon open communication.

Identify the true and false statements about dating in the mid-twentieth century.

True Statement(s) -Single men and women often went on dates with multiple people in the same week or month. -Single men and women often went on multiple dates per week.

Identify the true and false statements about sexual orientation.

True Statement(s): -Sexual orientation may differ from sexual behavior. -Sexual orientation can be viewed as a continuum of identities.

Elian is a gay nineteen-year-old man. His cousin, Nance, is a bisexual thirty-year-old woman. Identify the scenarios that current research finds to be typical of many LGBTQ+ lives.

Typical -Elian's first sexual experience was with a girl. Nance's first sexual experience was with a man. -Elian came out when he was eleven. Nance came out when she was twenty-four.

Which statement accurately describes how research has answered the question: Is "dating" over for college students?

With apps such as Tinder, students meet and socialize with people in ways very similar to older forms of dating.

In the modern age, sexuality has become part of the---project, in which sexuality is a ---choice that individuals make.

individual identity free commercial private

Identify the true and false statements about sex among older individuals..

true Statement(s) -Roughly one-third of older people report having sex. -Lower rates of sexual activity in old age are related to health.

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